def get(self,key): uri = self.request.uri request = {} pin = Pin() pin_keys = pin.getByKeyValues("board",key) pin_count = len(pin_keys) query = {} query['q'] = "board:%s" % key query['start'] = "0" query['rows'] = globalSetting['max_index_pin_rows'] query['sort'] = "createTime" if "page" in uri: request = urldecode(uri) page = int(request['page']) query['start'] = query['rows']*page if pin_count < query['rows']*page: return '' pin_data = pin.solr(query) print len(pin_data) marks_dict = pin.formatPins(pin_data) if request: #print request['callback'] #print request['page'] callback_result = { 'filter':'pin:index', 'pins':marks_dict } callback_response = "%s(%s)" % (request['callback'],json.dumps(callback_result)) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") return self.write(callback_response) else: marks = '' for _mark_t in marks_dict: marks = self.render_string('mark.html',mark=_mark_t)+marks board = Board() user = User() category = Category() board_data = board.get(key) b_user = user.getDetail(board_data['user']) b_category = category.get(board_data['category']) b_keys = board.getByKeyValues("user", board_data['user']) if key in b_keys: b_keys.remove(key) b_boards = board.all(b_keys) self.render('board_pins_list.html',f_board = self.formatFollowBoardData(key), b_boards= b_boards,b_category = b_category,b_user=b_user,user=self.currentUserInfo(),board = board.get(key),marks=marks)
def get(self,cat_key): if cat_key == 'All': self.redirect('/') else: uri = self.request.uri request = {} pin = Pin() pin_keys = pin.getByCat(cat_key) pin_count = len(pin_keys) query = {} query['q'] = "category:%s" % cat_key query['start'] = "0" query['rows'] = globalSetting['max_index_pin_rows'] query['sort'] = "createTime" if "page" in uri: request = urldecode(uri) print request page = int(request['page']) query['start'] = query['rows']*page if pin_count < query['rows']*page: return '' pin_data = pin.solr(query) #print len(pin_data) marks_dict = pin.formatPins(pin_data) if request: #print request callback_result = { 'filter':'pin:index', 'pins':marks_dict } callback_response = "%s(%s)" % (request['callback'],json.dumps(callback_result)) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") return self.write(callback_response) else: marks = '' for _mark_t in marks_dict: marks = self.render_string('mark.html',mark=_mark_t)+marks if marks == '': marks = """ <div class="pin category wfc isotope-item" style="margin-bottom: 15px; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px); "> NO PINS </div> """ category = Category() cats = category.getCats() self.render('index.html',user=self.currentUserInfo(),marks=marks,cats = cats,urlname = cat_key)
def get(self): uri = self.request.uri request = {} board = BoardFollow() #in_keys = board.allKey() user_key = self.get_secure_cookie("user_key") query = {} query['q'] = "user:%s" % user_key query['start'] = "0" query['rows'] = globalSetting['max_index_board_rows'] query['sort'] = "follow" if "page" in uri: request = urldecode(uri) page = int(request['page']) query['start'] = query['rows']*page #if pin_count < query['rows']*page: # return '' board_data = board.solr(query) #print len(board_data) boards_dict = board.formatBoards(board_data) if request: #print request callback_result = { 'filter':'board:index', 'boards':boards_dict } callback_response = "%s(%s)" % (request['callback'],json.dumps(callback_result)) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") return self.write(callback_response) else: boards = '' for _board_t in boards_dict: boards = self.render_string('board_unit.html',board=_board_t) + boards user_key = self.get_secure_cookie("user_key") user = User() userInfo = user.getDetail(user_key) from models.userFollow import UserFollow userFollow = UserFollow() counts = {} pinM = Pin() boardM = Board() counts['fans'] = len(userFollow.getByKeyValues("follow", user_key)) counts['pins'] = len(pinM.getByKeyValues("user", user_key)) counts['boards'] = len(boardM.getByKeyValues("user", user_key)) self.render('board_follow.html',counts=counts,userInfo = userInfo,user=self.currentUserInfo(),boards=boards)
def get(self): query = {} query['q'] = "public:1" query['start'] = "0" query['rows'] = globalSetting['max_index_pin_rows'] query['sort'] = "createTime" pin = Pin() pin_data = pin.solr(query) #print len(pin_data) _data = pin.formatPins(pin_data) self.render('manager/pin.html',data=_data)
def get(self,key): uri = self.request.uri request = {} pin = Pin() pin_keys = pin.getByKeyValues("user",key) pin_count = len(pin_keys) query = {} query['q'] = "user:%s" % key query['start'] = "0" query['rows'] = globalSetting['max_index_pin_rows'] query['sort'] = "createTime" if "page" in uri: request = urldecode(uri) page = int(request['page']) query['start'] = query['rows']*page if pin_count < query['rows']*page: return '' pin_data = pin.solr(query) marks_dict = pin.formatPins(pin_data) if request: #print request callback_result = { 'filter':'pin:index', 'pins':marks_dict } callback_response = "%s(%s)" % (request['callback'],json.dumps(callback_result)) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") return self.write(callback_response) else: board = Board() user = User() marks = '' for _mark_t in marks_dict: marks = self.render_string('mark.html',mark=_mark_t)+marks u_user = user.getInfo(key) userFollow = UserFollow() counts = {} counts['follow'] = len(userFollow.getByKeyValues("user", key)) counts['fans'] = len(userFollow.getByKeyValues("follow", key)) self.render('user_pins.html',counts=counts,u_user=u_user,user=self.currentUserInfo(),board = board.get(key),marks=marks)
def post(self): import time board_key = self.get_argument("board",None) pic_url = self.get_argument("pic_url",None) thumb_url = self.get_argument("thumb_url",None) content = self.get_argument("content",None) pin = Pin() thumb = Thumb() pic = Pic() board = Board() =board.get(board_key) user_key = self.get_secure_cookie('user_key') _tmp = "%s%s" % (content,user_key) pin_key = pin.genKey(_tmp) if pin_key not in['pins']:['pins'].append(pin_key) board.key =['key'] pin.key = pin_key['rawtext'] = content['user'] = user_key['board'] = board_key['category'] =['category']['createTime'] = int(time.time()) pic.key = pin_key['url'] = pic_url thumb.key = pin_key['url'] = thumb_url try: board.put() except Exception as what: print what self.write(what) else: self.redirect('/mark/%s/' % pin_key)
def get(self): uri = self.request.uri request = {} pin = Pin() pin_keys = pin.getByCat('All') pin_count = len(pin_keys) query = {} query['q'] = "public:1" query['start'] = "0" query['rows'] = globalSetting['max_index_pin_rows'] query['sort'] = "createTime" if "page" in uri: request = urldecode(uri) page = int(request['page']) query['start'] = query['rows']*page #If pin_count < query['rows']*page: # return '' pin_data = pin.solr(query) #print len(pin_data) marks_dict = pin.formatPins(pin_data) if request: #print request callback_result = { 'filter':'pin:index', 'pins':marks_dict } callback_response = "%s(%s)" % (request['callback'],json.dumps(callback_result)) self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") self.write(callback_response) else: marks = '' for _mark_t in marks_dict: marks = self.render_string('mark.html',mark=_mark_t)+marks dump(marks) category = Category() cats = category.getCats() dump(cats) cat_key = 'All' self.render('index.html',user=self.currentUserInfo(),marks=marks,cats = cats,urlname = cat_key)
def factory(event): """Creates a Pin with Attachments based on the pin_added event sent by the Slack events API. Args: event (dict): A dict representation of the JSON sent by the Slack events API upon the creation of a pin_added event. Returns: A Pin model. """ if event['type'] == 'event_callback': message = event['event']['item']['message'] pinned_info = event['event']['pinned_info'] attachments = message[ 'attachments'] if 'attachments' in message else [] attachment_entities = [ MessageAttachment.factory(a) for a in attachments ] pin = Pin.create(text=message['text'], author_id=message['user'], pinner_id=pinned_info['pinned_by'], channel_id=pinned_info['channel'], pinned_ts=pinned_info['pinned_ts'], created_ts=event['event']['item']['created'], attachments=attachment_entities, ts=message['ts']) elif event['type'] == 'message': message = event['message'] attachments = message[ 'attachments'] if 'attachments' in message else [] attachment_entities = [ MessageAttachment.factory(a) for a in attachments ] pin = Pin.create(text=message['text'], author_id=message['user'], pinner_id=event['created_by'], channel_id=event['channel'], pinned_ts=None, created_ts=event['created'], attachments=attachment_entities, ts=message['ts']) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Slack resource of type "{}" unrecognized'.format( event['type'])) return pin
def get(self,key): user_key = self.get_secure_cookie("user_key") print user_key pinLike = PinLike() l_key = hashlib.md5("%s%s" % (user_key,key)).hexdigest() l_data = pinLike.get(l_key) #return self.dumpJson(l_data) res = {} if l_data: res['code'] = 1 res['msg'] = "您已喜欢过" else : pinLike.key = l_key['user'] = user_key['pin'] = key['createTime'] = int(time.time()) pin =Pin() data = pin.get(key) pin.key = key = data['like'] = int(data['like']) + 1 pin.put() dump(data) res['code'] = 0 res['msg'] = "成功" res_str = json.dumps(res) self.write(res_str)
def formatPins(self,data): pin = Pin() board = Board() user = User() thumb = Thumb() comment = Comment() marks_dict = [] for pin_row in data: _pin = {} _pin['pin'] = pin.get(pin_row['pin']) _pin['user'] = user.getDetail(pin_row['user']) _pin['thumb'] = thumb.get(pin_row['pin']) _pin['board'] = board.getDetail(_pin['pin']['board']) #print _pin['board'] _pin['comments'] = comment.getByPin(pin_row['pin']) marks_dict.append(_pin) return marks_dict
def get(self): uri = self.request.uri request = {} pin = Pin() request = urldecode(uri) q = request['q'] query = {} query['q'] = "rawtext:*%s*" % q #query['start'] = "0" #query['rows'] = globalSetting['max_index_pin_rows'] query['sort'] = "like" #if "page" in uri: # page = int(request['page']) # query['start'] = query['rows']*page #If pin_count < query['rows']*page: # return '' pin_data = pin.solr(query) #print len(pin_data) marks_dict = pin.formatPins(pin_data) #if request: #print request # callback_result = { # 'filter':'pin:index', # 'pins':marks_dict # } # callback_response = "%s(%s)" % (request['callback'],json.dumps(callback_result)) # self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") # self.write(callback_response) #else: marks = '' for _mark_t in marks_dict: marks = self.render_string('mark.html',mark=_mark_t)+marks self.render('pins_search.html',query = q,user=self.currentUserInfo(),marks=marks)
def get(self,key): pin = Pin() pin_data = pin.getPinDetail(key) user_key = self.get_secure_cookie("user_key") _l_data = {} _h_data = {} if user_key: pinLike = PinLike() pinHate = PinHate() l_key = hashlib.md5("%s%s" % (user_key,key)).hexdigest() h_key = l_key l_data = pinLike.get(l_key) h_data = pinHate.get(h_key) if l_data: _l_data['str'] = "取消喜欢" _l_data['rel'] = 1 else: _l_data['str'] = "喜欢" _l_data['rel'] = 0 if h_data: _h_data['str'] = "取消讨厌" _h_data['rel'] = 1 else: _h_data['str'] = "讨厌" _h_data['rel'] = 0 else: _l_data['str'] = "喜欢" _l_data['rel'] = 0 _h_data['str'] = "讨厌" _h_data['rel'] = 0 #print pin_data self.render('mark_template.html',user=self.currentUserInfo(),mark=pin_data,like = _l_data,hate = _h_data)
def get(self,key): obj = Pin() obj.delete(key)