def create(self):
        Create method

        Create a new resource using posted data

        # create form instance from the ResourceModel
        resource_model_form = model_form(ResourceModel)
        form = resource_model_form(self.request.POST)

        context = {
            'action': 'New',
            'form': form,
            'submit_routename': 'resource.create'

        # since this method is only called from a post,
        # we do not need to check for request.method == "POST"
        # if self.form.validate() returns true, then save
        # the data
        if form.validate():
            logging.debug('Form Validated!')
            entity = ResourceModel()
            # push form values into model
            # save to data store
            key = entity.put()
            # redirect to index and/or edit form with new id
            # redirect to the edit page for the created id
            return webapp2.redirect_to('resource.edit',

        # the form did not validate, redisplay with errors
        return self.render_response('resource.html', context)