Beispiel #1
def plot_graph_and_tree(G, T, time):
    """ Plot a graph G and a tree T on top of it

    Assumes that G has an embedding in the plane, represented as a dictionary G.pos"""

    nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, G.pos, alpha=.75, width=.5, style='dotted')
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(T, G.pos, alpha=.5, width=2)
    X = np.array(list(G.pos.values()))
    plt.plot(X[:,0], X[:,1], 'bo', alpha=.5)
    plt.plot([G.pos[T.root][0]], [G.pos[T.root][1]], 'bo', ms=12, mew=4, alpha=.95)

    # display the most recently swapped edges
    P = models.my_path_graph(T.path)
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(P, G.pos, alpha=.25 + (1-time)*.5, width=4, edge_color='c')
    P = models.my_path_graph([T.u_new, T.v_new])
    P.add_edge(T.u_old, T.v_old)
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(P, G.pos, alpha=.25 + (1-time)*.5, width=4, edge_color='y')

    # find and display the current longest path
    path = nx.shortest_path(T, T.root)
    furthest_leaf = max(path, key=lambda l: len(path[l]))
    P = models.my_path_graph(path[furthest_leaf])
    if len(path[furthest_leaf]) <= T.k:
        col = 'g'
        col = 'r'
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(P, G.pos, alpha=.5, width=4, edge_color=col)
    plt.text(G.pos[furthest_leaf][0], G.pos[furthest_leaf][1], '%d hops from root'%len(path[furthest_leaf]), color=col, alpha=.8, fontsize=9)
    T.depth = len(path[furthest_leaf])
Beispiel #2
def hidden_image_maze(fname, style='jittery'):
    """ Supported styles: jittery, smooth, sketch"""
    H = models.image_grid_graph(fname)  # get a subgraph of the grid corresponding to edges between black pixels
    G = H.base_graph

    # for every edge in H, make the corresponding edge in H have weight 0
    for u,v in H.edges():
        G[u][v]['weight'] = 0

    # find a minimum spanning tree on G (which will include the maze solution)
    T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G)

    # find the maze solution in the spanning tree
    P = models.my_path_graph(nx.shortest_path(T, (0,0), max(H.nodes())))

    # generate the dual graph, including edges not crossed by the spanning tree
    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    views.add_maze_boundary(D, max(G.nodes()))
    views.make_entry_and_exit(D, max(G.nodes()))
    pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=(style == 'jittery'))
    views.plot_maze(D, pos, P, G.pos)

    # make it stylish if requested
    if style == 'sketch':
        D_pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=True)
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(D, D_pos, width=1, edge_color='k')
        D_pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=True)
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(D, D_pos, width=1, edge_color='k')

    # show the pixel colors loaded from the file, for "debugging"
    for v in G:
        plt.plot([G.pos[v][0]], [G.pos[v][1]], '.', alpha=.5, color=G.node[v]['color'])
Beispiel #3
def plot_graph_and_tree(G, T, time):
    """ Plot a graph G and a tree T on top of it

    Assumes that G has an embedding in the plane, represented as a dictionary G.pos"""

    nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, G.pos, alpha=.75, width=.5, style='dotted')
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(T, G.pos, alpha=.5, width=2)
    X = np.array(list(G.pos.values()))
    plt.plot(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], 'bo', alpha=.5)
    plt.plot([G.pos[T.root][0]], [G.pos[T.root][1]],

    # display the most recently swapped edges
    P = models.my_path_graph(T.path)
                           alpha=.25 + (1 - time) * .5,
    P = models.my_path_graph([T.u_new, T.v_new])
    P.add_edge(T.u_old, T.v_old)
                           alpha=.25 + (1 - time) * .5,

    # find and display the current longest path
    path = nx.shortest_path(T, T.root)
    furthest_leaf = max(path, key=lambda l: len(path[l]))
    P = models.my_path_graph(path[furthest_leaf])
    if len(path[furthest_leaf]) <= T.k:
        col = 'g'
        col = 'r'
    nx.draw_networkx_edges(P, G.pos, alpha=.5, width=4, edge_color=col)
             '%d hops from root' % len(path[furthest_leaf]),
    T.depth = len(path[furthest_leaf])
Beispiel #4
def random_maze(n=25):
    G = models.my_grid_graph([n,n])

    T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G)
    P = models.my_path_graph(nx.shortest_path(T, (0,0), (n-1, n-1)))

    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    views.add_maze_boundary(D, [n, n])
    views.make_entry_and_exit(D, [n, n])
    pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=True)
    views.plot_maze(D, pos, P, G.pos)
Beispiel #5
def random_maze(n=25):
    G = models.my_grid_graph([n, n])

    T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G)
    P = models.my_path_graph(nx.shortest_path(T, (0, 0), (n - 1, n - 1)))

    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    views.add_maze_boundary(D, [n, n])
    views.make_entry_and_exit(D, [n, n])
    pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=True)
    views.plot_maze(D, pos, P, G.pos)
Beispiel #6
   def test_graph_utils(self):
       P = model.my_path_graph(model.nx.shortest_path(self.G, (0,0), (4,4)))
       H = model.image_grid_graph('test.png')

       d = model.dual_grid_edge((0,0), (0,1))
       assert d == ((-0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5)), 'dual of integer lattice should be offset by .5s'

       D = model.dual_grid(H.base_graph, H)
       graphics.add_maze_boundary(D, [5,5])
       graphics.make_entry_and_exit(D, [5,5])
       HH = graphics.split_edges(H)
Beispiel #7
    def test_graph_utils(self):
        P = model.my_path_graph(model.nx.shortest_path(self.G, (0, 0), (4, 4)))
        H = model.image_grid_graph('test.png')

        d = model.dual_grid_edge((0, 0), (0, 1))
        assert d == ((-0.5, 0.5),
                      0.5)), 'dual of integer lattice should be offset by .5s'

        D = model.dual_grid(H.base_graph, H)
        graphics.add_maze_boundary(D, [5, 5])
        graphics.make_entry_and_exit(D, [5, 5])
        HH = graphics.split_edges(H)
Beispiel #8
def border_maze(fname='test.png', fast=True):
    G = models.image_grid_graph(
        fname, colors=set([(255, 255, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0, 255)])
    )  # get a subgraph of the grid corresponding to edges between black and white
    H = models.image_grid_graph(
        fname, colors=set([(0, 0, 0, 255)])
    )  # get a subgraph of the grid corresponding to edges between black pixels

    # for every edge in H, make the corresponding edge in G have weight 0
    for u, v in G.edges():
        G[u][v]['weight'] = (H.has_edge(u, v)
                             and .1) or (1. + G.base_graph[u][v]['weight'])

    # find a minimum spanning tree on G (which will include the maze solution)
    T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G)

    # add border edges to G
    B = models.image_grid_graph(fname,
                                colors=set([(255, 255, 255, 255),
                                            (0, 0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 0, 255)]))
    for u, v in B.edges():
        if not G.has_edge(u, v):
            G.add_edge(u, v)

    # find the maze solution in the spanning tree
    for u, v in G.edges():
        if len(G[u]) < 4 and len(G[v]) < 4:
            G[u][v]['weight'] = 1
            G[u][v]['weight'] = 1e6
    for u, v in T.edges():
        G[u][v]['weight'] = 0
    P = models.my_path_graph(
        nx.shortest_path(G, (0, 0), max(G.nodes()), weight='weight'))
    G_pos = G.base_graph.pos

    # generate the dual graph, including edges not crossed by the spanning tree
    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    D = views.split_edges(D)
    pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=fast)
    views.plot_maze(D, pos, P, G_pos)

    # show the pixel colors loaded from the file, for "debugging"
    for v in G:
        plt.plot([G_pos[v][0]], [G_pos[v][1]],

    return dict(G=G, H=H, T=T, P=P, B=B)
Beispiel #9
def border_maze(fname='test.png', fast=True):
    G = models.image_grid_graph(fname, colors=set([(255,255,255,255), (0,0,0,255)]))  # get a subgraph of the grid corresponding to edges between black and white
    H = models.image_grid_graph(fname, colors=set([(0,0,0,255)]))  # get a subgraph of the grid corresponding to edges between black pixels
    # for every edge in H, make the corresponding edge in G have weight 0
    for u,v in G.edges():
        G[u][v]['weight'] = (H.has_edge(u,v) and .1) or (1.+G.base_graph[u][v]['weight'])

    # find a minimum spanning tree on G (which will include the maze solution)
    T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G)

    # add border edges to G
    B = models.image_grid_graph(fname, colors=set([(255,255,255,255), (0,0,0,255), (255,0,0,255)]))
    for u,v in B.edges():
        if not G.has_edge(u, v):
            G.add_edge(u, v)

    # find the maze solution in the spanning tree
    for u,v in G.edges():
        if len(G[u]) < 4 and len(G[v]) < 4:
            G[u][v]['weight'] = 1
            G[u][v]['weight'] = 1e6
    for u,v in T.edges():
        G[u][v]['weight'] = 0
    P = models.my_path_graph(nx.shortest_path(G, (0,0), max(G.nodes()), weight='weight'))
    G_pos = G.base_graph.pos

    # generate the dual graph, including edges not crossed by the spanning tree
    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    D = views.split_edges(D)
    pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=fast)
    views.plot_maze(D, pos, P, G_pos)

    # show the pixel colors loaded from the file, for "debugging"
    for v in G:
        plt.plot([G_pos[v][0]], [G_pos[v][1]], '.', alpha=.5, color=G.base_graph.node[v]['color'])

    return dict(G=G, H=H, T=T, P=P, B=B)
Beispiel #10
def hidden_image_maze(fname, style='jittery'):
    """ Supported styles: jittery, smooth, sketch"""
    H = models.image_grid_graph(
    )  # get a subgraph of the grid corresponding to edges between black pixels
    G = H.base_graph

    # for every edge in H, make the corresponding edge in H have weight 0
    for u, v in H.edges():
        G[u][v]['weight'] = 0

    # find a minimum spanning tree on G (which will include the maze solution)
    T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G)

    # find the maze solution in the spanning tree
    P = models.my_path_graph(nx.shortest_path(T, (0, 0), max(H.nodes())))

    # generate the dual graph, including edges not crossed by the spanning tree
    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    views.add_maze_boundary(D, max(G.nodes()))
    views.make_entry_and_exit(D, max(G.nodes()))
    pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=(style == 'jittery'))
    views.plot_maze(D, pos, P, G.pos)

    # make it stylish if requested
    if style == 'sketch':
        D_pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=True)
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(D, D_pos, width=1, edge_color='k')
        D_pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=True)
        nx.draw_networkx_edges(D, D_pos, width=1, edge_color='k')

    # show the pixel colors loaded from the file, for "debugging"
    for v in G:
        plt.plot([G.pos[v][0]], [G.pos[v][1]],
Beispiel #11
def ld_maze(n=25):
    """ having many low-degree vertices makes for hard mazes

    unfortunately, finding them is slow"""

    # start with an nxn square grid
    G = models.my_grid_graph([n,n])

    # make a pymc model of a low-degree spanning tree on this
    T = models.LDST(G, beta=10)
    mod_mc = mc.MCMC([T])
    mod_mc.use_step_method(models.STMetropolis, T)
    mod_mc.sample(100, burn=99)
    T = T.value

    P = models.my_path_graph(nx.shortest_path(T, (0,0), (n-1, n-1)))

    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    views.add_maze_boundary(D, [n,n])
    views.make_entry_and_exit(D, [n,n])
    D = views.split_edges(D)
    D = views.split_edges(D)
    D_pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=False)
    views.plot_maze(D, D_pos, P, G.pos)
Beispiel #12
def ld_maze(n=25):
    """ having many low-degree vertices makes for hard mazes

    unfortunately, finding them is slow"""

    # start with an nxn square grid
    G = models.my_grid_graph([n, n])

    # make a pymc model of a low-degree spanning tree on this
    T = models.LDST(G, beta=10)
    mod_mc = mc.MCMC([T])
    mod_mc.use_step_method(models.STMetropolis, T)
    mod_mc.sample(100, burn=99)
    T = T.value

    P = models.my_path_graph(nx.shortest_path(T, (0, 0), (n - 1, n - 1)))

    D = models.dual_grid(G, T)
    views.add_maze_boundary(D, [n, n])
    views.make_entry_and_exit(D, [n, n])
    D = views.split_edges(D)
    D = views.split_edges(D)
    D_pos = views.layout_maze(D, fast=False)
    views.plot_maze(D, D_pos, P, G.pos)