def _parse_activities_response(self, jsonBody):


        activities = []
        data = json.loads(str(jsonBody))
        for activity in data['data']:
            # Create a new activity
            a = Activity(id=activity['id'], version=activity['version'])
            # Get the coords and set the geometry
            # Check first the geometry type
            # Handle MultiPoint geometries
            if activity['geometry']['type'].lower() == "multipoint":
                points = []
                for coords in activity['geometry']['coordinates']:
                    points.append(QgsPoint(coords[0], coords[1]))
            # Handle Point geometries
            if activity['geometry']['type'].lower() == "point":
                coords = activity['geometry']['coordinates']
                a.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPoint(QgsPoint(coords[0], coords[1])))

            # Append it to the list

        return activities
        def _createNewActivity(id=None, otherActivity=None):

            # Connect to the protocol signal
            self.connect(self.activityProtocol, SIGNAL("created( bool, int, QString )"), _createNewActivityFinished)

            # Create a new Uuid
            if id is not None:
                uid = QPlainUuid(id)
                uid = QPlainUuid(QUuid.createUuid())

            tagGroups = list(TagGroup() for i in range(len(groups)))

            # attrs is a dictionary: key = field index, value = QgsFeatureAttribute
            # show all attributes and their values
            self.log("Attribute list:")
            for (k, attr) in attrs.iteritems():
                if k is not identifierColumnIndex:
                    self.log("%s: %s" % (fieldIndexMap[k], attr.toString()))

                    # First search the correct taggroup to append
                    attributeName = provider.fields()[k].name()
                    currentTagGroup = 0
                    for g in groups:
                        if attributeName in g:
                            currentTagGroup += 1

                    if attr is not None and attr.toString() != '':
                        tag = Tag(key=fieldIndexMap[k], value=attr.toString())
                        if tagGroups[currentTagGroup].mainTag() is None:

            a = Activity(id=uid)
            for tg in tagGroups:
                if len(tg.tags) > 0:

            wrapperObj = {}

            wrapperObj['activities'] = [a.createDiff(otherActivity)]

            self.activityProtocol.add(json.dumps(wrapperObj, sort_keys=True, indent=4 * ' '))
    def _parse_activities_response(self, jsonBody):


        activities = []

        data = json.loads(str(jsonBody))
        for activity in data["data"]:
            # Create a new activity
            a = Activity(id=activity["id"], version=activity["version"])

            # Get the point coords and set the geometry
            coords = activity["geometry"]["coordinates"]
            a.setGeometry(QgsGeometry.fromPoint(QgsPoint(coords[0], coords[1])))

            # Append it to the list

        return activities