Beispiel #1
def scrape_pubmed(disease, query):
    publication_list_url = "%s&term=%s&retmax=%s" % (base_url, query, ret_max)

    dom = get_dom(publication_list_url)
    count = int(extract_value(get_text(dom, "Count"), "Count"))

    num_results = min(ret_max, count)
    for i in range(num_results):

        #retrieve the first xml tag (<tag>data</tag>) that the parser finds with name tagName:
        publication_id = get_value(dom, "Id", i)
        publication_url = "" % publication_id
        publication_dom = get_dom(publication_url)

        # extract features
        title = get_value(publication_dom, "ArticleTitle")
        affiliation = get_value(publication_dom, "Affiliation")

        year = int(get_value(publication_dom, "Year"))
        month = int(get_value(publication_dom, "Month"))
        day = int(get_value(publication_dom, "Day"))
        pub_date = date(year, month, day)

        # get all author_names
        author_names = []

        def getText(nodelist):
            rc = []
            for node in nodelist:
                if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
            return ''.join(rc)

        def handleLastName(lastName):
            lastNameOut = getText(lastName.childNodes)
            return lastNameOut

        def handleForeName(foreName):
            foreNameOut = getText(foreName.childNodes)
            return foreNameOut

        def processAuthorElem(elem):
            if len(elem.getElementsByTagName("LastName")) != 0:
                last_name = handleLastName(elem.getElementsByTagName("LastName")[0])
                fore_name = handleForeName(elem.getElementsByTagName("ForeName")[0])
                author_names.append("%s, %s" % (last_name, fore_name))

        def processAuthors(dom):
            author_elems = dom.getElementsByTagName("Author")
            for elem in author_elems:


        # create author models
        for name in author_names:
            author = Author.get_or_insert(name, name=name)
            # TODO: fix this so it's appending instead of overwriting
            author.diseases = [disease]


        # create publication model
        pub = Publication.get_or_insert(publication_id, pubmed_id=publication_id)
        pub.title = title
        pub.publication_date = pub_date
        pub.author_names = author_names
        pub.affiliation = affiliation
        # TODO: fix this so it's appending instead of overwriting
        pub.diseases = [disease]
