def post(self):
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                            help='This field cannot be blank',
        args = parser.parse_args()

        current_user = UserModel.find_by_username(get_jwt_identity())

        if not current_user or not UserModel.verify_hash(
                args['password'], current_user.password):
            return {'message': 'Wrong credentials', 'success': False}

        del_logs = LogModel.delete_by_user(get_jwt_identity())
        del_bins = DnsModel.delete_by_user(get_jwt_identity())
        del_user = UserModel.delete_user(get_jwt_identity())

        jti = get_raw_jwt()['jti']
            revoked_token = RevokedTokenModel(jti=jti)
            return {
                'message': 'Access token has been revoked',
                'total_deleted_rows': {
                    "logs": del_logs,
                    "bins": del_bins,
                    "user": del_user
                'success': True
            return {'message': 'Something went wrong', 'success': False}
 def post(self):
     returns info about dns token
     looks something like this:
         "ip_props": {
             "1": {
                 "ip": "",
                 "repeat": 1,
                 "type": "A"
             "2": {
                 "ip": "",
                 "repeat": 1,
                 "type": "A"
         "ip_to_resolve": "1",
         "turn": -1, # when new webhook is created the turn is on -1
         "name": "something"
     parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                         help='This field cannot be blank',
     args = parser.parse_args()
     uuid = args['uuid']
     data = DnsModel.get_props(uuid, get_jwt_identity())
     if data:
         data['props'] = json.loads(data['props'])
         data['props']['name'] = data['name']
         return data['props']
     return {"msg": "An error occured"}
 def post(self):
     parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                         help='This field cannot be blank',
     uuid = parser.parse_args()['uuid']
     rds_delet = redis.delete(uuid)
     print("*" * 20)
     print("*" * 20)
     uuid_logs = LogModel.delete_by_uuid(uuid, get_jwt_identity())
     uuid_props = DnsModel.delete_by_uuid(uuid, get_jwt_identity())
     return {'uuid_props': uuid_props, 'uuid_logs': uuid_logs}
    def post(self):
        This function creates new rebind subdomain from json looking something like this:
            "ip_props": {
                "1":{ # <= Order in which domains will be resolved
                    "ip": "", # <= ip to resolve
                    "repeat": 3 # <= how many times
                    "ip": "",
                    "repeat": "4ever" # <= forever can be supplied to never stop resolving this domain
            "name": "rbnd_test" # <= name (useful in web ui)

        And half of the code just checks if input is correct if someone reading this has an
        idea how to do it more efficently please contribute
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                            help='This field cannot be blank wtf',
                            help='This field cannot be blank wtf',
        req_data = parser.parse_args()
        req_data['ip_props'] is a json in string so I need to load it :D
        data = json.loads(req_data['ip_props'].replace('\'', '"'))
        Validate input against base_schema
        req_data['ip_props'] = data
        base_schema = {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "ip_props": {
                    "type": "object"
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "maxLength": 120

            validate(instance=req_data, schema=base_schema)
        except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError:
            return {
                'Something went wrong, the supplied input doesn\'t seem to be valid'
            }, 500
        Check if
        - Less than 32 IPs are supplied
        - Some retard can't count
        if not len(data.keys()) < 32:
            return {'message': 'Something went wrong, max IPs: 32'}, 500
        elif not checkKeys(data.keys()):
            return {
                f"Something went wrong, the str(numbers) go like this: ['1','2','3','4',...] and not {[x for x in data.keys()]}"
            }, 500
        Iterate through every ip_prop and do some checks - details are in comments below

        for i in data.keys():
            This schema checks if
            - repeat is "4ever" or integer greater or equal to 1
            - ip and type is compatibile with one of A,AAAA and CNAME

            prop_schema = {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "repeat": {
                        "anyOf": [{
                            "type": "integer",
                            "minimum": 1
                        }, {
                            "type": "string",
                            "pattern": "^4ever$"
                    "ip": {
                        "anyOf": [{
                            "format": "ipv4"
                        }, {
                            "format": "ipv6"
                        }, {
                            "format": "idn-hostname"
                    "type": {
                        "anyOf": [{
                            "pattern": "^A$"
                        }, {
                            "pattern": "^AAAA$"
                        }, {
                            "pattern": "^CNAME$"

                validate(instance=data[i], schema=prop_schema)
            except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError:
                return {
                    f'Something went wrong, the supplied input doesn\'t seem to be valid in [`ip_props`][{int(i)-1}]'
                }, 500
            Check if supplied record type matches ip
            So can't be CNAME
            And can't be answer for A :D
            record_funcs = {"CNAME": checkDomain, "A": ipv4, "AAAA": ipv6}
            if not record_funcs[data[i]['type']](data[i]['ip']):
                return {
                    f"data[{int(i)-1}]['ip'] has to be in {data[{int(i)-1}]['type']} format"
                }, 500
        Then put the data together
        Generate new uuid4
        Put it in database and redis
        Then return the whole domain

        # rbnd_json does not need name parameter - it's meant to be stored in redis and in props column in database
        rbnd_json = {'ip_props': data, 'ip_to_resolve': '1', 'turn': -1}
        uuid = uuid4().hex
        if DnsModel.find_by_uuid(uuid):
            Just in case something bad happens
            return {
                'An error occured, please try again (REALLY TRY AGAIN, server generated uuid that exists, I didn\'t know it was possible :d) If you get this error please send it to me on twitter @marek_geleta You can follow me too'
            }, 500

        new_uuid = DnsModel(username=get_jwt_identity(),

            setJson(uuid, rbnd_json)
            return {"subdomain": f"{uuid}.{DOMAIN}"}
            return {'message': 'Something went wrong'}, 500
 def get(self):
     returns all dns tokens owned by a logged in user
     return DnsModel.find_by_user(get_jwt_identity())
Beispiel #6
    def post(self):
        This function creates new rebind subdomain from json looking something like this:
            "ip_props": {
                "1":{ # <= Order in which domains will be resolved
                    "ip": "", # <= ip to resolve
                    "repeat": 3 # <= how many times
                    "ip": "",
                    "repeat": "4ever" # <= forever can be supplied to never stop resolving this domain
            "name": "rbnd_test" # <= name (useful in web ui)

        And half of the code just checks if input is correct if someone reading this has an
        idea how to do it more efficently please contribute
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
                            help='This field cannot be blank wtf',
                            help='This field cannot be blank wtf',
        req_data = parser.parse_args()
        req_data['ip_props'] is a json in string so I need to load it :D
        data = json.loads(req_data['ip_props'].replace('\'', '"'))
        Check if
        - Less than 32 IPs are supplied
        - Some retard can't count
        - Name is not longer than 64
        if not len(data.keys()) < 32:
            return {'message': 'Something went wrong, max IPs: 32'}, 500
        elif not checkKeys(data.keys()):
            return {
                f"Something went wrong, the str(numbers) go like this: ['1','2','3','4',...] and not {[x for x in data.keys()]}"
            }, 500
        elif len(req_data['name']) > 64:
            return {'message': 'Something went wrong, max name len: 64'}, 500
        Iterate through every ip_prop and check
        for i in data.keys():
            If repeat
            - Is "4ever" or positive integer
            - Is not 0 - kind of makes no sense to repeat it 0 times
            if (data[i]['repeat'] != '4ever' and type(data[i]['repeat']) != int
                ) or abs(data[i]['repeat']) != data[i]['repeat']:
                repeat = data[i]['repeat']
                return {
                    f'Something went wrong, `repeat` field can only hold positive integers or string `4ever` (in [`ip_props`][{i}][`repeat`])'
                }, 500
            elif data[i]['repeat'] == 0:
                return {
                    f'How am I supposed to repeat it 0 times??? [`ip_props`][{i}][`repeat`]'
                }, 500
            If ip
            - Is in IPV4 format and if it's not a subnet
            because the IP function is a bit weird and idk what to use :D
                if IP(data[i]['ip']).version() == 4 and IP(
                        data[i]['ip']).strNormal(0) == str(IP(data[i]['ip'])):
                    data[i]['ip'] = IP(data[i]['ip']).strNormal(0)
                    return {'message': 'IP has to be in IPV4 format'}, 500

                return {
                    f'An error occured, check [`ip_props`][{i}][`ip`] '
                }, 500
        Then put the data together
        Generate new uuid4
        Put it in database and redis
        Then return the whole domain
        rbnd_json = {'ip_props': data, 'ip_to_resolve': '1', 'turn': -1}
        uuid = uuid4().hex
        if DnsModel.find_by_uuid(uuid):
            Just in case something bad happens
            return {
                'An error occured, please try again (REALLY TRY AGAIN, server generated uuid that exists, I didn\'t know it was possible :d) If you get this error please send it to me on twitter @marek_geleta You can follow me too'
            }, 500

        new_uuid = DnsModel(username=get_jwt_identity(),

            setJson(uuid, rbnd_json)
            return {"subdomain": f"{uuid}.{DOMAIN}"}
            return {'message': 'Something went wrong'}, 500