def model(batch_size, lr, dims, numEpochs, cuda, alpha, pathLoad, pathSave, epochSave, activation, modelType, computeEigVectorsOnline, regularizerFcn, _seed, _run): """ Function for creating and training MLPs on MNIST. :param batch_size: specifies batch size :param rlr: learning rate of stochastic optimizer :param dims: A list of N tuples that specifies the input and output sizes for the FC layers. where the last layer is the output layer :param numEpochs: number of epochs to train the network for :param cuda: boolean variable that will specify whether to use the GPU or nt :param alpha: weight for regularizer on spectra. If 0, the regularizer will not be used :param pathLoad: path to where MNIST lives :param pathSave: path specifying where to save the models :param epochSave: integer specifying how often to save loss :param activation: string that specified whether to use relu or not :param _seed: seed for RNG :param _run: Sacred object that logs the relevant data and stores them to a database :param computeEigVectorsOnline: online or offline eig estimator :param regularizerFcn: function name that computes the discrepancy between the idealized and empirical eigs """ device = 'cuda' if cuda == True else 'cpu' os.makedirs(pathSave, exist_ok=True) npr.seed(_seed) torch.manual_seed(_seed + 1) alpha = alpha * torch.ones(1, device=device) "Load in MNIST" fracVal = 0.1 train, val, test = split_mnist(pathLoad, fracVal) trainData, trainLabels = train[0], train[1] valData, valLabels = val[0], val[1] testData, testLabels = test[0], test[1] numSamples = trainData.shape[0] if modelType == 'mlp': model = MLP(dims, activation=activation) # create a mlp object elif modelType == 'cnn': model = CNN(dims, activation=activation) # create a CNN object else: print('WOAHHHHH RELAX') model = lossFunction = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) "Objects used to store performance metrics while network is training" trainSpectra = [] # store the (estimated) spectra of the network at the end of each epoch trainLoss = [] # store the training loss (reported at the end of each epoch on the last batch) trainRegularizer = [] # store the value of the regularizer during training valLoss = [] # validation loss valRegularizer = [] # validation regularizer "Sample indices for eigenvectors all at once" eigBatchIdx = npr.randint(numSamples, size=(numEpochs + 1, batch_size)) "Get initial estimate of eigenvectors and check loss" with torch.no_grad(): model.eigVec, loss, spectraTemp, regul = computeEigVectors(model, trainData[eigBatchIdx[0, :], :], trainLabels[eigBatchIdx[0, :]], lossFunction, alpha=alpha, cuda=cuda) trainSpectra.append(spectraTemp) # store computed eigenspectra trainLoss.append(loss.cpu().item()) # store training loss _run.log_scalar("trainLoss", loss.item()) _run.log_scalar("trainRegularizer", float(alpha * regul) ) trainRegularizer.append(alpha * regul) # store value of regularizer "Check on validation set" loss, regul = compute_loss(model, valData, valLabels, lossFunction, alpha, cuda=cuda) valLoss.append(loss.item()) _run.log_scalar("valLoss", loss.item()) valRegularizer.append(regul) prevVal = loss.item() + alpha * regul.item() # use for early stopping prevModel = copy.deepcopy(model) patience = 0 howMuchPatience = 4 "Train that bad boy!" for epoch in tqdm(range(numEpochs), desc="Epochs", ascii=True, position=0, leave=False): batches = create_batches(batch_size=batch_size, numSamples=numSamples) # create indices for batches for batch in tqdm(batches, desc='Train Batches', ascii=True, position=1, leave=False): optimizer.zero_grad() "Compute a forward pass through the network" loss, regul = compute_loss(model, trainData[batch, :], trainLabels[batch], lossFunction, alpha, cuda=cuda) lossR = loss + alpha * regul # compute augmented loss function lossR.backward() # backprop! optimizer.step() # take a gradient step "Recompute estimated eigenvectors" with torch.no_grad(): model.eigVec, loss, spectraTemp, regul = computeEigVectors(model, trainData[eigBatchIdx[epoch + 1, :], :], trainLabels[eigBatchIdx[epoch + 1, :]], lossFunction, alpha=alpha, cuda=cuda) trainSpectra.append(spectraTemp) # store computed eigenspectra trainLoss.append(loss.cpu().item()) # store training loss _run.log_scalar("trainLoss", loss.item()) trainRegularizer.append(alpha * regul) # store value of regularizer if (epoch + 1) % epochSave == 0: "Check early stopping condition" loss, regul = compute_loss(model, valData, valLabels, lossFunction, alpha, cuda=cuda) currVal = loss.item() + alpha * regul.item() percentImprove = (currVal - prevVal) / prevVal if percentImprove > 0: if patience > howMuchPatience: model = prevModel break else: patience += 1 else: patience = 0 prevVal = currVal prevModel = copy.deepcopy(model) # save for early stopping valLoss.append(loss.item()) _run.log_scalar("valLoss", loss.item()) valRegularizer.append(regul.item()) _run.log_scalar("valRegularizer", regul.item()) "Check accuracy on test set" outputs = model( softMax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) probs = softMax(outputs.cpu()) numCorrect = torch.sum(torch.argmax(probs, dim=1) == testLabels).detach().numpy() * 1.0 testResult = numCorrect / testData.shape[0] * 100 "Collect accuracy on validation set" outputs = model( softMax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) probs = softMax(outputs).cpu() numCorrect = torch.sum(torch.argmax(probs, dim=1) == valLabels).detach().numpy() * 1.0 valAcc = numCorrect / valData.shape[0] * 100 _run.log_scalar("valAcc", valAcc.item()) "Save everything for later analysis" model_data = {'parameters': model.cpu().state_dict(), 'training': (trainLoss, trainRegularizer, trainSpectra), 'val': (valLoss, valRegularizer, valAcc), 'test': testResult} if modelType == 'cnn': dims = dims[1:] # first number is number of convolutional layers path = pathSave + modelType + '_' + activation + '_hidden=(' for idx in range(len(dims) - 1): path = path + str(dims[idx][1]) + ',' path = path + str(dims[-1][1]) + ')_lr=' + str(lr) + '_alpha=' + str(alpha) + '_batch_size=' \ + str(batch_size) + '_seed=' + str(_seed) + '_epochs=' + str(numEpochs), path) _run.add_artifact(path, "", content_type="application/octet-stream") # saves the data dump as model_data # os.system('ls -l --block-size=M {}'.format(path)) # shutil.rmtree(pathSave) # Returning the validation loss to do model comparision and selection return valAcc
def advTrain(batch_size, lr, dims, numEpochs, eps, alpha, gradSteps, noRestarts, cuda, pathLoad, pathSave, epochSave, activation, modelType, computeEigVectorsOnline, regularizerFcn, _seed, _run): """ Function for creating and training NNs on MNIST using adversarial training. :param regularizerFcn :param computeEigVectorsOnline: :param batch_size: specifies batch size :param lr: learning rate of stochastic optimizer :param dims: A list of N tuples that specifies the input and output sizes for the FC layers. where the last layer is the output layer :param numEpochs: number of epochs to train the network for :param eps: radius of l infinity ball :param alpha: learning rate for projected gradient descent. If alpha is 0, then use FGSM :param gradSteps: number of gradient steps to take when doing pgd :param noRestarts: number of restarts for pgd :param cuda: boolean variable that will specify whether to use the GPU or nt :param pathLoad: path to where MNIST lives :param pathSave: path specifying where to save the models :param epochSave: integer specfying how often to save loss :param activation: string that specified whether to use relu or not :param _seed: seed for RNG :param _run: Sacred object that logs the relevant data and stores them to a database """ device = 'cuda' if cuda == True else 'cpu' os.makedirs(pathSave, exist_ok=True) npr.seed(_seed) torch.manual_seed(_seed + 1) alpha = alpha * torch.ones(1, device=device) "Load in MNIST" fracVal = 0.1 train, val, test = split_mnist(pathLoad, fracVal) trainData, trainLabels = train[0], train[1] valData, valLabels = val[0], val[1] testData, testLabels = test[0], test[1] numSamples = trainData.shape[0] # In[] if modelType == 'mlp': mlp = MLP(dims, activation=activation) # create a mlp object elif modelType == 'cnn': mlp = CNN(dims, activation=activation) # create a CNN object else: print('WOAHHHHH RELAX') lossFunction = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(mlp.parameters(), lr=lr) "Create adversary" adv = Adversary(eps=eps, alpha=alpha, gradSteps=gradSteps, noRestarts=noRestarts, cuda=cuda) "Objects used to store performance metrics while network is training" trainLoss = [ ] # store the training loss (reported at the end of each epoch on the last batch) "Get initial value of loss function" tempIdx = npr.randint(numSamples, size=batch_size) _, lossAdv = adv.generateAdvImages(trainData[tempIdx, :].to(device), trainLabels[tempIdx].to(device), mlp, lossFunction) trainLoss.append(lossAdv) _run.log_scalar("trainLoss", float(lossAdv)) "Train that bad boy!" counter = count(0) for epoch in tqdm(range(numEpochs), desc="Epochs", ascii=True, position=0, leave=False): batches = create_batches( batch_size=batch_size, numSamples=numSamples) # create indices for batches for batch in tqdm(batches, desc='Train Batches', ascii=True, position=1, leave=False): "Compute a forward pass through the network" # Create adversarial images xAdv, _ = adv.generateAdvImages(trainData[batch, :].to(device), trainLabels[batch].to(device), mlp, lossFunction) optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = mlp(xAdv) # feed data forward loss = lossFunction(outputs,[batch]) # compute loss loss.backward() # backprop! optimizer.step() # take a gradient step if (epoch + 1) % epochSave == 0: trainLoss.append(loss.item()) # store training loss _run.log_scalar("trainLoss", loss.item()) "Check accuracy on test set" outputs = mlp( softMax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) probs = softMax(outputs.cpu()) numCorrect = torch.sum( torch.argmax(probs, dim=1) == testLabels).detach().numpy() * 1.0 testResult = numCorrect / testData.shape[0] * 100 "Collect accuracy on validation set" outputs = mlp( softMax = nn.Softmax(dim=1) probs = softMax(outputs).cpu() numCorrect = torch.sum( torch.argmax(probs, dim=1) == valLabels).detach().numpy() * 1.0 valAcc = numCorrect / valData.shape[0] * 100 _run.log_scalar("valAcc", valAcc.item()) "Save everything for later analysis" model_data = { 'parameters': mlp.cpu().state_dict(), 'training': trainLoss, 'valAcc': valAcc, 'test': testResult } if modelType == 'cnn': dims = dims[1:] # first number is number of convolutional layers path = pathSave + modelType + '_' + activation + '_hidden=(' for idx in range(len(dims) - 1): path = path + str(dims[idx][1]) + ',' path = path + str(dims[-1][1]) + ')_lr=' + str(lr) + '_alpha=' + str(alpha) + '_batch_size=' \ + str(batch_size) + '_seed=' + str(_seed) + '_epochs=' + str(numEpochs), path) _run.add_artifact(path, "model_data") # saves the data dump as model_data # shutil.rmtree(pathSave) # Returning the validation loss to do model comparision and selection return valAcc