Beispiel #1
def get_ladder():
    import datetime

    lastweek = - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    b=b.filter(PlayerModel.lastGame > lastweek)

    return (a, b)
Beispiel #2
def get_most_games(type="total", top=5):
    Gets the top X number of people with the chosen type of game
    @param type: Which type of games to calculate. The default is "total", which
    will just get all games. Accepted inputs: "wins" and "losses"
    @param top: Number of people to collect
    players = PlayerModel.query()
    player_games = []
    for player in players:
        email =
        games = 0
        new_player = {
        if type == "wins":
            games = player.gamesWon
        elif type == "losses":
            games = player.gamesPlayed - player.gamesWon
        elif type == "total":
            games = player.gamesPlayed
        new_player['data'] = games

    sorted_players = sorted(player_games, key=itemgetter('data'))

    if len(sorted_players) < top:
        top = len(sorted_players)

    return sorted_players[len(sorted_players)-top:]
Beispiel #3
def get_highest_goals(against=False, top=5):
    Pass in a boolean to tell the method to calculate goals against instead of
    the default which is goals for.
    @return: a list of dictionaries containing the top however many people with
    the highest goals
    @param against: Pass True if you want this to count goals against
    @param top: Pass in the number of "top" people you want (e.g. Top 5)
    players = PlayerModel.query()

    player_goals = []
    for player in players:
        email =
        matches = MatchModel.query(ndb.OR(MatchModel.player1 == email,
                                      MatchModel.player2 == email))
        goals = 0
        new_player = {
            'email': email,
            'data': 0,
            'full_name': get_player_full_name(email)
        for match in matches:
            if against:
                if match.player1 == email:
                    goals += match.scores[0].player2
                    goals += match.scores[1].player2
                    goals += match.scores[2].player2
                elif match.player2 == email:
                    goals += match.scores[0].player1
                    goals += match.scores[1].player1
                    goals += match.scores[2].player1
            elif not against:
                if match.player1 == email:
                    goals += match.scores[0].player1
                    goals += match.scores[1].player1
                    goals += match.scores[2].player1
                elif match.player2 == email:
                    goals += match.scores[0].player2
                    goals += match.scores[1].player2
                    goals += match.scores[2].player2
        new_player["data"] += goals

    sorted_players = sorted(player_goals, key=itemgetter('data'))

    if len(sorted_players) < top:
        top = len(sorted_players)

    return sorted_players[len(sorted_players)-top:]