def path_planning(self, path_type='default'):
        """ Generate desriable waypoints for achieving target pose.
            - Example
            dt = 0.01
            #Create a trajectory to follow
            thetaend = [pi / 2, pi, 1.5 * pi]
            Tf = 1
            N = Tf / dt
            method = 5
            dt = Tf / (N - 1.0)
        dt = self.sample_time
        current_pose = self.limb.endpoint_pose()

        X_current = self._get_tf_matrix(current_pose)
        X_goal = self.original_goal
        X_goal[2][3] += 0.01
        rospy.logwarn('=============== Current pose ===============')
        print (X_current)
        rospy.logwarn('=============== Goal goal ===============')
        print (X_goal)
        # Tf = self.plan_time
        Tf = np.random.uniform(self.rand_plan_min, self.rand_plan_max)
        N = int(Tf / dt) # ex: plantime = 7, dt = 0.01 -> N = 700
        self.num_wp = N
        # self.traj_list = r.CartesianTrajectory(X_current, X_goal, Tf=Tf, N=N, method=CUBIC)
        self.traj_list = r.ScrewTrajectory(X_current, X_goal, Tf=Tf, N=N, method=QUINTIC)
        self.set_init_frame() # save the robot's pose frame at start of the trajectory.
        self.isPathPlanned = True
Beispiel #2
def screwTragectoryGenerator(T_start, T_end, motionTime, gripperState,
                             timeStep, K):
    """Generates a screw trajectory given a start and end configuration
         :param T_start: start configuration (SE3 Matrix)
         :param T_end: goal configuration   (SE3 Matrix)
         :param motionTime: Total time of motion
         :param gripperState: Open / Close state of gripper.  gripper state: 0 = open, 1 = 
         :param timeStep: A timestep delta_t
         :param K: The number of trajectory reference configurations per timeStep

         :return: Configuration Tse of the end-effector, expressed as 13 variables separated by commas. The 13 variables are, in order
                    r11, r12, r13, r21, r22, r23, r31, r32, r33, px, py, pz, gripper state

         Generated number of trajectory points per second will be equal to K * timeStep
         This method uses fifth-order polynomial time scaling for trajectory generation.
    trajectory = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T_start, T_end, motionTime,
                                    motionTime * K / timeStep, 5)
    formattedTragectory = []
    for config in trajectory:
        # Rounding off values to 8 decimal places
        configuration = np.around(config, 8).tolist()
        formattedConfiguration = configuration[0][0:3] + configuration[1][0:3] + configuration[2][0:3] + \
        [configuration[0][3], configuration[1][3], configuration[2][3], gripperState]
    return formattedTragectory
Beispiel #3
    def Generate_segment_trajectory(self, T_start, T_end, time_scale,
        Generate segment of trajectory of the end effector
        Input : 
            T_start : Starting configuration
            T_end : Goal configuration
            time_scale : Time scaling of this segment
            traj_type : Screw or Cartesian type
            trajs : Trajectory of the segment in [np.array([Tse..]), np.array([next_Tse])]

        # Duration and number of configuration of the trajectory is computed based on the maximum linear and angular velocity
        T_dist =, T_end)
        dist = math.hypot(T_dist[0, -1], T_dist[1, -1])
        ang = max(self.euler_angles_from_rotation_matrix(T_dist[:-1, :-1]))

        duration = max(dist / self.max_lin_vel,
                       ang / self.max_ang_vel)  # Duration from rest to rest
        no_conf = int(
            (duration * self.k) /
            0.01)  # Number of configuration between the start and goal

        if (traj_type == "Screw"):
            trajs = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T_start, T_end, duration, no_conf,
        elif (traj_type == "Cartesian"):
            trajs = mr.CartesianTrajectory(T_start, T_end, duration, no_conf,

        return trajs
Beispiel #4
def TrajectoryGenerator(Tse, Tsci, Tscf, Tcestand, Tcegrap, Tf_screw,
                        Tf_cartesian, k_per_centi_sec):
    Tse = np.array(Tse)
    Tsci = np.array(Tsci)
    Tscf = np.array(Tscf)
    Tcestand = np.array(Tcestand)
    Tcegrap = np.array(Tcegrap)
    gripper_state = 0
    # segment 1: from starting to standoff
    T1 = Tse
    T2 =, Tcestand)
    Traj_seg = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T1, T2, Tf_screw,
                                  100 * k_per_centi_sec * Tf_screw, 3)
    Trajectory = [(T, gripper_state) for T in Traj_seg]
    # segment 2: from standoff position (directly bove the block) to the grasping position
    T1 = T2
    T2 =, Tcegrap)
    Traj_seg = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T1, T2, Tf_cartesian,
                                  100 * k_per_centi_sec * Tf_cartesian, 3)
    # the operator '+=' will append the return value to Traj_seg list
    Trajectory += [(T, gripper_state) for T in Traj_seg]
    # segment 3: set end-effector to grasp
    gripper_state = 1
    Trajectory += [(T2, gripper_state) for _ in range(100 * k_per_centi_sec)]
    # segment 4: return to standoff position
    Ttemp = T1
    T1 = T2
    T2 = Ttemp
    Traj_seg = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T1, T2, Tf_cartesian,
                                  100 * k_per_centi_sec * Tf_cartesian, 3)
    Trajectory += [(T, gripper_state) for T in Traj_seg]
    # segment 5: to the final standoff position (dorectly above the target)
    T1 = T2
    T2 =, Tcestand)
    Traj_seg = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T1, T2, Tf_screw,
                                  100 * k_per_centi_sec * Tf_screw, 3)
    Trajectory += [(T, gripper_state) for T in Traj_seg]
    # segment 6: from standoff position (directly bove the block) to the grasping position
    T1 = T2
    T2 =, Tcegrap)
    Traj_seg = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T1, T2, Tf_cartesian,
                                  100 * k_per_centi_sec * Tf_cartesian, 3)
    Trajectory += [(T, gripper_state) for T in Traj_seg]
    # segment 7: set end-effector to release
    gripper_state = 0
    Trajectory += [(T2, gripper_state) for _ in range(100 * k_per_centi_sec)]
    # segment 8: return to standoff position
    Ttemp = T1
    T1 = T2
    T2 = Ttemp
    Traj_seg = mr.ScrewTrajectory(T1, T2, Tf_cartesian,
                                  100 * k_per_centi_sec * Tf_cartesian, 3)
    Trajectory += [(T, gripper_state) for T in Traj_seg]

    return Trajectory
Beispiel #5
 def call_ScrewTrajectory(self,start, end, tf, N,order_method,gripper_state,trajectory_list):
     call the ScrewTrajectory from moder robotics
         :param start: The initial end-effector configuration
         :param end: The final end-effector configuration
         :param Tf: Total time of the motion in seconds from rest to rest
         :param N: The number of points N > 1 (Start and stop) in the discrete
                 representation of the trajectory
         :param method: The time-scaling method, where 3 indicates cubic (third-
                     order polynomial) time scaling and 5 indicates quintic
                     (fifth-order polynomial) time scaling
         :return: The discretized trajectory as a list of N matrices in SE(3)
                 separated in time by Tf/(N-1). The first in the list is Xstart
                 and the Nth is Xend
     trajectory = mr.ScrewTrajectory(start, end, tf, N, order_method) 
Beispiel #6
def p6():
    X_start = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    X_end = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1],
                      [1, 0, 0, 2],
                      [0, 1, 0, 3],
                      [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    Tf = 10
    N = 10
    method = 3
    traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(X_start, X_end, Tf, N, method)

    ans = traj[-2]
    print('second to last via configuration:\n%s' %ans)
def TrajectoryGenerator():

    # calls InitTG to assign these transformation matrices
    Tse_initial, Tse_standoffInit, Tse_gripInit, Tse_standoffFinal, Tse_gripFinal = InitTG(

    # Xstarts and Xends to iterate through as inputs to ScrewTrajectory
    traj_iter = np.array([Tse_initial,Tse_standoffInit,Tse_gripInit,Tse_gripInit,Tse_standoffInit,Tse_standoffFinal, \
                                                                Tse_gripFinal,Tse_gripFinal, Tse_standoffFinal])
    k = 1
    grip_states = [0]
    t = np.array([4, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 1,
                  1])  # durations for each segment of the total trajectory
    trajectories = []
    gState = 0

    # iterating through the eight segments of the simulation
    for i in range(0, len(traj_iter) - 1):

        Xstart = traj_iter[i]
        Xend = traj_iter[i + 1]
        Tf = t[i]
        N = k * Tf / 0.01

        if i == 2 or i == 6:
            gState = not gState

        traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart, Xend, Tf, N, 3)

        for i in range(0, len(traj)):

            if gState:


    return trajectories, grip_states
Beispiel #8
def TrajectoryGenerator(Tse_initial, Tsc_initial, Tsc_final, Tce_grasp,
                        Tce_standoff, k, path_trajectory):
    Tse_initial - The initial configuration of the end-effector in the reference trajectory
    Tsc_initial - The cube's initial configuration
    Tsc_final - The cube's desired final configuration
    Tce_grasp - The end-effector's configuration relative to the cube when it is grasping the cube
    Tce_standoff - The end-effector's standoff configuration above the cube, before and after grasping, relative to the cube
    k - The number of trajectory reference configurations per 0.01 second
    csv file with trajectory references

    For all the segments I calculate Tf and N first, then employ "ScrewTrajectory" function from the MR library. 
    For segments 3 and 7 (grasping and releasing) I simply write 70 equal configurations to make end-effector grip/release the cube 
    method = 5  #The time-scaling method: 5 indicates quintic (5fth-order polynomial) time scaling.

    #create csv file
    traj_row = [
        Tse_initial[0][0], Tse_initial[0][1], Tse_initial[0][2],
        Tse_initial[1][0], Tse_initial[1][1], Tse_initial[1][2],
        Tse_initial[2][0], Tse_initial[2][1], Tse_initial[2][2],
        Tse_initial[0][3], Tse_initial[1][3], Tse_initial[2][3]
    with open(path_trajectory, mode='w', newline='') as path_file:
        path_writer = csv.writer(path_file,

    #first segment
    Tse_standoff = np.matmul(Tsc_initial, Tce_standoff)
    Tf, N = calc_Tf(Tse_initial, Tse_standoff, k)
    traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Tse_initial, Tse_standoff, Tf, N, method)
    write_row(traj, 0, path_trajectory)  #add gripper state 0

    #second segment
    #Xstart = Tse_standoff
    Tse_grasp = np.matmul(Tsc_initial, Tce_grasp)
    Tf, N = calc_Tf(Tse_standoff, Tse_grasp, k)
    traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Tse_standoff, Tse_grasp, Tf, N, method)
    write_row(traj, 0, path_trajectory)  #add gripper state 0

    #third segment
    i = Tse_grasp
    traj_row = [
        i[0][0], i[0][1], i[0][2], i[1][0], i[1][1], i[1][2], i[2][0], i[2][1],
        i[2][2], i[0][3], i[1][3], i[2][3]
    traj_row.append(1)  #add gripper state 1
    for i in range(70):
        write_files(traj_row, path_trajectory)

    #fourth segment
    Tf, N = calc_Tf(Tse_grasp, Tse_standoff, k)
    traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Tse_grasp, Tse_standoff, Tf, N, method)
    write_row(traj, 1, path_trajectory)  #add gripper state 1

    #fifth segment
    Tse_standoff_final = np.matmul(Tsc_final, Tce_standoff)
    Tf, N = calc_Tf(Tse_standoff, Tse_standoff_final, k)
    traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Tse_standoff, Tse_standoff_final, Tf, N, method)
    write_row(traj, 1, path_trajectory)  #add gripper state 1

    #sixth segment
    Tse_grasp_final = np.matmul(Tsc_final, Tce_grasp)
    Tf, N = calc_Tf(Tse_standoff_final, Tse_grasp_final, k)
    traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Tse_standoff_final, Tse_grasp_final, Tf, N,
    write_row(traj, 1, path_trajectory)  #add gripper state 1

    #seventh segment
    i = Tse_grasp_final
    traj_row = [
        i[0][0], i[0][1], i[0][2], i[1][0], i[1][1], i[1][2], i[2][0], i[2][1],
        i[2][2], i[0][3], i[1][3], i[2][3]
    traj_row.append(0)  #add gripper state 0
    for i in range(70):
        write_files(traj_row, path_trajectory)

    #eighth segment
    Tf, N = calc_Tf(Tse_grasp_final, Tse_standoff_final, k)
    traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Tse_grasp_final, Tse_standoff_final, Tf, N,
    write_row(traj, 0, path_trajectory)  #add gripper state 0
def TrajectoryGenerator(Tse_initial, Tsc_initial, Tsc_final, Tce_grasp,
                        Tce_standoff, k):
    z_standoff = Tce_standoff[2][3]
    #Segment 1
    z_base = Tsc_initial[2][3]
    Tsc1_standoff = np.copy(Tsc_initial)
    Tsc1_standoff[2][3] = z_base + z_standoff
    Tse1_standoff = np.matmul(Tsc1_standoff, Tce_standoff)
    Xstart1 = Tse_initial
    Xend1 = Tse1_standoff
    #Segment 2
    Tse1_grasp = np.matmul(Tsc_initial, Tce_grasp)
    Xstart2 = Tse1_standoff
    Xend2 = Tse1_grasp
    #print("Tsc_initial = ",Tsc_initial)
    #print("Tse1_grasp = ",Xend2)
    #segment 3
    Xstart3 = Tse1_grasp
    Xend3 = Tse1_grasp
    #segment 4
    Xstart4 = Tse1_grasp
    Xend4 = Tse1_standoff
    #Segment 5
    Tsc2_standoff = np.copy(Tsc_final)
    Tsc2_standoff[2][3] = z_base + z_standoff
    Tse2_standoff = np.matmul(Tsc2_standoff, Tce_standoff)

    Xstart5 = Tse1_standoff
    Xend5 = Tse2_standoff
    #Segment 6
    Tse2_grasp = np.matmul(Tsc_final, Tce_grasp)
    Xstart6 = Tse2_standoff
    Xend6 = Tse2_grasp
    #Segment 7
    Xstart7 = Tse2_grasp
    Xend7 = Tse2_grasp
    #Segment 8
    Xstart8 = Tse2_grasp
    Xend8 = Tse2_standoff

    #Screw Trajectory Calculation for 1-8 segments

    Tf = k
    T1 = 4
    T2 = 2
    T3 = 1
    T4 = T2
    T5 = T1
    T6 = T2
    T7 = T3
    T8 = T2
    N1 = T1 * Tf / 0.01
    N2 = T2 * Tf / 0.01
    N3 = T3 * Tf / 0.01
    N4 = T4 * Tf / 0.01
    N5 = T5 * Tf / 0.01
    N6 = T6 * Tf / 0.01
    N7 = T7 * Tf / 0.01
    N8 = T8 * Tf / 0.01

    method = 5
    lst = []
    g_state = 0
    output1 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart1, Xend1, Tf, N1, method)
    lst = create_lst(output1, lst, g_state)
    g_state = 0
    output2 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart2, Xend2, Tf, N2, method)
    lst = create_lst(output2, lst, g_state)
    g_state = 1
    output3 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart3, Xend3, Tf, N3, method)
    lst = create_lst(output3, lst, g_state)
    g_state = 1
    output4 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart4, Xend4, Tf, N4, method)
    lst = create_lst(output4, lst, g_state)
    g_state = 1
    output5 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart5, Xend5, Tf, N5, method)
    lst = create_lst(output5, lst, g_state)
    g_state = 1
    output6 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart6, Xend6, Tf, N6, method)
    lst = create_lst(output6, lst, g_state)
    g_state = 1
    output7 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart7, Xend7, Tf, N7, method)
    lst = create_lst(output7, lst, g_state)
    g_state = 0
    output8 = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart8, Xend8, Tf, N8, method)
    lst = create_lst(output8, lst, g_state)
    #    f = open("output.csv", "w")
    #    lst = [output1, output2, output3, output4, output5, output6, output7, output8]
    #    num = 1
    #    for out in lst:
    #        if num >= 3 and num <= 7:
    #            gripper_state = 1
    #        else:
    #            gripper_state = 0
    #        for i in out:
    #            write_csv(i,gripper_state, f)
    #        num=num+1
    #    f.close()

    #output = output1+output2+output3+output4+output5+output6+output7+output8
    return lst
Beispiel #10
import numpy as np
import math
import modern_robotics as mr

T = 5
t = 3
s = mr.QuinticTimeScaling(T, t)

X_start = np.identity(4)
X_end = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
T_f = 10
N = 10
method = 3
trajectory = mr.ScrewTrajectory(X_start, X_end, T_f, N, method)

method = 5
trajectory = mr.CartesianTrajectory(X_start, X_end, T_f, N, method)
def get_traj(X_s, X_e):
    return mr.ScrewTrajectory(X_s, X_e, 5, 3, 3)
Beispiel #12
import math
import numpy as np
import modern_robotics as mr
pi = math.pi

Tf = 5
t = 3
N = 10
s = mr.QuinticTimeScaling(Tf, t)
print("\nQuestion 5:\n", np.around(s, decimals=2))

X_start = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
X_end = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
Tf = 10
traj = mr.ScrewTrajectory(X_start, X_end, Tf, N, 3)
print("\nQuestion 6:\n",
      np.array2string(np.around(traj[8], decimals=3), separator=','),
traj = mr.CartesianTrajectory(X_start, X_end, Tf, N, 5)
print("\nQuestion 7:\n",
      np.array2string(np.around(traj[8], decimals=3), separator=','),
def milestone3_test4_debug():
        Milestone 3 : Test4
        Check robot controller for generated tragectory (kp = 0, ki = 0)

    # configuration = [0, 0, 0, 0, -0.35, -0.698, -0.505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    configuration = [
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    Tsc_initial = [[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0.025], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
    Tsc_goal = [[0, 1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 1, 0.025], [0, 0, 0, 1]]
    Tse_initial = kinematic_model.youBot_Tse(configuration)

    result_configuration = []
    result_Xerr = []

    gains = [0, 0]  # kp, ki
    timeStep = 0.5
    K = 1

    # Generating stadoff and gripping transforms
    theta = [0, 3 * math.pi / 4, 0]
    R_so3 = mr.VecToso3(theta)
    R = mr.MatrixExp3(R_so3)

    position = [-0.01, 0, 0.20]
    Tce_standoff = mr.RpToTrans(R, position)

    position = [-0.01, 0, 0.01]
    Tce_gripping = mr.RpToTrans(R, position)

    # Trajectory generation
    # trajectory = trajectory_planner.TrajectoryGenerator(Tse_initial, Tsc_initial, Tsc_goal, Tce_gripping, Tce_standoff, timeStep, K )
    Xstart = kinematic_model.youBot_Tse(configuration)
    XendConfig = [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    Xend = kinematic_model.youBot_Tse(XendConfig)
    trajectory = mr.ScrewTrajectory(Xstart, Xend, 3, 6, 3)
    csv_writer.writeDataList(trajectory, "milestone3_trajectory")

    # Control generation
    for x in range(len(trajectory) - 1):
        Xd = trajectory[x]
        Xd_next = trajectory[x + 1]

        # Xd = kinematic_model.configurationToTransform(trajectory[x])
        # Xd_next = kinematic_model.configurationToTransform(trajectory[x+1])
        Tse = kinematic_model.youBot_Tse(configuration)
        print "####### Iteration #######"
        print "Tse"
        print np.around(Tse, 3).tolist()
        print "Xd"
        print np.around(Xd, 3).tolist()
        print "Xd_next"
        print np.around(Xd_next, 3).tolist()

        V, Xerr = controller.FeedbackControl(Tse, Xd, Xd_next, gains, timeStep)
        print "V"
        print np.around(V, 3).tolist()
        print "Xerr"
        print np.around(Xerr, 3).tolist()
        # Calculate Je
        Je = kinematic_model.youBot_Je(configuration)

        while True:
            # Calculating control
            cmd =, V)
            # Control : omega (5 variables), wheel speeds u (4 variables)
            control = np.concatenate((cmd[4:9], cmd[0:4]))

            print "control"
            print np.around(control, 3).tolist()
            next_config = kinematic_simulator.NextState(
                configuration, control, timeStep)
            print "next_config"
            print np.around(next_config, 3).tolist()
            # Joint limit checking
            status, jointVector = kinematic_model.youBot_testJointLimits(
            if status:
                configuration = next_config
                Je[:, 4:9] = Je[:, 4:9] * jointVector

        # Save configuration (Tse) and Xerr per every K iterations
        if (x % K) == 0:
            # print np.around(configuration, 3).tolist()

    csv_writer.writeDataList(result_configuration, "milestone3_configurations")