Beispiel #1
    def __update_modules(self, message):
        """ Update module information
        :param message: Dictionary format module info
        :type message: Dictionary
        :return: None
        module_id = message['s']
        module_uuid, module_version_info = unpack_data(message['b'], (6, 2))

        # Handle new modules
        if module_id not in ( for module in self._modules):
            module_type = get_module_type_from_uuid(module_uuid)
            new_module = self.__add_new_module(
                module_type, module_id, module_uuid, module_version_info
            new_module.module_type = module_type
            if module_type != 'network' and not new_module.is_up_to_date:
                print(f"{str(new_module)} is not up to date. "
                      f"Please update the module by calling "

        elif not self.__get_module_by_id(module_id).is_connected:
            # Handle Reconnected modules
            self.__get_module_by_id(module_id).is_connected = True
            module_type = get_module_type_from_uuid(module_uuid)
            print(f"{module_type} ({module_id}) has been reconnected!!")
Beispiel #2
    def __update_health(self, message):
        """ Update information by health message

        :param message: Dictionary format message of the module
        :type message: Dictionary
        :return: None
        # Record battery information and user code state
        module_id = message["s"]
        _, _, _, battery_state, user_code_state \
            = unpack_data(message['b'], (1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
        curr_time = time.time()

        # Checking starts only when module is registered
        if module_id in ( for module in self._modules):
            module = self.__get_module_by_id(module_id)
            module.last_updated = curr_time
            module.is_connected = True
            # Update user code status
            if module.user_code_status < 0:
                module.user_code_status = user_code_state % 2
            # Turn off pnp if pnp flag is on
            if module.module_type != 'network' and user_code_state < 2:
                    module_id, Module.RUN, Module.PNP_OFF
            # Reset disconnection alert status
            if module.has_printed:
                module.has_printed = False

        # Disconnect module with no health message for more than 2 second
        for module in self._modules:
            if module.module_type != 'network' and \
                    curr_time - module.last_updated > 2:
                # if not module.has_printed:
                #    print(
                #        f"{module.module_type.title()} ({module_id}) "
                #        f"has been disconnected!!"
                #    )
                #    module.has_printed = True
                module.is_connected = False
                module._last_set_message = None
Beispiel #3
    def __update_property(self, message):
        """ Update module property

        :param message: Dictionary format message
        :type message: Dictionary
        :return: None

        # Do not update reserved property
        property_number = message["d"]
        if property_number == 0 or property_number == 1:
        module = self.__get_module_by_id(message['s'])
        if not module:
        data = message['b']
        if module.module_type == 'network':
            module.update_property(property_number, unpack_data(data)[0])
            module.update_property(property_number, decode_data(data))
Beispiel #4
    def __update_topology(self, message):
        """Update the topology of the connected modules

        :param message: Dictionary format message of the module
        :return: None

        # Setup prerequisites
        src_id = message["s"]
        byte_data = message["b"]
        topology_by_id = {}
        topology_ids = unpack_data(byte_data, (2, 2, 2, 2))

        module = self.__get_module_by_id(src_id)
        if module:
            topology_by_id['type'] = get_module_type_from_uuid(module.uuid)
            topology_by_id['type'] = None

        for idx, direction in enumerate(('r', 't', 'l', 'b')):
            topology_by_id[direction] = topology_ids[idx] \
                if topology_ids[idx] != 0xFFFF else None
            # Handle battery module
            if topology_ids[idx] == 0:
                if 0 not in self._topology_data:
                    self._modules.append(Battery(0, -1, None))
                    battery_topology = {
                        'type': 'Battery',
                        'r': None,
                        't': None,
                        'l': None,
                        'b': src_id
                    self._topology_data[0] = battery_topology
                elif src_id not in self._topology_data[0].values():
                    self._topology_data[0]['l'] = src_id

        # Update topology data for the module
        self._topology_data[src_id] = topology_by_id