def take_screenshot(bundle_path, html_dir, cache_dir, size): os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) lv2_init() pb = get_pedalboard_info(bundle_path) if size: w, h = size.split('x') width, height = int(w), int(h) else: width, height = pb['width'], pb['height'] if (width, height) == (0, 0): width, height = 3840, 2160 img_dir = os.path.join(html_dir, 'img') # preload images audio_input_img =, 'audio-input.png')) audio_output_img =, 'audio-output.png')) audio_input_connected =, 'audio-input-connected.png')) audio_output_connected =, 'audio-output-connected.png')) midi_input_img =, 'midi-input.png')) midi_output_img =, 'midi-output.png')) midi_input_connected =, 'midi-input-connected.png')) midi_output_connected =, 'midi-output-connected.png')) default_screenshot =, 'resources', 'pedals', 'default.png')) right_padding = audio_input_connected.size[0] * 2 bottom_padding = right_padding # create capture/playback connectors device_capture = [] for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['audio_ins']): device_capture.append({ 'symbol': 'capture_{0}'.format(ix + 1), 'img': audio_output_img, 'connected_img': audio_output_connected, 'type': 'audio', }) if pb['hardware'].get('serial_midi_in', False): device_capture.append({ 'symbol': 'serial_midi_in', 'img': midi_output_img, 'connected_img': midi_output_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) for midi_in in pb['hardware']['midi_ins']: device_capture.append({ 'symbol': midi_in['symbol'], 'img': midi_output_img, 'connected_img': midi_output_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) device_playback = [] for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['audio_outs']): device_playback.append({ 'symbol': 'playback_{0}'.format(ix + 1), 'img': audio_input_img, 'connected_img': audio_input_connected, 'type': 'audio', }) if pb['hardware'].get('serial_midi_out', False): device_playback.append({ 'symbol': 'serial_midi_out', 'img': midi_input_img, 'connected_img': midi_input_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) for midi_out in pb['hardware']['midi_outs']: device_playback.append({ 'symbol': midi_out['symbol'], 'img': midi_input_img, 'connected_img': midi_input_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) # create plugins plugins = pb['plugins'] plugin_map = {} for p in plugins: # read plugin data data = get_plugin_info(p['uri']) p['data'] = data # read plugin image gui = get_plugin_gui(p['uri']) screenshot_path = gui.get('screenshot', None) pimg ='RGBA') if screenshot_path else default_screenshot p['img'] = pimg if screenshot_path: # detect ports and save/read version = '{0}.{1}'.format(data['version'], data.get('release', 0)).replace('.', '_') encoded_uri = base64.b64encode(p['uri'].encode()).decode() filename = os.path.join(cache_dir, '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(__version__.replace('.', '_'), encoded_uri, version)) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fh: columns = json.loads( else: columns = { 'in_ports': [list(c) for c in detect_first_column(pimg, pimg.size[0])], 'out_ports': [list(c) for c in detect_first_column(pimg, pimg.size[0], rtol=True)], } with open(filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(columns)) else: # tuna can, we have to guess the position of the connectors columns = { 'in_ports': [[-9, 121], [-9, 146], [-9, 190], [-9, 215], [-9, 259], [-9, -284], [-9, 328], [-9, 353]], 'out_ports': [[259, 121], [259, 146], [259, 190], [259, 215], [259, 259], [259, 284], [259, 328], [259, 353]] } # detect connectors in_ports = data['ports']['audio']['input'] + data['ports']['midi']['input'] if len(in_ports) > 0: for ix, conn in enumerate(chunks(columns['in_ports'], 2)): if ix < len(in_ports): in_ports[ix]['connector'] = conn if ix < len(data['ports']['audio']['input']): in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = audio_input_connected in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (79, 15) in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'audio' else: in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = midi_input_connected in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (67, 9) in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'midi' if not all('connector' in p for p in in_ports): raise Exception('Connector detection for input ports of plugin {0} failed'.format(p['uri'])) out_ports = data['ports']['audio']['output'] + data['ports']['midi']['output'] if len(out_ports) > 0: for ix, conn in enumerate(chunks(columns['out_ports'], 2)): if ix < len(out_ports): out_ports[ix]['connector'] = conn if ix < len(data['ports']['audio']['output']): out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = audio_output_connected out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (8, 15) out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'audio' else: out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = midi_output_connected out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (8, 9) out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'midi' if not all('connector' in p for p in out_ports): raise Exception('Connector detection for output ports of plugin {0} failed'.format(p['uri'])) plugin_map[p['instance']] = p # calculate image size height = 0 for p in plugins: if p['x'] + p['img'].size[0] + right_padding > width: width = p['x'] + p['img'].size[0] + right_padding if p['y'] + p['img'].size[1] + bottom_padding > height: height = p['y'] + p['img'].size[1] + bottom_padding width = rint(width) height = rint(height) or rint(1112) # calculate device connectors positions used_symbols = [c['source'] for c in pb['connections']] + [c['target'] for c in pb['connections']] device_capture = [ d for d in device_capture if d['type'] == 'audio' or d['symbol'] == 'serial_midi_in' or d['symbol'] in used_symbols ] device_playback = [ d for d in device_playback if d['type'] == 'audio' or d['symbol'] == 'serial_midi_out' or d['symbol'] in used_symbols ] step = rint(height / (len(device_capture) + 1)) h = step for d in device_capture: d.update({'x': 0, 'y': h}) h = h + step h = step for d in device_playback: d.update({'x': width, 'y': h}) h = h + step # draw plugin cables and calculate connectors connectors = [] paths = [] for ix, c in enumerate(pb['connections']): # source source = next((s for s in device_capture if s['symbol'] == c['source']), None) if source: source_connected_img = source['connected_img'] source_pos = anchor(source_connected_img.size, source['x'], source['y'], Anchor.LEFT_CENTER) source_x = source['x'] + source_connected_img.size[0] source_y = source['y'] source_type = source['type'] else: if '/' not in c['source']: continue source_i, source_s = c['source'].split('/') source = plugin_map[source_i] all_ports = source['data']['ports']['audio']['output'] + source['data']['ports']['midi']['output'] port = next(p for p in all_ports if p['symbol'] == source_s) conn = port['connector'] source_connected_img = port['connected_img'] source_pos = (source['x'] + conn[0][0] - port['offset'][0], source['y'] + conn[0][1] - port['offset'][1]) source_x = source_pos[0] + source_connected_img.size[0] source_y = source_pos[1] + source_connected_img.size[1] / 2 source_type = port['type'] # target target = next((t for t in device_playback if t['symbol'] == c['target']), None) if target: target_connected_img = target['connected_img'] target_pos = anchor(target_connected_img.size, target['x'], target['y'], Anchor.RIGHT_CENTER) target_x = target['x'] - target_connected_img.size[0] target_y = target['y'] target_type = target['type'] else: if '/' not in c['target']: continue target_i, target_s = c['target'].split('/') target = plugin_map[target_i] all_ports = target['data']['ports']['audio']['input'] + target['data']['ports']['midi']['input'] port = next(p for p in all_ports if p['symbol'] == target_s) conn = port['connector'] target_connected_img = port['connected_img'] target_pos = (target['x'] + conn[0][0] - port['offset'][0], target['y'] + conn[0][1] - port['offset'][1]) target_x = target_pos[0] target_y = target_pos[1] + target_connected_img.size[1] / 2 target_type = port['type'] delta_x = target_x - source_x - 50 if delta_x < 0: delta_x = 8.5 * (delta_x / 6) else: delta_x /= 1.5 path = 'm{0},{1} c{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}'.format( rint(source_x), rint(source_y), rint(target_x - delta_x - source_x), 0, rint(delta_x), rint(target_y - source_y), rint(target_x - source_x), rint(target_y - source_y) ) paths.append((path, source_type, target_type)) connectors.append((source_connected_img, (rint(source_pos[0]), rint(source_pos[1])), source_connected_img)) connectors.append((target_connected_img, (rint(target_pos[0]), rint(target_pos[1])), target_connected_img)) # create image img ='RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # draw device connectors for d in device_capture: img.paste(d['img'], anchor(d['img'].size, d['x'], d['y'], Anchor.LEFT_CENTER)) for d in device_playback: img.paste(d['img'], anchor(d['img'].size, d['x'], d['y'], Anchor.RIGHT_CENTER)) # draw all paths try: import aggdraw draw = aggdraw.Draw(img) audio_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#81009A', 7) midi_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#00546C', 7) for path, source_type, target_type in paths: symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(path) draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, midi_pen if source_type == 'midi' or target_type == 'midi' else audio_pen) draw.flush() except: print('Aggdraw failed') # draw all connectors for c in connectors: img.paste(*c) # draw plugins for p in plugins: img.paste(p['img'], (rint(p['x']), rint(p['y'])), p['img']), 'screenshot.png'), compress_level=3) resize_image(img), 'thumbnail.png')) img.close()
def take_screenshot(bundle_path, html_dir, cache_dir, size): os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) lv2_init() pb = get_pedalboard_info(bundle_path) if size: w, h = size.split('x') width, height = int(w), int(h) else: width, height = pb['width'], pb['height'] if (width, height) == (0, 0): width, height = 3840, 2160 img_dir = os.path.join(html_dir, 'img') # preload images audio_input_img =, 'audio-input.png')) audio_output_img =, 'audio-output.png')) audio_input_connected = os.path.join(img_dir, 'audio-input-connected.png')) audio_output_connected = os.path.join(img_dir, 'audio-output-connected.png')) midi_input_img =, 'midi-input.png')) midi_output_img =, 'midi-output.png')) midi_input_connected = os.path.join(img_dir, 'midi-input-connected.png')) midi_output_connected = os.path.join(img_dir, 'midi-output-connected.png')) cv_input_img =, 'cv-input.png')) cv_output_img =, 'cv-output.png')) cv_input_connected = os.path.join(img_dir, 'cv-input-connected.png')) cv_output_connected = os.path.join(img_dir, 'cv-output-connected.png')) default_screenshot = os.path.join(html_dir, 'resources', 'pedals', 'default.png')) right_padding = audio_input_connected.size[0] * 2 bottom_padding = right_padding # create capture/playback connectors device_capture = [] for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['audio_ins']): device_capture.append({ 'symbol': 'capture_{0}'.format(ix + 1), 'img': audio_output_img, 'connected_img': audio_output_connected, 'type': 'audio', }) if not pb.get('midi_separated_mode', False): device_capture.append({ 'symbol': 'midi_merger_out', 'img': midi_output_img, 'connected_img': midi_output_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) elif pb['hardware'].get('serial_midi_in', False): device_capture.append({ 'symbol': 'serial_midi_in', 'img': midi_output_img, 'connected_img': midi_output_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) for midi_in in pb['hardware']['midi_ins']: device_capture.append({ 'symbol': midi_in['symbol'], 'img': midi_output_img, 'connected_img': midi_output_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['cv_ins']): device_capture.append({ 'symbol': 'cv_capture_{0}'.format(ix + 1), 'img': cv_output_img, 'connected_img': cv_output_connected, 'type': 'cv', }) device_playback = [] for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['audio_outs']): device_playback.append({ 'symbol': 'playback_{0}'.format(ix + 1), 'img': audio_input_img, 'connected_img': audio_input_connected, 'type': 'audio', }) if not pb.get('midi_separated_mode', False): device_playback.append({ 'symbol': 'midi_broadcaster_in', 'img': midi_input_img, 'connected_img': midi_input_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) elif pb['hardware'].get('serial_midi_out', False): device_playback.append({ 'symbol': 'serial_midi_out', 'img': midi_input_img, 'connected_img': midi_input_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) for midi_out in pb['hardware']['midi_outs']: device_playback.append({ 'symbol': midi_out['symbol'], 'img': midi_input_img, 'connected_img': midi_input_connected, 'type': 'midi', }) for ix in range(0, pb['hardware']['cv_outs']): device_playback.append({ 'symbol': 'cv_playback_{0}'.format(ix + 1), 'img': cv_input_img, 'connected_img': cv_input_connected, 'type': 'cv', }) # create plugins plugins = pb['plugins'] plugin_map = {} for p in plugins: # read plugin data data = get_plugin_info(p['uri']) p['data'] = data # read plugin image gui = get_plugin_gui(p['uri']) screenshot_path = gui.get('screenshot', None) pimg = 'RGBA') if screenshot_path else default_screenshot p['img'] = pimg if screenshot_path: # detect ports and save/read version = '{0}.{1}'.format(data['version'], data.get('release', 0)).replace('.', '_') encoded_uri = base64.b64encode(p['uri'].encode()).decode() filename = os.path.join( cache_dir, '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(__version__.replace('.', '_'), encoded_uri, version)) if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as fh: columns = json.loads( else: columns = { 'in_ports': tuple( tuple(c) for c in detect_first_column(pimg, pimg.size[0])), 'out_ports': tuple( tuple(c) for c in detect_first_column( pimg, pimg.size[0], rtol=True)), } with open(filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(columns)) else: # tuna can, we have to guess the position of the connectors columns = { 'in_ports': ((-9, 121), (-9, 146), (-9, 190), (-9, 215), (-9, 259), (-9, -284), (-9, 328), (-9, 353)), 'out_ports': ((259, 121), (259, 146), (259, 190), (259, 215), (259, 259), (259, 284), (259, 328), (259, 353)) } # detect connectors in_ports = data['ports']['audio']['input'] + data['ports']['midi'][ 'input'] + data['ports']['cv']['input'] if len(in_ports) > 0: audio_in_ix = len(data['ports']['audio']['input']) cv_in_ix = len(data['ports']['cv']['input']) + audio_in_ix for ix, conn in enumerate(chunks(columns['in_ports'], 2)): if ix < len(in_ports): in_ports[ix]['connector'] = conn if ix < audio_in_ix: in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = audio_input_connected in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (79, 15) in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'audio' elif ix < cv_in_ix: in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = cv_input_connected in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (67, 15) in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'cv' else: in_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = midi_input_connected in_ports[ix]['offset'] = (67, 9) in_ports[ix]['type'] = 'midi' if not all('connector' in p for p in in_ports): raise Exception( 'Connector detection for input ports of plugin {0} failed'. format(p['uri'])) out_ports = data['ports']['audio']['output'] + data['ports']['midi'][ 'output'] + data['ports']['cv']['output'] if len(out_ports) > 0: audio_out_ix = len(data['ports']['audio']['output']) cv_out_ix = len(data['ports']['cv']['output']) + audio_out_ix for ix, conn in enumerate(chunks(columns['out_ports'], 2)): if ix < len(out_ports): out_ports[ix]['connector'] = conn if ix < audio_out_ix: out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = audio_output_connected out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (8, 15) out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'audio' elif ix < cv_out_ix: out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = cv_output_connected out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (11, 22) out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'cv' else: out_ports[ix]['connected_img'] = midi_output_connected out_ports[ix]['offset'] = (8, 9) out_ports[ix]['type'] = 'midi' if not all('connector' in p for p in out_ports): raise Exception( 'Connector detection for output ports of plugin {0} failed' .format(p['uri'])) plugin_map[p['instance']] = p # calculate image size height = 0 for p in plugins: if p['x'] + p['img'].size[0] + right_padding > width: width = p['x'] + p['img'].size[0] + right_padding if p['y'] + p['img'].size[1] + bottom_padding > height: height = p['y'] + p['img'].size[1] + bottom_padding width = rint(width) height = rint(height) or rint(1112) # calculate device connectors positions used_symbols = tuple(c['source'] for c in pb['connections']) + tuple( c['target'] for c in pb['connections']) used_types = ('audio', 'cv') device_capture = tuple( d for d in device_capture if d['type'] in used_types or d['symbol'] in ('serial_midi_in', 'midi_merger_out') or d['symbol'] in used_symbols) device_playback = tuple( d for d in device_playback if d['type'] in used_types or d['symbol'] in ( 'serial_midi_out', 'midi_broadcaster_in') or d['symbol'] in used_symbols) step = rint(height / (len(device_capture) + 1)) h = step for d in device_capture: d.update({'x': 0, 'y': h}) h = h + step h = step for d in device_playback: d.update({'x': width, 'y': h}) h = h + step # draw plugin cables and calculate connectors connectors = [] paths = [] for ix, c in enumerate(pb['connections']): # source source = next( (s for s in device_capture if s['symbol'] == c['source']), None) if source: source_connected_img = source['connected_img'] source_pos = anchor(source_connected_img.size, source['x'], source['y'], Anchor.LEFT_CENTER) source_x = source['x'] + source_connected_img.size[0] source_y = source['y'] source_type = source['type'] else: if '/' not in c['source']: continue source_i, source_s = c['source'].split('/') source = plugin_map[source_i] all_ports = source['data']['ports']['audio']['output'] + source[ 'data']['ports']['midi']['output'] + source['data']['ports'][ 'cv']['output'] port = next(p for p in all_ports if p['symbol'] == source_s) conn = port['connector'] source_connected_img = port['connected_img'] source_pos = (source['x'] + conn[0][0] - port['offset'][0], source['y'] + conn[0][1] - port['offset'][1]) source_x = source_pos[0] + source_connected_img.size[0] source_y = source_pos[1] + source_connected_img.size[1] / 2 source_type = port['type'] # target target = next( (t for t in device_playback if t['symbol'] == c['target']), None) if target: target_connected_img = target['connected_img'] target_pos = anchor(target_connected_img.size, target['x'], target['y'], Anchor.RIGHT_CENTER) target_x = target['x'] - target_connected_img.size[0] target_y = target['y'] target_type = target['type'] else: if '/' not in c['target']: continue target_i, target_s = c['target'].split('/') target = plugin_map[target_i] all_ports = target['data']['ports']['audio']['input'] + target[ 'data']['ports']['midi']['input'] + target['data']['ports'][ 'cv']['input'] port = next(p for p in all_ports if p['symbol'] == target_s) conn = port['connector'] target_connected_img = port['connected_img'] target_pos = (target['x'] + conn[0][0] - port['offset'][0], target['y'] + conn[0][1] - port['offset'][1]) target_x = target_pos[0] target_y = target_pos[1] + target_connected_img.size[1] / 2 target_type = port['type'] delta_x = target_x - source_x - 50 if delta_x < 0: delta_x = 8.5 * (delta_x / 6) else: delta_x /= 1.5 path = 'm{0},{1} c{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7}'.format( rint(source_x), rint(source_y), rint(target_x - delta_x - source_x), 0, rint(delta_x), rint(target_y - source_y), rint(target_x - source_x), rint(target_y - source_y)) paths.append((path, source_type, target_type)) connectors.append( (source_connected_img, (rint(source_pos[0]), rint(source_pos[1])), source_connected_img)) connectors.append( (target_connected_img, (rint(target_pos[0]), rint(target_pos[1])), target_connected_img)) # create image img ='RGBA', (width, height), (0, 0, 0, 0)) # draw device connectors for d in device_capture: img.paste(d['img'], anchor(d['img'].size, d['x'], d['y'], Anchor.LEFT_CENTER)) for d in device_playback: img.paste(d['img'], anchor(d['img'].size, d['x'], d['y'], Anchor.RIGHT_CENTER)) # draw all paths try: import aggdraw draw = aggdraw.Draw(img) audio_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#81009A', 7) midi_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#00546C', 7) cv_pen = aggdraw.Pen('#BB6736', 7) for path, source_type, target_type in paths: symbol = aggdraw.Symbol(path) pen = audio_pen if source_type == 'midi' or target_type == 'midi': pen = midi_pen elif source_type == 'cv' or target_type == 'cv': pen = cv_pen draw.symbol((0, 0), symbol, pen) draw.flush() except: print('Aggdraw failed') # draw all connectors for c in connectors: img.paste(*c) # draw plugins for p in plugins: img.paste(p['img'], (rint(p['x']), rint(p['y'])), p['img']), 'screenshot.png'), compress_level=3) resize_image(img), 'thumbnail.png')) img.close()
def __init__(self): QMainWindow.__init__(self) gCarla.gui = self URI = sys.argv[1] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal stuff self.fCurrentFrame = None self.fDocElemement = None self.fCanSetValues = False self.fNeedsShow = False self.fSizeSetup = False self.fQuitReceived = False self.fWasRepainted = False lv2_init() self.fPlugin = get_plugin_info(URI) self.fPorts = self.fPlugin['ports'] self.fPortSymbols = {} self.fPortValues = {} self.fParamTypes = {} self.fParamValues = {} for port in self.fPorts['control']['input']: self.fPortSymbols[port['index']] = (port['symbol'], False) self.fPortValues[port['index']] = port['ranges']['default'] for port in self.fPorts['control']['output']: self.fPortSymbols[port['index']] = (port['symbol'], True) self.fPortValues[port['index']] = port['ranges']['default'] for parameter in self.fPlugin['parameters']: if parameter['ranges'] is None: continue if parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 'b' elif parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 'i' elif parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 'l' elif parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 'f' elif parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 'g' elif parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 's' elif parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 'p' elif parameter['type'] == "": paramtype = 'u' else: continue if paramtype not in ('s', 'p', 'u') and parameter['ranges'][ 'minimum'] == parameter['ranges']['maximum']: continue self.fParamTypes[parameter['uri']] = paramtype self.fParamValues[ parameter['uri']] = parameter['ranges']['default'] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Init pipe if len(sys.argv) == 7: self.fPipeClient = gCarla.utils.pipe_client_new( lambda s, msg: self.msgCallback(msg)) else: self.fPipeClient = None # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Init Web server self.fWebServerThread = WebServerThread(self) self.fWebServerThread.start() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up GUI self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.fWebview = QWebView(self) #self.fWebview.setAttribute(Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, False) #self.fWebview.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True) self.setCentralWidget(self.fWebview) page = page.setViewportSize(QSize(980, 600)) mainFrame = page.mainFrame() mainFrame.setScrollBarPolicy(Qt.Horizontal, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) mainFrame.setScrollBarPolicy(Qt.Vertical, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) palette = self.fWebview.palette() palette.setBrush(QPalette.Base, palette.brush(QPalette.Window)) page.setPalette(palette) self.fWebview.setPalette(palette) settings = self.fWebview.settings() settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) self.fWebview.loadFinished.connect(self.slot_webviewLoadFinished) url = "" % (PORT, URI) print("url:", url) self.fWebview.load(QUrl(url)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connect actions to functions self.SIGTERM.connect(self.slot_handleSIGTERM) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Final setup self.fIdleTimer = self.startTimer(30) if self.fPipeClient is None: # testing, show UI only self.setWindowTitle("TestUI") self.fNeedsShow = True