Beispiel #1
def main():
    applicationResourceFile = '/hp/support/patches/resourceFiles/patchResourceFile'
    loggerName = 'patchLogger'
    patchResourceDict = init(applicationResourceFile, loggerName)
    logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName)
    options = patchResourceDict['options']
    if not options.p:
        print GREEN + 'Phase 2: Updating system with patches.' + RESETCOLORS
        osDistLevel = patchResourceDict['osDistLevel']
        if not options.k:
            if patchResourceDict['removeRPMs'] or patchResourceDict['addRPMs']:
    #from modules.oneOffs import OneOffs
                oneOffs = OneOffs(loggerName) # oneOffs
                if patchResourceDict['removeRPMs']:
                    if not oneOffs.removeRPMs(patchResourceDict.copy()):
                        print RED + BOLD + '\nProblems were encountered while removing the RPMs which were identified by the patch resource file for removal; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution.' + RESETCOLORS
                if patchResourceDict['addRPMs']:
                    if not oneOffs.addRPMs(patchResourceDict.copy()):
                        print RED + BOLD + '\nProblems were encountered while adding the RPMs which were identified by the patch resource file for addition; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution.' + RESETCOLORS
        original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
        original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)
    #from modules.applyPatches import ApplyPatches

		applyPatches = ApplyPatches()  # applyPatches
        s = SignalHandler(applyPatches)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s.signal_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, s.signal_handler)
        workerThread = Thread(target=applyPatches.applyPatches, args=(patchResourceDict['repositoryList'], loggerName))
        while 1:
            if not workerThread.is_alive():
                if applyPatches.getExitStatus() != 0:
            response = s.getResponse()
            if response != '':
                if response == 'y':

        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)
        print ''
        updateTaskStatusDict = {}
        if (options.a or options.k) and osDistLevel == 'SLES_SP4':
            print GREEN + "Phase 3: Updating the system's bootloader." + RESETCOLORS

    #from modules.createBootloaderConfigFile import configureBootLoader

            updateTaskStatusDict['configureBootLoader'] = configureBootLoader(loggerName)
        if (options.a or options.k) and osDistLevel == 'SLES_SP4':
            print GREEN + 'Phase 4: Updating the patch bundle information file.' + RESETCOLORS
            print GREEN + 'Phase 3: Updating the patch bundle information file.' + RESETCOLORS
    #from modules.updateReleaseInformation import updateVersionInformationFile

		if options.a:
            updateTaskStatusDict['updateVersionInformationFile'] = updateVersionInformationFile(patchResourceDict.copy(), 'all', loggerName)
Beispiel #2
def main():
    applicationResourceFile = '/hp/support/patches/resourceFiles/patchResourceFile'

    patchResourceDict = init(applicationResourceFile)

    logger = logging.getLogger("patchLogger")

    options = patchResourceDict['options']

    if not options.p:
        print GREEN + "Phase 2: Updating system with patches." + RESETCOLORS

        #Set traps so that the software update is not interrupted by the user.
        original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
        original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, signal_handler)

        #Apply patches to the system based on option(s) selected.

        #Restore the signals back to their defaults.
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)

        updateTaskStatusDict = {}

        #Configure the boot loader for the new kernel if option 'a' or 'k' were selected.
        if options.a or options.k:
            print GREEN + "Phase 3: Updating the system's bootloader." + RESETCOLORS
            updateTaskStatusDict['configureBootLoader'] = configureBootLoader()

        #Install the patch bundle release RPM.
        print GREEN + "Phase 4: Installing the patch bundle release RPM." + RESETCOLORS

        if options.a:
            updateTaskStatusDict['installReleaseRPM'] = installReleaseRPM(
        elif options.k:
            updateTaskStatusDict['installReleaseRPM'] = installReleaseRPM(
                patchResourceDict.copy(), 'kernel')
        elif options.o:
            updateTaskStatusDict['installReleaseRPM'] = installReleaseRPM(
                patchResourceDict.copy(), 'os')

        taskFailureList = ''

        #Now check if any of the update tasks failed and print hte appropriate message.
        for key, value in updateTaskStatusDict.iteritems():
            if value == 'Failure':
                if taskFailureList == '':
                    taskFailureList += key
                    taskFailureList += ', ' + key

        if taskFailureList == '':
            if patchResourceDict['postUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
                print GREEN + "\nThe system update has completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
                print PURPLE + BOLD + UNDERLINE + "Make sure to run the program again with the '-p' option after the system reboots to complete the update procedure!\n" + RESETCOLORS
                print GREEN + "\nThe system update has successfully completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
            if patchResourceDict['postUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
                print RED + BOLD + "\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed update tasks(" + taskFailureList + ") and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
                print PURPLE + BOLD + UNDERLINE + "Make sure to run the program again with the '-p' option after the system reboots to complete the update procedure!\n" + RESETCOLORS
                print RED + BOLD + "\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed update tasks(" + taskFailureList + ") and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
		Get the post update resume log, which contains information for the post update tasks.
		The following is a list of variables currently found in the post update resume log:
			isServiceguardSystem = 'yes or no'
			isFusionIOSystem = 'yes or no'
			firmwareUpdateRequired = 'yes or no'
			busList = '8c:00.0 8d:00.0 87:00.0 88:00.0'
            logBaseDir = (re.sub('\s+', '',
            postUpdateResumeLog = re.sub(
                '\s+', '', patchResourceDict['postUpdateResumeLog'])
            postUpdateResumeLog = logBaseDir + '/' + postUpdateResumeLog
        except KeyError as err:
            logger.error("The resource key (" + str(err) +
                         ") was not present in the resource file.")
            print RED + "The resource key for the post update resume log was not present in the resource file; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution." + RESETCOLORS

        resumeDict = {}

            with open(postUpdateResumeLog) as f:
                for line in f:
                    line = line.strip()
                    #Remove quotes.
                    line = re.sub('[\'"]', '', line)

                    #Ignore commented and blank lines.
                    if len(line) == 0 or re.match("^#", line):
                        (key, val) = line.split('=')
                        key = re.sub('\s+', '', key)
                        resumeDict[key] = val.lstrip()
        except IOError as err:
                "Unable to get the post update information from resume log.\n"
                + str(err))
            print RED + "Unable to get the post update information from resume log; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution." + RESETCOLORS

        #This is used for the phase numbering.  The count starts at two, since one was already used for the initialization message.
        count = 2

        #This is used to keep track of post update task completion status.

        postUpdateTaskStatusDict = {}

        if 'isServiceguardSystem' in resumeDict:
            if resumeDict['isServiceguardSystem'] == 'yes':
                print GREEN + "Phase " + str(
                ) + ": Building and installing the deadman driver." + RESETCOLORS
                    'buildDeadmanDriver'] = buildDeadmanDriver()
                count += 1

        if 'isFusionIOSystem' in resumeDict:
            if resumeDict['isFusionIOSystem'] == 'yes':
                if resumeDict['firmwareUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
                    print GREEN + "Phase " + str(
                    ) + ": Updating FusionIO firmware, driver, and software." + RESETCOLORS
                        'updateFusionIO'] = updateFusionIO(
                    print GREEN + "Phase " + str(
                    ) + ": Updating FusionIO driver and software." + RESETCOLORS
                        'updateFusionIO'] = updateFusionIO(

        taskFailureList = ''

        for key, value in postUpdateTaskStatusDict.iteritems():
            if value == 'Failure':
                if taskFailureList == '':
                    taskFailureList += key
                    taskFailureList += ', ' + key

        if taskFailureList == '':
            print GREEN + "\nThe system update has successfully completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
            print RED + BOLD + "\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed post update tasks(" + taskFailureList + ") and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
def main():
    applicationResourceFile = '/hp/support/patches/resourceFiles/patchResourceFile'
    loggerName = 'patchLogger'
    patchResourceDict = init(applicationResourceFile, loggerName)
    logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName)
    options = patchResourceDict['options']
    if not options.p:
        print GREEN + 'Phase 2: Updating system with patches.' + RESETCOLORS
        osDistLevel = patchResourceDict['osDistLevel']
        if not options.k:
            if patchResourceDict['removeRPMs'] or patchResourceDict['addRPMs']:
                oneOffs = OneOffs(loggerName)
                if not patchResourceDict['removeRPMs'] and oneOffs.removeRPMs(
                    print RED + BOLD + '\nProblems were encountered while removing the RPMs which were identified by the patch resource file for removal; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution.' + RESETCOLORS

            if patchResourceDict['addRPMs']:
                if not oneOffs.addRPMs(patchResourceDict.copy()):
                    print RED + BOLD + '\nProblems were encountered while adding the RPMs which were identified by the patch resource file for addition; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution.' + RESETCOLORS

    original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
    original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)
    applyPatches = ApplyPatches()
    s = SignalHandler(applyPatches)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s.signal_handler)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, s.signal_handler)
    workerThread = Thread(target=applyPatches.applyPatches,
    while None:
        if not workerThread.is_alive():
            if applyPatches.getExitStatus() != 0:
        response = s.getResponse()
        if response != '' or response == 'y':

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)
    print ''
    updateTaskStatusDict = {}
    if (options.a or options.k) and osDistLevel == 'SLES_SP4':
        print GREEN + "Phase 3: Updating the system's bootloader." + RESETCOLORS
        updateTaskStatusDict['configureBootLoader'] = configureBootLoader(
    if (options.a or options.k) and osDistLevel == 'SLES_SP4':
        print GREEN + 'Phase 4: Updating the patch bundle information file.' + RESETCOLORS
        print GREEN + 'Phase 3: Updating the patch bundle information file.' + RESETCOLORS
    if options.a:
            'updateVersionInformationFile'] = updateVersionInformationFile(
                patchResourceDict.copy(), 'all', loggerName)
    elif options.k:
            'updateVersionInformationFile'] = updateVersionInformationFile(
                patchResourceDict.copy(), 'kernel', loggerName)
    elif options.o:
            'updateVersionInformationFile'] = updateVersionInformationFile(
                patchResourceDict.copy(), 'os', loggerName)
    taskFailureList = ''
    for (key, value) in updateTaskStatusDict.iteritems():
        if value == 'Failure' or taskFailureList == '':
            taskFailureList += key
            taskFailureList += ', ' + key

    if taskFailureList == '':
        if patchResourceDict['postUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
            print GREEN + '\nThe system update has completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n' + RESETCOLORS
            print PURPLE + BOLD + UNDERLINE + "Make sure to run the program again with the '-p' option after the system reboots to complete the update procedure!\n" + RESETCOLORS
            print GREEN + '\nThe system update has successfully completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n' + RESETCOLORS
    elif patchResourceDict['postUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
        print RED + BOLD + '\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed update tasks (' + taskFailureList + ') and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n' + RESETCOLORS
        print PURPLE + BOLD + UNDERLINE + "Make sure to run the program again with the '-p' option after the system reboots to complete the update procedure!\n" + RESETCOLORS
        print RED + BOLD + '\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed update tasks (' + taskFailureList + ') and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n' + RESETCOLORS

        logBaseDir = re.sub('\\s+', '',
        postUpdateResumeLog = re.sub('\\s+', '',
        postUpdateResumeLog = logBaseDir + '/' + postUpdateResumeLog
    except KeyError:
        err = None
        logger.error('The resource key (' + str(err) +
                     ') was not present in the resource file.')
        print RED + 'The resource key for the post update resume log was not present in the resource file; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution.' + RESETCOLORS

    resumeDict = {}

        with open(postUpdateResumeLog) as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if len(line) == 0 and re.match('^\\s*#', line) or re.match(
                        '^\\s+$', line):
                line = re.sub('[\'"]', '', line)
                (key, val) = line.split('=')
                key = key.strip()
                resumeDict[key] = val.strip()
    except IOError:
        err = None
            'Unable to get the post update information from resume log.\n' +
        print RED + 'Unable to get the post update information from resume log; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution.' + RESETCOLORS

    count = 2
    postUpdateTaskStatusDict = {}
    if 'isServiceguardSystem' in resumeDict and resumeDict[
            'isServiceguardSystem'] == 'yes':
        original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
        original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)
        buildDeadmanDriver = BuildDeadmanDriver()
        s = SignalHandler(buildDeadmanDriver)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s.signal_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, s.signal_handler)
        print GREEN + 'Phase ' + str(
        ) + ': Building and installing the deadman driver.' + RESETCOLORS
        workerThread = Thread(target=buildDeadmanDriver.buildDeadmanDriver,
                              args=(loggerName, ))
        while None:
            if not workerThread.is_alive():
                    'buildDeadmanDriver'] = buildDeadmanDriver.getCompletionStatus(
            response = s.getResponse()
            if response != '' or response == 'y':

        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)
        count += 1

    if 'isFusionIOSystem' in resumeDict and resumeDict[
            'isFusionIOSystem'] == 'yes':
        original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
        original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)
        updateFusionIO = UpdateFusionIO()
        s = SignalHandler(updateFusionIO)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s.signal_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, s.signal_handler)
        if resumeDict['firmwareUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
            print GREEN + 'Phase ' + str(
            ) + ': Updating FusionIO firmware, driver, and software.' + RESETCOLORS
            workerThread = Thread(target=updateFusionIO.updateFusionIO,
                                  args=(patchResourceDict.copy(), loggerName),
            print GREEN + 'Phase ' + str(
            ) + ': Updating FusionIO driver and software.' + RESETCOLORS
            workerThread = Thread(target=updateFusionIO.updateFusionIO,
                                  args=(patchResourceDict.copy(), loggerName),
        while None:
            if not workerThread.is_alive():
                    'updateFusionIO'] = updateFusionIO.getCompletionStatus()
            response = s.getResponse()
            if response != '' or response == 'y':

        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)

    taskFailureList = ''
    for (key, value) in postUpdateTaskStatusDict.iteritems():
        if value == 'Failure' or taskFailureList == '':
            taskFailureList += key
            taskFailureList += ', ' + key

    if taskFailureList == '':
        print GREEN + '\nThe system update has successfully completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n' + RESETCOLORS
        print RED + BOLD + '\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed post update tasks (' + taskFailureList + ') and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n' + RESETCOLORS
Beispiel #4
def main():
	applicationResourceFile = '/hp/support/patches/resourceFiles/patchResourceFile'

	loggerName = 'patchLogger'

	patchResourceDict = init(applicationResourceFile, loggerName)

	logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName)

	options = patchResourceDict['options']

	if not options.p:
		print GREEN + "Phase 2: Updating system with patches." + RESETCOLORS
		#Get the current signal handlers so that they can be restored after the patches are installed.
		original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
		original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)

		#Instantiate the ApplyPatches class.  We will be passing its main function (applyPatches) to a worker thread.
		applyPatches = ApplyPatches()

		Setup signal handler to intercept SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
		Need to pass in a reference to the class object that will be peforming
		the update.  That way we gain access to the TimerThread so that it can be
		s = SignalHandler(applyPatches)

		signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s.signal_handler)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, s.signal_handler)

		#Create and start the worker thread.
		workerThread = Thread(target=applyPatches.applyPatches, args=(patchResourceDict['repositoryList'], loggerName,))

		#Wait for the thread to either stop or get interrupted.
		while 1:

			if not workerThread.is_alive():
				if applyPatches.getExitStatus() != 0:

			The response will be an empty string unless a signal was received.  If a signal is 
			received then response is either 'n' (Don't cancel patch update) or 'y' (Cancel patch update.).
			response = s.getResponse()

			if response != '':
				if response == 'y':

		signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
		signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)

		Move the cursor down one line for output formatting purposes, so next line
		does not appear on the same line as the previous line.
		print ''

		updateTaskStatusDict = {}

		#Configure the boot loader for the new kernel if option 'a' or 'k' were selected.
		if options.a or options.k:
			print GREEN + "Phase 3: Updating the system's bootloader." + RESETCOLORS
			updateTaskStatusDict['configureBootLoader'] = configureBootLoader(loggerName) 

		#Update the patch bundler version information file.
		if options.a or options.k:
			print GREEN + "Phase 4: Updating the patch bundle information file." + RESETCOLORS
			print GREEN + "Phase 3: Updating the patch bundle information file." + RESETCOLORS

		if options.a:
			updateTaskStatusDict['updateVersionInformationFile'] = updateVersionInformationFile(patchResourceDict.copy(), 'all', loggerName)
		elif options.k:
			updateTaskStatusDict['updateVersionInformationFile'] = updateVersionInformationFile(patchResourceDict.copy(), 'kernel', loggerName)
		elif options.o:
			updateTaskStatusDict['updateVersionInformationFile'] = updateVersionInformationFile(patchResourceDict.copy(), 'os', loggerName)

		taskFailureList = ''

		#Now check if any of the update tasks failed and print the appropriate message.
		for key, value in updateTaskStatusDict.iteritems():
			if value == 'Failure':
				if taskFailureList == '':
					taskFailureList += key
					taskFailureList += ', ' + key

		if taskFailureList == '':
			if patchResourceDict['postUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
				print GREEN + "\nThe system update has completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
				print PURPLE + BOLD + UNDERLINE + "Make sure to run the program again with the '-p' option after the system reboots to complete the update procedure!\n" + RESETCOLORS 
				print GREEN + "\nThe system update has successfully completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
			if patchResourceDict['postUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
				print RED + BOLD + "\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed update tasks (" + taskFailureList + ") and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
				print PURPLE + BOLD + UNDERLINE + "Make sure to run the program again with the '-p' option after the system reboots to complete the update procedure!\n" + RESETCOLORS 
				print RED + BOLD + "\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed update tasks (" + taskFailureList + ") and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
		Get the post update resume log, which contains information for the post update tasks.
		The following is a list of variables currently found in the post update resume log:
			isServiceguardSystem = 'yes or no'
			isFusionIOSystem = 'yes or no'
			firmwareUpdateRequired = 'yes or no'
			busList = '8c:00.0 8d:00.0 87:00.0 88:00.0'
			logBaseDir = (re.sub('\s+', '', patchResourceDict['logBaseDir'])).rstrip('/')
			postUpdateResumeLog = re.sub('\s+', '', patchResourceDict['postUpdateResumeLog'])
			postUpdateResumeLog = logBaseDir + '/' + postUpdateResumeLog
		except KeyError as err:
			logger.error("The resource key (" + str(err) + ") was not present in the resource file.")
			print RED + "The resource key for the post update resume log was not present in the resource file; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution." + RESETCOLORS

		resumeDict = {}

			with open(postUpdateResumeLog) as f:
				for line in f:
					line = line.strip()
					#Ignore commented and blank lines.
					if len(line) == 0 or re.match("^#", line):
						#Remove quotes.
						line = re.sub('[\'"]', '', line)

						(key, val) = line.split('=')
						key = re.sub('\s+', '', key)
						#Remove space on left before assigning.
						resumeDict[key] = val.lstrip()
		except IOError as err:
			logger.error("Unable to get the post update information from resume log.\n" + str(err))
			print RED + "Unable to get the post update information from resume log; check the log file for errors; exiting program execution." + RESETCOLORS

		#This is used for the phase numbering.  The count starts at two, since one was already used for the initialization message.
		count = 2

		#This is used to keep track of post update task completion status.
		postUpdateTaskStatusDict = {}

		if 'isServiceguardSystem' in resumeDict:
			if resumeDict['isServiceguardSystem'] == 'yes':
				#Get the current signal handlers so that they can be restored after the deadman driver is built/installed.
				original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
				original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)

				#Instantiate the BuildDeadmanDriver class.  We will be passing its main function (buildDeadmanDriver) to a worker thread.
				buildDeadmanDriver = BuildDeadmanDriver()

				Setup signal handler to intercept SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
				Need to pass in a reference to the class object that will be peforming
				the update.  That way we gain access to the TimerThread so that it can be
				s = SignalHandler(buildDeadmanDriver)

				signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s.signal_handler)
				signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, s.signal_handler)

				#Create and start the worker thread.
				print GREEN + "Phase " + str(count) + ": Building and installing the deadman driver." + RESETCOLORS
				workerThread = Thread(target=buildDeadmanDriver.buildDeadmanDriver, args=(loggerName,))

				#Wait for the thread to either stop or get interrupted.
				while 1:

					if not workerThread.is_alive():
						postUpdateTaskStatusDict['buildDeadmanDriver'] = buildDeadmanDriver.getCompletionStatus()

					The response will be an empty string unless a signal was received.  If a signal is
					received then response is either 'n' (Don't cancel the build/install) or 'y' (Cancel the build/install.).
					response = s.getResponse()

					if response != '':
						if response == 'y':

				signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
				signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)

				count += 1

		if 'isFusionIOSystem' in resumeDict:
			if resumeDict['isFusionIOSystem'] == 'yes':
                                #Get the current signal handlers so that they can be restored after the FusionIO software and driver are installed.
                                original_sigint_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
                                original_sigquit_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGQUIT)

                                #Instantiate the UpdateFusionIO class.  We will be passing its main function (updateFusionIO) to a worker thread.
                                updateFusionIO = UpdateFusionIO()

                                Setup signal handler to intercept SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
                                Need to pass in a reference to the class object that will be peforming
                                the update.  That way we gain access to the TimerThread so that it can be
                                s = SignalHandler(updateFusionIO)

                                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, s.signal_handler)
                                signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, s.signal_handler)

                                #Create and start the worker thread.
				if resumeDict['firmwareUpdateRequired'] == 'yes':
					print GREEN + "Phase " + str(count) + ": Updating FusionIO firmware, driver, and software." + RESETCOLORS
					workerThread = Thread(target=updateFusionIO.updateFusionIO, args=(patchResourceDict.copy(), loggerName,), kwargs={'firmwareUpdateRequired' : resumeDict['firmwareUpdateRequired'], 'busList' : resumeDict['busList']})
					print GREEN + "Phase " + str(count) + ": Updating FusionIO driver and software." + RESETCOLORS
					postUpdateTaskStatusDict['updateFusionIO'] = updateFusionIO(patchResourceDict.copy(), loggerName, firmwareUpdateRequired = resumeDict['firmwareUpdateRequired'])
					workerThread = Thread(target=updateFusionIO.updateFusionIO, args=(patchResourceDict.copy(), loggerName,), kwargs={'firmwareUpdateRequired' : resumeDict['firmwareUpdateRequired']})

                                #Wait for the thread to either stop or get interrupted.
                                while 1:

                                        if not workerThread.is_alive():
                                                postUpdateTaskStatusDict['updateFusionIO'] = updateFusionIO.getCompletionStatus()

                                        The response will be an empty string unless a signal was received.  If a signal is
                                        received then response is either 'n' (Don't cancel the update) or 'y' (Cancel the update.).
                                        response = s.getResponse()

                                        if response != '':
                                                if response == 'y':

                                signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_sigint_handler)
                                signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, original_sigquit_handler)

		taskFailureList = ''

		for key, value in postUpdateTaskStatusDict.iteritems():
			if value == 'Failure':
				if taskFailureList == '':
					taskFailureList += key
					taskFailureList += ', ' + key

		if taskFailureList == '':
			print GREEN + "\nThe system update has successfully completed.  Reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS
			print RED + BOLD + "\nThe system update failed to complete successfully.  Address the failed post update tasks (" + taskFailureList + ") and then reboot the system for the changes to take affect.\n" + RESETCOLORS