def plot_intersection_matrix(elements: List[CMapMatrixElement], index, save):
    # fig = graph.plot_matrix_cmap_plain(
    #     elements, nvalves, nrows, "Valve Sequence", "sample x" + str(rowskip), "valves",  xlabels, ylabels)
    fig = graph.plot_matrix_cmap_plain(elements, nvalves, nrows, "", "",
                                       "valves", xlabels, ylabels, None)
    if save:
        graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/valve_sequence_" + str(index))
def plot_data(x, y, xheader, yheader):
    tss = create_timeseries(y, yheader)

    tss2 = create_timeseries(x, xheader)

    # print(json.dumps(acc, indent=2))

    # fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi(tss, "valve sequence", "samples [x0.1s]", "position [%]", False)

    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2(
        [tss, tss2], ["valve sequence", "sensor output"], "samples [x0.1s]",
        ["position [%]", "flow [L/h]"], (9, 16))

    graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/valve_sequence_" + filename)
Beispiel #3
                    nrowskip = 0
                    nrows += 1
                    for e in elements_buffer:

# print(elements)

# quit()

xlabels = [("v" + str(i + 1)) for i in range(nvalves)]
ylabels = [(str(int(i * rowskip / 100))) for i in range(nrows)]
# xlabels = []
# ylabels = []

# intersection_matrix = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(max_val, max_val))
intersection_matrix = np.zeros((nvalves, nrows))

# print(intersection_matrix)

for e in elements:
    intersection_matrix[e.i][e.j] = e.val


fig = graph.plot_matrix_cmap_plain(elements, nvalves, nrows, "Valve Sequence",
                                   "sample x" + str(rowskip), "valves",
                                   xlabels, ylabels, None, None)
graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/valve_sequence")
    csvoutput = ""
    for e in vect:
        # print(e)
        csvoutput += e + "," + \
            str(vect[e]["avg"]["acc"]) + "," + str(vect[e]["top"]["acc"]) + \
            "," + str(vect[e]["avg"]["dt"]) + "," + str(vect[e]["avg"]
                                                        ["fsize"]) + "," + str(vect[e]["top_file"]) + "\n"

    return csvoutput

csvoutput = extract_csv(acc_train_vect)

with open("./data/output/eval_" + output_filename + "_train.csv", "w") as f:

csvoutput = extract_csv(acc_test_vect)

with open("./data/output/eval_" + output_filename + "_test.csv", "w") as f:

# print(csvoutput)

tss = create_barseries([acc_train_vect, acc_test_vect], ["train", "test"])

fig = graph.plot_barchart_multi(
    tss, "model", "accuracy", "Average accuracy (Naive Bayes)",
    ["1-N-80%", "1-N-1-80%", "1-N-1-50%", "GRAY-80%"], [70, 120])

graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/mean_accuracy_" + output_filename)
Beispiel #5
def plot_intersection_matrix(elements, index, nrows, ncols, save, scale):
    fig = graph.plot_matrix_cmap_plain(
        elements, nrows, ncols, "Sequence evaluation", "sample bins", "",  xlabels, ylabels, scale, (16,7))
    if save:
        graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/valve_sequence_random_prediction")
def plot_intersection_matrix2(elements, index, nrows, ncols, save, scale):
    fig = graph.plot_matrix_cmap_plain(elements, nrows, ncols, "", "", "",
                                       xlabels, ylabels, scale, None)
    if save:
        graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/valve_sequence_" + str(index))
Beispiel #7
def extract_csv(vect):
    csvoutput = ""
    for e in vect:
        # print(e)
        csvoutput += e + "," + \
            str(vect[e]["avg"]) + "," + str(vect[e]["top"]) + \
            "," + str(vect[e]["top_file"]) + "\n"

    return csvoutput

csvoutput = extract_csv(acc_train_vect)

with open("./data/output/eval_dtree_1_train.csv", "w") as f:

csvoutput = extract_csv(acc_test_vect)

with open("./data/output/eval_dtree_1_test.csv", "w") as f:

# print(csvoutput)

tss = create_barseries([acc_train_vect, acc_test_vect], ["train", "test"])

fig = graph.plot_barchart_multi(
    tss, "model", "accuracy", "Average accuracy (decision tree)",
    ["1-N-80%", "1-N-1-80%", "1-N-1-50%", "GRAY-80%"], [70, 120])

graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/mean_accuracy_dtree_1")
Beispiel #8

    # tss = create_timeseries(np.concatenate((x,y), axis=1), np.concatenate((xheader,yheader)))

    tss = create_timeseries(y, yheader)

    x = remove_outliers(x)

    tss2 = create_timeseries(x, xheader)

    # print(json.dumps(acc, indent=2))

    # fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi(tss, "valve sequence", "samples [x0.1s]", "position [%]", False)

    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2(
        [tss, tss2], ["valve sequence", "sensor output"], "samples [x0.1s]",
        ["position [%]", "flow [L/h]"])

    graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/valve_sequence_" + filename)

    # x = remove_outliers(x)
    # tss = create_timeseries(x, xheader)

    # fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi(tss, "sensor output", "samples [x0.1s]", "flow [L/h]", False)

    # graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/sensor_output")
    # graph.plot_timeseries(ts, "title", "x", "y")

    # quit()
    res2 = [[e[1], gstdev_pump] for e in res]
    tss7 = create_timeseries(res2, header_aux)


    # head = ["", "", "", ""]
    # axhead = ["yk (avg)", "yk (stdev)", "uk (avg)", "uk (stdev)"]
    # fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss4, tss5, tss6, tss7], head, "samples [x0.1s]", axhead)

    # quit()
    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2(
        [tss1, tss2, tss3], ["valve sequence", "sensor output", "pump output"],
        "samples [x0.1s]", ["model", "flow [L/h]", "pump [%]"], (16, 16))

    # fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss1, tss2, tss3, tss4, tss5], [
    #                                           "valve sequence", "sensor output", "pump output", "mean", "stdev"], "samples [x0.1s]", ["model", "flow [L/h]", "pump [%]", "mean [L/h]", "stdev"])

    graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/control" + filename)

    # x = remove_outliers(x)
    # tss = create_timeseries(x, xheader)

    # fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi(tss, "sensor output", "samples [x0.1s]", "flow [L/h]", False)

    # graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/sensor_output")
    # graph.plot_timeseries(ts, "title", "x", "y")

    # quit()
def run_clustering(x, times, xheader):
    # for each node, split the data into days (2400 samples) => 2D

    # for each node get 2 clusters
    # then combine all clusters to get 2 final clusters
    # print([t.timestamp() for t in times[:10]])
    # quit()

    # print(xheader)

    # seconds, time based
    # t_day = 240
    t_day = 480
    # n_day = 2400
    # n_day = 4800
    n_day = 9600
    # n_skip = 200
    # n_skip = 400
    n_skip = 1

    sx = np.shape(x)
    sd = int(math.ceil(sx[0] / n_day))
    n3 = int(n_day / n_skip)
    xd = np.zeros((sx[1], sd + 1, n3))

    xheader1 = ["day " + str(d) for d in range(sd + 1)]

    xlabels = []

    day = 0

    for k in range(sx[1]):
        # for each sample
        t0 = times[0].timestamp()
        sample = 0
        day = 0
        xk = x[:, k]
        xk = normalize(xk, False)

        for j in range(sx[0]):
                xd[k][day][sample] = xk[j]
                print("exception at [" + str(k) + "," + str(day) + "," +
                      str(sample) + "]")

            sample += 1

            # check days
            t1 = times[j].timestamp()
            if t1 - t0 >= t_day:
                t0 = t1
                sample = 0
                day += 1


    for row in xd[0][1:]:

    # quit()
    ncons = sx[1]
    # ncons = 1

    cons = range(ncons)
    # cons = [2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]
    cons = [4, 5, 7]

    trim = False
    trim = True

    # for each node

    plot_each = False
    # plot_each = True

    xc_vect = []

    for k in cons:


        # plot daily demands

        if trim:
            xt = np.transpose(xd[k][1:-1])
            xt = np.transpose(xd[k])

        title = "consumer #" + str(k + 1) + " patterns"

        if plot_each:
            tss = create_timeseries(xt, xheader1)
            fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss], [title],
                                                      "samples [x0.1s]",
                                                      ["flow [L/h]"], None)

        xt = np.transpose(xt)
        nc = 2
        X, kmeans, _, _ = clustering.clustering_kmeans(xt, nc)
        xc = np.transpose(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
        # print(xc)
        xheader2 = [str(e + 1) for e in range(nc)]
        # print(xheader2)

        # x = x[:10000]
        # xc = remove_outliers(xc)


        # x = [list(x[:,0])]
        # x = np.transpose([x[:,0]])
        # xheader = [xheader[0]]
        # # print(x)
        # print(xheader)

        if plot_each:
            tss = create_timeseries(xc, xheader2)
            fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss], [title],
                                                      "samples [x0.1s]",
                                                      ["flow [L/h]"], None)

    xc_vect = np.array(xc_vect)

    xcs = np.shape(xc_vect)
    xc_vect = xc_vect.reshape(xcs[0] * xcs[2], xcs[1])

    # xc_vect = np.transpose(xc_vect)
    # quit()
    # nc = 12
    nc = 2
    X, kmeans, _, _ = clustering.clustering_kmeans(xc_vect, nc)
    xc = np.transpose(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
    xheader2 = [str(e + 1) for e in range(nc)]

    hours = np.linspace(0, t_day / 2, (np.shape(xc))[0])
    xlabels = [[e for e in hours] for i in range(nc)]
    xlabels = np.array(xlabels)
    xlabels = np.transpose(xlabels)


    # quit()

    title = "consumer patterns"

    tss = create_timeseries(xc, xheader2, xlabels)
    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss], [title],
                                              "day [240s => 24h]",
                                              ["flow [0-1]"], None)

    graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/consumer_patterns_all_2")
Beispiel #11
            tss_valves = create_timeseries(data_valves_b, header_valves)
            tss_flow = create_timeseries(data_flow_b, header_flow)
            tss_pump = create_timeseries(data_pump_b, header_pump)

            if xy:
                data_flow_b = data_flow_b[:-50]
                data_pump_b = data_pump_b[:-50]
                tss_xy = create_timeseries(data_flow_b, header_pump, data_pump_b)
                fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss_xy], ["sensor output", "pump output"], "samples [x0.1s]", ["flow [L/h]", "pump [%]"], (16,16), not save, i)
                if len(bookmarks) == 2:
                    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss_valves, tss_flow, tss_pump], [
                                                            "valve sequence", "sensor output", "pump output"], "samples [x0.1s]", ["model", "flow [L/h]", "pump [%]"], (16,16), not save, i)
                    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss_flow, tss_pump], ["sensor output", "pump output"], "samples [x0.1s]", ["flow [L/h]", "pump [%]"], (16,16), not save, i)

            app1 = ""
            if xy:
                app1 = "_xy"
            if save:
                if len(bookmarks) == 2:
                    graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/ident_" + title + "_" + filename + app1 + "_full")
                    loader.save_csv(data_flow_b, "./data/output/ident_flow_" + title + "_" + filename + app1 + "_full.csv")
                    loader.save_csv(data_pump_b, "./data/output/ident_pump_" + title + "_" + filename + app1 + "_full.csv")
                    if i%2 == 1 or not skip2:
                        graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/ident_" + title + "_" + filename + app1 + "_" + str(i))
                        loader.save_csv(data_flow_b, "./data/output/ident_flow_" + title + "_" + filename + app1 + "_" + str(i) + ".csv")
                        loader.save_csv(data_pump_b, "./data/output/ident_pump_" + title + "_" + filename + app1 + "_" + str(i) + ".csv")
Beispiel #12
    # end_index = 9600
    # end_index = 4800 * 5

    x = x[start_index:, :]
    y = y[start_index:, :]

    if end_index is not None:
        x = x[:end_index, :]
        y = y[:end_index, :]

    sx = np.shape(x)
    sy = np.shape(y)


    # plot_data(x, y, xheader, yheader)

    x_poly, y_poly_pred, rmse, r2 = fit_model(x, y, 0)

    tss_xy = create_timeseries(y, ["data"], x)
    plot_tss = [tss_xy[0]]
    if add_mean:
        tss_xy_poly = create_timeseries(y_poly_pred, ["mean: " + str(int(y_poly_pred[0]))], x)
        tss_xy_poly[0].color = "orange"
    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi(i, plot_tss, titles[i], xheader[0], yheader[0], scales[i], (10, 8))
    graph.save_figure(fig, titles[i])
    ncols += 1

    fig, ax = graph.get_n_ax(4, (10, 9), [5, 5, 1, 1])
    # fig, ax = graph.get_n_ax(3, None)

    qs = [0]

    lastq = data1_orig[0]
    # print(lastq)
    for i, d in enumerate(data1_orig):
        if d != lastq:
            lastq = d

    graph.plot_timeseries_ax(tss2[0], "", "", "flow [L/h]", fig, ax[0], qs)
    graph.plot_timeseries_ax(tss3[0], "", "", "pump [%]", fig, ax[1], qs)

    # tab10
    plot_intersection_matrix_ax(elements_models, 0, nrows, ncols, None, fig,
                                ax[2], False, "viridis_r", ["model "],
                                [(" ") for i in range(n_bins)], "", "")

    plot_intersection_matrix_ax(elements_combined, 1, nrows, ncols, (0, 1),
                                fig, ax[3], False, "Blues", ["acc % "],
                                [(" ") for i in range(n_bins)],
                                "samples [x0.1s]", "")


    graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/control_integration" + filename)
Beispiel #14
    #                                           "valve sequence", "sensor output", "pump output", "mean", "stdev"], "samples [x0.1s]", ["model", "flow [L/h]", "pump [%]", "mean [L/h]", "stdev"], (16,16))

    trim_ts(tss1, start_index, stop_index)
    trim_ts(tss2, start_index, stop_index)
    trim_ts(tss3, start_index, stop_index)
    trim_ts(tss4, start_index_bm, stop_index_bm)
    trim_ts(tss5, start_index_bm, stop_index_bm)
    trim_ts(tss6, start_index_bm, stop_index_bm)
    trim_ts(tss7, start_index_bm, stop_index_bm)

    head = ["control metrics (" + title + ")", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
    axhead = ["valve sequence", "flow [L/h]", "pump [%]"]
    fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2([tss1, tss2, tss3], head,
                                              "sample [x0.1 s]", axhead,
                                              (16, 16))
    graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/control_" + filename)

    if show_extra:
        head = [
            "control metrics (" + title + " - local averages)", "", "", "", "",
            "", ""
        axhead = [
            "valve sequence", "sensor output", "pump output", "flow [L/h]",
            "stdev [L/h]", "pump [%]", "stdev [%]"
        fig, _ = graph.plot_timeseries_multi_sub2(
            [tss1, tss2, tss3, tss4, tss5, tss6, tss7], head, "sequence step",
            axhead, (16, 16))
        head = ["control metrics (" + title + " - local averages)", "", "", ""]
        ts: Timeseries = Timeseries()
        ts.label = key
        ts.color = colors[ck]
        ck += 1
        if ck >= len(colors):
            ck = 0
        for (i, val) in enumerate(acc[key]):
            ts.x.append(i + 1)
        # print(len(ts.y))
        ts = None
    return tss

tss = create_timeseries(acc)
print(json.dumps(acc, indent=2))

labels = [key for key in acc]

labels = ["1-N-80%", "1-N-1-80%", "1-N-1-50%", "GRAY-80%"]

fig = graph.plot_barchart(labels, [acc[key][0] * 100 for key in acc], "model",
                          "accuracy [%]", "Max accuracy (deep learning)",

graph.save_figure(fig, "./figs/accuracy_models_comp")

# graph.plot_timeseries_multi(tss, "deep learning", "run", "accuracy", False)

# graph.stem_timeseries_multi(tss, "deep learning", "run", "accuracy", True)