Beispiel #1
def internal_scrapers_order_choice():
    import xbmcgui
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    window = xbmcgui.Window(10000)
    try: current_ordering = window.getProperty('FEN_internal_scrapers_order').split(', ')
    except: current_ordering = ['']
    if len(current_ordering) != 4:
        from modules.settings import internal_scraper_order
        current_ordering = internal_scraper_order()
    default = [('FILES', current_ordering.index("FILES")),
               ('FURK', current_ordering.index("FURK")),
               ('EASYNEWS', current_ordering.index("EASYNEWS")),
               ('CLOUD', current_ordering.index("CLOUD"))]
    choices = sorted(default, key=lambda x: x[1])
    adjust_scraper = selection_dialog([i[0] for i in choices], [i[0] for i in choices], 'Fen - Choose Scraper to Change Order')
    if not adjust_scraper: return window.clearProperty('FEN_internal_scrapers_order')
    choices = [('Place [B]%s[/B] 1st' % adjust_scraper, (0, current_ordering.index(adjust_scraper))),
               ('Place [B]%s[/B] 2nd' % adjust_scraper, (1, current_ordering.index(adjust_scraper))),
               ('Place [B]%s[/B] 3rd' % adjust_scraper, (2, current_ordering.index(adjust_scraper))),
               ('Place [B]%s[/B] 4th' % adjust_scraper, (3, current_ordering.index(adjust_scraper)))]
    positioning_info = selection_dialog([i[0] for i in choices], [i[1] for i in choices], 'Fen - Choose %s Scraper Position' % adjust_scraper)
    if not positioning_info: return internal_scrapers_order_choice()
    new_position = positioning_info[0]
    current_position = positioning_info[1]
    current_ordering.insert(new_position, current_ordering.pop(current_position))
    new_order_setting = (', ').join(current_ordering)
    window.setProperty('FEN_internal_scrapers_order', new_order_setting)
    toggle_setting('internal_scrapers_order', new_order_setting)
    return internal_scrapers_order_choice()
Beispiel #2
def toggle_jump_to():
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting, notification
    from modules.settings import nav_jump_use_alphabet
    use_alphabet = nav_jump_use_alphabet()
    (setting, new_action) = ('0', 'PAGE') if use_alphabet == True else ('1', 'ALPHABET')
    toggle_setting(setting_id='nav_jump', setting_value=setting, refresh=True)
    notification('Jump To Action Switched to [B]%s[/B]' % new_action)
Beispiel #3
def switch_settings():
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting, settings_layout
    choices = ('Basic', 'Advanced (Multiple Submenus)')
    choice = selection_dialog(choices, choices, 'Fen - Choose Settings Layout')
    if choice:
        toggle_setting('settings_layout', choice)
Beispiel #4
def scraper_quality_color_choice():
    try: from urlparse import parse_qsl
    except ImportError: from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?','')))
    setting = params['setting']
    dialog = 'Please Choose Color for Scraper Quality Highlight'
    chosen_color = color_chooser(dialog)
    if chosen_color: toggle_setting(setting, chosen_color)
Beispiel #5
def scraper_dialog_color_choice():
    try: from urlparse import parse_qsl
    except ImportError: from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?','')))
    setting ='int_dialog_highlight' if params['setting'] == 'internal' else 'ext_dialog_highlight'
    dialog = 'Please Choose Color for Internal Scrapers Progress Dialog Highlight'
    chosen_color = color_chooser(dialog)
    if chosen_color: toggle_setting(setting, chosen_color)
Beispiel #6
def set_autoplay_hevc():
    from modules.settings import active_scrapers
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    options = ['Include', 'Exclude', 'Prefer']
    options_choice = selection_dialog(options, options, 'Choose HEVC Autoplay Setting')
    if options_choice < 0: return
    return toggle_setting('autoplay_hevc', options_choice)
Beispiel #7
def set_display_mode():
    test = "Directory|Very Simple Directory|Dialog"
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    names = ('Directory', 'Very Simple Directory', 'Dialog')
    settings = ('0', '1', '2')
    choice = selection_dialog(names, settings, 'Fen - Choose Display Mode')
    if choice: return toggle_setting('display_mode', choice)
Beispiel #8
def set_quality(quality_setting=None):
    try: from urlparse import parse_qsl
    except ImportError: from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
    params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?','')))
    quality_setting = quality_setting if quality_setting else params['quality_setting']
    string = 'Please Choose Autoplay Filters' if quality_setting == 'autoplay' else 'Please Choose Result Filters:'
    setting = 'autoplay_quality' if quality_setting == 'autoplay' else 'results_quality'
    dl = ['Include SD', 'Include 720p', 'Include 1080p', 'Include 4K']
    fl = ['SD', '720p', '1080p', '4K']
    try: preselect = [fl.index(i) for i in __addon__.getSetting(setting).split(', ')]
    except: preselect = []
    filters = multiselect_dialog(string, dl, fl, preselect)
    if filters is None: return
    if filters == []:
        import xbmcgui
        xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('FEN Filters', 'You must select at least 1 Filter Setting.', '', 'Please Retry.....')
        return set_quality(quality_setting)
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    toggle_setting(setting, ', '.join(filters))
Beispiel #9
def scraper_color_choice():
    try: from urlparse import parse_qsl
    except ImportError: from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?','')))
    choices = [('furk', 'provider.furk_colour'),
                ('easynews', 'provider.easynews_colour'),
                ('pm-cloud', ''),
                ('rd-cloud', 'provider.rd-cloud_colour'),
                ('ad-cloud', ''),
                ('local', 'provider.local_colour'),
                ('downloads', 'provider.downloads_colour'),
                ('folders', 'provider.folders_colour'),
                ('premium', 'prem.identify'),
                ('torrent', 'torrent.identify'),
                ('second_line', 'secondline.identify')]
    title, setting = [(i[0], i[1]) for i in choices if i[0] == params.get('setting')][0]
    dialog = 'Please Choose Color for %s Results Highlight' % title.upper()
    chosen_color = color_chooser(dialog, no_color=True)
    if chosen_color: toggle_setting(setting, chosen_color)
Beispiel #10
def enable_scrapers():
    from modules.settings import active_scrapers
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    scrapers = ['external', 'furk', 'easynews', 'pm-cloud', 'rd-cloud', 'ad-cloud', 'local', 'downloads', 'folder1', 'folder2', 'folder3', 'folder4', 'folder5']
    preselect = [scrapers.index(i) for i in active_scrapers()]
    scrapers_dialog = ['%s (%s)' % (x, __addon__.getSetting('folder1.display_name')) if x=='folder1' else x for x in scrapers]
    scrapers_dialog = ['%s (%s)' % (x, __addon__.getSetting('folder2.display_name')) if x=='folder2' else x for x in scrapers_dialog]
    scrapers_dialog = ['%s (%s)' % (x, __addon__.getSetting('folder3.display_name')) if x=='folder3' else x for x in scrapers_dialog]
    scrapers_dialog = ['%s (%s)' % (x, __addon__.getSetting('folder4.display_name')) if x=='folder4' else x for x in scrapers_dialog]
    scrapers_dialog = ['%s (%s)' % (x, __addon__.getSetting('folder5.display_name')) if x=='folder5' else x for x in scrapers_dialog]
    scrapers_dialog = [i.upper() for i in scrapers_dialog]
    scraper_choice = multiselect_dialog('Choose Fen Scrapers', scrapers_dialog, scrapers, preselect=preselect)
    if scraper_choice is None: return
    return [toggle_setting('provider.%s' % i, ('true' if i in scraper_choice else 'false')) for i in scrapers]
Beispiel #11
def subscriptions_update_interval():
    try: from urlparse import parse_qsl
    except ImportError: from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    import time
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from modules.nav_utils import open_settings
    params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?','')))
    subscription_timer = __addon__.getSetting('subscription_timer')
    if params['update_type'] == 'interval':
        subscriptions_update_label = 'subscriptions_update_label1'
        intervals = [('1 Hour', 1), ('2 Hours', 2), ('4 Hours', 4), ('8 Hours', 8), ('12 Hours', 12), ('16 Hours', 16), ('24 Hours', 24)]
        try: last_run_time = datetime.strptime(__addon__.getSetting('service_time'), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - timedelta(hours=int(subscription_timer))
        except TypeError: last_run_time = datetime(*(time.strptime(__addon__.getSetting('service_time'), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[0:6])) - timedelta(hours=int(subscription_timer))
        choice = selection_dialog([i[0] for i in intervals], intervals, 'Fen - Choose Subscription Update Interval')
        if not choice: choice = ('24 Hours', 24)
        interval = str(choice[1])
        interval_display = choice[0]
        new_run_time = last_run_time + timedelta(hours=int(interval))
        new_run_time = new_run_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        subscriptions_update_label = 'subscriptions_update_label2'
        intervals = []
        for i in range(24): intervals.append(('%02d:00' % i, i))
        choice = selection_dialog([i[0] for i in intervals], intervals, 'Fen - Choose Daily Subscription Update Time')
        if not choice: choice = ('06:00', 6)
        sub_hour = choice[1]
        interval_display = choice[0]
        interval = subscription_timer
        now =
        sub_day = + 1 if sub_hour == 0 else
        new_run_time = now.replace(day=sub_day, hour=sub_hour, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) + timedelta(days=1)
        difference = new_run_time - now
        if '1 day' in str(difference): new_run_time = now.replace(day=sub_day, hour=sub_hour, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
        new_run_time = new_run_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    toggle_setting('subscription_timer', interval)
    toggle_setting(subscriptions_update_label, interval_display)
    toggle_setting('service_time', new_run_time)
    return open_settings('8.7')
Beispiel #12
def next_episode_context_choice():
    from modules.utils import selection_dialog
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting, build_url
    params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?', '')))
    content_settings = settings.nextep_content_settings()
    display_settings = settings.nextep_display_settings()
    airdate_replacement = [('%d-%m-%Y', 'Day-Month-Year'),
                           ('%Y-%m-%d', 'Year-Month-Day'),
                           ('%m-%d-%Y', 'Month-Day-Year')]
    sort_type_status = ('Recently Watched', 'Airdate',
    sort_order_status = ('Descending',
    toggle_sort_order_SETTING = ('nextep.sort_order',
                                 ('0' if sort_order_status == 'Ascending' else
    cache_to_disk_status = str(content_settings['cache_to_disk'])
    toggle_cache_to_disk_SETTING = ('nextep.cache_to_disk',
                                    ('true' if cache_to_disk_status == 'False'
                                     else 'false'))
    unaired_status = str(content_settings['include_unaired'])
    toggle_unaired_SETTING = ('nextep.include_unaired',
                               if unaired_status == 'False' else 'false'))
    unwatched_status = str(content_settings['include_unwatched'])
    toggle_unwatched_SETTING = ('nextep.include_unwatched',
                                 if unwatched_status == 'False' else 'false'))
    airdate_status = str(display_settings['include_airdate'])
    toggle_airdate_SETTING = ('nextep.include_airdate',
                               if airdate_status == 'False' else 'false'))
    airdate_format = settings.nextep_airdate_format()
    airdate_format_status = [
        airdate_format.replace(i[0], i[1]) for i in airdate_replacement
        if i[0] == airdate_format
    airdate_highlight = display_settings['airdate_colour'].capitalize()
    unaired_highlight = display_settings['unaired_colour'].capitalize()
    unwatched_highlight = display_settings['unwatched_colour'].capitalize()
    choices = [
        ('MANAGE IN PROGRESS SHOWS', 'manage_in_progress'),
        ('SORT TYPE: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % sort_type_status,
         'Sort Type'),
        ('SORT ORDER: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % sort_order_status,
        ('CACHE TO DISK: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % cache_to_disk_status,
        ('INCLUDE UNAIRED EPISODES: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' %
         unaired_status, 'toggle_unaired'),
        ('INCLUDE WATCHLIST/UNWATCHED TV: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' %
         unwatched_status, 'toggle_unwatched'),
        ('INCLUDE AIRDATE: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % airdate_status,
        ('AIRDATE FORMAT: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % airdate_format_status,
         'Airdate Format'),
        ('AIRDATE HIGHLIGHT: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % airdate_highlight,
        ('UNAIRED HIGHLIGHT: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % unaired_highlight,
        ('UNWATCHED HIGHLIGHT: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' %
         unwatched_highlight, 'Unwatched')
    if settings.watched_indicators() == 0:
        choices.append(('MANAGE UNWATCHED TV SHOWS', 'manage_unwatched'))
    if settings.watched_indicators() in (1, 2):
        choices.append(('CLEAR TRAKT CACHE', 'clear_cache'))
    string = 'Next Episode Manager'
    dialog_list = [i[0] for i in choices]
    function_list = [i[1] for i in choices]
    choice = selection_dialog(dialog_list, function_list, string)
    if not choice: return
    if choice in ('toggle_sort_order', 'toggle_cache_to_disk',
                  'toggle_unaired', 'toggle_unwatched', 'toggle_airdate'):
        setting = eval(choice + '_SETTING')
        toggle_setting(setting[0], setting[1])
    elif choice == 'clear_cache':
        from modules.nav_utils import clear_cache
        if choice in ('manage_in_progress', 'manage_unwatched'):
            xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Update(%s)' %
                                    'mode': 'build_next_episode_manager',
                                    'action': choice
        elif choice in ('Airdate', 'Unaired', 'Unwatched'):
            function = next_episode_color_choice
            function = next_episode_options_choice
    xbmc.executebuiltin('RunPlugin(%s)' %
                        build_url({'mode': 'next_episode_context_choice'}))
Beispiel #13
    if mode == 'external_scrapers_disable':
        from modules.external_source_utils import external_scrapers_disable
    elif mode == 'external_scrapers_reset_stats':
        from modules.external_source_utils import external_scrapers_reset_stats
    elif mode == 'external_scrapers_toggle_all':
        from modules.external_source_utils import toggle_all
        toggle_all(params.get('folder'), params.get('setting'))
    elif mode == 'external_scrapers_enable_disable_specific_all':
        from modules.external_source_utils import enable_disable_specific_all
elif 'toggle' in mode:
    if mode == 'toggle_setting':
        from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    elif mode == 'toggle_jump_to':
        from modules.utils import toggle_jump_to
    elif mode == 'toggle_provider':
        from modules.utils import toggle_provider
elif 'history' in mode:
    if mode == 'search_history':
        from modules.history import search_history
    elif mode == 'clear_search_history':
        from modules.history import clear_search_history
    elif mode == 'remove_from_history':
        from modules.history import remove_from_history
Beispiel #14
def playback_menu(from_results=False, suggestion=None, list_name=None, play_params=None):
    try: from urlparse import parse_qsl
    except ImportError: from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting, build_url, open_settings, clear_cache, cached_page_clear, clear_and_rescrape
    from modules import settings
    params = dict(parse_qsl(sys.argv[2].replace('?','')))
    content = xbmc.getInfoLabel('Container.Content')
    if not content: content = params.get('content', None)
    from_results = params.get('from_results', from_results)
    suggestion = params.get('suggestion', suggestion)
    list_name = params.get('list_name', list_name)
    play_params = params.get('play_params', play_params)
    autoplay_status, autoplay_toggle, filter_setting = ('On', 'false', 'autoplay_quality') if settings.auto_play() else ('Off', 'true', 'results_quality')
    quality_filter_setting = 'autoplay' if autoplay_status == 'On' else 'results'
    autoplay_next_status, autoplay_next_toggle = ('On', 'false') if settings.autoplay_next_episode() else ('Off', 'true')
    display_mode = settings.display_mode()
    display_mode_status = 'Directory' if display_mode == 0 else 'Very Simple Directory' if display_mode == 1 else 'Dialog'
    autoplay_hevc_status = settings.autoplay_hevc()
    current_subs_action_status = __addon__.getSetting('subtitles.subs_action')
    active_scrapers = [i.replace('-', '').replace('folder', 'f') for i in settings.active_scrapers()]
    current_scrapers_status = ', '.join([i.upper()[:3] for i in active_scrapers]) if len(active_scrapers) > 0 else 'NONE'
    current_filter_status =  ', '.join(settings.quality_filter(filter_setting))
    indicators_status, indicators_toggle = ('Trakt', '0') if settings.watched_indicators() in (1, 2) else ('Fen', '1')
    cached_torrents_status, cached_torrents_toggle = ('On', 'false') if __addon__.getSetting('torrent.check.cache') =='true' else ('Off', 'true')
    uncached_torrents_status, uncached_torrents_toggle = ('On', 'false') if __addon__.getSetting('torrent.display.uncached') =='true' else ('Off', 'true')
    active_cloud_store = settings.active_store_torrent_to_cloud()
    active_cloud_store_status = ', '.join([i[1] for i in active_cloud_store]) if len(active_cloud_store) > 0 else 'NONE'
    furk_easy_suggestion = params.get('suggestion', '')
    listing = []  
    if play_params: listing += [('RESCRAPE & SELECT SOURCE', 'rescrape_select')]
    listing += [('AUTOPLAY: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % autoplay_status, 'toggle_autoplay')]
    if autoplay_status == 'On':
        listing += [('HEVC AUTOPLAY FILTER: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % autoplay_hevc_status, 'set_autoplay_hevc')]
        listing += [('AUTOPLAY NEXT EPISODE: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % autoplay_next_status, 'toggle_autoplay_next')]
    listing += [('ENABLE SCRAPERS: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % current_scrapers_status, 'enable_scrapers')]
    if autoplay_status == 'Off':
        listing += [('DISPLAY MODE: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % display_mode_status, 'set_display_mode')]
    listing += [('QUALITY FILTERS: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % current_filter_status, 'set_filters')]
    listing += [('DOWNLOAD SUBTITLES: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % current_subs_action_status, 'set_subs_action')]
    if settings.cache_page(): listing += [('CLEAR RESUME BROWSING PAGE', 'clear_cache_page')]
    listing += [('SWITCH INDICATOR PROVIDER: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % indicators_status, 'toggle_indicators')]
    if 'external' in active_scrapers:
        listing += [('CHECK FOR CACHED TORRENTS: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % cached_torrents_status, 'toggle_cached_torrents')]
        if cached_torrents_status == 'On':
            listing += [(' - SHOW UNCACHED TORRENTS: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % uncached_torrents_status, 'toggle_torrents_display_uncached')]
            listing += [(' - ADD TORRENTS TO CLOUD: [I]Currently [B]%s[/B][/I]' % active_cloud_store_status, 'set_active_cloud_store')]
    if content in ('movies', 'episodes', 'movie', 'episode'): listing += [('FURK/EASYNEWS SEARCH: [B][I]%s[/I][/B]' % furk_easy_suggestion, 'search_directly')]
    if settings.watched_indicators() in (1,2): listing += [('CLEAR TRAKT CACHE', 'clear_trakt_cache')]
    listing += [('EXTERNAL SCRAPERS MANAGER', 'open_external_scrapers_manager')]
    listing += [('OPEN TIKI META SETTINGS', 'open_meta_settings')]
    listing += [('OPEN OPENSCRAPERS SETTINGS', 'open_scraper_settings')]
    listing += [('OPEN FEN SETTINGS', 'open_fen_settings')]
    listing += [('[B]SAVE SETTINGS AND EXIT[/B]', 'save_and_exit')]
    choice = selection_dialog([i[0] for i in listing], [i[1] for i in listing], 'Fen Options...')
    if choice == 'rescrape_select': return clear_and_rescrape(play_params)
    elif choice == 'toggle_autoplay': toggle_setting('auto_play', autoplay_toggle)
    elif choice == 'set_autoplay_hevc': set_autoplay_hevc()
    elif choice == 'toggle_autoplay_next': toggle_setting('autoplay_next_episode', autoplay_next_toggle)
    elif choice == 'enable_scrapers': enable_scrapers()
    elif choice == 'set_display_mode': set_display_mode()
    elif choice == 'set_filters': set_quality(quality_filter_setting)
    elif choice == 'set_subs_action': set_subtitle_action()
    elif choice == 'clear_cache_page': cached_page_clear(action=list_name)
    elif choice == 'toggle_indicators': toggle_setting('watched_indicators', indicators_toggle)
    elif choice == 'toggle_cached_torrents': toggle_setting('torrent.check.cache', cached_torrents_toggle)
    elif choice == 'toggle_torrents_display_uncached': toggle_setting('torrent.display.uncached', uncached_torrents_toggle)
    elif choice == 'set_active_cloud_store': set_active_cloud_store(active_cloud_store)
    elif choice == 'search_directly': furk_easynews_direct_search_choice(suggestion, from_results, list_name)
    elif choice == 'clear_trakt_cache': clear_cache('trakt')
    elif choice == 'open_external_scrapers_manager': external_scrapers_manager()
    elif choice == 'open_meta_settings': xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(script.module.tikimeta)')
    elif choice == 'open_scraper_settings': xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(script.module.openscrapers)')
    elif choice == 'open_fen_settings': open_settings('0.0')
    if choice in ('clear_cache_page', 'toggle_indicators', 'clear_trakt_cache') and content in ('movies', 'tvshows', 'seasons', 'episodes'): xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.Refresh')
    if choice in (None, 'rescrape_select', 'save_and_exit', 'clear_cache_page', 'toggle_indicators', 'clear_trakt_cache', 'search_directly', 'open_meta_settings', 'open_scraper_settings', 'open_fen_settings', 'open_external_scrapers_manager'): return
    xbmc.executebuiltin('RunPlugin(%s)' % build_url({'mode': 'playback_menu', 'from_results': from_results, 'suggestion': suggestion, 'list_name': list_name, 'play_params': play_params}))
Beispiel #15
def unaired_episode_color_choice():
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    dialog = 'Please Choose Color for Unaired Episodes'
    chosen_color = color_chooser(dialog, no_color=True)
    if chosen_color: toggle_setting('unaired_episode_colour', chosen_color)
Beispiel #16
def set_subtitle_action():
    from modules.nav_utils import toggle_setting
    choices = ('Auto', 'Select', 'Off')
    choice = selection_dialog(choices, choices, 'Fen - Choose Subtitles Action')
    if choice: return toggle_setting('subtitles.subs_action', choice)