Beispiel #1
def create_whitelist_device(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    # On creating a new device, we need to use the networking module to retrieve
    # some information : for example the MAC address or the area of the device based on the IP.

    if created:
        mac = instance.mac
        name =

        netcontrol.query("connect_user", { "mac": instance.mac, "name": })"Connected device {} (the mac {} has been connected)".format(instance.mac,
Beispiel #2
    def ready(self):
        from portal.models import WhiteListDevice, Device

        # the HACK below is brought to you by

        if not any(x in sys.argv for x in [
                'makemigrations', 'migrate', 'shell', 'createsuperuser',
                'flush', 'collectstatic'
            print("[PortalConfig] Adding whitelisted devices to the ipset")

            # Connecting whitelisted devices

            for dev in WhiteListDevice.objects.all():
                connect_res = netcontrol.query("connect_user", {
                    "mac": dev.mac,
                if not connect_res["success"]:
                    print("[PortalConfig] Could not connect device {}".format(

                mark_res = netcontrol.query("set_mark", {
                    "mac": dev.mac,
                    "mark": 0
                if not mark_res["success"]:
                    print("[PortalConfig] Could not set mark 0 for device {}".

            # Reconnecting devices registered in the Device set but not in the Ipset
            # This is important when for example the Ipset is flushed, you want the users that are already
            # registered on the gate to be automatically reconnected when the gate restarts.
            # This is important to maintain the consistency between the device state from django's point of view and
            # and the device state from the Ipset's point of view.

                "[PortalConfig] Adding previously connected devices to the ipset"

            for dev in Device.objects.all():
                connect_res = netcontrol.query("connect_user", {
                    "mac": dev.mac,
                if not connect_res["success"]:
                        "[PortalConfig] Could not connect device {} owned by user {}"
                        .format(dev.mac, dev.user.username))
Beispiel #3
    def get(self, request, ident):

        dev = self.get_device(ident, request.user)
        r = netcontrol.query("get_user_info", {"mac": dev.mac})
        info = r["info"]

        # FIXME: was removed from langate2000-netcontrol
        return Response({"mark": info["mark"]})
Beispiel #4
    def get(self, request, ident, mark):

        if Device.objects.filter(id=ident).count() > 0:
            dev = Device.objects.get(id=ident)
            r = netcontrol.query("set_mark", {"mac": dev.mac, "mark": mark})

            if r["success"]:
                return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)

        return Response(status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
Beispiel #5
def create_device(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    # On creating a new device, we need to use the networking module to retrieve
    # some information : for example the MAC address or the area of the device based on the IP.

    if created:
        ip = instance.ip  # IP should exist at this stage and it will fail really bad if it doesn't. = generate_dev_name()

        r = netcontrol.query("get_mac", { "ip": ip })

        instance.mac = r["mac"]
        instance.area = "LAN"  # FIXME: replace with a call to the networking module

        netcontrol.query("connect_user", { "mac": instance.mac, "name": instance.user.username })"Connected device {} (owned by {}) at {} to the internet.".format(instance.mac, instance.user.username, instance.ip))
Beispiel #6
def connected(request):

    user_devices = Device.objects.filter(user=request.user)
    client_ip = request.META.get('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')

    context = {"page_name": "connected",
               "too_many_devices": False,
               "current_ip": client_ip,
               "is_announce_panel_visible": Announces.objects.filter(visible=True).count() > 0,
               "pinned_announces": Announces.objects.filter(pinned=True).order_by('-last_update_date'),
               "announces": Announces.objects.filter(pinned=False).order_by('-last_update_date'),
               "device_quota": request.user.profile.max_device_nb}

    # Checking if the device accessing the gate is already in user devices

    if not user_devices.filter(ip=client_ip).exists():

        #client_mac = network.get_mac(client_ip)

        r = netcontrol.query("get_mac", { "ip": client_ip })
        client_mac = r["mac"]

        if Device.objects.filter(mac=client_mac).count() > 0:

            # If the device MAC is already registered on the network but with a different IP,
            # * If the registered device is owned by the requesting user, we change the IP of the registered device.
            # * If the registered device is owned by another user, we delete the old device and we register the new one.
            # This could happen if the DHCP has changed the IP of the client.

            # The following should never raise a MultipleObjectsReturned exception
            # because it would mean that there are more than one devices
            # already registered with the same MAC.

            dev = Device.objects.get(mac=client_mac)

            if request.user != dev.user:

                new_dev = Device(user=request.user, ip=client_ip)

                dev.ip = client_ip  # We edit the IP to reflect the change.

        elif len(user_devices) >= request.user.profile.max_device_nb:
            # If user has too much devices already registered, then we can't connect the device to the internet.
            # We will let him choose to remove one of them.

            context["too_many_devices"] = True

            # We can add the client device to the user devices.
            # See the networking functions in the receivers in portal/

            dev = Device(user=request.user, ip=client_ip)

    # TODO: What shall we do if an user attempts to connect with a device that has the same IP
    # that another device already registered (ie in the Device array) but from a different user account ?
    # We could either kick out the already registered user from the network or refuse the connection of
    # the device that attempts to connect.

    return render(request, 'portal/connected.html', context)
Beispiel #7
def delete_whitelist_device(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    # When deleting a device, we need to unregister it from the network."Disconnected device {} (the mac {} has been disconnected) ".format(instance.mac,

    netcontrol.query("disconnect_user", { "mac": instance.mac })
Beispiel #8
def delete_device(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    # When deleting a device, we need to unregister it from the network."Disconnected device {} (owned by {}) at {} of the internet.".format(instance.mac, instance.user.username, instance.ip))

    netcontrol.query("disconnect_user", { "mac": instance.mac })