def main(path_global,path_user,path_session,user, path_tmpfile0,epoch,Date_sess, path_userData,joining=False): Date_sess = Date_sess.replace('/','') config_train=Config_train() path_tmpfile = os.path.join(path_tmpfile0,'feature') path_session_user=os.path.join(path_session,user) if not os.path.exists(path_session_user): print(path_session_user+' is not exist') return try: datapath = modules.get_sessionfile(path_session_user) users = [user] r_all, r_sc_all, r_time_all, D_user = data_initial(path_global,path_user,users,path_tmpfile0,path_userData) D_other = [r_all] + r_sc_all + r_time_all iter = modules.iterData(datapath, D_user, D_other, r_sc_all, r_time_all,batch_size=config_train.train_batch_size, rate_skip = config_train.skip_rate,rate_skip_neg=1-r_all,config_global=config_model,joining=joining) data = next(iter) step = 0 while data!='__STOP__': nb_tmpfiles = len(os.listdir(path_tmpfile)) while nb_tmpfiles>32: time.sleep(1) nb_tmpfiles = len(os.listdir(path_tmpfile)),user+'-'+epoch+'-'+Date_sess+'-'+str(step)+'.npy'),data) data = next(iter) step += 1 with open(os.path.join(path_tmpfile0,'trainedlist.txt'),'a+') as f: f.write(user+'-'+epoch+'-'+Date_sess+'-'+str(step)+'.npy'+'\n') except: print('failed to get tmpfile %s'%path_session_user) shutil.rmtree(path_session_user)
def train(path_global, path_user, path_session, resultpath, model, joining=False): config_train = Config_train() config_model = modelconfig() config_train.feature_dim = config_model.get_nb_features()[0] if joining: config_train.feature_dim += 1 tf.reset_default_graph() if model == 'lr': X_holder, y_holder, learning_rate, predict_y, loss, optimizer, train_op, grads, accuracy = simple_lr( config_train) elif model == 'lr-dense': X_holder, y_holder, learning_rate, predict_y, loss, optimizer, train_op, grads, accuracy = simple_lr_dense( config_train) global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() train_op =, [tf.assign_add(global_step, 1)]) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10) session = tf.Session() path_ckpt = os.path.join(resultpath, config_train.CKPT_path) if not os.path.exists(path_ckpt): os.mkdir(path_ckpt) ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(path_ckpt) if ckpt_file: saver.restore(session, ckpt_file) else: init = tf.global_variables_initializer() learning_rate_ = config_train.learning_rate step = 0 completed = 0 data_train = os.listdir(path_session) usernb = 0 for path in data_train: usernb += 1 datapath = modules.get_sessionfile(os.path.join(path_session, path)) print('training on ' + path) time0 = time.time() users = path r_all, r_sc_all, r_time_all, D_user = data_initial( path_global, path_user, users, Sc, resultpath) D_other = [r_all] + r_sc_all + r_time_all iter = modules.iterData(datapath, D_user, D_other, r_sc_all, r_time_all, batch_size=config_train.train_batch_size, rate_skip=config_train.skip_rate, rate_skip_neg=1 - r_all, config_global=config_model, joining=joining) epoch = 0 loss_ = 0 while epoch < config_train.epochs: data = next(iter) if data == '__STOP__': iter = modules.iterData( datapath, D_user, D_other, r_sc_all, r_time_all, batch_size=config_train.train_batch_size, rate_skip=1 - r_all, config_global=config_model, joining=joining) epoch += 1 continue x0, y0, _ = data y0 = np.array(y0) y0 = np.reshape(y0, (len(y0), 1)) if step % config_train.step_saveckpt == 0:, os.path.join(path_ckpt, 'model.ckpt'), global_step=global_step) print('loss in step-{} is {}'.format(step, loss_)) _, loss_, =[train_op, loss], feed_dict={ X_holder: x0, y_holder: y0, learning_rate: learning_rate_ }) step += 1 completed += 1 KK = len(data_train) - completed print( 'training used time %0.2f mins and needs about %0.2f mins for the rest users' % ((time.time() - time0) / 60, (time.time() - time0) / 60 * KK))
def test(path_global, path_user, path_session, resultpath, model, joining=False): config_train = Config_train() config_model = modelconfig() config_train.feature_dim = config_model.get_nb_features()[0] if joining: config_train.feature_dim += 1 tf.reset_default_graph() if model == 'lr': X_holder, y_holder, learning_rate, predict_y, loss, optimizer, train_op, grads, accuracy = simple_lr( config_train) elif model == 'lr-dense': X_holder, y_holder, learning_rate, predict_y, loss, optimizer, train_op, grads, accuracy = simple_lr_dense( config_train) saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10) session = tf.Session() path_ckpt = os.path.join(resultpath, config_train.CKPT_path) if not os.path.exists(path_ckpt): print('no model') return ckpt_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(path_ckpt) if ckpt_file: saver.restore(session, ckpt_file) else: print('no model') return ckpt_backup = os.path.join(resultpath, "ckpt_backup") if not os.path.exists(ckpt_backup): os.mkdir(ckpt_backup) tmpfile = ckpt_file cfile = tmpfile + ".*" cmdstr = "cp " + cfile + " " + ckpt_backup os.system(cmdstr) idx = ckpt_file.find('model.ckpt-') + len('model.ckpt-') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(resultpath, 'test')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(resultpath, 'test')) predictpath0 = os.path.join(resultpath, 'test', 'predict' + ckpt_file[idx:]) learning_rate_ = config_train.learning_rate data_train = os.listdir(path_session) auc = 0 auc_each = [] predictpaths = [] for path in data_train: predictpath = predictpath0 + '-' + path + '.txt' datapath = modules.get_sessionfile(os.path.join(path_session, path)) users = path r_all, r_sc_all, r_time_all, D_user = data_initial( path_global, path_user, users, Sc, resultpath) D_other = [r_all] + r_sc_all + r_time_all iter = modules.iterData(datapath, D_user, D_other, r_sc_all, r_time_all, batch_size=config_train.testlines, rate_skip=config_train.skip_rate, rate_skip_neg=0, config_global=config_model, joining=joining) data = next(iter) X, y, user = data y = np.array(y) y = np.reshape(y, (len(y), 1)) y_p = [] batch_size = config_train.train_batch_size i = 0 while i * batch_size < len(y): X_test = X[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] y_test = y[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size] y_p0 =, feed_dict={ X_holder: X_test, y_holder: y_test, learning_rate: learning_rate_ }) y_p.append(y_p0) i += 1 y_p = np.concatenate(y_p) tmp = [ '\t'.join([user[ii], str(int(y[ii][0])), str(y_p[ii][0])]) for ii in range(len(y)) ] with open(predictpath, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(tmp)) auctmp = modules.getAUC(predictpath) auc += auctmp auc_each.append('%0.4f' % auctmp) predictpaths.append(predictpath) print('testing on file %s with auc = %0.4f and ckptfile is %s' % (os.path.join(path_session, path), auctmp, ckpt_file)) auc = auc / len(data_train) print('testing on path %s with average auc = %0.4f and ckptfile is %s' % (path_session, auc, ckpt_file)) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(resultpath, 'test-auc-ckpt.txt')): with open(os.path.join(resultpath, 'test-auc-ckpt.txt'), 'r') as f: stmp ='\n') auc0 = float(stmp[-1].split('\t')[0]) else: stmp = [] auc0 = 0 if auc > auc0: stmp.append('%0.4f' % auc + '\t' + '\t'.join(auc_each) + '\t' + tmpfile) with open(os.path.join(resultpath, 'test-auc-ckpt.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(stmp)) else: tmpfile = tmpfile.replace('/ckpt/', '/ckpt_backup/') os.remove(tmpfile + ".meta") os.remove(tmpfile + ".index") os.remove(tmpfile + ".data-00000-of-00001") return auc, predictpaths