Beispiel #1
def setup_test_molecules():
    molecule1 = molecule_import.Molecule(1, 0, 0)
    molecule2 = molecule_import.Molecule(2, 0, 0)
    molecule3 = molecule_import.Molecule(3, HEIGHT, WIDTH)
Beispiel #2
def splitBox(mole, bound, center, cutoff, atom_filter=lambda x: True):
    """Split molecule `mole` into 2 parts: The atoms inside a box shell centered at
    `center` with size range `cutoff`, and the ones that are outside. Return 2
    molecules. Distance is calculated with boundary condition `bound`.

    :type mole: molecule.Molecule
    :type bound: molecule.PeriodicBox
    :type center: Matrix.Vector3D
    :type cutoff: tuple
    :rtype: tuple
    MolInside = molecule.Molecule()
    MolOutside = molecule.Molecule()

    for Atom in mole:
        if not atom_filter(Atom):

        if not bound.inBox(center, Atom.Loc, (cutoff[0],) * 3) and \
           bound.inBox(center, Atom.Loc, (cutoff[1],) * 3):

    return MolInside, MolOutside
Beispiel #3
    def basic_filtration_test(self):
        """Test that structures with higher octet deviation get filtered out"""
        adj1 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 N u0 p1 c0 {2,D} {3,S}
        2 O u0 p2 c0 {1,D}
        3 O u1 p2 c0 {1,S}
        adj2 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 N u1 p1 c0 {2,S} {3,S}
        2 O u0 p2 c+1 {1,S}
        3 O u0 p3 c-1 {1,S}
        adj3 = """
        multiplicity 2
        1 N u1 p0 c0 {2,T} {3,S}
        2 O u0 p1 c+1 {1,T}
        3 O u0 p3 c-1 {1,S}

        mol1 = molecule.Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj1)
        mol2 = molecule.Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj2)
        mol3 = molecule.Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj3)

        mol_list = [mol1, mol2, mol3]
        octet_deviation_list = get_octet_deviation_list(mol_list)
        filtered_list = filter_structures(mol_list)

        self.assertEqual(octet_deviation_list, [1, 3, 3])
        self.assertEqual(len(filtered_list), 1)
            all([atom.charge == 0 for atom in filtered_list[0].vertices]))
Beispiel #4
def init_molecule():
    """Create Particles p1 and p2 inside boundaries and return a molecule
    connecting them"""

    mol = molecule.Molecule(np.array([0.2, 0.2], dtype=float),
                            np.array([0.8, 0.8], dtype=float), 1, 2, 1, 0.5)
    return mol
def init_molecule():
    """Create Particles p1 and p2 inside boundaries and return a molecule
    connecting them"""
    pos1, mass1 = np.array([0.2, 0.2]), 3
    pos2, mass2 = np.array([0.8, 0.8]), 3
    k, l = 0.1, 0.5
    return mol.Molecule(pos1, mass1, pos2, mass2, k, l)
def init_molecule():
    """Create Particles p1 and p2 inside boundaries and return a molecule
    connecting them"""

    p1 = particle.Particle(np.array([.2, .2]), 1)
    p2 = particle.Particle(np.array([.8, .8]), 2)
    return molecule.Molecule(p1.pos, p2.pos, p1.m, p2.m, 1, .5)
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, mole_str, hess_str):
		Initializes some values then preceeds to calculate normal coordinates and spatial frequencies. 		
		:param mole_str: string used to create instance of a new molecule
		:param hess_str: string used to create Hessian matrix
        self.units = "hertz"
        self.mol = molecule.Molecule(mole_str)
        self.mwhess = self.mass_weight_mat(self.hess, self.mol.masses)
        self.eigVal, self.eigVec = np.linalg.eig(self.mwhess)
        """	for a in range(len(self.eigVal)):
			print, self.eigVec[a])
			print self.eigVal[a]*self.eigVec[a] """
        self.normCoord = np.array([[
            (self.eigVec[b][a] / math.sqrt(self.mol.masses[b / 3]))
            for b in range(len(self.eigVec[a]))
        ] for a in range(len(self.eigVec))])

        self.eigVal *= 4.35974465054 * 10**(-18)  #hatree to joule
        self.eigVal /= (1.6605389 * 10**(-27))  #amu to k
        self.eigVal /= ((5.2917721067 * 10**(-11))**2)  #bohr to m
        self.spFreq = np.empty([len(self.eigVal)], dtype=complex)
        for a in range(len(self.eigVal)):
            self.spFreq[a] = cmath.sqrt(self.eigVal[a]) / (2.0 * math.pi)
        with open('', "w+") as f:
Beispiel #8
def init_molecule():
    """Create Particles p1 and p2 inside boundaries and return a molecule
    connecting them"""
    p1 = particle.Particle(np.random.rand(2), initial_p1_mass)
    p2 = particle.Particle(np.random.rand(2), initial_p2_mass)
    return molecule.Molecule(p1.pos, p2.pos, p1.m, p2.m, initial_k,
Beispiel #9
def moleShellCutoff(mol_center,
                    atom_filter_center=lambda x: True,
                    atom_filter_around=lambda x: True):
    """Filter atoms in `mol_center` with `atom_filter_center` into set A, and filter
    atoms in `mol_around` with `atom_filter_around` into set B. Return all atoms
    in B as a molecule who are within a distance range of any atoms in A. The
    distance range is specified by the 2-tuple `cutoff`.

    :type mol_center: molecule.Molecule
    :type mol_around: molecule.Molecule
    :type cutoff: tuple
    :rtype: molecule.Molecule

    Center = tuple(at for at in mol_center if atom_filter_center(at))
    Result = molecule.Molecule()
    Ids = set()

    for Atom in mol_around:
        if not atom_filter_around(Atom):

        for AtomCenter in Center:
            if boundary.inBox(AtomCenter.Loc, Atom.Loc, (cutoff[1],) * 3) and \
               not boundary.inBox(AtomCenter.Loc, Atom.Loc, (cutoff[0],) * 3):
                if id(Atom) not in Ids:
    return Result
Beispiel #10
def Structure(input_data, **kwargs):
    if type(input_data) is not qg.Molecule:
            return qg.Molecule(input_data)
        return input_data
 def __init__(self):
     # all information relating to the field is stored here
     self.field = sf.ScalarField()
     # all atomic information is stored here
     self.molecule = mol.Molecule()
     self.settings = CubeSettings()
     self.file = None = None
Beispiel #12
def init_molecule():
    """Create Particles p1 and p2 inside boundaries and return a molecule
    connecting them"""
    p1_pos = np.array([0.2, 0.2])
    p1_mass = 1
    p2_pos = np.array([0.8, 0.8])
    p2_mass = 2
    k = 1
    L0 = 0.5
    return molecule.Molecule(p1_pos, p1_mass, p2_pos, p2_mass, k, L0)
Beispiel #13
def randPlaceAround(small, count, center, box_size, rand_rot=False):
    """Randomly place `count` number of `small` molecules around molecule
    `center` inside a cubic box with `box_size`, so that all instances
    of `small` will not be inside `center`.

    `Center` can be `None`, which means no center molecule will be

    if center is None:
        Radius = 0.0
        Radius = center.radius()
    Box = small.boundingBox() * 0.5
    Logger.debug("Bounding box of small molecule: " + str(Box))
    SmallZeroed = copy.deepcopy(small)
    # SmallZeroed is now center at (0,0,0).
    if center is not None:"Center molecule is at ({}) with radius {:.2f}.".format(
            center.GeoCenter, Radius))

    if center is None:
        CenterCenter = matrix.Vector3D(0, 0,
                                       0)  # This doesn't actually do anything.
        CenterCenter = center.GeoCenter
    Result = molecule.Molecule()
    iRaw = 0
    i = 0
    while i < count:
        TransVec = matrix.Vector3D(
            random.uniform(-box_size / 2.0 + Box.x, box_size / 2.0 - Box.x),
            random.uniform(-box_size / 2.0 + Box.y, box_size / 2.0 - Box.y),
            random.uniform(-box_size / 2.0 + Box.z, box_size / 2.0 - Box.z))
        if TransVec.distanceFrom(CenterCenter) >= Radius:
            Logger.debug("Translation vector: " + str(TransVec))
            NewMol = SmallZeroed.duplicate()
            if rand_rot:
                RotMat = randRotation()
            for a in NewMol:
                a.ResidueNum = i + 1
                a.ResidueID = "HEX1"
            Logger.debug("Translated center: " + str(NewMol.GeoCenter))
            for a in NewMol:
            i += 1
        iRaw += 1"Dropped {:.1f}% random samples.".format(
        (iRaw - i) / iRaw * 100.0))
    return Result
Beispiel #14
 def penalty_for_O4tc_test(self):
     """Test that an O4tc atomType with octet 8 gets penalized in the octet deviation score"""
     adj = """
     1 S u0 p1 c0 {2,S} {3,T}
     2 O u0 p3 c-1 {1,S}
     3 O u0 p1 c+1 {1,T}
     mol = molecule.Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj)
     octet_deviation = get_octet_deviation(mol)
     self.assertEqual(octet_deviation, 1)
     self.assertEqual(mol.vertices[2].atomType.label, 'O4tc')
Beispiel #15
 def penalty_for_N_val_9_test(self):
     """Test that N atoms with valance 9 get penalized in the octet deviation score"""
     adj = """
     multiplicity 2
     1 N u1 p0 c0 {2,S} {3,T}
     2 O u0 p2 c0 {1,S} {4,S}
     3 N u0 p1 c0 {1,T}
     4 H u0 p0 c0 {2,S}
     mol = molecule.Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj)
     octet_deviation = get_octet_deviation(mol)
     self.assertEqual(octet_deviation, 2)
Beispiel #16
def init_molecule():
    """Create Particles p1 and p2 inside boundaries and return a molecule
    connecting them"""

    pos1 = np.array([[0.2], [0.2]])
    pos2 = np.array([[0.8], [0.8]])
    m1 = 1
    m2 = 2
    k = 1
    L0 = 0.5

    mol = molecule.Molecule(pos1, pos2, m1, m2, k, L0)
    return mol
def optimize_geometry(settings, unopt_path, opt_path):

    config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=False)

    qcalc.init(config, config["files"]["log_path"] + "/" + "optimize")

    with open(unopt_path, "r") as unopt_file:
        unopt_molecule = molecule.Molecule(

    opt_molecule, energy = qcalc.optimize(unopt_molecule, config)

    output_writer.write_optimized_geo(opt_molecule, energy, opt_path)
Beispiel #18
def identity(fin, fout, debug):
    initial = molecule.Molecule(fin, debug)
    final = molecule.Molecule(fout, debug)

    atoms = abs(initial.atoms - final.atoms)
    bonds = abs(initial.bonds - final.bonds)
    diff = 0
    for el, val in initial.atomsByType.items():
        if final.atomsByType.has_key(el):
            diff += abs(val - final.atomsByType[el])
            # common.log('{0}: {1} --- {2} --> {3}', [el, val, final.atomsByType[el], diff], debug)
            diff += val
            # common.log('{0}: {1} --- 0 --> {2}', [el, val, diff], debug)

    for el, val in final.atomsByType.items():
        if not initial.atomsByType.has_key(el):
            diff += val
            # common.log('{0}: 0 --- {1} --> {2}', [el, val, diff], debug)

#    for el in initial.bondsByType.keys():
#        if final.bondsByType.has_key(el):
#            diff += abs(initial.bondsByType[el] - final.bondsByType[el])
#            if debug:
#                print '{0}: {1} --- {2} --> {3}'.format(el, initial.bondsByType[el], final.bondsByType[el], diff)
#        else:
#            diff += initial.bondsByType[el]
#            if debug:
#                print '{0}: {1} --- 0 --> {3}'.format(el, initial.bondsByType[el], diff)

#   for el in final.bondsByType.keys():
#        if not initial.bondsByType.has_key(el):
#            diff += final.bondsByType[el]
#            if debug:
#                print '{0}: 0 --- {2} --> {3}'.format(el, final.bondsByType[el], diff)

    return diff, atoms, bonds
Beispiel #19
def generate_normal_modes(settings, geo_path, normal_modes_file):
    config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=False)

    psi4_helper.init(config, config["files"]["log_path"] + "/" + "optimize")

    with open(geo_path, "r") as geo_file:
        molec = molecule.Molecule(
    normal_modes, frequencies, red_masses = qcalc.frequencies(molec, config)
    dim_null = 3 * molec.num_atoms - len(normal_modes)
    output_writer.write_normal_modes(normal_modes, frequencies, red_masses, normal_modes_file)
    print("DIM NULL: " + str(dim_null))
Beispiel #20
def placeByGrid(ns, big_box_size, mol):
    Result = molecule.Molecule()
    for ix in range(ns):
        for iy in range(ns):
            for iz in range(ns):
                Pos = Matrix.Vector3D(
                    big_box_size / ns * ix - big_box_size * 0.5,
                    big_box_size / ns * iy - big_box_size * 0.5,
                    big_box_size / ns * iz - big_box_size * 0.5)

                Single = random_mol.randPlaceAround(mol, 1, None,
                                                    big_box_size / ns, True)

    return Result
Beispiel #21
def main():
    import sys
    import getopt
    import molecule

    usage = \

  Copyright (c) 2007 Bosco Ho
  Calculates the total Accessible Surface Area (ASA) of atoms in a 
  PDB file. 

  Usage: -s n_sphere in_pdb [out_pdb]
  - out_pdb    PDB file in which the atomic ASA values are written 
               to the b-factor column.
  -s n_sphere  number of points used in generating the spherical
               dot-density for the calculation (default=960). The 
               more points, the more accurate (but slower) the 


    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "n:")
    if len(args) < 1:
        print usage

    mol = molecule.Molecule(args[0])
    atoms = mol.atoms()

    n_sphere = 60
    for o, a in opts:
        if '-n' in o:
            n_sphere = int(a)
            print "Points on sphere: ", n_sphere
    asas = calculate_asa(atoms, 1.4, n_sphere)
    print "%.1f angstrom squared." % sum(asas)

    if len(args) > 1:
        for asa, atom in zip(asas, atoms):
            atom.bfactor = asa
Beispiel #22
 def penalty_for_s_triple_s_test(self):
     """Test that an S#S substructure in a molecule gets penalized in the octet deviation score"""
     adj = """
     1  C u0 p0 c0 {3,S} {5,S} {6,S} {7,S}
     2  C u0 p0 c0 {4,S} {8,S} {9,S} {10,S}
     3  S u0 p0 c0 {1,S} {4,T} {11,D}
     4  S u0 p1 c0 {2,S} {3,T}
     5  H u0 p0 c0 {1,S}
     6  H u0 p0 c0 {1,S}
     7  H u0 p0 c0 {1,S}
     8  H u0 p0 c0 {2,S}
     9  H u0 p0 c0 {2,S}
     10 H u0 p0 c0 {2,S}
     11 O u0 p2 c0 {3,D}
     mol = molecule.Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj)
     octet_deviation = get_octet_deviation(mol)
     self.assertEqual(octet_deviation, 1)
Beispiel #23
    def process(self):
        process input from both web form and CLI
        if not self.webform:
        # let toolkit parse the molecule, and process it
        tkmol = self.parseMolecule()

        # we now know how to deal with orphan atoms
        #atoms, bonds = tkmol.countAtoms(), tkmol.countBonds()
        #if atoms <= 1 or bonds == 0:
        #raise common.MCFError, "Input contains no bonds---can't render structure"

        mol = molecule.Molecule(self.options, tkmol)

        return mol
Beispiel #24
def estimate(cor_number=0, size="png:w1920,h1080"):
    smi = "current.smi"
    mol = "current.mol"

    # TODO - user degrees
    degmax = {'C': 4, 'N': 3, '0': 2, 'H': 1, 'Br': 1, 'Cl': 1}
    undefined = 0
    failed = 0
    wrong_deg = 0
    qual = 0

    #['molconvert', 'mol:V3-H+-a_gen', finalsmi, '-o', finalmol])
    #['molconvert', size, finalmol, '-o', finalpng])['obabel', smi, '-omol', '-O', mol, '-x3', '-h'],
    final = molecule.Molecule(mol)

    if final.atoms == 0 and final.bonds == -1:
        config.log('OSRA failed to convert your image. Output file is empty.',
        failed = 1
        qual = 0.0
        for data in final.atom_dict.values():
            if data[0] == 'A':
                undefined += 1
            elif data[0] in degmax.keys():
                if int(data[1]) == degmax[data[0]] + data[2]:
                    qual += 1.0
                    wrong_deg += 1
                    qual += 0.5

        # TODO: strange situation with empty files got here
            qual /= float(final.atoms)
            # qual -= (cor_number / (4 * final.atoms))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            failed = 1
            qual = 0.0

    return [undefined, failed, cor_number, wrong_deg]
Beispiel #25
 def penalty_birads_replacing_lone_pairs_test(self):
     """Test that birads on `S u2 p0` are penalized"""
     adj = """
     multiplicity 3
     1 S u2 p0 c0 {2,D} {3,D}
     2 O u0 p2 c0 {1,D}
     3 O u0 p2 c0 {1,D}
     mol = molecule.Molecule().fromAdjacencyList(adj)
     mol_list = generate_resonance_structures(mol,
     for mol in mol_list:
         if mol.reactive:
             for atom in mol.vertices:
                 if atom.isSulfur():
                     self.assertNotEquals(atom.radicalElectrons, 2)
     self.assertEqual(len(mol_list), 3)
     self.assertEqual(sum([1 for mol in mol_list if mol.reactive]), 2)
Beispiel #26
def generate_configurations(settings, geo_path, normal_modes, dim_null,
    print("Running normal distribution configuration generator...")

    config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=False)

    with open(geo_path, "r") as geo_file:
        molec = molecule.Molecule(

    with open(config["files"]["log_path"] + "/" + "config_input.log",
              "w") as input_file:
        input_file.write("'" + geo_path + "'\n")  # optimized geometry
        input_file.write("'" + normal_modes + "'\n")  # normal modes
            str(3 * molec.num_atoms) + " " + str(dim_null) +
            "\n")  # dim; dimnull
        input_file.write(config["config_generator"]["random"] + " " +
                         config["config_generator"]["num_configs"] +
                         "\n")  # random method; nconfigs
        input_file.write("'" + config_dir +
                         "/'\n")  # output one-body configurations
        input_file.write(config["config_generator"]["geometric"] + " " +
                         config["config_generator"]["linear"] +
                         "\n")  # geometric, linear
        input_file.write(".true.")  # verbose

        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
        "/../norm_distribution/src/generate_configs_normdistrbn < " +
        config["files"]["log_path"] + "/config_input.log" + " > " +
        config["files"]["log_path"] + "/config_output.log")

    os.system("cp " + geo_path + " " + config_dir + "/")

    print("Normal Distribution Configuration generation complete.")
Beispiel #27
def virtualMove(index_of_chosen_mol, direction):
    chosen_mol = list_of_molecules[index_of_chosen_mol]
    moved_mol = molecule_import.Molecule(1, 0, 0, False)
    #print(moved_mol.pos_x, moved_mol.pos_y)

    if direction == 1:
        moved_mol.pos_x = chosen_mol.pos_x
        moved_mol.pos_y = chosen_mol.pos_y + 1
    elif direction == 2:
        moved_mol.pos_x = chosen_mol.pos_x + 1
        moved_mol.pos_y = chosen_mol.pos_y
    elif direction == 3:
        moved_mol.pos_x = chosen_mol.pos_x
        moved_mol.pos_y = chosen_mol.pos_y - 1
    elif direction == 4:
        moved_mol.pos_x = chosen_mol.pos_x - 1
        moved_mol.pos_y = chosen_mol.pos_y
    #print("moved molecule", moved_mol.pos_x, " a y ", moved_mol.pos_y)

    chance = checkNeighbours(index_of_chosen_mol, moved_mol.pos_x,
    move_chance = molecule_import.Movement_chance(direction, chance)
    #print("kontrola move_chance ma hodnotu ", move_chance.dir, " a sance je", move_chance.prob)
    return move_chance
Beispiel #28
    def __init__(self, mol_str, convCrit=10, maxIter=100):
		Initializes molecule, molecular properties, molecular integrals,
		before entering a loop to calculate the RHF energy 

		:param mol: molecule object, specifies geometry, charge, and multiplicity 
		:param mints: molecular integral helper, generates various molecular intergrals
		:param convCrit: criteria for converge, x in input corresponds to maximum difference of 10^-x
		:param maxIter: maximum number of iterations to obtain self consistence

        mol = molecule.Molecule(mol_str)
        #Step 1: Read nuclear repulsion energy from molecule and atomic integrals from MintsHelper
        mints = integrals.Integral(mol_str)

        self.VNuc = mints.VNuc  #nuclear repulsion energy
        self.S = np.array(mints.S)  #overlap integrals
        self.T = np.array(mints.T)  #kinetic energy integrals
        self.V = np.array(mints.V)  #electron-nuclear attraction integrals
        self.g = np.array(mints.G).transpose(
            0, 2, 1, 3
        )  #electron-electron repulsion integrals, transposed from (pq|rs) to <pr|qs>
        #The transpose is very important, because from here on forward physicist notation is assumed!

        #Step 1.5: Calculate Hamiltonian and orbital information
        self.H = self.T + self.V  #Hamiltonian
        self.E = 0.0  #RHF energy
        self.norb = mints.K  #number of orbits (defines size of arrays)
        nelec = mol.molecular_charge + sum(mol.charges)  #number of electrons
        self.nocc = int(nelec / 2)  #number of occupied orbitals

        #Step 2: Form orthogonalizer (X = S^-1/2)
        self.X = np.matrix(spla.inv(spla.sqrtm(
            self.S)))  #Orthogonalizer S^-1/2

        #Step 3: Set D = 0 as "core" guess
        self.D = np.zeros((self.norb, self.norb))  #Density Matrix

        #Iteration to SC
        convCond = False  #convergence condition
        self.Eold = 1.0  #Previous calculated energy
        self.Dold = np.zeros((self.norb, self.norb))  #Previous density matrix
        self.iter = 0  #Iteration count
        line = "+----+---------------------+------------+"
        print line
        print "|iter| Energy              | dE         |"
        print line
        while not convCond:
            self.I2SC()  #Steps 1-7
            #Check convergence, if the energy and density matrix are both within a threshold of one another, then it has converged
            #Additionally the program must iterate twice to avoid the condition when all four variables are initially null
            if (np.absolute((self.Eold - self.E)) < 10.0**(-convCrit)
                    and np.absolute(spla.norm(self.D) - spla.norm(self.Dold)) <
                    10.0**(-convCrit) and self.iter > 1):
                print line
                print "| Converged                             |"
                convCond = True
            elif self.iter >= maxIter:
                print line
                print "| Failed to converge                    |"
        print line
Beispiel #29
def append_static_molecule(pos_x, pos_y):
    k = len(list_of_molecules) + 1
    molecule = molecule_import.Molecule(k, pos_x, pos_y, True)
Beispiel #30
def setup_molecules(no_molecules):
    for k in range(0, no_molecules):
        pos_x = random.randint(0, WIDTH)
        pos_y = random.randint(0, HEIGHT)
        molecule = molecule_import.Molecule(k, pos_x, pos_y, False)