Beispiel #1
 def handle_version_id(req, res, result, version_id):
     if version_id in _VERSIONS_TPL_DICT:
         result['elements'].append(_parse_version(version_id, req))
         res.body = rest_utils.as_json(result, sort_keys=True)
         res.status = falcon.HTTP_200
         error_body = {'message': '%s is not valid version' % version_id}
         res.body = rest_utils.as_json(error_body)
         res.status = falcon.HTTP_400
Beispiel #2
 def handle_version_id(req, res, result, version_id):
     if version_id in _VERSIONS_TPL_DICT:
         result['elements'].append(_parse_version(version_id, req))
         res.body = rest_utils.as_json(result, sort_keys=True)
         res.status = falcon.HTTP_200
         error_body = {'message': '%s is not valid version' % version_id}
         res.body = rest_utils.as_json(error_body)
         res.status = falcon.HTTP_400
Beispiel #3
def transform(metrics, tenant_id, region):
    transformed_metric = {'metric': {},
                          'meta': {'tenantId': tenant_id, 'region': region},
                          'creation_time': timeutils.utcnow_ts()}

    if isinstance(metrics, list):
        transformed_metrics = []
        for metric in metrics:
            transformed_metric['metric'] = metric
        return transformed_metrics
        transformed_metric['metric'] = metrics
        return [rest_utils.as_json(transformed_metric)]
Beispiel #4
    def _truncate(self, envelope):
        """Truncates the message if needed.

        Each message send to kafka is verified.
        Method checks if message serialized to json
        exceeds maximum allowed size that can be posted to kafka
        queue. If so, method truncates message property of the log
        by difference between message and allowed size.

        :param Envelope envelope: envelope to check
        :return: truncated message if size is exceeded, otherwise message
                 is left unmodified

        msg_str = rest_utils.as_json(envelope)

        max_size = CONF.log_publisher.max_message_size
        envelope_size = ((len(bytearray(msg_str)) +
                          _TIMESTAMP_KEY_SIZE +
                         if msg_str is not None else -1)

        size_diff = (envelope_size - max_size) + _TRUNCATION_SAFE_OFFSET

        LOG.debug('_truncate(max_message_size=%d, message_size=%d, diff=%d)',
                  max_size, envelope_size, size_diff)

        if size_diff > 1:
            truncate_by = size_diff + _TRUNCATED_PROPERTY_SIZE

            LOG.warn(('Detected message that exceeds %d bytes,'
                      'message will be truncated by %d bytes'),

            log_msg = envelope['log']['message']
            truncated_log_msg = log_msg[:-truncate_by]

            envelope['log']['truncated'] = True
            envelope['log']['message'] = truncated_log_msg

            # will just transform message once again without truncation
            return rest_utils.as_json(envelope)

        return msg_str
    def _truncate(self, envelope):
        """Truncates the message if needed.

        Each message send to kafka is verified.
        Method checks if message serialized to json
        exceeds maximum allowed size that can be posted to kafka
        queue. If so, method truncates message property of the log
        by difference between message and allowed size.

        :param Envelope envelope: original envelope
        :return: serialized message
        :rtype: str

        msg_str = rest_utils.as_json(envelope)
        envelope_size = ((len(bytearray(msg_str)) +
                          _TIMESTAMP_KEY_SIZE +
                         if msg_str is not None else -1)

        diff_size = ((envelope_size - self.max_message_size) +

        if diff_size > 1:
            truncated_by = diff_size + _TRUNCATED_PROPERTY_SIZE

            LOG.warn(('Detected message that exceeds %d bytes,'
                      'message will be truncated by %d bytes'),

            log_msg = envelope['log']['message']
            truncated_log_msg = log_msg[:-truncated_by]

            envelope['log']['truncated'] = True
            envelope['log']['message'] = truncated_log_msg
            self._logs_truncated_gauge.send(name=None, value=truncated_by)

            msg_str = rest_utils.as_json(envelope)
            self._logs_truncated_gauge.send(name=None, value=0)

        return msg_str
def serialize_envelope(envelope):
    """Returns json representation of an envelope.

    :return: json object of envelope
    :rtype: json or a bytestring `encoding` encoded
            representation of it.

    json = rest_utils.as_json(envelope, ensure_ascii=False)
    return encodeutils.safe_decode(json, 'utf-8')
    def _transform_message_to_json(self, message):
        """Transforms message into JSON.

        Method transforms message to JSON and
        encode to utf8
        :param str message: instance of message
        :return: serialized message
        :rtype: str
        msg_json = rest_utils.as_json(message)
        return msg_json.encode('utf-8')
Beispiel #8
    def _truncate(self, envelope):
        """Truncates the message if needed.

        Each message send to kafka is verified.
        Method checks if message serialized to json
        exceeds maximum allowed size that can be posted to kafka
        queue. If so, method truncates message property of the log
        by difference between message and allowed size.

        :param Envelope envelope: original envelope
        :return: serialized message
        :rtype: str

        msg_str = rest_utils.as_json(envelope)
        envelope_size = ((len(bytearray(msg_str)) + _TIMESTAMP_KEY_SIZE +
                         if msg_str is not None else -1)

        diff_size = ((envelope_size - self.max_message_size) +

        if diff_size > 1:
            truncated_by = diff_size + _TRUNCATED_PROPERTY_SIZE

            LOG.warn(('Detected message that exceeds %d bytes,'
                      'message will be truncated by %d bytes'),
                     self.max_message_size, truncated_by)

            log_msg = envelope['log']['message']
            truncated_log_msg = log_msg[:-truncated_by]

            envelope['log']['truncated'] = True
            envelope['log']['message'] = truncated_log_msg
            self._logs_truncated_gauge.send(name=None, value=truncated_by)

            msg_str = rest_utils.as_json(envelope)
            self._logs_truncated_gauge.send(name=None, value=0)

        return msg_str
Beispiel #9
def to_json(data):
    """Converts data to JSON string.

    :param dict data: data to be transformed to JSON
    :return: JSON string
    :rtype: str
    :raises: Exception
        # NOTE(trebskit) ensure_ascii => UTF-8
        return rest_utils.as_json(data, ensure_ascii=False)
    except Exception as ex:
Beispiel #10
def serialize_envelope(envelope):
    """Returns json representation of an envelope.

    :return: json object of envelope
    :rtype: six.text_type

    json = rest_utils.as_json(envelope, ensure_ascii=False)

    if six.PY2:
        raw = unicode(json.replace(r'\\', r'\\\\'),
        raw = json

    return raw
Beispiel #11
    def on_get(self, req, res):
        # at this point we know API is alive, so
        # keep up good work and verify kafka status

        kafka_result = self._kafka_check.healthcheck()

        # in case it'd be unhealthy,
        # message will contain error string
        status_data = {'kafka': kafka_result.message}

        # Really simple approach, ideally that should be
        # part of monasca-common with some sort of registration of
        # healthchecks concept

        res.status = (self.HEALTHY_CODE_GET
                      if kafka_result.healthy else self.NOT_HEALTHY_CODE)
        res.cache_control = self.CACHE_CONTROL
        res.body = rest_utils.as_json(status_data)
Beispiel #12
    def _create_log_envelope(self, tenant_id, cross_tenant_id, region='',
                             dimensions=None, log_message=None):
        """Create a log envelope and return it as a json string."""
        if log_message is None:
            log_message = {}
        if dimensions is None:
            dimensions = {}

        log_message['dimensions'] = dimensions

        envelope = {
            'creation_time': timeutils.utcnow_ts(),
            'meta': {
                'tenantId': tenant_id if tenant_id else cross_tenant_id,
                'region': region
            'log': log_message
        return rest_utils.as_json(envelope)
Beispiel #13
    def on_get(self, req, res):
        # at this point we know API is alive, so
        # keep up good work and verify kafka status

        kafka_result = self._kafka_check.healthcheck()

        # in case it'd be unhealthy,
        # message will contain error string
        status_data = {
            'kafka': kafka_result.message

        # Really simple approach, ideally that should be
        # part of monasca-common with some sort of registration of
        # healthchecks concept

        res.status = (self.HEALTHY_CODE_GET
                      if kafka_result.healthy else self.NOT_HEALTHY_CODE)
        res.cache_control = self.CACHE_CONTROL
        res.body = rest_utils.as_json(status_data)
Beispiel #14
    def send_message(self, message):
        """Sends message to each configured topic.

        Prior to sending a message, unique key is being
        calculated for the given message using:

        * tenant id
        * application type
        * dimensions

            Falsy messages (i.e. empty) are not shipped to kafka

        See :py:meth:`monasca_log_api.v2.common.service.LogCreator`

        :param dict message: instance of log envelope
        if not message:
        if not self._is_message_valid(message):
            raise InvalidMessageException()

        key = self._build_key(message['meta']['tenantId'], message['log'])
        msg = rest_utils.as_json(message).encode('utf8')


        LOG.debug('Build key [%s] for message', key)
        LOG.debug('Sending message {topics=%s,key=%s,message=%s}',
                  self._topics, key, msg)

            for topic in self._topics:
                self._publisher().publish(topic, msg, key)
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ex
    def _transform_message(self, event_element, event_project_id):
        """Transform the message

        :param dict event_element: original event element
        :param str event_project_id: project id
        :return: message payload
            msg_json = rest_utils.as_json(event_element)
            msg_json = encodeutils.safe_encode(msg_json, 'utf-8')

            event_envelope = envelope.Envelope.new_envelope(

            msg_payload = (super(EventsBulkProcessor,
            return msg_payload

        except Exception as ex:
            LOG.error("Event transformation failed, rejecting event")
            return None
Beispiel #16
 def handle_none_version_id(req, res, result):
     for version in _VERSIONS_TPL_DICT:
         selected_version = _parse_version(version, req)
     res.body = rest_utils.as_json(result, sort_keys=True)
     res.status = falcon.HTTP_200
Beispiel #17
    def test_as_json_success(self):
        data = mock.Mock()

        dumped_json = utils.as_json(data)

        self.assertEqual(dumped_json, self.mock_json.dumps.return_value)
Beispiel #18
    def test_as_json_success(self):
        data = mock.Mock()

        dumped_json = utils.as_json(data)

        self.assertEqual(dumped_json, self.mock_json.dumps.return_value)
 def test_from_json(self):
     body_json = {'test_body': 'test'}
     req = request.Request(
         testing.create_environ(body=rest_utils.as_json(body_json), ))
     response = helpers.from_json(req)
     self.assertEqual(body_json, response)
Beispiel #20
 def handle_none_version_id(req, res, result):
     for version in _VERSIONS_TPL_DICT:
         selected_version = _parse_version(version, req)
     res.body = rest_utils.as_json(result, sort_keys=True)
     res.status = falcon.HTTP_200