Beispiel #1
    def test_random_like(self):
        Test that the random_like function produces sensible data

        # Try for floats and complex data
        for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
            # Test random array creation with same
            # shape and type as existing array
            shape = (np.random.randint(1, 50), np.random.randint(1, 50))
            ary = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)    
            random_ary = mbu.random_like(ary)

            # Test that that the shape and type is correct
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.shape == ary.shape)
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.dtype == dtype)

            # Test that we're getting complex data out
            if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
                proportion_cplx = np.sum(np.iscomplex(random_ary)) / random_ary.size
                self.assertTrue(proportion_cplx > 0.9)

            # Test random array creation with supplied shape and type
            shape = (np.random.randint(1, 50), np.random.randint(1, 50))
            random_ary = mbu.random_like(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)

            # Test that that the shape and type is correct
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.shape == shape)
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.dtype == dtype)

            # Test that we're getting complex data out
            if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
                proportion_cplx = np.sum(np.iscomplex(random_ary)) / random_ary.size
                self.assertTrue(proportion_cplx > 0.9)
Beispiel #2
    def test_random_like(self):
        Test that the random_like function produces sensible data

        # Try for floats and complex data
        for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
            # Test random array creation with same
            # shape and type as existing array
            shape = (np.random.randint(1, 50), np.random.randint(1, 50))
            ary = np.empty(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)    
            random_ary = mbu.random_like(ary)

            # Test that that the shape and type is correct
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.shape == ary.shape)
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.dtype == dtype)

            # Test that we're getting complex data out
            if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
                proportion_cplx = np.sum(np.iscomplex(random_ary)) / random_ary.size
                self.assertTrue(proportion_cplx > 0.9)

            # Test random array creation with supplied shape and type
            shape = (np.random.randint(1, 50), np.random.randint(1, 50))
            random_ary = mbu.random_like(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)

            # Test that that the shape and type is correct
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.shape == shape)
            self.assertTrue(random_ary.dtype == dtype)

            # Test that we're getting complex data out
            if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
                proportion_cplx = np.sum(np.iscomplex(random_ary)) / random_ary.size
                self.assertTrue(proportion_cplx > 0.9)

    slvr_cfg = montblanc.rime_solver_cfg(

    with montblanc.rime_solver(slvr_cfg) as slvr:
        # Random point source coordinates in the l,m,n (brightness image) domain
        slvr.lm[:] = mbu.random_like(slvr.lm) * 0.1

        # Need a positive semi-definite brightness matrix
        I, Q, U, V = slvr.stokes[:, :,
                                 0], slvr.stokes[:, :,
                                                 1], slvr.stokes[:, :,
                                                                 2], slvr.stokes[:, :,
        Q[:] = np.random.random(size=Q.shape) - 0.5
        U[:] = np.random.random(size=U.shape) - 0.5
        V[:] = np.random.random(size=V.shape) - 0.5
        noise = np.random.random(size=(Q.shape)) * 0.1
        # Determinant of a brightness matrix
        # is I^2 - Q^2 - U^2 - V^2, noise ensures
        # positive semi-definite matrix
        I[:] = np.sqrt(Q**2 + U**2 + V**2 + noise)
    with montblanc.rime_solver(slvr_cfg) as slvr:
        # Get the lm coordinates
        lm = sky_parse.shape_arrays(['l','m'], slvr.lm.shape, slvr.lm.dtype)

        # Get the stokes and alpha parameters
        stokes, alpha = repeat_brightness_over_time(slvr, sky_parse)

        # If there are gaussian sources, create their
        # shape matrix and transfer it.
        if slvr.dim_global_size('ngsrc') > 0:
            gauss.shape = sky_parse.shape_arrays(['el','em','eR'],
                slvr.gauss.shape.shape, slvr.gauss.shape.dtype)

        # Create observed visibilities and upload them to the GPU
        observed_vis = mbu.random_like(slvr.observed_vis)

        # Generate random antenna pointing errors
        point_errors = mbu.random_like(slvr.point_errors)

        # Generate and transfer a noise vector.
        weight_vector = mbu.random_like(slvr.weight_vector)

        # Execute the pipeline
        for i in range(args.count):
            # Set data on the solver object. Uploads to GPU
Beispiel #5
    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    # Set the logging level

    slvr_cfg = montblanc.rime_solver_cfg(msfile=args.msfile,
            gaussian=args.ngsrc, sersic=args.nssrc),
        init_weights='weight', weight_vector=False,
        dtype='float', auto_correlations=args.auto_correlations,

    with montblanc.rime_solver(slvr_cfg) as slvr:
        # Random point source coordinates in the l,m,n (brightness image) domain
        slvr.lm[:] = mbu.random_like(slvr.lm)*0.1

        # Need a positive semi-definite brightness matrix
        I, Q, U, V = slvr.stokes[:,:,0], slvr.stokes[:,:,1], slvr.stokes[:,:,2], slvr.stokes[:,:,3]
        Q[:] = np.random.random(size=Q.shape)-0.5
        U[:] = np.random.random(size=U.shape)-0.5
        V[:] = np.random.random(size=V.shape)-0.5
        noise = np.random.random(size=(Q.shape))*0.1
        # Determinant of a brightness matrix
        # is I^2 - Q^2 - U^2 - V^2, noise ensures
        # positive semi-definite matrix
        I[:] = np.sqrt(Q**2 + U**2 + V**2 + noise)
        slvr.alpha[:] = mbu.random_like(slvr.alpha)

        # E beam
        slvr.E_beam[:] = mbu.random_like(slvr.E_beam)
    # Set the logging level

    slvr_cfg = montblanc.rime_solver_cfg(msfile=args.msfile,
        init_weights='weight', weight_vector=False,
        dtype='double', version=args.version)

    with montblanc.rime_solver(slvr_cfg) as slvr:
        # Random point source coordinates in the l,m,n (brightness image) domain
        lm = mbu.random_like(slvr.lm)*0.1

        if args.version in [Options.VERSION_TWO]:
            # Random brightness matrix for the point sources
            brightness = mbu.random_like(slvr.brightness)
        elif args.version in [Options.VERSION_FOUR]:
            # Need a positive semi-definite brightness
            # matrix for v4 and v5
            stokes = np.empty(shape=slvr.stokes.shape, dtype=slvr.stokes.dtype)
            I, Q, U, V = stokes[:,:,0], stokes[:,:,1], stokes[:,:,2], stokes[:,:,3]
            Q[:] = np.random.random(size=Q.shape)-0.5
            U[:] = np.random.random(size=U.shape)-0.5
            V[:] = np.random.random(size=V.shape)-0.5
            noise = np.random.random(size=(Q.shape))*0.1
            # Determinant of a brightness matrix
            # is I^2 - Q^2 - U^2 - V^2, noise ensures