Beispiel #1
def make_NMDA( name ):
    if moose.exists( '/library/' + name ):
    NMDA = moose.NMDAChan( '/library/' + name )
    NMDA.Ek = 0.0
    NMDA.tau1 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.tau2 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.Gbar = 5 * SOMA_A
    NMDA.CMg = 1.2		#	[Mg]ext in mM
    NMDA.KMg_A = 1.0/0.28
    NMDA.KMg_B = 1.0/62
    NMDA.temperature = 300  # Temperature in Kelvin.
    NMDA.extCa = 1.5        # [Ca]ext in mM
    NMDA.intCa = 0.00008        # [Ca]int in mM
    NMDA.intCaScale = 1         # Scale factor from elec Ca units to mM
    NMDA.intCaOffset = 0.00008  # Basal [Ca]int in mM
    NMDA.condFraction = 0.02  # Fraction of conductance due to Ca

    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring( NMDA.path + '/addmsg1' )
    addmsg1.value = '.	ICaOut ../Ca_conc current'
    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( NMDA.path + '/addmsg2' )
    addmsg2.value = '../Ca_conc	concOut . assignIntCa'

    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler( NMDA.path + '/sh' )
    moose.connect( sh, 'activationOut', NMDA, 'activation' )
    sh.numSynapses = 1
    sh.synapse[0].weight = 1
    return NMDA
Beispiel #2
def make_NMDA():
    if moose.exists('NMDA'):
    NMDA = moose.SynChan('NMDA')
    NMDA.Ek = 0.0
    NMDA.tau1 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.tau2 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.Gbar = 5 * SOMA_A

    block = moose.MgBlock('/library/NMDA/block')
    block.CMg = 1.2  #	[Mg] in mM
    block.Zk = 2
    block.KMg_A = 1.0 / 0.28
    block.KMg_B = 1.0 / 62

    moose.connect(NMDA, 'channelOut', block, 'origChannel', 'OneToOne')
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.. channel	./block	channel'
    #Here we want to also tell the cell reader to _remove_ the original
    #Gk, Ek term going from the channel to the compartment, as this is
    # now handled by the MgBlock.
    #addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( 'NMDA/addmsg2'
    #addmsg2.value = 'DropMsg	..	channel'
    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '.. VmOut	.	Vm'
Beispiel #3
def make_NMDA():
    if moose.exists('NMDA'):
    NMDA = moose.SynChan('NMDA')
    NMDA.Ek = 0.0
    NMDA.tau1 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.tau2 = 20.0e-3
    NMDA.Gbar = 5 * SOMA_A

    block = moose.MgBlock('/library/NMDA/block')
    block.CMg = 1.2  #        [Mg] in mM
    block.Zk = 2
    block.KMg_A = 1.0 / 0.28
    block.KMg_B = 1.0 / 62

    moose.connect(NMDA, 'channelOut', block, 'origChannel', 'OneToOne')
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.. channel        ./block        channel'
    #Here we want to also tell the cell reader to _remove_ the original
    #Gk, Ek term going from the channel to the compartment, as this is
    # now handled by the MgBlock.
    #addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( 'NMDA/addmsg2'
    #addmsg2.value = 'DropMsg        ..        channel'
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.. VmOut        ./block        Vm'
    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = './block        IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring('/library/NMDA/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '.. VmOut        .        Vm'

    sh = moose.SimpleSynHandler('NMDA/sh')
    moose.connect(sh, 'activationOut', NMDA, 'activation')
    sh.numSynapses = 1
    sh.synapse[0].weight = 1
Beispiel #4
def make_Ca( name ):
    if moose.exists( '/library/' + name):
    Ca = moose.HHChannel( '/library/' + name )
    Ca.Ek = ECA
    Ca.Gbar = 40 * SOMA_A
    Ca.Gk = 0
    Ca.Xpower = 2
    Ca.Ypower = 1
    Ca.Zpower = 0

    xgate = moose.element( Ca.path + '/gateX' )
    xA = np.array( [ 1.6e3, 0, 1.0, -1.0 * (0.065 + EREST_ACT), -0.01389, -20e3 * (0.0511 + EREST_ACT), 20e3, -1.0, -1.0 * (0.0511 + EREST_ACT), 5.0e-3, 3000, -0.1, 0.05 ] )
#    xgate.min = -0.1
#    xgate.max = 0.05
#    xgate.divs = 3000
#// Converting Traub's expressions for the gCa/s alpha and beta functions
#// to SI units and entering the A, B, C, D and F parameters, we get:
#    xgate.alpha( 1.6e3, 0, 1.0, -1.0 * (0.065 + EREST_ACT), -0.01389 )
#    xgate.beta( -20e3 * (0.0511 + EREST_ACT), 20e3, -1.0, -1.0 * (0.0511 + EREST_ACT), 5.0e-3 )
    #xgate.setupAlpha( xA )
    xgate.alphaParms = xA

#  The Y gate (gCa/r) is not quite of this form.  For V > EREST_ACT, alpha =
#  5*{exp({-50*(V - EREST_ACT)})}.  Otherwise, alpha = 5.  Over the entire
#  range, alpha + beta = 5.  To create the Y_A and Y_B tables, we use some
#  of the pieces of the setupalpha function.
    ygate = moose.element( Ca.path + '/gateY' )
    ygate.min = -0.1
    ygate.max = 0.05
    ygate.divs = 3000
    yA = np.zeros( (ygate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    yB = np.zeros( (ygate.divs + 1), dtype=float)

#Fill the Y_A table with alpha values and the Y_B table with (alpha+beta)
    dx = (ygate.max - ygate.min)/ygate.divs
    x = ygate.min
    for i in range( ygate.divs + 1 ):
        if ( x > EREST_ACT):
            yA[i] = 5.0 * math.exp( -50 * (x - EREST_ACT) )
            yA[i] = 0.0
        #yB[i] = 6.0 - yA[i]
        yB[i] = 5.0
        x += dx
    ygate.tableA = yA
    ygate.tableB = yB
# Tell the cell reader that the current from this channel must be fed into
# the Ca_conc pool of calcium.
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring( Ca.path + '/addmsg1' )
    addmsg1.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'
# in some compartments, whe have an NMDA_Ca_conc object to put the current
# into.
    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( Ca.path + '/addmsg2' )
    addmsg2.value = '.    IkOut    ../NMDA_Ca_conc    current'
        # Here we put in an addmsg command for nernst objects, if any.
    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring( Ca.path + '/addmsg3' )
    addmsg3.value = '../Ca_conc/nernst  Eout    .   setEk'
Beispiel #5
def CaN_SChan(name):
    CaN_S = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    CaN_S.Ek = ECa
    CaN_S.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    CaN_S.Gk = 0.0
    CaN_S.Xpower = 2.0
    CaN_S.Ypower = 1.0
    CaN_S.Zpower = 1.0
    CaN_S.useConcentration = 1
    CaN_S.instant = 4

    celsius = 34
    ki = .001
    cai = 50e-6
    cao = 10
    mtfactor = 1.495491
    htfactor = 1.760253
    vhalfm = 23.916356
    vhalfh = 39.676957

    alph = 1.6e-4 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 48.4)
    beth = 1 / (np.exp((-v * 1e3 + vhalfh) / 10.) + 1.)
    alpm = 0.1967 * (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + vhalfm) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + vhalfm) / 10.0) - 1.0)
    betm = 0.046 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 20.73)
    a = alpm
    taum = mtfactor * 1 / (a + betm) * 1e-3
    minf = a * mtfactor * 1 / (a + betm)
    a = alph
    tauh = htfactor * 1 / (a + beth) * 1e-3
    hinf = a * htfactor * 1 / (a + beth)

    xgate = moose.element(CaN_S.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = minf / taum
    xgate.tableB = 1.0 / taum

    ygate = moose.element(CaN_S.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = hinf / tauh
    ygate.tableB = 1.0 / tauh

    zgate = moose.element(CaN_S.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zgate.tableA = ki / (ki + ca)
    zgate.tableB = ki / (ki + ca)

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(CaN_S.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(CaN_S.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return CaN_S
Beispiel #6
 def __new__(cls, name, bases, cdict):
     global prototypes
     # classes that set absract=True will be
     # abstract classes. Others will have the prototype insatntiated.
     if 'abstract' in cdict and cdict['abstract'] == True:
         return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, cdict)
     proto = moose.HHChannel('%s/%s' % (config.library.path, name))
     xpower = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'Xpower', default=0.0)
     if xpower > 0:
         proto.Xpower = xpower
         gate = moose.HHGate('%s/gateX' % (proto.path))
         setup_gate_tables(gate, cdict, bases)
         cdict['xGate'] = gate
     ypower = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'Ypower', default=0.0)
     if ypower > 0:
         proto.Ypower = ypower
         gate = moose.HHGate('%s/gateY' % (proto.path))
         setup_gate_tables(gate, cdict, bases)
         cdict['yGate'] = gate
     zpower = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'Zpower', default=0.0)
     if zpower > 0:
         proto.Zpower = zpower
         gate = moose.HHGate('%s/gateZ' % (proto.path))
         setup_gate_tables(gate, cdict, bases)
         cdict['zGate'] = gate
         ca_msg_field = moose.Mstring('%s/addmsg1' % (proto.path))
         ca_msg_field.value = '../CaPool	concOut	. concen'
         proto.instant = get_class_field(name,
         proto.useConcentration = True
     proto.Ek = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'Ek', default=0.0)
     X = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'X')
     if X is not None:
         proto.X = X
     Y = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'Y')
     if Y is not None:
         proto.Y = Y
     Z = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'Z')
     if Z is not None:
         proto.Z = Z
     mstring_field = get_class_field(name, cdict, bases, 'mstring')
     if mstring_field is not None:
         # print 'mstring_field:', mstring_field
         mstring = moose.Mstring('%s/%s' % (proto.path, mstring_field[0]))
         mstring.value = mstring_field[1]
     if 'annotation' in cdict:
         info = moose.Annotator('%s/info' % (proto.path))
         info.notes = '\n'.join('%s: %s' % kv
                                for kv in list(cdict['annotation'].items()))
         # print proto.path, info.notes
     cdict['prototype'] = proto
     prototypes[name] = proto'Created prototype: %s of class %s' %
                        (proto.path, name))
     return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, cdict)
Beispiel #7
def Ca_N_Chan(name):
    Ca_N = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    Ca_N.Ek = ECa
    Ca_N.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    Ca_N.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_N.Xpower = 2.0
    Ca_N.Ypower = 1.0
    Ca_N.Zpower = 1.0
    Ca_N.useConcentration = 1
    Ca_N.instant = 4

    ki = .001
    cai = 50e-6
    cao = 10
    mtfactor = 1
    htfactor = 1
    vhalfm = 19.88
    vhalfh = 39.0

    alph = 1.6e-4 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 48.4)
    beth = 1 / (np.exp((-v * 1e3 + vhalfh) / 10.) + 1.)
    alpm = 0.1967 * (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + vhalfm) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + vhalfm) / 10.0) - 1.0)
    betm = 0.046 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 20.73)
    a = alpm
    taum = mtfactor * 1 / (a + betm)
    minf = a * mtfactor * 1 / (a + betm)
    a = alph
    tauh = htfactor * 1 / (a + beth)
    hinf = a * htfactor * 1 / (a + beth)

    xgate = moose.element(Ca_N.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = minf / taum * 1e3
    xgate.tableB = 1.0 / taum * 1e3

    ygate = moose.element(Ca_N.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = hinf / tauh * 1e3
    ygate.tableB = 1.0 / tauh * 1e3

    zgate = moose.element(Ca_N.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zgate.tableA = ki / (ki + ca)
    zgate.tableB = ki / (ki + ca)

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(Ca_N.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(Ca_N.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return Ca_N
Beispiel #8
    def readSynapseML(self, synapseElement, units="SI units"):
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:  # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e-3  # S from mS
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            pu.fatal("Wrong units %s exiting ..." % units)
        if not moose.exists('/library'):
        synname = synapseElement.attrib['name']
        if utils.neuroml_debug:
  "Loading synapse : %s into /library" % synname)
        moosesynapse = moose.SynChan('/library/' + synname)
        doub_exp_syn = synapseElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}doub_exp_syn')
        moosesynapse.Ek = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['reversal_potential']) * Vfactor
        moosesynapse.Gbar = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['max_conductance']) * Gfactor
        moosesynapse.tau1 = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['rise_time']) * Tfactor  # seconds
        moosesynapse.tau2 = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['decay_time']) * Tfactor  # seconds
        ## The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event generator.
        ## delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can be connected to a single synapse

        ## graded synapses are not supported by neuroml, so set to False here,
        ## see my Demo/neuroml/lobster_pyloric/ for how to still have graded synapses
        moosesynapse_graded = moose.Mstring(moosesynapse.path + '/graded')
        moosesynapse_graded.value = 'False'
        moosesynapse_mgblock = moose.Mstring(moosesynapse.path + '/mgblockStr')
        moosesynapse_mgblock.value = 'False'
        ## check if STDP synapse is present or not
        stdp_syn = synapseElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}stdp_syn')
        if stdp_syn is None:
            moosesynhandler = moose.SimpleSynHandler('/library/' + synname +
            moosesynhandler = moose.STDPSynHandler('/library/' + synname +
            moosesynhandler.aPlus0 = float(stdp_syn.attrib['del_weight_ltp'])
            moosesynhandler.aMinus0 = float(stdp_syn.attrib['del_weight_ltd'])
            moosesynhandler.tauPlus = float(stdp_syn.attrib['tau_ltp'])
            moosesynhandler.tauMinus = float(stdp_syn.attrib['tau_ltd'])
            moosesynhandler.weightMax = float(
            moosesynhandler.weightMin = 0.0
        ## connect the SimpleSynHandler or the STDPSynHandler to the SynChan (double exp)
        moose.connect(moosesynhandler, 'activationOut', moosesynapse,
Beispiel #9
def KahpChanKO(name):
    Kahp = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    Kahp.Ek = Ek_K
    Kahp.Gbar = 8.0 * SOMA_A
    Kahp.Gk = 0.0
    Kahp.Xpower = 0.0
    Kahp.Ypower = 0.0
    Kahp.Zpower = 1.0
    Kahp.useConcentration = 1  #changed from Kahp.useConcentration = 0

    zgate = moose.element(Kahp.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zA = np.zeros((zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    zB = np.zeros((zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    dx = (zgate.max - zgate.min) / zgate.divs
    x = zgate.min
    for i in range(zgate.divs + 1):
        # zA[i] = min( 500.00 * x * Ca_scale, 10 ) #in paper, its zA[i] = min( 0.02 * x, 10 )
        zA[i] = min(
            0.02 * x / 2, 10
        )  #changed from zA[i] = min( 250.00 * x, 10 ) #2 times decrease in sensitivity
        # zA[i] = min( 0.02 * x, 10.0 )
        zB[i] = 1.0 + min(0.02 * x, 10)  #changed from zB[i] = 1.0
        x = x + dx

    zgate.tableA = zA
    zgate.tableB = zB

    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring(Kahp.path + '/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return Kahp
Beispiel #10
def CaR_SChan(name):
    CaR_S = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    CaR_S.Ek = ECa
    CaR_S.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    CaR_S.Gk = 0.0
    CaR_S.Xpower = 3.0
    CaR_S.Ypower = 1.0
    CaR_S.Zpower = 0.0

    celsius = 34

    v = np.arange(Vmin, Vmax + dV, dV)
    infm = 1.0 / (1 + np.exp((v + 60e-3) / (-3e-3)))
    taum = 100e-3 + 0 * v
    infh = 1.0 / (1 + np.exp((v + 62e-3) / (1e-3)))
    tauh = 5e-3 + 0 * v

    xgate = moose.element(CaR_S.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = infm / taum
    xgate.tableB = 1.0 / taum

    ygate = moose.element(CaR_S.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = infh / tauh
    ygate.tableB = 1.0 / tauh

    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring(CaR_S.path + '/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'
    return CaR_S
Beispiel #11
def KsAHP_Chan(name):
    KsAHP = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    KsAHP.Ek = EK
    KsAHP.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    KsAHP.Gk = 0.0
    KsAHP.Xpower = 0.0
    KsAHP.Ypower = 0.0
    KsAHP.Zpower = 3.0
    KsAHP.useConcentration = 1

    celsius = 36
    gbar = 0.01
    beta = 0.03e3
    cac = 0.025
    taumin = 0.5e-3

    tadj = 3**((celsius - 22.0) / 10)
    ca = np.arange(Camin, Camax + dCa, dCa)
    car = (ca / cac)**2
    m_inf = car / (1 + car)
    tau_m = 1 / beta / (1 + car) / tadj
    tau_m[tau_m < taumin] = taumin

    zgate = moose.element(KsAHP.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zgate.tableA = m_inf / tau_m
    zgate.tableB = 1.0 / tau_m

    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring(KsAHP.path + '/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return KsAHP
Beispiel #12
def CaR_SChan(name): # Magee and Johnston (1995) and Poirazi et al. (2003) #Currently from Poirazi2003
    CaR_S = moose.HHChannel( '/library/' + name )
    CaR_S.Ek = ECa
    CaR_S.Gbar = 300.0*SOMA_A
    CaR_S.Gk = 0.0
    CaR_S.Xpower = 3.0
    CaR_S.Ypower = 1.0
    CaR_S.Zpower = 0.0

    celsius = 34

    infm = 1 / (1 + np.exp((v*1e3+60)/(-3)))
    taum = (100 + 0*v)*1e-3
    infh = 1/ (1 + np.exp((v*1e3+62)/(1)))
    tauh = (5 + 0*v)*1e-3

    xgate = moose.element( CaR_S.path + '/gateX' )
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = infm/taum
    xgate.tableB = 1.0/taum

    ygate = moose.element( CaR_S.path + '/gateY' )
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = infh/tauh
    ygate.tableB = 1.0/tauh

    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring( CaR_S.path + '/addmsg1' )
    addmsg1.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'
    return CaR_S
Beispiel #13
def CaT_Chan(name):
    CaT = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    CaT.Ek = ECa
    CaT.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    CaT.Gk = 0.0
    CaT.Xpower = 2.0
    CaT.Ypower = 1.0
    CaT.Zpower = 1.0
    CaT.useConcentration = 1
    CaT.instant = 4

    tBase = 23.5
    celsius = 22
    gcatbar = 0
    ki = 0.001
    cai = 5.e-5
    cao = 2
    tfa = 1
    tfi = 0.68

    v = np.arange(Vmin, Vmax + dV, dV)
    alph = 1.6e-1 * np.exp(-(v + 57e-3) / 19e-3)
    beth = 1e3 / (np.exp((-v + 15e-3) / 10e-3) + 1.0)
    alpm = 0.1967e6 * (-1.0 * v + 19.88e-3) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v + 19.88e-3) / 10.0e-3) - 1.0)
    betm = 0.046e3 * np.exp(-v / 22.73e-3)

    a = alpm
    taum = 1.0 / (tfa * (a + betm))
    minf = a / (a + betm)
    a = alph
    tauh = 1.0 / (tfi * (a + beth))
    hinf = a / (a + beth)

    xgate = moose.element(CaT.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = minf / taum
    xgate.tableB = 1.0 / taum

    ygate = moose.element(CaT.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = hinf / tauh
    ygate.tableB = 1.0 / tauh

    zgate = moose.element(CaT.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    ca = np.arange(Camin, Camax + dCa, dCa)
    zgate.tableA = ki / (ki + ca)
    zgate.tableB = ki / (ki + ca)

    #Does not activate calcium-dependent currents
    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(CaT.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return CaT
def KSK_Chan(name):
    KSK = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    KSK.Ek = EK
    KSK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    KSK.Gk = 0.0
    KSK.Xpower = 0.0
    KSK.Ypower = 0.0
    KSK.Zpower = 1.0
    KSK.useConcentration = 1

    celsius = 36
    cac = 0.56e-3
    taumin = 6.3e-3

    ca = np.arange(Camin, Camax + dCa, dCa)
    car = (ca / cac)**4.6
    m_inf = car / (1 + car)
    tau_m = taumin + 0 * ca

    zgate = moose.element(KSK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zgate.tableA = m_inf / tau_m
    zgate.tableB = 1.0 / tau_m

    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring(KSK.path + '/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return KSK
def K_BK_Chan(name):
    K_BK = moose.HHChannel2D( '/library/' + name )
    K_BK.Ek = EK
    K_BK.Gbar = 300.0*SOMA_A
    K_BK.Gk = 0.0
    K_BK.Xpower = 0.0
    K_BK.Ypower = 0.0
    K_BK.Zpower = 1.0
    K_BK.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    zgate = moose.element( K_BK.path + '/gateZ' )
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    zgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    zgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring( K_BK.path + '/addmsg4' )
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return K_BK
Beispiel #16
def Ca_LVAst_Chan(name):
    Ca_LVAst = moose.HHChannel( '/library/' + name )
    Ca_LVAst.Ek = ECa
    Ca_LVAst.Gbar = 300.0*SOMA_A
    Ca_LVAst.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_LVAst.Xpower = 2.0
    Ca_LVAst.Ypower = 1.0
    Ca_LVAst.Zpower = 0.0

    qt = 2.3**((34-21)/10)
    V = v+0.010 #Because Hay2011 shifted this
    mInf = 1.0000/(1+ np.exp((V*1e3 - -30.000)/-6))
    mTau = (5.0000 + 20.0000/(1+np.exp((V*1e3 - -25.000)/5)))/qt
    hInf = 1.0000/(1+ np.exp((V*1e3 - -80.000)/6.4))
    hTau = (20.0000 + 50.0000/(1+np.exp((V*1e3 - -40.000)/7)))/qt

    xgate = moose.element( Ca_LVAst.path + '/gateX' )
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = mInf/mTau*1e3
    xgate.tableB = 1/mTau*1e3

    ygate = moose.element( Ca_LVAst.path + '/gateY' )
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = hInf/hTau*1e3
    ygate.tableB = 1/hTau*1e3

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( Ca_LVAst.path + '/addmsg2' )
    addmsg2.value = '. IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    return Ca_LVAst
Beispiel #17
def simpChan(name):
    simp = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    simp.Ek = Ek_K
    simp.Gbar = 150 * SOMA_A
    simp.Gk = 0
    simp.Xpower = 0
    simp.Ypower = 0
    simp.Zpower = 1
    simp.instant = 4
    simp.useConcentration = 1

    zgate = moose.element(simp.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zA = np.zeros((zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    zB = np.zeros((zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    dx = (zgate.max - zgate.min) / zgate.divs
    x = zgate.min
    for i in range(zgate.divs + 1):
        zA[i] = min(1.0, x /
                    zgate.max)  #in the paper, its zA[i] = min( 1.0, x/250 )
        # zA[i] = min( 1.0, x/250 )
        zB[i] = 1.0
        x += dx
    zgate.tableA = zA
    zgate.tableB = zB

    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring(simp.path + '/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return simp
def Ca_HVA_Chan(name):
    Ca_HVA = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    Ca_HVA.Ek = ECa
    Ca_HVA.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    Ca_HVA.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_HVA.Xpower = 2.0
    Ca_HVA.Ypower = 1.0
    Ca_HVA.Zpower = 0.0

    mAlpha = (0.055 * (-27 - v * 1e3)) / (np.exp((-27 - v * 1e3) / 3.8) - 1)
    mBeta = (0.94 * np.exp((-75 - v * 1e3) / 17))
    hAlpha = (0.000457 * np.exp((-13 - v * 1e3) / 50))
    hBeta = (0.0065 / (np.exp((-v * 1e3 - 15) / 28) + 1))

    xgate = moose.element(Ca_HVA.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = mAlpha * 1e3
    xgate.tableB = (mAlpha + mBeta) * 1e3

    ygate = moose.element(Ca_HVA.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = hAlpha * 1e3
    ygate.tableB = (hAlpha + hBeta) * 1e3

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(Ca_HVA.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '. IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    return Ca_HVA
Beispiel #19
def KSK_Chan(name):
    KSK = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    KSK.Ek = EK
    KSK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    KSK.Gk = 0.0
    KSK.Xpower = 0.0
    KSK.Ypower = 0.0
    KSK.Zpower = 3.0
    KSK.useConcentration = 1

    celsius = 36
    gbar = 0.01
    beta = 0.03e3
    cac = 0.025  #Seems too high to me
    # cac = 0.00075 #Its mentioned somewhere in the modelDB. So, try this too
    taumin = 5e-3

    tadj = 3**((celsius - 22.0) / 10)
    ca = np.arange(Camin, Camax + dCa, dCa)
    car = (ca / cac)**2
    m_inf = car / (1 + car)
    tau_m = 1 / beta / (1 + car) / tadj
    tau_m[tau_m < taumin] = taumin

    zgate = moose.element(KSK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zgate.tableA = m_inf / tau_m
    zgate.tableB = 1.0 / tau_m

    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring(KSK.path + '/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return KSK
Beispiel #20
def K_BK_Chan(name):
    K_BK = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    K_BK.Ek = EK
    K_BK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    K_BK.Gk = 0.0
    K_BK.Xpower = 0.0
    K_BK.Ypower = 0.0
    K_BK.Zpower = 1.0
    K_BK.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    # cai = 5.e-5
    # d1 = .84
    # d2 = 1.
    # k1 = .48e-3
    # k2 = .13e-6
    # abar = .28
    # bbar = .48
    # st=1
    # tfactor = 1
    # F_KC = F/1000.0
    # def exp1(k,d,v):
    #     return k*np.exp(-2*d*F_KC*v*1e3/R/(273.15 + celsius))
    # def alp(v,c):
    #     return c*abar/(c + exp1(k1,d1,v))
    # def bet(v,c):
    #     return bbar/(1 + c/exp1(k2,d2,v))

    zgate = moose.element(K_BK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    # x = Vmin
    # tblA = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # tblB = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # for i in np.arange(len(v)):
    #     tblA[i] = np.array([alp(x,y) for y in ca])
    #     tblB[i] = np.add(tblA[i],[bet(x, y) for y in ca])/tfactor
    #     x = x + dV
    #     print(i, end='\r')
    # zgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    # zgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(K_BK.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return K_BK
Beispiel #21
def KahpChan( name ):
    Kahp = moose.HHChannel( '/library/' + name )
    Kahp.Ek = -0.015 + EREST
    Kahp.Gbar = 8*SOMA_A
    Kahp.Gk = 0
    Kahp.Xpower = 0
    Kahp.Ypower = 0
    Kahp.Zpower = 1
    Kahp.useConcentration = 1 #changed from Kahp.useConcentration = 0
    zgate = moose.element( Kahp.path + '/gateZ' )
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zA = np.zeros( (zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    zB = np.zeros( (zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    dx = (zgate.max - zgate.min)/zgate.divs
    x = zgate.min
    for i in range( zgate.divs + 1 ):
        zA[i] = min( 250.00 * x, 10 ) #in paper, its zA[i] = min( 0.02 * x, 10 )
        zB[i] = 1.0 + zA[i] #changed from zB[i] = 1.0
        x = x + dx
    zgate.tableA = zA
    zgate.tableB = zB
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring( Kahp.path + '/addmsg1' )
    addmsg1.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return Kahp
Beispiel #22
def make_K_AHP():
    if moose.exists('K_AHP'):

    K_AHP = moose.HHChannel('K_AHP')
    K_AHP.Ek = EK  #			V
    K_AHP.Gbar = 8 * SOMA_A  #	S
    K_AHP.Gk = 0  #	S
    K_AHP.Xpower = 0
    K_AHP.Ypower = 0
    K_AHP.Zpower = 1

    zgate = moose.element('K_AHP/gateZ')
    xmax = 500.0
    zgate.min = 0
    zgate.max = xmax
    zgate.divs = 3000
    zA = numpy.zeros((zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    zB = numpy.zeros((zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    dx = (zgate.max - zgate.min) / zgate.divs
    x = zgate.min
    for i in range(zgate.divs + 1):
        if (x < (xmax / 2.0)):
            zA[i] = 0.02 * x
            zA[i] = 10.0
        zB[i] = zA[i] + 1.0
        x = x + dx

    zgate.tableA = zA
    zgate.tableB = zB
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring('/library/K_AHP/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '../Ca_conc	concOut	. concen'
Beispiel #23
def Ca_R_Chan(name):
    Ca_R = moose.HHChannel( '/library/' + name )
    Ca_R.Ek = ECa
    Ca_R.Gbar = 300.0*SOMA_A
    Ca_R.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_R.Xpower = 3.0
    Ca_R.Ypower = 1.0
    Ca_R.Zpower = 0.0

    minf = 1 / (1 + np.exp((v*1e3+60)/(-3)))
    taum = 100 + 0*v*1e3

    hinf = 1/ (1 + np.exp((v*1e3+62)/(1)))
    tauh = 5 + 0*v*1e3

    xgate = moose.element( Ca_R.path + '/gateX' )
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = minf/taum*1e3
    xgate.tableB = 1.0/taum*1e3

    ygate = moose.element( Ca_R.path + '/gateY' )
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = hinf/tauh*1e3
    ygate.tableB = 1.0/tauh*1e3

    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring( Ca_R.path + '/addmsg1' )
    addmsg1.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'
    return Ca_R
Beispiel #24
def make_K_AHP( name ):
    if moose.exists( '/library/' + name ):
    K_AHP = moose.HHChannel( '/library/' + name )
    K_AHP.Ek = EK    #            V
    K_AHP.Gbar = 8 * SOMA_A #    S
    K_AHP.Gk = 0    #    S
    K_AHP.Xpower = 0
    K_AHP.Ypower = 0
    K_AHP.Zpower = 1
    K_AHP.useConcentration = 1

    zgate = moose.element( K_AHP.path + '/gateZ' )
    xmax = 0.02 # 20 micromolar.
    zgate.min = 0
    zgate.max = xmax
    zgate.divs = 3000
    zA = np.zeros( (zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    zB = np.zeros( (zgate.divs + 1), dtype=float)
    dx = (zgate.max - zgate.min)/zgate.divs
    x = zgate.min
    for i in range( zgate.divs + 1 ):
            zA[i] = min( 250.00 * CA_SCALE * x, 10 )
            zB[i] = 1.0 + zA[i]
            x = x + dx

    zgate.tableA = zA
    zgate.tableB = zB
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring( K_AHP.path + '/addmsg1' )
    addmsg1.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
def K_SK_Chan(name):
    K_SK = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    K_SK.Ek = EK
    K_SK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    K_SK.Gk = 0.0
    K_SK.Xpower = 0
    K_SK.Ypower = 0
    K_SK.Zpower = 3
    K_SK.useConcentration = 1

    cai = 2.4e-5
    gbar = 0.01
    beta = 0.03
    cac = 0.00035
    taumin = 0.5
    q10 = 3

    tadj = q10**((celsius - 22.0) / 10)
    car = (ca / cac)**4
    m_inf = car / (1 + car)
    tau_m = 1 / beta / (1 + car) / tadj
    tau_m[tau_m < taumin] = taumin

    zgate = moose.element(K_SK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zgate.tableA = m_inf / tau_m * 1e3
    zgate.tableB = 1.0 / tau_m * 1e3

    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring(K_SK.path + '/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return K_SK
Beispiel #26
def K_SK_Chan(name):
    K_SK = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    K_SK.Ek = EK
    K_SK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    K_SK.Gk = 0.0
    K_SK.Xpower = 0.0
    K_SK.Ypower = 0.0
    K_SK.Zpower = 3.0
    K_SK.useConcentration = 1

    n = 4
    cai = 50.e-6
    a0 = 1.3e13
    b0 = .5e-2
    tfactor = 1
    cahalf = 140.04e-6
    k = 0.10857

    alp = a0 * ca**n
    a = alp
    tau = tfactor * 1 / (a + b0)
    inf = 1 / (1 + np.exp((np.log(cahalf / ca)) / k))

    zgate = moose.element(K_SK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.min = Camin
    zgate.max = Camax
    zgate.divs = Cadivs
    zgate.tableA = inf / tau * 1e3
    zgate.tableB = 1.0 / tau * 1e3

    addmsg3 = moose.Mstring(K_SK.path + '/addmsg3')
    addmsg3.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return K_SK
Beispiel #27
def CaT_Chan(name):
    CaT = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + name)
    CaT.Ek = ECa
    CaT.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    CaT.Gk = 0.0
    CaT.Xpower = 2.0
    CaT.Ypower = 1.0
    CaT.Zpower = 0.0

    celsius = 25
    gcatbar = .003
    cao = 2
    q10 = 5
    mmin = 0.2
    hmin = 10
    a0h = 0.015
    zetah = 3.5
    vhalfh = -70.018017
    gmh = 0.6
    a0m = 0.04
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = -17.868123
    gmm = 0.61
    vhm = -60
    vhh = -85
    mtfactor = 1.552435
    htfactor = 0.963171

    alph = np.exp(0.0378 * zetah * (v * 1e3 - vhalfh))
    beth = np.exp(0.0378 * zetah * gmh * (v * 1e3 - vhalfh))
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * gmm * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)

    minf = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-(v * 1e3 - vhm) / 10)))
    mtau = mtfactor * betmt / (qt * a0m * (1 + alpmt)) * 1e-3
    mtau[mtau < mmin * 1e-3] = mmin * 1e-3

    hinf = (1 / (1 + np.exp((v * 1e3 - vhh) / 10)))
    htau = htfactor * beth / (a0h * (1 + alph)) * 1e-3
    htau[htau < hmin * 1e-3] = hmin * 1e-3

    xgate = moose.element(CaT.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.min = Vmin
    xgate.max = Vmax
    xgate.divs = Vdivs
    xgate.tableA = minf / mtau
    xgate.tableB = 1.0 / mtau

    ygate = moose.element(CaT.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.min = Vmin
    ygate.max = Vmax
    ygate.divs = Vdivs
    ygate.tableA = hinf / htau
    ygate.tableB = 1.0 / htau

    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring(CaT.path + '/addmsg1')
    addmsg1.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'
    return CaT
Beispiel #28
def KBK_Chan(name):
    KBK = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    KBK.Ek = EK
    KBK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    KBK.Gk = 0.0
    KBK.Xpower = 0.0
    KBK.Ypower = 0.0
    KBK.Zpower = 1.0
    KBK.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    cai = 5.e-5
    d1 = .84
    d2 = 1.
    k1 = 0.000588
    k2 = 8.76481e-08
    abar = .28
    bbar = .48
    st = 1
    tfactor = 1.279493
    F_KC = F / 1000.0

    def exp1(k, d, v):
        return k * np.exp(-2 * d * F_KC * v * 1e3 / R / (273.15 + celsius))

    def alp(v, c):
        return c * abar / (c + exp1(k1, d1, v))

    def bet(v, c):
        return bbar / (1 + c / exp1(k2, d2, v))

    zgate = moose.element(KBK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    x = Vmin
    tblA = np.zeros([len(v), len(ca)])
    tblB = np.zeros([len(v), len(ca)])
    for i in np.arange(len(v)):
        tblA[i] = np.array([alp(x, y) for y in ca])
        tblB[i] = np.add(tblA[i], [bet(x, y) for y in ca]) / tfactor
        x = x + dV
        print(i, end='\r')

    zgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    zgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(KBK.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return KBK
Beispiel #29
    def readSynapseML(self, synapseElement, units="SI units"):
        # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e-3  # S from mS
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            debug.printDebug("ERROR", "Wrong units {0}".format(units))
            raise UserWarning, "Wrong value or parameter {0}".format(units)

        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        # NOTE: This path is created by NeuroML now in __init__. Disabling,
        # Dilawar Singh

        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            synName = synapseElement.attrib['name']
            msg = "Loading synapse : %s into library ." % synName
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)

        self.mooseSynp = moose.SynChan(
            os.path.join(self.libraryPath, synapseElement.attrib['name']))
        doub_exp_syn = synapseElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}doub_exp_syn')

        self.mooseSynp.Ek = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['reversal_potential']) \
                * Vfactor
        self.mooseSynp.Gbar = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['max_conductance'])\
                 * Gfactor
        # seconds
        self.mooseSynp.tau1 = float(doub_exp_syn.attrib['rise_time']) * Tfactor
        # second\s
        self.mooseSynp.tau2 = float(
            doub_exp_syn.attrib['decay_time']) * Tfactor

        # The delay and weight can be set only after connecting a spike event
        # generator.  delay and weight are arrays: multiple event messages can
        # be connected to a single synapse
        self.mooseSynp_graded = moose.Mstring(self.mooseSynp.path + '/graded')
        self.mooseSynp_graded.value = 'False'
        self.mooseSynp_mgblock = moose.Mstring(self.mooseSynp.path +
        self.mooseSynp_mgblock.value = 'False'
Beispiel #30
def make_vclamp( name = 'Vclamp', parent = '/library' ):
    if moose.exists( '/library/' + name ):
    vclamp = moose.VClamp( parent + '/' + name )
    vclamp.mode = 0     # Default. could try 1, 2 as well
    vclamp.tau = 0.2e-3 # lowpass filter for command voltage input
    vclamp.ti = 20e-6   # Integral time = 5e-6    # Differential time. Should it be >= dt?
    vclamp.gain = 0.00005   # Gain of vclamp ckt.

    # Connect voltage clamp circuitry
    addmsg1 = moose.Mstring( vclamp.path + '/addmsg1' )
    addmsg1.value = '.  currentOut  ..  injectMsg'
    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( vclamp.path + '/addmsg2' )
    addmsg2.value = '.. VmOut . sensedIn'

    return vclamp