Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, items=None, **options):
     if items is None:
         items = []
         assert(issubclass(self.mtype, modeled.list))
     except AttributeError:
         items = modeled.list(items)
         self.__class__ = type(self)[items.mtype]
     member.__init__(self, items, **options)
     self.indexname = options.get('indexname', 'index')
         self.itemname = options['itemname']
     except KeyError:
         if modeled.ismodeledclass(self.itemtype):
             self.itemname = decamelize(self.itemtype.__name__)
             self.itemname = 'item'
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, items=None, **options):
     if items is None:
         items = []
         assert (issubclass(self.mtype, modeled.list))
     except AttributeError:
         items = modeled.list(items)
         self.__class__ = type(self)[items.mtype]
     member.__init__(self, items, **options)
     self.indexname = options.get('indexname', 'index')
         self.itemname = options['itemname']
     except KeyError:
         if modeled.ismodeledclass(self.itemtype):
             self.itemname = decamelize(self.itemtype.__name__)
             self.itemname = 'item'
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, items=None, **options):
     if items is None:
         items = {}
         assert(issubclass(self.mtype, modeled.dict))
     except AttributeError:
         items = modeled.dict(items)
         self.__class__ = type(self)[items.mtype.mtypes]
     member.__init__(self, items, **options)
     self.keyname = options.get('keyname', 'key')
         self.valuename = options['valuename']
     except KeyError:
         if modeled.ismodeledclass(self.valuetype):
             self.valuename = decamelize(self.valuetype.__name__)
             self.valuename = 'value'
Beispiel #4
 def to_statement(cls, namespace=None, prefix=None, revision=None):
     """Get YANG module as :class:`pyang.statement.Statement` instance,
        ready for feeding to a pyang output plugin.
     # adapted modeled class is used as YANG module and main container
     module = Statement(None, None, None, 'module', cls.yangname)
     if not prefix:
         prefix = decamelize(cls.__name__, joiner='-')
     if namespace:
         namespace = Statement(None, module, None, 'namespace', namespace)
     prefix = Statement(None, module, None, 'prefix', prefix)
     if not revision:
         revision = str(
     revision = Statement(None, module, None, 'revision', revision)
     container = super(YANGModuleMeta, cls).to_statement(parent=module)
     # add defined @rpc methods
     for name, obj in getmembers(cls):
         if getattr(obj, '__isnetconfrpc__', False):
             method = obj
             yangname = name.replace('_', '-')
             rpc = Statement(None, module, None, 'rpc', yangname)
             if method.__doc__:
                 description = Statement(None, rpc, None, 'description',
             # if the rpc method has args then add an input statement,
             # containing a leaf statement for every arg
             argspec = getargspec(method)
             if len(argspec.args) > 1:  # ignore 'self'
                 input_ = Statement(None, rpc, None, 'input', None)
                 for name in argspec.args[1:]:
                     yangname = name.replace('_', '-')
                     mtype = method.mtypes[name]
                     statement = cls.member_to_statement(mtype,
     return module
 def to_statement(cls, namespace=None, prefix=None, revision=None):
     """Get YANG module as :class:`pyang.statement.Statement` instance,
        ready for feeding to a pyang output plugin.
     # adapted modeled class is used as YANG module and main container
     module = Statement(None, None, None, 'module', cls.yangname)
     if not prefix:
         prefix = decamelize(cls.__name__, joiner='-')
     if namespace:
         namespace = Statement(None, module, None, 'namespace', namespace)
     prefix = Statement(None, module, None, 'prefix', prefix)
     if not revision:
         revision = str(
     revision = Statement(None, module, None, 'revision', revision)
     container = super(YANGModuleMeta, cls).to_statement(parent=module)
     # add defined @rpc methods
     for name, obj in getmembers(cls):
         if getattr(obj, '__isnetconfrpc__', False):
             method = obj
             yangname = name.replace('_', '-')
             rpc = Statement(None, module, None, 'rpc', yangname)
             if method.__doc__:
                 description = Statement(
                     None, rpc, None, 'description',
             # if the rpc method has args then add an input statement,
             # containing a leaf statement for every arg
             argspec = getargspec(method)
             if len(argspec.args) > 1:  # ignore 'self'
                 input_ = Statement(None, rpc, None, 'input', None)
                 for name in argspec.args[1:]:
                     yangname = name.replace('_', '-')
                     mtype = method.mtypes[name]
                     statement = cls.member_to_statement(
                         mtype, yangname=yangname, parent=input_)
     return module
def test_decamelize():
    """Test the string decamelize() function.
    for lower_case, CamelCase in CAMELIZED:
        assert decamelize(CamelCase) == lower_case
Beispiel #7
def test_decamelize():
    """Test the string decamelize() function.
    for lower_case, CamelCase in CAMELIZED:
        assert decamelize(CamelCase) == lower_case
    def __init__(self, handlerclsname=None, options=None):
        """Generate several variants of a session handler name
           for use in identifiers and message strings.

        - Based on the `handlerclsname`
          and/or the attributes of the optional
          `Handler.Meta` class in `options`,
          which can define name (variant) prefixes/suffixes
          and/or explicit name variants.
        # Check all prefix definitions and generate actual prefix strings
        prefixes = {}

        def gen_prefix(key, default, append=''):
            """Check the prefix definition
               for name variant identified by `key`.

            - Set to `default` if not defined.
            - Always `append` the given extra string.
                prefix = getattr(
                  options, (key and key + '_') + 'name_prefix')
            except AttributeError:
                prefix = default
                prefix = prefix and str(prefix) or ''
            if prefix and not prefix.endswith(append):
                prefix += append
            # Finally add to the prefixes dictionary
            prefixes[key] = prefix

        def gen_plural_prefix(key, append=''):
            """Check the prefix definition
               for plural name variant identified by plural_`key`.

            - Set to singular `key` prefix if not defined.
            - Always `append` the given extra string.
            plural_key = 'plural' + (key and '_' + key)
            default = prefixes[key]
            gen_prefix(plural_key, default, append)

        # Base name prefixes
        gen_prefix('', '', '_')
        gen_plural_prefix('', '_')
        gen_prefix('upper', camelize(prefixes['']))
        # Identifier name prefixes
        gen_prefix('identifier', '', '_')
        gen_plural_prefix('identifier', '_')
        gen_prefix('upper_identifier', camelize(prefixes['identifier']))
        # Verbose name prefixes
        gen_prefix('verbose', '', ' ')
        gen_plural_prefix('verbose', ' ')

        # Check all suffix definitions and generate actual suffix strings
        suffixes = {}

        def gen_suffix(key, default, prepend=''):
            """Check the suffix definition
               for name variant identified by `key`.

            - Set to `default` if not defined.
            - Always `prepend` the given extra string.
                suffix = getattr(options, key + '_name_suffix')
            except AttributeError:
                suffix = default
                suffix = suffix and str(suffix) or ''
            if suffix and not suffix.startswith(prepend):
                suffix = prepend + suffix
            # Finally add to the suffixes dictionary
            suffixes[key] = suffix

        def gen_plural_suffix(key, prepend=''):
            """Check the suffix definition
               for plural name variant identified by plural_`key`.

            - Set to singular `key` suffix + 's' if not defined.
            - Always `prepend` the given extra string.
            plural_key = 'plural' + (key and '_' + key)
            default = suffixes[key] and suffixes[key] + 's'
            gen_suffix(plural_key, default, prepend)

        # Identifier name suffixes
        gen_suffix('', '', '_')
        gen_plural_suffix('', '_')
        gen_suffix('upper', camelize(suffixes['']))
        # Identifier name suffixes
        ## gen_suffix('identifier', 'session', '_')
        gen_suffix('identifier', '', '_')
        gen_plural_suffix('identifier', '_')
        gen_suffix('upper_identifier', camelize(suffixes['identifier']))
        # Verbose name suffixes
        ## gen_suffix('verbose', 'Session', ' ')
        gen_suffix('verbose', '', ' ')
        gen_plural_suffix('verbose', ' ')

        # Check explicit name variant definitions
        variants = {}
        for variantkey in (
          '', 'plural', 'upper', 'plural_upper',
          'identifier', 'plural_identifier', 'upper_identifier',
          'verbose', 'plural_verbose'
            defname = (variantkey and variantkey + '_') + 'name'
            variant = getattr(options, defname, None)
            # Non-empty string or None
            variant = variant and (str(variant) or None) or None
            variants[variantkey] = variant

        # Create final base name (helper) variants
        # (NOT stored in final meta object (self))
        key = ''
        name = (
          or prefixes[key] + decamelize(handlerclsname) + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural'
        plural_name = (
          variants[key] and prefixes[key] + variants[key] + suffixes[key]
          or None)
        key = 'upper'
        upper_name = (
          or variants[''] and camelize(variants[''])
          or prefixes[key] + handlerclsname + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural_upper'
        plural_upper_name = (
          or variants['plural']
          and prefixes[key] + camelize(variants['plural']) + (
            suffixes[key] or (not variants['plural'] and 's' or ''))
          or None)

        # Create final identifier/verbose name variants
        # (stored in final meta object (self))
        key = 'identifier'
        self.identifier_name = (
          or prefixes[key] + name + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural_identifier'
        self.plural_identifier_name = (
          or prefixes[key] + (plural_name or name) + (
            suffixes[key] or (not plural_name and 's' or '')))
        key = 'upper_identifier'
        self.upper_identifier_name = (
          or prefixes[key] + upper_name + suffixes[key])
        key = 'verbose'
        self.verbose_name = (
          or prefixes[key] + upper_name + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural_verbose'
        self.plural_verbose_name = (
          or prefixes[key] + (plural_upper_name or upper_name) + (
            suffixes[key] or (not plural_upper_name and 's' or '')))
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, handlerclsname=None, options=None):
        """Generate several variants of the session handler name
           for use in identifiers and message strings
           and store additional general `options`
           given as ``Handler.Meta`` class object.

        - Name generation is based on the `handlerclsname`
          and/or related `options` attributes,
          which can define name (variant) prefixes/suffixes
          and/or explicit name variants.
        self.auto_explicit = bool(getattr(options, 'auto_explicit', False))

        # Check all prefix definitions and generate actual prefix strings
        prefixes = {}

        def gen_prefix(key, default, append=''):
            """Check the prefix definition
               for name variant identified by `key`.

            - Set to `default` if not defined.
            - Always `append` the given extra string.
                prefix = getattr(options, (key and key + '_') + 'name_prefix')
            except AttributeError:
                prefix = default
                prefix = prefix and str(prefix) or ''
            if prefix and not prefix.endswith(append):
                prefix += append
            # Finally add to the prefixes dictionary
            prefixes[key] = prefix

        def gen_plural_prefix(key, append=''):
            """Check the prefix definition
               for plural name variant identified by plural_`key`.

            - Set to singular `key` prefix if not defined.
            - Always `append` the given extra string.
            plural_key = 'plural' + (key and '_' + key)
            default = prefixes[key]
            gen_prefix(plural_key, default, append)

        # Base name prefixes
        gen_prefix('', '', '_')
        gen_plural_prefix('', '_')
        gen_prefix('upper', camelize(prefixes['']))
        # Identifier name prefixes
        gen_prefix('identifier', '', '_')
        gen_plural_prefix('identifier', '_')
        gen_prefix('upper_identifier', camelize(prefixes['identifier']))
        # Verbose name prefixes
        gen_prefix('verbose', '', ' ')
        gen_plural_prefix('verbose', ' ')

        # Check all suffix definitions and generate actual suffix strings
        suffixes = {}

        def gen_suffix(key, default, prepend=''):
            """Check the suffix definition
               for name variant identified by `key`.

            - Set to `default` if not defined.
            - Always `prepend` the given extra string.
                suffix = getattr(options, key + '_name_suffix')
            except AttributeError:
                suffix = default
                suffix = suffix and str(suffix) or ''
            if suffix and not suffix.startswith(prepend):
                suffix = prepend + suffix
            # Finally add to the suffixes dictionary
            suffixes[key] = suffix

        def gen_plural_suffix(key, prepend=''):
            """Check the suffix definition
               for plural name variant identified by plural_`key`.

            - Set to singular `key` suffix + 's' if not defined.
            - Always `prepend` the given extra string.
            plural_key = 'plural' + (key and '_' + key)
            default = suffixes[key] and suffixes[key] + 's'
            gen_suffix(plural_key, default, prepend)

        # Identifier name suffixes
        gen_suffix('', '', '_')
        gen_plural_suffix('', '_')
        gen_suffix('upper', camelize(suffixes['']))
        # Identifier name suffixes
        ## gen_suffix('identifier', 'session', '_')
        gen_suffix('identifier', '', '_')
        gen_plural_suffix('identifier', '_')
        gen_suffix('upper_identifier', camelize(suffixes['identifier']))
        # Verbose name suffixes
        ## gen_suffix('verbose', 'Session', ' ')
        gen_suffix('verbose', '', ' ')
        gen_plural_suffix('verbose', ' ')

        # Check explicit name variant definitions
        variants = {}
        for variantkey in ('', 'plural', 'upper', 'plural_upper', 'identifier',
                           'plural_identifier', 'upper_identifier', 'verbose',
            defname = (variantkey and variantkey + '_') + 'name'
            variant = getattr(options, defname, None)
            # Non-empty string or None
            variant = variant and (str(variant) or None) or None
            variants[variantkey] = variant

        # Create final base name (helper) variants
        # (NOT stored in final meta object (self))
        key = ''
        name = (variants[key]
                or prefixes[key] + decamelize(handlerclsname) + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural'
        plural_name = (variants[key]
                       and prefixes[key] + variants[key] + suffixes[key]
                       or None)
        key = 'upper'
        upper_name = (variants[key] or variants[''] and camelize(variants[''])
                      or prefixes[key] + handlerclsname + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural_upper'
        plural_upper_name = (variants[key] or variants['plural']
                             and prefixes[key] + camelize(variants['plural']) +
                             (suffixes[key] or
                              (not variants['plural'] and 's' or '')) or None)

        # Create final identifier/verbose name variants
        # (stored in final meta object (self))
        key = 'identifier'
        self.identifier_name = (variants[key]
                                or prefixes[key] + name + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural_identifier'
        self.plural_identifier_name = (variants[key] or prefixes[key] +
                                       (plural_name or name) +
                                       (suffixes[key] or
                                        (not plural_name and 's' or '')))
        key = 'upper_identifier'
        self.upper_identifier_name = (variants[key] or prefixes[key] +
                                      upper_name + suffixes[key])
        key = 'verbose'
        self.verbose_name = (variants[key]
                             or prefixes[key] + upper_name + suffixes[key])
        key = 'plural_verbose'
        self.plural_verbose_name = (variants[key] or prefixes[key] +
                                    (plural_upper_name or upper_name) +
                                    (suffixes[key] or
                                     (not plural_upper_name and 's' or '')))
Beispiel #10
 def yangname(cls):
     """Generate YANG container name
        by decamelizing modeled class name with hyphen separators.
     return decamelize(, joiner='-')