Beispiel #1
Created on Oct 18, 2011

@author: Rob
import morpher.pydbg.pydbg as pydbg
import morpher.pydbg.defines as defines
import struct

def sprintf_handler(dbg):
    addr = dbg.context.Esp + 0xC
    count = dbg.read_process_memory(addr, 4)
    count = int(struct.unpack("L", count)[0])
    print "Caught myself a sprintf with a counter of %d!" % count
    return defines.DBG_CONTINUE

if __name__ == '__main__':

    dbg = pydbg.pydbg()
    pid = int(raw_input("Enter PID of process: "))
    print "Running...."
    sprintf_address = dbg.func_resolve("msvcrt.dll", "sprintf")
    def record(self, exe, arg):
        Given an application that uses the target DLL, runs the program
        and captures a L{Trace} object thats capable of replaying all the
        function calls made by the application to the DLL.
        The L{Trace} is captured by launching the application in a second
        process and setting breakpoints at the beginning of each of the
        functions in the DLL. The application is allowed to run and if 
        any of the breakpoints are tripped, a L{FuncRecorder} is used 
        along with the debugger to capture all relevant areas of the stack.
        Each L{Snapshot} is stored in the created L{Trace} in the same
        order that they were captured in.
        @param exe: The path to the application to record.    
        @type exe: string
        @param arg: List of command-line arguments for the program
        @type arg: string
        @return: A L{Trace} containing the captured function calls
        @rtype: L{Trace} object
        """"Running collection line: exe - %s  arg - %s", exe, arg)
        # Clear the trace recording
        self.trace = []
        if not self.global_limit:
            self.copies = {}
        # Load the application in a debugger"Loaded program, setting breakpoints")
        self.dbg = pydbg.pydbg()
        self.dbg.load(exe, command_line=arg, create_new_console=True, show_window=False)
        # Set breakpoints on functions
        self.dbg.set_callback(defines.LOAD_DLL_DEBUG_EVENT, self.loadHandler)
        self.dbg.set_callback(defines.USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, self.checkTimeout)
        # Set up the timeout mechanism
        self.timed_out = False
        t = threading.Timer(self.limit, self.timeoutHandler)"Running the program")
        t.cancel()"Program terminated, recording type information")
        # Record the type information and create the Trace
        if not len(self.trace) == 0:
            usertypes = {}
            for usernode in self.model.getElementsByTagName("usertype"):
                userid = usernode.getAttribute("id")
                usertype = usernode.getAttribute("type")
                userparams = []
                for childnode in usernode.getElementsByTagName("param"):
                usertypes[userid] = (usertype, userparams)
            newtrace = trace.Trace(self.trace, usertypes)
            newtrace = None

        # Record some collection stats
        possible = 0
        seen = 0
        for (func, copies) in self.copies.items():
            possible += 1
            if copies > 0:
                seen += 1
                self.collected.add(func)"Collected %d unique function calls out of %d collectable functions", seen, possible)

        return newtrace
 def run(self, trace):
     Takes the L{Trace} and runs it in a L{Harness}, monitoring for crashes.
     This function spawns a new process using a L{Harness} object connected
     to this process by a pair of pipes. A debugger is attached to the
     L{Harness} process and handlers are attached to monitor for crashes
     and hangs (defined as the harness not completing by a certain time
     limit). The given L{Trace} is then sent over the pipe to the
     L{Harness} for replay, and the L{Harness} is watched for completion.
     If a crash or hang occurs, relevant information is collected and
     dumped to a file for inspection and possible reproduction.
     Each L{Trace} is identified as a certain run (the iteration) of a 
     certain batch (the trace number), and this identification is 
     reflected by the file name if a dump occurs. The scheme is based off
     the common fuzzing pattern of taking one "base" trace and fuzzing the
     values in it to create multiple fuzzed versions - so a batch is all
     traces that were generated by fuzzing the same base trace.
     @param trace: The trace to run and monitor
     @type trace: L{Trace} object
     '''"Monitor is running. Creating pipe and harness")
     self.last_trace = trace
     # Spawn a new test harness and connect to it
     (inpipe, outpipe) = multiprocessing.Pipe()
     h = harness.Harness(self.cfg, (inpipe, outpipe))
 "Running the harness")
     self.inpipe = inpipe
     if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) :
         tracestr = trace.toString()
         self.log.debug("Trace %d run %d contents:\n\n%s\n", \
                        self.tracenum, self.iter, tracestr)
     # Send the trace"Sending trace %d run %d", self.tracenum, self.iter)
     try :
     except :
         msg = "Error sending trace over pipe to harness"
         raise Exception(msg)
     # Attach the debugger to the waiting harness
     pid =
     self.log.debug("Stopping and attaching to harness, pid %d", pid)
     dbg = pydbg.pydbg()
     dbg.set_callback(defines.EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, self.crash_handler)
     dbg.set_callback(defines.USER_CALLBACK_DEBUG_EVENT, self.time_check)
     # Send continue signal
     self.log.debug("Sending continuation flag to harness")
     # Prepare our timeout object
     self.log.debug("Setting timeout to %d seconds", self.limit)
     self.timed_out = False
     t = threading.Timer(self.limit, self.timeout)
     # Release the test harness
     self.log.debug("Releasing the harness")
 "Harness exited, cleaning up")
     self.iter += 1"Monitor exiting")
Created on Oct 18, 2011

@author: Rob
import morpher.pydbg.pydbg as pydbg
import morpher.pydbg.defines as defines
import struct

def sprintf_handler(dbg):
    addr = dbg.context.Esp + 0xC
    count = dbg.read_process_memory(addr, 4)
    count = int(struct.unpack("L", count)[0])
    print "Caught myself a sprintf with a counter of %d!" % count
    return defines.DBG_CONTINUE

if __name__ == "__main__":

    dbg = pydbg.pydbg()
    pid = int(raw_input("Enter PID of process: "))
    print "Running...."
    sprintf_address = dbg.func_resolve("msvcrt.dll", "sprintf")
    dbg.bp_set(sprintf_address, description="sprintf_address", handler=sprintf_handler)