def array_to_tree(cls, array, region_number_to_name_bidict=None):
        if region_number_to_name_bidict is None:
            if array.region_number_to_name_bidict is not None:
                region_number_to_name_bidict = copy.deepcopy( array.region_number_to_name_bidict ) 
                region_number_to_name_bidict = AutoRegionToIntMapTable()
        name_to_region_map= {}
        dummy_vertex_index = array._dummy_vertex_index
        index_to_section_map = {}
        # Create the root section:
        x,y,z,r = array._vertices[dummy_vertex_index]
        dummySection = Section( region=None,x=x,y=y,z=z,r=r )
        index_to_section_map[dummy_vertex_index] = dummySection

        indices_to_visit = collections.deque([dummy_vertex_index])
        while indices_to_visit:
            index = indices_to_visit.pop()
            section = index_to_section_map[index]
            connections_to_index = array.connections_to_index(index)
            for conn in connections_to_index:
                # Have we made this connection already?:
                if conn in index_to_section_map:
                # No? Lets make a connection:
                    x,y,z,r = array._vertices[conn]
                    index_of_connection = array.index_of_connection(index,conn)
                    # Create the region, if it doesn't already exist:
                    rgnInt =  array._section_types[index_of_connection]
                    rgn_name = region_number_to_name_bidict.intToRegionName(int=rgnInt)
                    if rgn_name is None:
                        if not rgn_name in name_to_region_map:
                            name_to_region_map[rgn_name] = Region(rgn_name)
                        rgn = name_to_region_map[rgn_name]    
                    newsection =  section.extrudeChildSection(region=rgn, x=x,y=y,z=z,r=r )
                    index_to_section_map[conn] = newsection
                    indices_to_visit.append( conn )
        from morphforge.morphology.core.morphologytree import MorphologyTree
        tree = MorphologyTree("SimpleSomaMorph", dummysection=dummySection, )
        # A sanity check:
        assert len(tree) == len(array), 'The tree and array are not the same size! %d vs %d'%(len(tree), len(array))
        return tree