def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)

        # set random initial charge
        # minimum 20% to avoid initially broken down robots
        self.overlaid_object.local_data['charge'] = random.uniform(20., 100.)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)

        # if is object at hand
        self.is_obj = False

        # if current action is executed
        self.is_gr = False  # has grasped
        self.is_po = False  # has pointed out
        self.is_ca = False  # has canceled
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, overlaid_object, namespace = None):
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)

        joints = list(overlaid_object.local_data.keys())

        self.namespace = namespace

        name =".", "/")

        rospy.set_param(name + "/joints", joints)
        rospy.set_param(name + "/joint_trajectory_action/joints", joints)
    def __init__(self, overlaid_object, namespace=None):
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)

        joints = list(overlaid_object.local_data.keys())

        self.namespace = namespace

        name =".", "/")

        rospy.set_param(name + "/joints", joints)
        rospy.set_param(name + "/joint_trajectory_action/joints", joints)
 def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
     # Call the constructor of the parent class
     MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)
     self.ctrl = DummyPoster('fingerCntrl')
 def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
     # Call the constructor of the parent class
     MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)
     self._cntrl = DummyPoster("stereopixelCntrl")
 def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
     # Call the constructor of the parent class
     MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)
Beispiel #8
 def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
     # Call the constructor of the parent class
     MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)
     self._cntrl = DummyPoster("viamCntrl")
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
     # Call the constructor of the parent class
     MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)
     self._clean_track = False
     self._rot = 1.0
     self.cntrl = DummyPoster("platineCntrl")
    def __init__(self, overlaid_object):
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        MorseOverlay.__init__(self, overlaid_object)

        # if current action is executed
        self.is_reset = False  # if human has returned to the initial position