def __init__(self, universe, name, units,
                 data=None, dtype=None, element_shape=None):
        api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
        self._universe = universe
        api.validate_label(name, "name")
        self._name = name
        api.validate_units(units, "units")
        self._units = units
        if data is None:
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = N.float64
            if dtype not in self._allowed_dtypes:
                raise ValueError("dtype must be " +
                                 " or ".join(str(t)
                                             for t in self._allowed_dtypes))
            if element_shape is None:
                element_shape = ()
            array_shape = (self._number_of_values(),) + element_shape

            self._data = N.empty(array_shape, dtype)
            api.validate_array(data, None, self._allowed_dtypes, "data")
            if dtype is not None and data.dtype != dtype:
                raise ValueError("elements of data array do not have "
                                 "the requested type")
            if data.shape[0] != self._number_of_values():
                raise ValueError("data array has incorrect shape")
            if element_shape is not None and data.shape[1:] != element_shape:
                raise ValueError("elements of data array do not have "
                                 "the requested shape")
            self._data = data
 def __init__(self, args):
     descriptor, nsites = args
     api.validate_type(descriptor, AtomDescriptor, "atom descriptor")
     self.descriptor = descriptor
     api.validate_type(nsites, int, "number of sites")
     if nsites < 1:
         raise ValueError("number of sites must be >= 1")
     self.nsites = nsites
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, universe, indices, selection_type):
     api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
     api.validate_array(indices, None,
                        [N.uint8, N.uint16, N.uint32, N.uint64], "indices")
     api.validate_value(selection_type, self._allowed_types,
     self._universe = universe
     self._indices = indices
     self._type = selection_type
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, universe, name, strings, label_type):
     api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
     api.validate_label(name, "name")
     api.validate_sequence(strings, str, "strings")
     api.validate_value(label_type, self._allowed_types, "label_type")
     self._universe = universe
     self._name = name
     self._string_array = N.array(list('\0'.join(strings) + '\0'),
     self._type = label_type
 def __new__(cls, name=""):
         return cls._instances[name]
     except KeyError:
         ob = super(AtomDescriptor, cls).__new__(cls)
         api.validate_type(name, str, "name")
         ob._name = name
         cls._instances[name] = ob
         return ob
 def _validate_bond_atom(self, atom_label):
     api.validate_type(atom_label, str, "atom label")
     obj = self
     for item in atom_label.split("."):
         if isinstance(obj, Atom):
             raise ValueError("invalid atom reference " "%s (refers to child object of an atom)" % atom_label)
             obj = obj.attrs[item]
         except KeyError:
             raise ValueError("invalid atom reference %s " "(child %s not found)" % (atom_label, item))
Beispiel #7
 def __init__(self, universe, positions, cell_parameters):
     api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
     api.validate_array(positions, (universe.number_of_sites, 3),
                        self._allowed_dtypes, "positions")
                        [positions.dtype], "cell_parameters")
     self._universe = universe
     self._positions = positions
     self._cell_parameters = cell_parameters
    def __init__(self, label, descriptor, nsites=1):
        self.label = label

        api.validate_type(descriptor, AtomDescriptor, "atom descriptor")
        api.validate_type(nsites, int, "number of sites")
        if nsites < 1:
            raise ValueError("number of sites must be >= 1")

        self._descriptor = descriptor
        self.nsites = nsites
        self._parent = None
 def __init__(self, universe, name, strings):
     api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
     self._universe = universe
     api.validate_label(name, "name")
     self._name = name
     api.validate_sequence(strings, str, "strings")
     if len(strings) != self._number_of_values():
         raise ValueError("incorrect number of strings")
     for s in strings:
         api.validate_ascii_string(s, "label")
     self._strings = ImmutableTuple(strings)
 def __init__(self, universe, name, units, data):
     api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
     self._universe = universe
     api.validate_label(name, "name")
     self._name = name
     api.validate_units(units, "units")
     self._units = units
     api.validate_array(data, None, self._allowed_dtypes, "data")
     if data.shape[0] != self._number_of_values():
         raise ValueError("data array has incorrect shape")
     self._data = data
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self, universe, name, units, data, property_type):
     api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
     api.validate_label(name, "name")
     api.validate_units(units, "units")
     api.validate_array(data, None, self._allowed_dtypes, "data")
     api.validate_value(property_type, self._allowed_types, "property_type")
     self._universe = universe
     self._name = name
     self._units = units
     self._data = data
     self._type = property_type
    def __init__(self, args):
        cell_shape, molecules, symmetry_transformations, convention = args
        api.validate_type(cell_shape, str, "cell_shape")
        api.validate_value(cell_shape, list(self._cell_parameter_array_shapes.keys()), "cell_shape")
                (lambda p: len(p) == 3, "must have length 3"),
                    lambda p: isinstance(p[0], Fragment) and isascii(p[1]) and isinstance(p[2], int),
                    "elements must be (fragment, label, count) " "triples",
                (lambda p: len(p) == 2, "must have length 2"),
                    lambda p: hasattr(p[0], "shape") and p[0].shape == (3, 3) and p[0].dtype == N.float64,
                    "rotation matrix must be float64 " "and have shape (3,3)",
                    lambda p: hasattr(p[1], "shape") and p[1].shape == (3,) and p[0].dtype == N.float64,
                    "translation vector must be float64 " "and have shape (3,)",
        if cell_shape == "infinite" and len(symmetry_transformations) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Symmetry transformations are allowed " "only in periodic universes")
        api.validate_label(convention, "Universe.convention")

        self._cell_shape = cell_shape
        self._molecules = ImmutableTuple(
            ImmutableTuple((FragmentRef(label, fragment), count)) for fragment, label, count in molecules
        self._symmetry_transformations = symmetry_transformations
        self._convention = convention

        self._fragments = ImmutableTuple(ImmutableTuple((f, l)) for f, l, c in molecules)
        self._molecule_counts = ImmutableTuple(c for f, l, c in molecules)
        self._atom_counts = ImmutableTuple(f.number_of_atoms for f, l, c in molecules)
        self._site_counts = ImmutableTuple(f.number_of_sites for f, l, c in molecules)
        self._bond_counts = ImmutableTuple(f.number_of_bonds for f, l, c in molecules)
Beispiel #13
 def store(self, path, data):
     :param path: a HDF5 path, relative to the group used by the HDF5Store
     :type path:  str
     :param data: a Mosaic data item
     :type data:  :class:`mosaic.api.MosaicDataItem`
     api.validate_type(path, str, "path")
     if path[0] == "/":
         raise ValueError("absolute paths not allowed")
     api.validate_type(data, api.MosaicDataItem, "data")
     handler = self.storage_handler[type(data)]
     if handler is None:
         raise TypeError("Storage of %s not yet implemented"
                         % str(type(data)))
     handler(self, path, data)
     self._register_data_item(path, data)
    def __init__(self, universe, positions, cell_parameters):
        api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
        cell_param_shape = universe.cell_parameter_array_shape
        nsites = universe.number_of_sites
        # Allow cell_parameters=None for universes that don't
        # need cell parameters.
        if cell_parameters is None and cell_param_shape == (0,):
            cell_parameters = IN.zeros(cell_param_shape, positions.dtype)
        # At this point, positions and cell_parameters must be arrays
        # of the required shapes.
        api.validate_array(positions, (nsites, 3), self._allowed_dtypes, "positions")
        api.validate_array(cell_parameters, cell_param_shape, self._allowed_dtypes, "cell_parameters")
        if positions.dtype != cell_parameters.dtype:
            raise ValueError("positions and cell parameters must have" " the same element type")

        self._universe = universe
        self._positions = positions
        self._cell_parameters = cell_parameters
    def __init__(self, universe, positions=None, cell_parameters=None,
        api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
        cell_param_shape = universe.cell_parameter_array_shape
        nsites = universe.number_of_sites
        if positions is None and cell_parameters is None:
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = N.float64
            if dtype not in self._allowed_dtypes:
                raise ValueError("dtype must be " +
                                 " or ".join(str(t)
                                             for t in self._allowed_dtypes))
            positions = N.empty((nsites, 3), dtype)
            cell_parameters = N.empty(cell_param_shape, dtype)
            # Allow cell_parameters=None for universes that don't
            # need cell parameters.
            if positions is not None and cell_parameters is None \
               and cell_param_shape == (0,):
                cell_parameters = N.empty(cell_param_shape,
            # Require both positions and cell parameters, or neither
            if positions is None or cell_parameters is None:
                raise ValueError("configuration requires both "
                                 "positions and cell parameters")
            # At this point, positions and cell_parameters must be arrays
            # of the required shapes.
            api.validate_array(positions, (nsites, 3),
                               self._allowed_dtypes, "positions")
            api.validate_array(cell_parameters, cell_param_shape,
                               self._allowed_dtypes, "cell_parameters")
            if positions.dtype != cell_parameters.dtype:
                raise ValueError("positions and cell parameters must have"
                                 " the same element type")
            # If an explicit dtype is given, check arrays for conformance
            if dtype is not None:
                if positions.dtype != dtype:
                    raise ValueError("arrays don't have the requested"
                                     " element type " + str(dtype))

        self._universe = universe
        self._positions = positions
        self._cell_parameters = cell_parameters
Beispiel #16
 def store(self, xml_id, data):
     :param xml_id: the id of the XML element representing the data item
     :type xml_id:  str
     :param data:   a Mosaic data item
     :type data:    :class:`mosaic.api.MosaicDataItem`
     api.validate_type(xml_id, str, "xml_id")
     api.validate_type(data, api.MosaicDataItem, "data")
     xml_id = xml_id
     if xml_id in self._xml_ids:
         raise ValueError("XML ID %s has already been used" % xml_id)
     handler = self.storage_handler[type(data)]
     if handler is None:
         raise TypeError("Storage of %s not yet implemented"
                         % str(type(data)))
     handler(self, xml_id, data)
     self._register_data_item(xml_id, data)
    def __init__(self, args):
        species, fragments, atoms, bonds = args
        api.validate_label(species, "species")
        self.species = species

        labels = set()

        api.validate_sequence(fragments, ImmutableTuple, "fragments", ((lambda p: len(p) == 2, "must have length 2"),))
        for label, fragment in fragments:
            api.validate_label(label, "fragment label")
            if label in labels:
                raise ValueError("label %s occurs more than once" % label)
            api.validate_type(fragment, Fragment, "fragment template")
        self.fragments = fragments

        api.validate_sequence(atoms, ImmutableTuple, "atoms", ((lambda p: len(p) == 2, "must have length 2"),))
        for label, atom in atoms:
            api.validate_label(label, "atom label")
            if label in labels:
                raise ValueError("label %s occurs more than once" % label)
            api.validate_type(atom, Atom, "atom")
        self.atoms = atoms

        self.attrs = ImmutableDict(IT.chain(fragments, atoms))

        api.validate_sequence(bonds, tuple, "bonds", ((lambda p: len(p) == 3, "must have length 3"),))
        for a1, a2, order in bonds:
            if a1.split(".")[0] == a2.split(".")[0]:
                raise ValueError(
                    "bond between %s and %s must be defined " "in fragment %s" % (a1, a2, a1.split(".")[0])
            api.validate_value(order, api.MosaicFragment._bond_orders, "bond order")
        self.bonds = bonds
 def cell_shape(self, new_cell_shape):
     api.validate_type(new_cell_shape, str, "cell_shape")
     self._cell_shape = new_cell_shape
 def __init__(self, universe, indices):
     api.validate_type(universe, Universe, "universe")
     self._universe = universe
     indices = N.array(indices, uint_for_max_value(max(indices)))
     api.validate_indices(indices, self._max_index(), "indices")
     self._indices = indices