Beispiel #1
    def _get_select_query(self, fields=None):
        """The raw SQL that will be used to resolve the queryset."""
        handler = get_engine_handler(self.db)

        with handler.patch():
            params = copy.deepcopy(self._params)
            if params['joins']:
                params['joins'] = [
                    join(table=(j.pop('table'),), **j)
                    for j in params['joins']

            table = self.model._meta.db_table
            alias = params.pop('alias', None)

            kwargs = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v}

            # Inject default field names.
            # If this query does not contain a GROUP BY clause, we can safely
            #   use a "*" to indicate all fields;
            # If the query has aggregation (GROUP BY), however, we will need to
            #   choose a value to display for each field (especially pk because
            #   it is needed by Django). Since accessing those fields doesn't
            #   really make sense anyway, We arbitrarily use MIN.
            table_name = alias or table

            if fields is not None:
                kwargs['select'] = [
                    f if '.' in f or isinstance(f, raw)
                    else raw('{table}.{field}'.format(
                        table=identifier(table_name), field=identifier(f))
                    ) for f in fields
            elif self._params['group_by']:
                kwargs['select'] = (
                    handler.get_aggregated_columns_for_group_by(self, 'MIN')
                kwargs['select'] = handler.get_star(self)

            if 'offset' in kwargs and 'limit' not in kwargs:
                kwargs['limit'] = handler.no_limit_value()

            if alias:
                table = ((table, alias),)
            query = select(table, **kwargs)
            return query
Beispiel #2
    def get_star(self, queryset):
        """Generates a ``<table_name>.*`` representation

        :rtype: :class:`mosql.util.raw`
        table = queryset._params['alias'] or queryset.model._meta.db_table
        return [raw('{table}.*'.format(table=identifier(table)))]
Beispiel #3
    def get_aggregated_columns_for_group_by(self, queryset, aggregate):
        """Generates a sequence of fully-qualified column names

        This is used in an aggregated query, when :method:`get_star` cannot be
        used safety without ambiguity. Values for each field in the model are
        calculated by a SQL function specified by ``aggregate``, and then
        injected (using ``AS``) back into the fields.

        :param: aggregate: The SQL function to be used for aggregation.
        :type aggregate: str
        :returns: A sequence of fully qualified ``SELECT`` identifiers.
        table = queryset._params['alias'] or queryset.model._meta.db_table
        return [
            raw('{func}({table}.{field}) AS {field}'.format(
                func=aggregate, table=identifier(table),
            for field in queryset.model._meta.fields