def motif_from_res(self, res, bps): m = motif.Motif() chains = chain.connect_residues_into_chains(res) m.structure.chains = chains m.basepairs = bps ends = self._setup_basepair_ends(m.structure, bps) m.ends = ends self._setup_secondary_structure(m) return m
def motif_from_chains(self, chains, bps): m = motif.Motif() m.structure.chains = chains m.basepairs = bps ends = self._setup_basepair_ends(m.structure, bps) m.ends = ends try: self._setup_secondary_structure(m) except: pass return m
def motif_from_bps(self, bps): m = motif.Motif() res = [] for bp in bps: res.extend(bp.residues()) chains = chain.connect_residues_into_chains(res) m.structure.chains = chains m.basepairs = bps m.ends = self._setup_basepair_ends(m.structure, m.basepairs) self._setup_secondary_structure(m) return m
def motif_from_file(self, path, include_protein=0): filename = util.filename(path) # is a motif directory if os.path.isdir(path): s = structure.structure_from_pdb(path + "/" + filename + ".pdb") else: s = structure.structure_from_pdb(path) filename = filename[:-4] basepairs = rna_structure.basepairs_from_x3dna(path, filename, s) ends = rna_structure.ends_from_basepairs(s, basepairs) r_struct = rna_structure.RNAStructure(s, basepairs, ends, filename, path, motif_type.UNKNOWN) #if len(r_struct.residues()) == 0: # raise exceptions.MotifFactoryException( # ) m = motif.Motif(r_struct) m.score = self.scorer.score(m) #try: self._setup_secondary_structure(m) #except: # print "did not parse secondary_structure", if include_protein: if os.path.isdir(path): p_residues = pdb_parser.parse(path + "/" + filename + ".pdb", protein=1, rna=0) else: p_residues = pdb_parser.parse(path, protein=1, rna=0) beads = [] for r in p_residues: a = r.get_atom("CA") beads.append(residue.Bead(a.coords, residue.BeadType.BASE)) m.protein_beads = beads return m
def mdmodule(self, motif_widths=(7, 10, 13, 16, 19), width=600): """Run a de novo motif scan of ChIP regions. De novo motifs will be returned as a MotifList object. Adapted from Cliff Meyer's ChIP_region.MDscan() method. Directly calls Xiaole Shirley Liu's _MDmod program.""" motifs = motif.MotifList() # prepare input sequences input = self.copy() input.unique() input.trim(int(width / 2)) input.read_sequence(True) #OBSOLETE: DELETE!! # prepare background sequences background = self.copy() background.unique() background.trim(int(width)) background.read_sequence(True) # scan for motifs for motif_width in motif_widths: raw_pssms = MDmod(i=input.sequence, b=background.sequence, w=motif_width, t=50, s=50, n=100, r=10) for raw_pssm in raw_pssms: motif_id = 'denovo%d' % len(motifs) tmp = motif.Motif() = motif_id tmp.pssm = raw_pssm motifs.append(tmp) return motifs
def _ConvertToOldMotif(self, motifid): #import mdseqpos.motif as motif p = motif.Motif() p = p.from_dict(self.motifs[motifid]) return p
def pose_from_motif_tree_new(self, structure, basepairs, nodes, designable): p = pose.Pose() p.designable = designable = "assembled" p.path = "assembled" p.structure = structure p.basepairs = basepairs p.ends = motif_factory.factory._setup_basepair_ends( structure, basepairs) ss = secondary_structure_factory.factory.secondary_structure_from_motif( p) p.secondary_structure = ss p.end_ids = ["" for x in p.ends] for i, end in enumerate(p.ends): res1 = ss.get_residue(uuid=end.res1.uuid) res2 = ss.get_residue(uuid=end.res2.uuid) ss_end = ss.get_bp(res1, res2) p.end_ids[i] = secondary_structure.assign_end_id(ss, ss_end) #update all motifs in pose, make sure that the correct basepairs are used #since basepairs are used to align there are two choices of which basepair to #be used p_res = p.residues() for j, n in enumerate(nodes): m = residue_map = {} print j chains = [] res = [] for c in m.chains(): bounds = [0, len(c.residues)] first = 0 start_pos = 0 found = 0 for i, r in enumerate(c.residues): r_new = p.get_residue(uuid=r.uuid) if r_new is not None: first = i start_pos = p_res.index(r_new) found = 1 break bounds[0] = start_pos - first bounds[1] = bounds[0] + len(c.residues) print bounds[0], bounds[1] chains.append(chain.Chain(p_res[bounds[0]:bounds[1]])) res.extend(chains[-1].residues) bps = self._subselect_bps_from_res(p.basepairs, res) m_copy = motif_factory.factory.motif_from_chains(chains, bps) m_copy.to_pdb("m." + str(j) + ".pdb") m.to_pdb("org." + str(j) + ".pdb") continue exit() if len(bps) != len(m.basepairs): raise ValueError( "something went horribly wrong: did not find all basepairs" ) m_copy = motif.Motif() m_copy.mtype = m.mtype = if m_copy.mtype is not motif_type.HELIX: best_ends = [] best_end_ids = [] for i, end in enumerate(m.ends): best = 1000 best_end = None best_end_id = None for c_end in m_copy.ends: dist = util.distance(end.d(), c_end.d()) if dist < best: best_end = c_end best_end_id = m.end_ids[i] best = dist best_ends.append(best_end) best_end_ids.append(best_end_id) m_copy.ends = best_ends m_copy.end_ids = best_end_ids p.motif_dict[m_copy.mtype].append(m_copy) p.motif_dict[motif_type.ALL].append(m_copy) self._add_secondary_structure_motifs(p) self.standardize_pose(p) return p
def pose_from_motif_tree(self, structure, basepairs, nodes, designable): p = pose.Pose() p.designable = designable = "assembled" p.path = "assembled" p.structure = structure p.basepairs = basepairs p.ends = motif_factory.factory._setup_basepair_ends( structure, basepairs) ss = secondary_structure_factory.factory.secondary_structure_from_motif( p) p.secondary_structure = ss p.end_ids = ["" for x in p.ends] for i, end in enumerate(p.ends): res1 = ss.get_residue(uuid=end.res1.uuid) res2 = ss.get_residue(uuid=end.res2.uuid) ss_end = ss.get_bp(res1, res2) p.end_ids[i] = secondary_structure.assign_end_id(ss, ss_end) #update all motifs in pose, make sure that the correct basepairs are used #since basepairs are used to align there are two choices of which basepair to #be used for j, n in enumerate(nodes): m = bps = [] residue_map = {} for bp in m.basepairs: new_bp = p.get_basepair(bp_uuid=bp.uuid) if len(new_bp) != 0: bps.append(new_bp[0]) continue best = 1000 best_bp = None for c in n.connections: if c is None: continue if bp not in m.ends: raise ValueError("cannot find a non end basepair") if c.end_index(n.index) != m.ends.index(bp): continue partner = c.partner(n.index) alt_bp =[c.end_index(partner.index)] pose_bps = p.get_basepair(bp_uuid=alt_bp.uuid) if len(pose_bps) == 0: raise ValueError("cannot find partner end bp in pose") #TODO Check if this is okay, not sure if I have to try and match #TODO residues correctly residue_map[bp.res1] = pose_bps[0].res1 residue_map[bp.res2] = pose_bps[0].res2 bps.append(pose_bps[0]) break chains = [] for c in m.chains(): res = [] for r in c.residues: new_r = p.get_residue(uuid=r.uuid) if new_r is not None: res.append(new_r) elif r in residue_map: res.append(residue_map[r]) else: print r, r.uuid raise ValueError("cannot find residue") chains.append(chain.Chain(res)) if len(bps) != len(m.basepairs): raise ValueError( "something went horribly wrong: did not find all basepairs" ) m_copy = motif.Motif() m_copy.mtype = m.mtype = m_copy.structure.chains = chains m_copy.basepairs = bps m_copy.ends = motif_factory.factory._setup_basepair_ends( m_copy.structure, bps) motif_factory.factory._setup_secondary_structure(m_copy) if m_copy.mtype is not motif_type.HELIX: best_ends = [] best_end_ids = [] for i, end in enumerate(m.ends): best = 1000 best_end = None best_end_id = None for c_end in m_copy.ends: dist = util.distance(end.d(), c_end.d()) if dist < best: best_end = c_end best_end_id = m.end_ids[i] best = dist best_ends.append(best_end) best_end_ids.append(best_end_id) m_copy.ends = best_ends m_copy.end_ids = best_end_ids p.motif_dict[m_copy.mtype].append(m_copy) p.motif_dict[motif_type.ALL].append(m_copy) self._add_secondary_structure_motifs(p) self.standardize_pose(p) return p
def pose_from_motif_tree_old(self, structure, basepairs, motifs, designable): p = pose.Pose() p.designable = designable = "assembled" p.path = "assembled" p.structure = structure p.basepairs = basepairs p.ends = motif_factory.factory._setup_basepair_ends( structure, basepairs) ss = secondary_structure_factory.factory.secondary_structure_from_motif( p) p.secondary_structure = ss p.end_ids = ["" for x in p.ends] for i, end in enumerate(p.ends): res1 = ss.get_residue(uuid=end.res1.uuid) res2 = ss.get_residue(uuid=end.res2.uuid) ss_end = ss.get_bp(res1, res2) p.end_ids[i] = secondary_structure.assign_end_id(ss, ss_end) #update all motifs in pose, make sure that the correct basepairs are used #since basepairs are used to align there are two choices of which basepair to #be used for j, m in enumerate(motifs): bps = [] residue_map = {} for bp in m.basepairs: new_bp = p.get_basepair(bp_uuid=bp.uuid) #print bp.residues(), len(new_bp) if len(new_bp) != 0: bps.append(new_bp[0]) continue best = 1000 best_bp = None for m2 in motifs: if m == m2: continue for end in m2.ends: alt_bp = p.get_basepair(bp_uuid=end.uuid) if len(alt_bp) == 0: continue dist = util.distance(bp.d(), alt_bp[0].d()) if dist < best: best_bp = alt_bp[0] best = dist if best_bp is None: continue new_bp = [best_bp] for r1 in best_bp.residues(): r1_cent = best_match = None best_dist = 1000 for r2 in bp.residues(): r2_cent = dist = util.distance(r1_cent, r2_cent) if dist < best_dist: best_dist = dist best_match = r2 residue_map[best_match] = r1 bps.append(new_bp[0]) chains = [] #print for c in m.chains(): res = [] for r in c.residues: new_r = p.get_residue(uuid=r.uuid) if new_r is not None: res.append(new_r) elif r in residue_map: res.append(residue_map[r]) else: print r, r.uuid raise ValueError("cannot find residue") chains.append(chain.Chain(res)) if len(bps) != len(m.basepairs): raise ValueError( "something went horribly wrong: did not find all basepairs" ) m_copy = motif.Motif() m_copy.mtype = m.mtype = m_copy.structure.chains = chains m_copy.basepairs = bps m_copy.ends = motif_factory.factory._setup_basepair_ends( m_copy.structure, bps) motif_factory.factory._setup_secondary_structure(m_copy) if m_copy.mtype is not motif_type.HELIX: best_ends = [] best_end_ids = [] for i, end in enumerate(m.ends): best = 1000 best_end = None best_end_id = None for c_end in m_copy.ends: dist = util.distance(end.d(), c_end.d()) if dist < best: best_end = c_end best_end_id = m.end_ids[i] best = dist best_ends.append(best_end) best_end_ids.append(best_end_id) m_copy.ends = best_ends m_copy.end_ids = best_end_ids p.motif_dict[m_copy.mtype].append(m_copy) p.motif_dict[motif_type.ALL].append(m_copy) self._add_secondary_structure_motifs(p) self.standardize_pose(p) return p