Beispiel #1
    def blend_frames(self, frame0, frame1, blend):
        """Linearly interpolate between two frames.

      frame0: First frame to be blended corresponds to (blend = 0).
      frame1: Second frame to be blended corresponds to (blend = 1).
      blend: Float between [0, 1], specifying the interpolation between
        the two frames.
      An interpolation of the two frames.
        root_pos0 = self.get_frame_root_pos(frame0)
        root_pos1 = self.get_frame_root_pos(frame1)

        root_rot0 = self.get_frame_root_rot(frame0)
        root_rot1 = self.get_frame_root_rot(frame1)

        joints0 = self.get_frame_joints(frame0)
        joints1 = self.get_frame_joints(frame1)

        blend_root_pos = (1.0 - blend) * root_pos0 + blend * root_pos1
        blend_root_rot = transformations.quaternion_slerp(
            root_rot0, root_rot1, blend)
        blend_joints = (1.0 - blend) * joints0 + blend * joints1

        blend_root_rot = motion_util.standardize_quaternion(blend_root_rot)

        blend_frame = np.zeros(self.get_frame_size())
        self.set_frame_root_pos(blend_root_pos, blend_frame)
        self.set_frame_root_rot(blend_root_rot, blend_frame)
        self.set_frame_joints(blend_joints, blend_frame)
        return blend_frame
Beispiel #2
    def _postprocess_frames(self, frames):
        """Postprocesses frames to ensure they satisfy certain properties,

    such as normalizing and standardizing all quaternions.

      frames: Array containing frames to be processed. Each row of the array
        should represent a frame.
    Returns: An array containing the post processed frames.
        num_frames = frames.shape[0]
        if num_frames > 0:
            first_frame = self._frames[0]
            pos_start = self.get_frame_root_pos(first_frame)

            for f in range(num_frames):
                curr_frame = frames[f]

                root_pos = self.get_frame_root_pos(curr_frame)
                root_pos[0] -= pos_start[0]
                root_pos[1] -= pos_start[1]

                root_rot = self.get_frame_root_rot(curr_frame)
                root_rot = pose3d.QuaternionNormalize(root_rot)
                root_rot = motion_util.standardize_quaternion(root_rot)

                self.set_frame_root_pos(root_pos, curr_frame)
                self.set_frame_root_rot(root_rot, curr_frame)

Beispiel #3
    def calc_frame(self, time):
        """Calculates the frame for a given point in time.

      time: Time at which the frame is to be computed.
    Return: An array containing the frame for the given point in time,
      specifying the pose of the character.
        f0, f1, blend = self.calc_blend_idx(time)

        frame0 = self.get_frame(f0)
        frame1 = self.get_frame(f1)
        blend_frame = self.blend_frames(frame0, frame1, blend)

        blend_root_pos = self.get_frame_root_pos(blend_frame)
        blend_root_rot = self.get_frame_root_rot(blend_frame)

        cycle_count = self.calc_cycle_count(time)
        cycle_offset_pos = self._calc_cycle_offset_pos(cycle_count)
        cycle_offset_rot = self._calc_cycle_offset_rot(cycle_count)

        blend_root_pos = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(blend_root_pos,
        blend_root_pos += cycle_offset_pos

        blend_root_rot = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
            cycle_offset_rot, blend_root_rot)
        blend_root_rot = motion_util.standardize_quaternion(blend_root_rot)

        self.set_frame_root_pos(blend_root_pos, blend_frame)
        self.set_frame_root_rot(blend_root_rot, blend_frame)
        return blend_frame
Beispiel #4
    def build_target_obs(self):
        """Constructs the target observations, consisting of a sequence of

    target frames for future timesteps. The tartet poses to include is
    specified by self._tar_frame_steps.

      An array containing the target frames.
        tar_poses = []

        time0 = self._get_motion_time()
        dt = self._env.env_time_step
        motion = self.get_active_motion()

        robot = self._env.robot
        ref_base_pos = self._get_ref_base_position()
        sim_base_rot = np.array(robot.GetBaseOrientation())

        heading = motion_util.calc_heading(sim_base_rot)
        if self._tar_obs_noise is not None:
            heading += self._randn(0, self._tar_obs_noise[0])
        inv_heading_rot = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(
            -heading, [0, 0, 1])

        for step in self._tar_frame_steps:
            tar_time = time0 + step * dt
            tar_pose = self._calc_ref_pose(tar_time)

            tar_root_pos = motion.get_frame_root_pos(tar_pose)
            tar_root_rot = motion.get_frame_root_rot(tar_pose)

            tar_root_pos -= ref_base_pos
            tar_root_pos = pose3d.QuaternionRotatePoint(
                tar_root_pos, inv_heading_rot)

            tar_root_rot = transformations.quaternion_multiply(
                inv_heading_rot, tar_root_rot)
            tar_root_rot = motion_util.standardize_quaternion(tar_root_rot)

            motion.set_frame_root_pos(tar_root_pos, tar_pose)
            motion.set_frame_root_rot(tar_root_rot, tar_pose)


        tar_obs = np.concatenate(tar_poses, axis=-1)

        return tar_obs