def logs_client(aws_region): with mock_logs(): yield boto3.client("logs", region_name=aws_region)
def cw_client(): with mock_logs(): yield boto3.client('logs')
def cloudwatch_client(region): with mock_logs(): yield boto3.client("logs", region_name=region)
def test_lambda_execute_ecs_task(mock=False): """ Test for lambda function that creates ecs tasks :param mock: True: tests using moto lib, False: tests using real cloud env (make sure you have your default creds set) :return: """ ms3 = mock_s3() ml = mock_lambda() mecs = mock_ecs() mlogs = mock_logs() if mock: ms3.start() ml.start() mecs.start() mlogs.start() bucket_name = 'testamolbucket' key_name = 'taskarn.list' # path to file that contains task ARNs script_dir = os.getcwd() lambda_function_filepath = r'..\..\scripts' lambda_function_file = '' assert os.path.exists( os.path.join(lambda_function_filepath, lambda_function_file)), 'File does not exist!' lambda_function_name = 'testfunction' lambda_execution_role = 'arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/test-amol-role-lambda' lambda_zip_file = '.'.join([lambda_function_file.split('.')[0], 'zip']) os.chdir(lambda_function_filepath) lambda_zip_filepath = r'..\test\outputs\{0}'.format(lambda_zip_file) with zipfile.ZipFile(lambda_zip_filepath, 'w') as myzip: myzip.write(lambda_function_file) _upload_file_to_bucket(lambda_zip_filepath, bucket_name, lambda_zip_file) _create_lambda_function(lambda_function_name, 'LambdaExecuteEcsTask.lambda_handler', lambda_execution_role, lambda_zip_file, bucket_name) s3_event_payload_data = { 'Records': [{ 's3': { 'object': { 'key': 'testkey' }, 'bucket': { 'name': bucket_name } } }] } os.chdir(script_dir) _upload_file_to_bucket(key_name, bucket_name, key_name) if not mock: # lambda function which uses boto lib cannot be mocked, but invoking the lambda can be mocked in any case # Note: This lambda function invocation has already been validated in real AWS environment. _invoke_lambda_function('testfunction', json.dumps(s3_event_payload_data))