def __init__(self, xmldoc):

        # This is a combat vehicle
        self.type = "CV"

        # Get top-level structure data
        for cveh in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('combatvehicle'):
            self.model = cveh.attributes["model"].value
   = cveh.attributes["name"].value
            self.motive = cveh.attributes["motive"].value
            self.omni = cveh.attributes["omni"].value
            self.weight = int(cveh.attributes["tons"].value)

            # Get BV. Should give prime variant BV for Omni-vehicles
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-vehicles
            self.batt_val = int(get_child_data(cveh, 'battle_value'))

            # Motive
            for mot in cveh.getElementsByTagName('motive'):
                self.mot_type = mot.attributes["type"].value
       = int(mot.attributes["cruise"].value)
                self.turret = mot.attributes["turret"].value

            # Get Cost.
            cost = float(get_child_data(cveh, 'cost'))

            # Get production era
            self.prod_era = int(get_child_data(cveh, 'productionera'))

            # Get techbase (IS, Clan)
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-vehicles
            self.techbase = get_child_data(cveh, 'techbase')

            # Get year
            self.year = int(get_child_data(cveh, 'year'))

            # Sanity check for year
            year_era_test(self.year, self.prod_era,
                 + " " + self.model)

            if (self.year < 2470):
                print, self.model
                print "Combat Vehicles not available before 2470!"

            if (self.year < 2854 and self.omni == "TRUE"):
                print, self.model
                print "OmniVehicles not available before 2854!"

            ### Components starts here ###

            self.structure = VehicleStructure(get_child(cveh, 'structure'),
                                              self.mot_type, self.turret)

            self.engine = Engine(get_child(cveh, 'engine'), self)

            self.lift = LiftEquipment(self.weight, self.mot_type)

            if self.engine.etype == "No Engine":
                self.control = ControlSystems(0.0)
                self.control = ControlSystems(self.weight)

            self.armor = VehicleArmor(get_child(cveh, 'armor'),

            ### Loadout stuff starts here ###

            # Get baseloadout
            blo = cveh.getElementsByTagName('baseloadout')[0]

            # Construct current loadout, empty name for base loadout
            self.load = Baseloadout(blo, self, self.batt_val,
                                    self.prod_era, cost)

            # Get omni loadouts
            self.loads = []
            for load in cveh.getElementsByTagName('loadout'):

                # Construct current loadout
                current = Loadout(load, self.load, self)

Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, xmldoc):

        # This is a mech
        self.type = "BM"

        # Set some data to zero that sometimes will not get set otherwise
        self.multi = Multi()

        # Get top-level structure data
        for mmech in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('mech'):
            self.model = mmech.attributes["model"].value
   = mmech.attributes["name"].value
            self.omni = mmech.attributes["omnimech"].value
            self.weight = int(mmech.attributes["tons"].value)

            # Get BV. Should give prime variant BV for Omni-mechs
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-mechs
            self.batt_val = int(get_child_data(mmech, 'battle_value'))

            # Get Cost.
            cost = float(get_child_data(mmech, 'cost'))

            # Get production era
            self.prod_era = int(get_child_data(mmech, 'productionera'))

            # Get mech type (battle, industrial)
            self.mechtype = get_child_data(mmech, 'mech_type')

            # Only support battlemechs
            if (self.mechtype != "BattleMech" and
                self.mechtype != "PrimitiveBattleMech"):
                print, self.model
                print "Industrial Mechs not supported!"

            # Get techbase (IS, Clan)
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-mechs
            self.techbase = get_child_data(mmech, 'techbase')

            # Get year
            self.year = int(get_child_data(mmech, 'year'))

            # Sanity check for year
            year_era_test(self.year, self.prod_era,
                 + " " + self.model)

            if (self.year < 2439):
                print, self.model
                print "Battlemech older than Mackie!"

            if (self.year < 2470 and self.mechtype == "BattleMech"):
                print, self.model
                print "Non-primitive BattleMechs not available before 2470!"

            if (self.year < 2854 and self.omni == "TRUE"):
                print, self.model
                print "OmniMechs not available before 2854!"

            # Get motive type (biped, quad)
            self.motive = get_child_data(mmech, 'motive_type')

            ### Components starts here ###

            # Get internal structure type
            self.structure = MechStructure(get_child(mmech, 'structure'),
                                           self.weight, self.motive)

            # Get engine data
            self.engine = Engine(get_child(mmech, 'engine'), self)

            # Get gyro
            self.gyro = Gyro(get_child(mmech, 'gyro'),
                             self.engine.etype, self.engine.erating)

            # Get cockpit
            self.cockpit = Cockpit(get_child(mmech, 'cockpit'), self)

            # Get enhancement, needs for loop
            self.enhancement = Enhancement(None, self.weight,
            for enh in mmech.getElementsByTagName('enhancement'):
                self.enhancement = Enhancement(enh, self.weight,

            # Get armor.
            self.armor = MechArmor(get_child(mmech, 'armor'),
                                   self.weight, self.motive)

            ### Loadout stuff starts here ###

            # Get baseloadout
            blo = mmech.getElementsByTagName('baseloadout')[0]

            # Get multi-slot stuff
            for mlts in blo.getElementsByTagName('multislot'):
                slot = mlts.attributes["name"].value

            # Construct current loadout, empty name for base loadout
            self.load = Baseloadout(blo, self, self.batt_val,
                                    self.prod_era, cost)

            # HACK -- Apply modular armor
            if self.load.gear.has_mod_armor:

            # Get omni loadouts
            self.loads = []
            for load in mmech.getElementsByTagName('loadout'):

                # Construct current loadout
                current = Loadout(load, self.load, self)

class CombatVehicle(Unit):
    A master class holding info about a combat vehicle.
    def __init__(self, xmldoc):

        # This is a combat vehicle
        self.type = "CV"

        # Get top-level structure data
        for cveh in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('combatvehicle'):
            self.model = cveh.attributes["model"].value
   = cveh.attributes["name"].value
            self.motive = cveh.attributes["motive"].value
            self.omni = cveh.attributes["omni"].value
            self.weight = int(cveh.attributes["tons"].value)

            # Get BV. Should give prime variant BV for Omni-vehicles
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-vehicles
            self.batt_val = int(get_child_data(cveh, 'battle_value'))

            # Motive
            for mot in cveh.getElementsByTagName('motive'):
                self.mot_type = mot.attributes["type"].value
       = int(mot.attributes["cruise"].value)
                self.turret = mot.attributes["turret"].value

            # Get Cost.
            cost = float(get_child_data(cveh, 'cost'))

            # Get production era
            self.prod_era = int(get_child_data(cveh, 'productionera'))

            # Get techbase (IS, Clan)
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-vehicles
            self.techbase = get_child_data(cveh, 'techbase')

            # Get year
            self.year = int(get_child_data(cveh, 'year'))

            # Sanity check for year
            year_era_test(self.year, self.prod_era,
                 + " " + self.model)

            if (self.year < 2470):
                print, self.model
                print "Combat Vehicles not available before 2470!"

            if (self.year < 2854 and self.omni == "TRUE"):
                print, self.model
                print "OmniVehicles not available before 2854!"

            ### Components starts here ###

            self.structure = VehicleStructure(get_child(cveh, 'structure'),
                                              self.mot_type, self.turret)

            self.engine = Engine(get_child(cveh, 'engine'), self)

            self.lift = LiftEquipment(self.weight, self.mot_type)

            if self.engine.etype == "No Engine":
                self.control = ControlSystems(0.0)
                self.control = ControlSystems(self.weight)

            self.armor = VehicleArmor(get_child(cveh, 'armor'),

            ### Loadout stuff starts here ###

            # Get baseloadout
            blo = cveh.getElementsByTagName('baseloadout')[0]

            # Construct current loadout, empty name for base loadout
            self.load = Baseloadout(blo, self, self.batt_val,
                                    self.prod_era, cost)

            # Get omni loadouts
            self.loads = []
            for load in cveh.getElementsByTagName('loadout'):

                # Construct current loadout
                current = Loadout(load, self.load, self)


    def get_walk(self):
        Get walk speed
        return + self.load.gear.get_speed_adj()

    def get_run(self):
        Get standard running speed, with no modifiers
        spd = + self.load.gear.get_speed_adj()
        factor = 1.5
        rspeed = int(ceil(spd * factor))
        # Hardened Armor
        if self.armor.atype == "Hardened Armor":
            rspeed -= 1
        return rspeed

    def get_max_run(self, load):
        Get maximum running speed
        spd = + self.load.gear.get_speed_adj()
        factor = 1.5
        if (self.load.gear.supercharger.has_sc() or
            factor += 0.5
        rspeed = int(ceil(spd * factor))
        # Hardened Armor
        if self.armor.atype == "Hardened Armor":
            rspeed -= 1
        return rspeed

    def get_move_target_modifier(self, load):
        Get target modifier from movement, see Total Warfare for details
        run_speed = self.get_max_run(load)
        jump_speed = load.get_jump()

        r_mod = get_move_target_modifier(run_speed)
        j_mod = get_move_target_modifier(jump_speed)

        # VTOLs gets +1 for being airborne
        if self.mot_type == "VTOL":
            r_mod += 1

        # Do not give jump mods if no jumpjets
        if (jump_speed > 0):
            j_mod += 1

        return max(j_mod, r_mod)

    def get_stealth(self):
        Returns true if the mech mounts a stealth system
        stlth = False
        if self.armor.atype == "Stealth Armor":
            stlth = True
        return stlth

    def def_bv(self, load, printq):
        Get defensive BV
        dbv = 0.0
        # Armor
        cur = self.armor.get_armor_bv()
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Armor Def BV: ", cur

        # Internal Structure
        cur = self.structure.points * 1.5
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Structure Def BV: ", cur

        # Defensive equipment
        cur = load.get_def_bv(self)
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Equipment Def BV: ", cur

        # Multiply with vehicle type modifier
        # Missing: Naval, WiGE
        if self.mot_type == "VTOL":
            cur = 0.7
        elif self.mot_type == "Hovercraft":
            cur = 0.7
        elif self.mot_type == "Tracked":
            cur = 0.9
        elif self.mot_type == "Wheeled":
            cur = 0.8
        dbv *= cur
        if (printq):
            print "Vehicle Type Modifier: ", cur

        # Defensive factor
        mtm = self.get_move_target_modifier(load)
        # Stealth armor adds to to-hit
        if self.armor.atype == "Stealth Armor":
            mtm += 2
        assert mtm >= 0, "Negative defensive modifier!"
        def_factor = 1.0 + (mtm / 10.0)
        if (printq):
            print "Target modifier: ", mtm
            print "Defensive Faction: ", def_factor

        # Final result
        dbv *= def_factor
        if (printq):
            print "Defensive BV: ", dbv
        return dbv

    def off_bv(self, load, printq):
        Get offensive BV
        obv = load.off_bv(self, printq)

        # Tonnage
        if (printq):
            print "Weight BV: ", 0.5 * self.weight
        obv += 0.5 * self.weight

        # total
        if (printq):
            print "Total Base Offensive: ", obv

        # speed factor
        off_speed_factor = self.get_off_speed_factor(load, printq)

        # Final result
        obv *= off_speed_factor
        if (printq):
            print "Offensive BV: ", obv
        return obv

    def get_bv(self, load):
        Get the BV of a specific loadout. Use vehicle.load if not an omni.
        batt_val = int(round(self.off_bv(load, False) +
                             self.def_bv(load, False)))

        if batt_val != load.batt_val:
            print ("%s %s%s: %d %d" % (, self.model, load.get_name(),
                                       batt_val, load.batt_val))

        assert batt_val == load.batt_val, "Error in BV calculation!"
        return batt_val

    def get_rules_level(self, load):
        Return rules level of mech
        r_level = 0
        # Mixed tech is advanced rules
        if self.techbase == "Mixed":
            r_level = 2
        r_level = max(r_level, self.structure.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.engine.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.armor.get_rules_level())
        # Hack -- turrets are advanced rules
        if load.turret and r_level < 2:
            r_level = 2

        r_level = max(r_level, load.get_rules_level())

        return r_level

    def calculate_cost(self, i):
        Calculate the cost of a combat vehicle

        # Structural costs
        cost = 0

        # Internal structure
        cost += self.structure.get_cost()

        # Control Components
        cost += self.control.get_cost()

        # Lift/Dive Equipment & Rotors
        cost += self.lift.get_cost()

        # Engine
        cost += self.engine.get_cost()
        # Jump Jets
        cost += i.jjets.get_cost()
        # Heat Sinks
        cost += i.heatsinks.get_cost()

        # Armor
        cost += self.armor.get_cost()

        # HACK: Turrets
        cost += i.gear.tur_weight * 5000

        # Power Amplifiers
        cost += i.power_amp.get_cost()

        # Partial Wing, jump boosters
        cost += i.partw.get_cost()
        cost += i.jumpb.get_cost()

        # Booby trap
        cost += i.btrap.get_cost()

        # Hack: Armored components
        cost += len(i.arm_loc) * 150000

        # Gear
        cost += i.gear.get_cost()

        # Final calculation
        if self.mot_type == "VTOL":
            divisor = 30.0
        elif self.mot_type == "Hovercraft":
            divisor = 50.0
        elif self.mot_type == "Tracked":
            divisor = 100.0
        elif self.mot_type == "Wheeled":
            divisor = 200.0

        cost *= (1.0 + (self.weight / divisor))
        if self.omni == "TRUE":
            cost *= 1.25

        return round(cost)
Beispiel #4
class Mech(Unit):
    A master class holding info about a mech.
    def __init__(self, xmldoc):

        # This is a mech
        self.type = "BM"

        # Set some data to zero that sometimes will not get set otherwise
        self.multi = Multi()

        # Get top-level structure data
        for mmech in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('mech'):
            self.model = mmech.attributes["model"].value
   = mmech.attributes["name"].value
            self.omni = mmech.attributes["omnimech"].value
            self.weight = int(mmech.attributes["tons"].value)

            # Get BV. Should give prime variant BV for Omni-mechs
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-mechs
            self.batt_val = int(get_child_data(mmech, 'battle_value'))

            # Get Cost.
            cost = float(get_child_data(mmech, 'cost'))

            # Get production era
            self.prod_era = int(get_child_data(mmech, 'productionera'))

            # Get mech type (battle, industrial)
            self.mechtype = get_child_data(mmech, 'mech_type')

            # Only support battlemechs
            if (self.mechtype != "BattleMech" and
                self.mechtype != "PrimitiveBattleMech"):
                print, self.model
                print "Industrial Mechs not supported!"

            # Get techbase (IS, Clan)
            # get first instance only to avoid problems with Omni-mechs
            self.techbase = get_child_data(mmech, 'techbase')

            # Get year
            self.year = int(get_child_data(mmech, 'year'))

            # Sanity check for year
            year_era_test(self.year, self.prod_era,
                 + " " + self.model)

            if (self.year < 2439):
                print, self.model
                print "Battlemech older than Mackie!"

            if (self.year < 2470 and self.mechtype == "BattleMech"):
                print, self.model
                print "Non-primitive BattleMechs not available before 2470!"

            if (self.year < 2854 and self.omni == "TRUE"):
                print, self.model
                print "OmniMechs not available before 2854!"

            # Get motive type (biped, quad)
            self.motive = get_child_data(mmech, 'motive_type')

            ### Components starts here ###

            # Get internal structure type
            self.structure = MechStructure(get_child(mmech, 'structure'),
                                           self.weight, self.motive)

            # Get engine data
            self.engine = Engine(get_child(mmech, 'engine'), self)

            # Get gyro
            self.gyro = Gyro(get_child(mmech, 'gyro'),
                             self.engine.etype, self.engine.erating)

            # Get cockpit
            self.cockpit = Cockpit(get_child(mmech, 'cockpit'), self)

            # Get enhancement, needs for loop
            self.enhancement = Enhancement(None, self.weight,
            for enh in mmech.getElementsByTagName('enhancement'):
                self.enhancement = Enhancement(enh, self.weight,

            # Get armor.
            self.armor = MechArmor(get_child(mmech, 'armor'),
                                   self.weight, self.motive)

            ### Loadout stuff starts here ###

            # Get baseloadout
            blo = mmech.getElementsByTagName('baseloadout')[0]

            # Get multi-slot stuff
            for mlts in blo.getElementsByTagName('multislot'):
                slot = mlts.attributes["name"].value

            # Construct current loadout, empty name for base loadout
            self.load = Baseloadout(blo, self, self.batt_val,
                                    self.prod_era, cost)

            # HACK -- Apply modular armor
            if self.load.gear.has_mod_armor:

            # Get omni loadouts
            self.loads = []
            for load in mmech.getElementsByTagName('loadout'):

                # Construct current loadout
                current = Loadout(load, self.load, self)


    def get_walk(self):
        Get walk speed
        return self.engine.speed + self.load.gear.get_speed_adj()

    def get_run(self):
        Get standard running speed, with no modifiers
        spd = self.engine.speed + self.load.gear.get_speed_adj()
        factor = 1.5
        rspeed = int(ceil(spd * factor))
        # Hardened Armor
        if self.armor.atype == "Hardened Armor":
            rspeed -= 1
        return rspeed

    def get_max_run(self, load):
        Get maximum running speed
        spd = self.engine.speed + self.load.gear.get_speed_adj()
        factor = 1.5
        if self.enhancement.is_tsm():
            spd += 1
        elif self.enhancement.is_masc():
            factor += 0.5
        if (self.load.gear.supercharger.has_sc() or
            factor += 0.5
        rspeed = int(ceil(spd * factor))
        # Hardened Armor
        if self.armor.atype == "Hardened Armor":
            rspeed -= 1
        return rspeed

    def get_move_target_modifier(self, load):
        Get target modifier from movement, see Total Warfare for details
        run_speed = self.get_max_run(load)
        jump_speed = load.get_jump()

        r_mod = get_move_target_modifier(run_speed)
        j_mod = get_move_target_modifier(jump_speed)

        # Do not give jump mods if no jumpjets
        if (jump_speed > 0):
            j_mod += 1

        return max(j_mod, r_mod)

    def get_stealth(self):
        Returns true if the mech mounts a stealth system
        stlth = False
        if self.multi.get_stealth():
            stlth = True
        if self.armor.atype == "Stealth Armor":
            stlth = True
        return stlth

    def def_bv(self, load, printq):
        Get defensive BV
        dbv = 0.0
        # Armor
        torso_cockpit = False
        if self.cockpit.type == "Torso-Mounted Cockpit":
            torso_cockpit = True
        # HACK -- Apply modular armor
        if load.gear.has_mod_armor:

        cur = self.armor.get_armor_bv(torso_cockpit)
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Armor Def BV: ", cur
        # HACK -- Remove modular armor
        if load.gear.has_mod_armor:

        # Internal
        cur = self.structure.get_bv_factor() * self.engine.get_bv_mod()
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Internal Def BV: ", cur
        # Gyro
        cur = self.weight * self.gyro.get_bv_mod()
        if (load.arm_gyro and (self.gyro.gtype == "Standard Gyro" or
                               self.gyro.gtype == "Heavy-Duty Gyro")):
            cur *= 1.20
        elif (load.arm_gyro and self.gyro.gtype == "Compact Gyro"):
            cur *= 1.10
        elif (load.arm_gyro and self.gyro.gtype == "Extra-Light Gyro"):
            cur *= 1.30
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Gyro Def BV: ", cur
        # Defensive equipment
        cur = load.get_def_bv(self)
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Equipment Def BV: ", cur
        # Explosive
        cur = load.gear.get_ammo_exp_bv(self.engine)
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Explosive Ammo BV: ", cur
        cur = load.gear.get_weapon_exp_bv(self.engine)
        dbv += cur
        if (printq):
            print "Explosive Weapon BV: ", cur
        # Defensive factor
        mtm = self.get_move_target_modifier(load)
        # Stealth armor adds to to-hit
        if self.armor.atype == "Stealth Armor":
            mtm += 2
        # Chameleon LPS & Null-sig system
        mtm += self.multi.get_def_mod()
        assert mtm >= 0, "Negative defensive modifier!"
        def_factor = 1.0 + (mtm / 10.0)
        if (printq):
            print "Target modifier: ", mtm
            print "Defensive Faction: ", def_factor

        # Final result
        dbv *= def_factor
        if (printq):
            print "Defensive BV: ", dbv
        return dbv

    def off_bv(self, load, printq):
        Get offensive BV
        obv = load.off_bv(self, printq)

        # Tonnage (physical)
        weight_factor = 1.0
        if (self.load.aes_ra.type == "Arm"):
            weight_factor += 0.1
        if (self.load.aes_la.type == "Arm"):
            weight_factor += 0.1
        if (self.enhancement.is_tsm()):
            weight_factor *= 1.5
        if (printq):
            print "Weight BV: ", weight_factor * self.weight
        obv += weight_factor * self.weight

        # total
        if (printq):
            print "Total Base Offensive: ", obv

        # speed factor
        off_speed_factor = self.get_off_speed_factor(load, printq)

        # Final result
        obv *= off_speed_factor
        if (printq):
            print "Offensive BV: ", obv
        return obv

    def get_bv(self, load):
        Get the BV of a specific loadout. Use mech.load if not an omni.
        base_bv = self.off_bv(load, False) + self.def_bv(load, False)
        if (self.cockpit.type == "Small Cockpit" or
            self.cockpit.type == "Torso-Mounted Cockpit"):
            batt_val = int(round(base_bv * 0.95))
            batt_val = int(round(base_bv))
        if batt_val != load.batt_val:
            print ("%s %s%s: %d %d" % (, self.model, load.get_name(),
                                       batt_val, load.batt_val))

        assert batt_val == load.batt_val, "Error in BV calculation!"
        return batt_val

    def get_move_string(self):
        Create a full movement string with TSM and MASC effects
        spd = self.engine.speed + self.load.gear.get_speed_adj()
        if self.enhancement.is_tsm():
            wstr = str(spd) + "[" + str(spd + 1) + "]"
            wstr = str(spd)
        rspeed = int(ceil(spd * 1.5))
        if self.enhancement.is_tsm():
            rspeed2 = int(ceil((spd + 1) * 1.5))
            rstr = str(rspeed) + "[" + str(rspeed2) + "]"
        elif self.enhancement.is_masc():
            rspeed2 = int(ceil(spd * 2.0))
            rstr = str(rspeed) + "[" + str(rspeed2) + "]"
            rstr = str(rspeed)
        string = ("%s/%s/%d" % (wstr, rstr, self.load.get_jump()))
        return string

    def get_rules_level(self, load):
        Return rules level of mech
        r_level = 0
        # Mixed tech is advanced rules
        if self.techbase == "Mixed":
            r_level = 2
        r_level = max(r_level, self.structure.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.engine.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.gyro.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.cockpit.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.enhancement.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.armor.get_rules_level())
        r_level = max(r_level, self.multi.get_rules_level())
        # Hack -- turrets are advanced rules
        if load.turret and r_level < 2:
            r_level = 2

        r_level = max(r_level, load.get_rules_level())

        return r_level

    def calculate_cost(self, i):
        Calculate the cost of a mech

        # Structural costs
        cost = 0
        # Cockpit
        cost += self.cockpit.get_cost()
        # Life support
        cost += 50000
        # Sensors
        cost += 2000 * self.weight
        # Musculature. Handle TSM cost here instead of in enhancement
        if self.enhancement.is_tsm():
            cost += 16000 * self.weight
        # Primitive mech
        elif self.engine.etype == "Primitive Fusion Engine":
            cost += 1000 * self.weight
            cost += 2000 * self.weight
        # Internal structure
        cost += self.structure.get_cost()

        # Acutuators
        if self.motive == "Biped":  # Arms
            cost += 2 * 100 * self.weight  # Upper arms
            if i.left_arm == "TRUE":
                cost += 50 * self.weight
            if i.right_arm == "TRUE":
                cost += 50 * self.weight
            if i.left_hand == "TRUE":
                cost += 80 * self.weight
            if i.right_hand == "TRUE":
                cost += 80 * self.weight
        elif self.motive == "Quad":  # Front legs
            cost += 2 * 150 * self.weight  # Upper legs
            cost += 2 * 80 * self.weight  # Lower legs
            cost += 2 * 120 * self.weight  # Feet

        # Legs/Rear legs
        cost += 2 * 150 * self.weight  # Upper legs
        cost += 2 * 80 * self.weight  # Lower legs
        cost += 2 * 120 * self.weight  # Feet

        # Engine
        cost += self.engine.get_cost()
        # Gyro
        cost += self.gyro.get_cost()
        # Jump Jets
        cost += i.jjets.get_cost()
        # MASC
        cost += self.enhancement.get_cost()
        # Heat Sinks
        cost += i.heatsinks.get_cost()
        # Power Amplifiers
        cost += i.power_amp.get_cost()

        # Add Tracks here if/when implemented

        # Armor
        cost += self.armor.get_cost()

        # Partial Wing, jump boosters
        cost += i.partw.get_cost()
        cost += i.jumpb.get_cost()

        # Booby trap
        cost += i.btrap.get_cost()

        # Multi-slot stuff
        cost += self.multi.get_cost()

        # AES
        cost += i.aes_ra.get_cost()
        cost += i.aes_la.get_cost()

        # Hack: Armored components
        cost += len(i.arm_loc) * 150000

        # Hack: Turrets
        cost += i.gear.tur_weight * 10000

        # Gear
        cost += i.gear.get_cost()

        # Final calculation
        cost *= (1.0 + (self.weight / 100.0))
        if self.omni == "TRUE":
            cost *= 1.25

        return round(cost)