Beispiel #1
def encode_state_range(agent, vision_range):
    grid = agent.model.grid
    radius = vision_range
    #cell_locations = grid.get_neighborhood(agent.pos, moore = True, include_center = True, radius = vision_range)
    state_w_h = vision_range + vision_range + 1
    list_state = np.zeros((state_w_h, state_w_h))
    list_x = 0  #stored in list as
    list_y = 0  #stored in list as
    pos_x = agent.pos[0]  # actual location of agent to start
    pos_y = agent.pos[1]  # actual location of agent to start
    for dy in range(-radius, radius + 1):
        for dx in range(-radius, radius + 1):

            grid_position = grid.torus_adj((pos_x + dx, pos_y + dy))
            if not grid.is_cell_empty(grid_position):
                # get cell content of grid position
                cell_content = grid[grid_position[0]][grid_position[1]]
                list_state[list_x][list_y] = encode_cell(cell_content)
            list_x += 1
        list_y += 1
        list_x = 0

    distance = int(
            movement_control.get_distance(grid, agent.pos,
    print("distance is ", distance)
    state_tuple = [tuple(l) for l in list_state]
    #extra_information = (distance, agent.model.current_cow_count)
    extra_information = (pos_x, pos_y)
    #print(tuple([tuple(state_tuple), extra_information]))
    return tuple([tuple(state_tuple), extra_information])
Beispiel #2
 def flank_cow(self):
     print("in flank method")
     # if distance from me to the cow is greater than half the vision range
     distance = movement_control.get_distance(self.model.grid, self.pos, self.cow_to_follow.pos)
     if (float(distance) > (float(self.vision_radius) / 2.0)) :
         print("moving to flank")
         movement_control.move_towards(self, self.cow_to_follow.pos)
Beispiel #3
 def block(self):
     print("in block method")
     distance = movement_control.get_distance(grid, self.pos,
     if (float(distance) > (float(self.vision_radius) / 2.0)):
         print("moving to block")
         movement_control.move_towards(self, self.cow_to_follow.pos)
Beispiel #4
 def calculate_single_weight(self, cell):
     """ Calculate the weight of cell based on visibility radius"""
     cell_weight = 0.0
     neighborhood_cells = self.model.grid.get_neighborhood(cell, moore=True, include_center=False, radius=self.cow_visibility)
     for neighbor in neighborhood_cells:
         distance = movement_control.get_distance(self.model.grid, cell, neighbor)
         weight = self.get_weight(neighbor)
         cell_weight += (weight/distance)
     return cell_weight
Beispiel #5
    def find_closest_cow_to_goal(self, free_cows):
        if not free_cows:
            return None

        closest_cow = None
        closest_distance = np.inf
        for cow in free_cows:
            current_distance = movement_control.get_distance(
                self.model.grid, cow.pos, self.model.goalTarget)
            if (current_distance < closest_distance):
                closest_distance = current_distance
                closest_cow = cow
        return closest_cow