def plot_bestmodel(self, fitter, modelcode, folded=False, burnin_pct=0.1): print('calling') ### THIS FUNCTION PLOTS YOUR BEST FIT LIGHT CURVE MODEL OVER THE DATA. if folded == True: self.fold() if modelcode == "LUNA": folded = False ### should not be generating a folded light curve for a moon fit. self.initialize_priors(modelcode=modelcode) if fitter == 'emcee': if modelcode == 'batman': chainsdir = moonpydir + '/emcee_fits/batman/' + str( + '/chains' elif modelcode == 'LUNA': chainsdir = moonpydir + '/emcee_fits/LUNA/' + str( + '/chains' samples = np.genfromtxt(chainsdir + '/' + str( + '_mcmc_chain.txt') sample_shape = samples.shape samples = samples[int(burnin_pct * sample_shape[0]):, 1:] best_fit_dict = {} for npar, parlab in enumerate(self.param_labels): best_fit_dict[parlab] = np.nanmedian(samples.T[npar]) print("best fit values: ") for parkey in best_fit_dict.keys(): print(parkey, ' = ', best_fit_dict[parkey]) if modelcode == 'batman': ### use batman to generate a model!!! if folded == True: batman_times, batman_fluxes = run_batman(self.fold_times, **best_fit_dict, add_noise='n', show_plots='n') plt.scatter(np.hstack(self.fold_times), np.hstack(self.fluxes_detrend), facecolor='LightCoral', edgecolor='k') else: batman_times, batman_fluxes = run_batman(self.times, **best_fit_dict, add_noise='n', show_plots='n') plt.scatter(np.hstack(self.times), np.hstack(self.fluxes_detrend), facecolor='LightCoral', edgecolor='k') batman_sort = np.argsort(batman_times) batman_times, batman_fluxes = batman_times[ batman_sort], batman_fluxes[batman_sort] plt.plot(batman_times, batman_fluxes, c='g', linewidth=2)
def pymn_loglike_batman(cube, ndim, nparams): pymn_var_dict = { } #### dictionary of variables, will take the cube as the argument. pymn_fixed_dict = { } ### dictionary of fixed variables, will stay constant for each run. for pidx, parlab in enumerate(mn_variable_labels): pymn_var_dict[parlab] = cube[pidx] for pidx, parlab in enumerate(mn_fixed_labels): pymn_fixed_dict[parlab] = mn_param_dict[parlab][ 1] ### grabs the fixed value! ### now you should be able to run_LUNA(param_dict) batman_times, batman_fluxes = run_batman(data_times, **pymn_var_dict, **pymn_fixed_dict, model=mn_model, add_noise='n', show_plots='n') loglikelihood = np.nansum( -0.5 * ((batman_fluxes - data_fluxes) / data_errors)**2 ) ### SHOULD MAKE THIS BETTER, to super-penalize running out of bounds! return loglikelihood
def emcee_lnlike_batman(params, data_times, data_fluxes, data_errors): emcee_param_dict = {} ### initialize it emcee_var_param_dict = {} emcee_fixed_param_dict = {} """ for pidx, parlab in enumerate(mn_param_labels): emcee_param_dict[parlab] = params[pidx] """ for pidx, parlab in enumerate(mc_variable_labels): emcee_var_param_dict[parlab] = params[pidx] for pidx, parlab in enumerate(mc_fixed_labels): emcee_fixed_param_dict[parlab] = mc_param_dict[parlab][ 1] ### fixed value! batman_times, batman_fluxes = run_batman(data_times, **emcee_var_param_dict, **emcee_fixed_param_dict, model=mc_model, add_noise='n', show_plots='n') loglikelihood = np.nansum( -0.5 * ((batman_fluxes - data_fluxes) / data_errors)**2 ) ### SHOULD MAKE THIS BETTER, to super-penalize running out of bounds! #if (np.isfinite(loglikelihood) == False) or type(loglikelihood) != float: # print("loglikelihood = ", loglikelihood) # raise Exception('emcee_lnlike_batman loglikelihood value is invalid."') return loglikelihood