Beispiel #1
def update_time_bounds_in_config(config):  # {{{
    Updates the start and end year (and associated full date) for
    climatologies, time series and climate indices based on the files that are
    actually available.

    config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` object
        contains config options

    # By updating the bounds for each component, we should end up with the
    # more constrained time bounds if any component has less output than others
    for componentName in ['ocean', 'seaIce']:
        for section in ['climatology', 'timeSeries', 'index']:
            update_time_bounds_from_file_names(config, section, componentName)
    def test_update_climatology_bounds_and_create_symlinks(self):
        mpasClimatologyTask = self.setup_task()
        config = mpasClimatologyTask.config

        # first make sure the start and end years stay unchanged when we use
        # the start and end years already in the config file
        startYear = 2
        endYear = 2
        startDate = '{:04d}-01-01_00:00:00'.format(startYear)
        endDate = '{:04d}-12-31_23:59:59'.format(endYear)

        update_time_bounds_from_file_names(config, 'climatology', 'ocean')

        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.startYear == startYear)
        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.endYear == endYear)
        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.startDate == startDate)
        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.endDate == endDate)

        # Now, set the the start and end years out of range and make sure they
        # get changed back to the values that are in range
        startYear = 1
        endYear = 5
        startDate = '{:04d}-01-01_00:00:00'.format(startYear)
        endDate = '{:04d}-12-31_23:59:59'.format(endYear)

        config.set('climatology', 'startYear', str(startYear))
        config.set('climatology', 'endYear', str(endYear))
        config.set('climatology', 'startDate', startDate)
        config.set('climatology', 'endDate', endDate)

        update_time_bounds_from_file_names(config, 'climatology', 'ocean')

        startYear = 2
        endYear = 2
        startDate = '{:04d}-01-01_00:00:00'.format(startYear)
        endDate = '{:04d}-12-31_23:59:59'.format(endYear)

        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.startYear == startYear)
        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.endYear == endYear)
        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.startDate == startDate)
        assert (mpasClimatologyTask.endDate == endDate)