def fit_fault_set(ax, faults, split_axis=1, title='Poles to Planes'):
    """Given a sequence of swfaults representing a bi-modal distribution, fit
    a plane to each of the modes."""
    vol = populations.vol
    faults = list(faults)
    numfaults = len(faults)

    normals = [norm for fault in faults for norm in normal_vecs(fault, vol)]
    numvecs = len(normals)
    normals = np.array(normals)

    strikes_dips = fit_bimodal_bidirectional(normals, split_axis=split_axis)

    strike, dip = smath.vector2pole(*normals.T)
    ax.pole(strike, dip, 'ko', markersize=2, alpha=0.5)
    cax = ax.density_contourf(strike, dip, sigma=3)
    ax.density_contour(strike, dip, linewidths=2, sigma=3)
    cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(cax, ax=ax)
    cbar.set_label('Number of standard deviations', rotation=-90)

    conj = []
    for sd, color in zip(strikes_dips, ['r', 'g']):
        ax.pole(*sd, color=color)
        ax.plane(*sd, color=color, lw=2)
        conj.append(u'%0.0f\u00b0/%0.0f\u00b0' % sd)
#    ax.grid(True)
    ax.set_title(title + '\n' + ' and '.join(conj), y=1.0, va='bottom')
    ax.annotate('{} planes from {} faults'.format(numvecs, numfaults), 
            xy=(0.5, 0), xytext=(0, -12), xycoords='axes fraction', 
            textcoords='offset points', ha='center', va='top')
def fit_bimodal(normals, weights=None, k=2):
    """Given a set of vectors, find the resultant vector of two modes using
    kmeans to seperate the modes.  The vectors will be weighted by "weights",
    if specified."""
    obs = scipy.cluster.vq.whiten(normals)
    codebook, _ = scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2(obs, k)
    mode, _ = scipy.cluster.vq.vq(obs, codebook)

    if weights is not None:
        weighted_normals = (normals.T * weights).T
        weighted_normals = normals
    modes = [weighted_normals[mode==i] for i in range(k)]

    return (smath.vector2pole(*mode.mean(axis=0)) for mode in modes)
Beispiel #3
 def test_vector2pole(self):
     for (x, y, z), (strike, dip) in
         assert np.allclose(smath.vector2pole(x, y, z), [[strike], [dip]])
 def test_vector2pole(self):
     for (x,y,z), (strike, dip) in
         assert np.allclose(smath.vector2pole(x,y,z), [[strike], [dip]])