Beispiel #1
def integrand_btz_n(u, tau, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi=0):
    s_int_fnc = lambda s: lam**2 * fp.exp(-s**2/4/sig**2)\
                * (fp.exp(-fp.j*Om*s) * wightman_btz_n(s,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig))

    if n != 0 or deltaphi != 0:
        pt1 = fp.mpf(
            mp.acosh(rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) *
                     (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh / l *
                                             (deltaphi - 2 * fp.pi * n)) - 1)))
    pt2 = fp.mpf(
        mp.acosh(rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) *
                 (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh / l *
                                         (deltaphi - 2 * fp.pi * n)) + 1)))
    uplim = 2 * tau - u

    if n == 0:
        if uplim < pt2:
            output = fp.quad(s_int_fnc, [0, uplim])
            output = fp.quad(s_int_fnc, [0, pt2]) + fp.quad(
                s_int_fnc, [pt2, uplim])

        if uplim < pt1:
            output = fp.quad(s_int_fnc, [0, uplim])
        elif uplim < pt2:
            output = fp.quad(s_int_fnc, [0, pt1]) + fp.quad(
                s_int_fnc, [pt1, uplim])
            output = fp.quad(s_int_fnc,[0,pt1]) + fp.quad(s_int_fnc,[pt1,pt2])\
                        + fp.quad(s_int_fnc,[pt2,uplim])

    output *= fp.exp(-u**2 / 4 / sig**2)
    return output
Beispiel #2
def mycoulfg_mix_rescaled(angL, eta, rho, hvalue, dirvalue):
    f, df, g, dg = mycoulfg_mix(angL, eta, rho, hvalue, dirvalue)
    f = f / fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) * eta**(angL + 1)
    df = df / fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) * eta**(angL + 1)
    g = g * fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) / eta**angL
    dg = dg * fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) / eta**angL
    return f, df, g, dg
Beispiel #3
def Pdot_n(tau, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi=0, eps=1e-6):
    if n == 0:
        if deltaphi == 0:
            lim2 = fp.mpf(mp.acosh(mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)\
                                          *(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*n)) + 1))))
            fmins = lambda s: integrand_Pdotm_n(s, tau, 0, R, rh, l, pm1, Om,
                                                lam, sig, deltaphi, eps).real
            fplus = lambda s: integrand_Pdotp_n(s, tau, 0, R, rh, l, pm1, Om,
                                                lam, sig, deltaphi, eps).real
            return fp.quad(fmins, [0, tau + 10 * sig]) + fp.quad(
                fplus, [0, lim2]) + fp.quad(fplus, [lim2, tau + 10 * sig])
            lim1 = fp.mpf(mp.acosh(mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)\
                                          *(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*n)) - 1))))
            lim2 = fp.mpf(mp.acosh(mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)\
                                          *(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*n)) + 1))))
            fmins = lambda s: integrand_Pdotm_n(s, tau, 0, R, rh, l, pm1, Om,
                                                lam, sig, deltaphi, 0).real
            fplus = lambda s: integrand_Pdotp_n(s, tau, 0, R, rh, l, pm1, Om,
                                                lam, sig, deltaphi, 0).real
            return fp.quad(fmins,[0,lim1]) + fp.quad(fmins,[lim1,tau+10*sig])\
                   + fp.quad(fplus,[0,lim2]) + fp.quad(fplus,[lim2,tau+10*sig])
        lim1 = fp.mpf(mp.acosh(mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)\
                                      *(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*n)) - 1))))
        lim2 = fp.mpf(mp.acosh(mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)\
                                      *(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi - 2*fp.pi*n)) + 1))))
        fmins = lambda s: integrand_Pdotm_n(s, tau, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam,
                                            sig, deltaphi, 0).real
        fplus = lambda s: integrand_Pdotp_n(s, tau, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam,
                                            sig, deltaphi, 0).real
        return fp.quad(fmins,[0,lim1]) + fp.quad(fmins,[lim1,tau+10*sig])\
               + fp.quad(fplus,[0,lim2]) + fp.quad(fplus,[lim2,tau+10*sig])
Beispiel #4
def mycoulfg_rescaled(angL, eta, rho):
    f, df, g, dg, IFAIL = mycoulfg(angL, eta, rho)
    f = f / fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) * eta**(angL + 1)
    df = df / fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) * eta**(angL + 1)
    g = g * fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) / eta**angL
    dg = dg * fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL, eta)) / eta**angL
    return f, df, g, dg, IFAIL
def P_BTZn(n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig):
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2)/l
    lim = 20*sig*rh/b/l**2
    print('limit: ',lim)
    Zm = fp.mpf(1) #rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)*(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(2*fp.pi*rh/l * n) - 1)
    Zp = rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)*(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(2*fp.pi*rh/l * n) + 1)
    print('Zm: ',Zm, 'Zp: ',Zp, 'acosh(Zp): ', fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zp)))
#    plt.figure()
#    xaxis = fp.linspace(0,lim/5,50)
#    yaxis = [f02(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig) for x in xaxis]
#    plt.plot(xaxis,yaxis)
    if pm1==-1 or pm1==1 or pm1==0:
        if n==0:
            return 0\
                 - fp.quad(lambda x: f02(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zp))])\
                 - fp.quad(lambda x: f02(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zp)),lim])
                 #fp.quad(lambda x: f01(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[-fp.inf,fp.inf])
#        else:
#            if fp.cosh(lim) < Zm or Zm < 1:
#                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
#                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,lim])
#            else:
#                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
#                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm))])\
#                     - fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
#                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm)),lim])
        print("Please enter a value of 1, -1, or 0 for pm1.")
Beispiel #6
def drho_coulombg_rescaled(angL, eta, rho, hvalue, dirvalue):
    return fp.mpf(
        mp.diff(lambda x: mp.coulombg(angL, eta, x),
                direction=dirvalue)) * fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(angL,
                                                          eta)) / eta**angL
def sigma_geon_n(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, deltaphi, isP):
    if isP:
        return RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) - 1\
                + fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)*fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)/rh**2 \
                  * fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l/mp.sqrt(RA*RB-rh**2) * y) )
        return RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) - 1\
                + fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)*fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)/rh**2 \
                  * fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * y) )
Beispiel #8
def f02(y, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    K = lam**2 * sig / 2 / fp.sqrt(2 * fp.pi)
    a = (R**2 - rh**2) * l**2 / 4 / sig**2 / rh**2
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2) * Om * l / rh
    Zp = mp.mpf((R**2 + rh**2) / (R**2 - rh**2))
    if Zp - mp.cosh(y) > 0:
        return fp.mpf(K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.cos(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(Zp - mp.cosh(y)))
    elif Zp - mp.cosh(y) < 0:
        return fp.mpf(-K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.sin(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(mp.cosh(y) - Zp))
        return 0
def f02(y,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig):
    K = lam**2*sig/2/fp.sqrt(2*fp.pi)
    a = (R**2-rh**2)*l**2/4/sig**2/rh**2
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2)*Om*l/rh
    Zp = mp.mpf((R**2+rh**2)/(R**2-rh**2))
    if Zp == mp.cosh(y):
        print("RIP MOM PLSSS")
    #print(Zp, y, fp.cosh(y))
    if Zp - mp.cosh(y) > 0:
        return K * fp.exp(-a*y**2) * fp.cos(b*y) / fp.mpf(mp.sqrt(Zp - mp.cosh(y)))
    elif Zp - mp.cosh(y) < 0:
        return -K * fp.exp(-a*y**2) * fp.sin(b*y) / fp.mpf(mp.sqrt(mp.cosh(y) - Zp))
        return 0
Beispiel #10
def fn1(y, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    K = lam**2 * sig / 2 / fp.sqrt(2 * fp.pi)
    a = (R**2 - rh**2) * l**2 / 4 / sig**2 / rh**2
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2) * Om * l / rh
    Zm = mp.mpf(rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) *
                (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(2 * fp.pi * rh / l * n) - 1))
    if Zm == mp.cosh(y):
        return 0
    elif Zm - fp.cosh(y) > 0:
        return fp.mpf(K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.cos(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(Zm - mp.cosh(y)))
        return fp.mpf(-K * mp.exp(-a * y**2) * mp.sin(b * y) /
                      mp.sqrt(mp.cosh(y) - Zm))
Beispiel #11
def PGEON_n(n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    Om = energy difference
    lam = coupling constant
    if pm1 == -1 or pm1 == 1 or pm1 == 0:
        return lam**2*sig*fp.sqrt(fp.pi) * fp.mpf(mp.exp(-sig**2 * Om**2)) *\
        fp.quad(lambda x: h_n(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1) * PGEON_gaussian(x,sig), [-fp.inf, fp.inf])
        print("Please enter a value of 1, -1, or 0 for pm1.")
def P_BTZn(n,
    f = lambda y: integrandof_P_BTZn(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0,
                                     width, deltaphi, isP)

    if n == 0 and deltaphi == 0 and RA == RB:
        # P0m
        P0m = 2 * fp.quad(
            lambda x: integrandPBTZ_0m(x, RA, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0, width,
                                       eps), [0, width])

        intlim = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) + 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
        if intlim < width:
            return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim, width]) + P0m
            return fp.quad(f, [0, width]) + P0m


        intlim1 = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) - 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
        intlim2 = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) + 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
        #print('%.4f, %.4f'%(intlim1,intlim2))
        if intlim2 < width:
            return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim1]) + fp.quad(
                f, [intlim1, intlim2]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim2, width])
        elif intlim1 < width:
            return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim1]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim1, width])
            return fp.quad(f, [0, width])
def Xn_plus(n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0, width, deltaphi, isP):

    intlim2 = l**2/rh * mp.acosh( (RA*RB/rh**2 * fp.mpf( mp.cosh(rh/l * (deltaphi-2*fp.pi*n)) ) + 1)\
                / fp.sqrt(RA**2-rh**2)/fp.sqrt(RB**2-rh**2)*rh**2)
    #print('plus, %.4f ;'%intlim2)
    f = lambda y: integrandof_Xn_plus(y, n, RA, RB, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, tau0,
                                      width, deltaphi, isP)

    if intlim2 < width:
        return fp.quad(f, [0, intlim2]) + fp.quad(f, [intlim2, width])
        return fp.quad(f, [0, width])
Beispiel #14
def P_BTZn(n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    b = fp.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2) / l
    lim = 20 * sig * rh / b / l**2
    #Zp = mp.mpf(rh**2/(R**2-rh**2)*(R**2/rh**2 * fp.cosh(2*fp.pi*rh/l * n) + 1))
    #print('Zm: ',Zm, 'Zp: ',Zp)
    if pm1 == -1 or pm1 == 1 or pm1 == 0:
        if n == 0:
            return fp.quad(lambda x: f01(x, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig),
                           [-fp.inf, fp.inf])
            Zm = rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) * (
                R**2 / rh**2 * fp.cosh(2 * fp.pi * rh / l * n) - 1)
            if fp.cosh(lim) < Zm or Zm < 1:
                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,lim])
                return fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[0,fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm))])\
                     - fp.quad(lambda x: fn1(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)\
                                      - fn2(x,n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig),[fp.mpf(mp.acosh(Zm)),lim])
        print("Please enter a value of 1, -1, or 0 for pm1.")
Beispiel #15
def mycoulfg_mix(angL, eta, rho, hvalue, dirvalue):
    if rho > (eta + np.sqrt(eta**2 + angL * (angL + 1))):
        f, df, g, dg, IFAIL = mycoulfg(angL, eta, rho)
        if (IFAIL != 0):
        f = fp.mpf(mp.coulombf(angL, eta, rho))
        g = fp.mpf(mp.coulombg(angL, eta, rho))
        df = fp.mpf(
            mp.diff(lambda x: mp.coulombf(angL, eta, x),
        dg = fp.mpf(
            mp.diff(lambda x: mp.coulombg(angL, eta, x),

#    print(f,df,g,dg)
    return f, df, g, dg
def T_P_int_geon(x, tau, tau0, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig, deltaphi=0):
    K = lam**2 / (np.sqrt(2) * np.pi * l * Om) * rh / np.sqrt(R**2 - rh**2)
    Gm = rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) * (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.mpf(
        mp.cosh(rh / l * (deltaphi - 2 * np.pi * (n + 0.5)))) - 1)
    Gp = rh**2 / (R**2 - rh**2) * (R**2 / rh**2 * fp.mpf(
        mp.cosh(rh / l * (deltaphi - 2 * np.pi * (n + 0.5)))) + 1)

    if tau < tau0:
        return 0
    elif x < (tau + tau0):
        return K * fp.sin(Om*(2*tau0+x))\
                * (1/fp.sqrt(Gm + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))) - 1/fp.sqrt(Gp + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))))
        return K * fp.sin(Om*(2*tau-x))\
                * (1/fp.sqrt(Gm + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))) - 1/fp.sqrt(Gp + fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))))
Beispiel #17
def f01(y, n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig):
    return lam**2*sig**2/2 * fp.exp(-sig**2*(y-Om)**2)\
     / fp.mpf((mp.exp(y * 2*mp.pi*l*mp.sqrt(R**2-rh**2)/rh) + 1))
Beispiel #18
def coulombg_rescaled(angL, eta, rho):
    return fp.mpf(mp.coulombg(angL, eta, rho)) * fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(
        angL, eta)) / eta**angL
Beispiel #19
dR = 1
R = 1 / 2 * np.exp(-dR / l) * (rh * np.exp(2 * dR / l) + rh)

lowlim, uplim = -3, 3
tau = np.linspace(lowlim, uplim, num=30)
#tau = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(lowlim),np.log(uplim),num=20))
y = 0 * tau
P = P_BTZn(0, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig)
#for n in range(1,nmax+1):
#    P += 2*P_BTZn(n,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig)

for i in range(len(tau)):
    print(i, end=', ', flush=True)
    for n in range(nmax + 1):
        y[i] += fp.mpf(
            P_BTZ_n_tau(tau[i], n, R, rh, l, pm1, Om, lam, sig).real)

#fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,5))
plt.plot(tau, y)
plt.plot([lowlim, uplim], [P, P], linestyle=':', label=r'$P$')

x = np.linspace(-5, 5, num=100)
#y=[T_P_int_geon(xi,-1,0,R,rh,l,pm1,Om,lam,sig) for xi in x]
y = [fp.erf(xi + fp.j).real for xi in x]
plt.plot(x, y)
Beispiel #20
def coulombf_rescaled(angL, eta, rho):
    return fp.mpf(mp.coulombf(angL, eta, rho)) / fp.mpf(mp.coulombc(
        angL, eta)) * eta**(angL + 1)
Beispiel #21
def PGEON_gaussian(x, sig):
    return fp.mpf(mp.exp(-x**2 / 4 / sig**2))
Beispiel #22
def sigma_geon(x, n, R, rh, l):
    return R**2/rh**2 * fp.mpf(mp.cosh(2*mp.pi * rh/l * (n+1/2))) - 1 + (R**2-rh**2)/rh**2\
    * fp.mpf(mp.cosh(rh/l**2 * x))
Beispiel #23
# use fp.mpf to change the results to float numbers.
# To speed up the calculation, the Coulomb functions from a Fortran code embedded in the r-matrix code is also
# included here, imported as mycoulfg .
# So I have code to return mycoulfy calculations in the region the Fortran code is reliable and mpmmath calculations
# outside that region. These functions are labeled by _mix
# Also the rescaled Coulomb functions are also provided here, to mitigate the problem of F and G becoming too small
# or too big in the near zero energy region.

import numpy as np
from mpmath import fp, mp
from scipy import special as ss
from coulomb_Barnett import mycoulfg
mp.dps = 20

coulombf_ufunc = np.frompyfunc(
    lambda angL, eta, rho: fp.mpf(mp.coulombf(angL, eta, rho)), 3,
    1)  # argment: angL, eta, rho=k*r
coulombg_ufunc = np.frompyfunc(
    lambda angL, eta, rho: fp.mpf(mp.coulombg(angL, eta, rho)), 3,
    1)  # argment: angL, eta, rho=k*r
coulombw_ufunc = np.frompyfunc(
    lambda angL, eta, rho: fp.mpf(mp.whitw(eta, angL + 0.5, 2 * rho)), 3,
    1)  # argment: angL, eta, rho=k*r
# argment: angL, eta, rho=k*r, note this order is different from whitw's argument, i
#and there is a factor of 2 for the 3rd argument
drho_coulombf_ufunc = np.frompyfunc(
    lambda angL, eta, rho, hvalue, dirvalue: fp.mpf(
        mp.diff(lambda x: mp.coulombf(angL, eta, x),
Beispiel #24
def integrand2(u, a):
    f = lambda s: fp.exp(-s**2) * (fp.exp(fp.j*(s+u)) * fp.mpf(mp.exp(-np.abs(u)))\
                                  + fp.exp(fp.j*u) * fp.mpf(mp.exp(-np.abs(s+u))) )
    return fp.quad(f, [0, fp.inf])