Beispiel #1
def miller_rabin(n, k):

    # Implementation uses the Miller-Rabin Primality Test
    # The optimal number of rounds for this test is 40
    # See
    # for justification

    # If number is even, it's a composite number

    if n == 2:
        return True

    if n % 2 == 0:
        return False

    r, s = 0, n - 1
    while s % 2 == 0:
        r += 1
        s //= 2
    for _ in xrange(k):
        a = random.randrange(2, n - 1)
        x = pow(a, s, n)
        if x == 1 or x == n - 1:
        for _ in xrange(r - 1):
            x = pow(x, 2, n)
            if x == n - 1:
            return False
    return True
Beispiel #2
def mandelbrot(threshold, density):
    # location and size of the atlas rectangle
    realAxis = np.linspace(0, 1, density)
    imaginaryAxis = np.linspace(0, 1, density)
    #realAxis = np.linspace(-2.25, 0.75, density)
    #imaginaryAxis = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, density)
    #realAxis = np.linspace(-0.22, -0.219, 1000)
    #imaginaryAxis = np.linspace(-0.70, -0.699, 1000)
    realAxisLen = len(realAxis)
    imaginaryAxisLen = len(imaginaryAxis)

    # 2-D array to represent mandelbrot atlas
    atlas = np.empty((realAxisLen, imaginaryAxisLen))

    # color each point in the atlas depending on the iteration count
    for ix in xrange(realAxisLen):
        for iy in xrange(imaginaryAxisLen):
            cx = realAxis[ix]
            cy = imaginaryAxis[iy]
            c = complex(cx, cy)

            atlas[ix, iy] = countIterationsUntilDivergent(c, threshold)

    # plot and display mandelbrot set
    plt.imshow(atlas.T, interpolation="nearest")
Beispiel #3
def Kernel(A, rank):
    # used the QR factorization to extra dim elements of the kernel
    m = A.nrows();
    n = A.ncols();
    assert rank <= min(n,m)
    Q, R, P = qrp(A.conjugate_transpose(), rank);
    K = Matrix(A.base_ring(), n, n - rank)
    for i in xrange(K.nrows()):
        for j in xrange(K.ncols()):
            K[i, j] = Q[i, n - 1 - j]

    upper = R[rank - 1, rank - 1].abs();
    lower = 0;
    if n > rank and m > rank:
        lower = R[rank, rank].abs();
    return K, upper, lower;
Beispiel #4
def EqnMatrix(A, rank):
    m = A.nrows();
    n = A.ncols();
    assert rank <= min(n,m) 
    # Q = [Q1 Q2]
    # col(Q1) = col(A)
    # col(Q2) = col(A)^perp
    Q, R, P = qrp(A, rank);
    K = Matrix(A.base_ring(), m - rank, m);
    for i in xrange(m - rank):
        for j in xrange(m):
            K[ i, j] = Q[j, i + rank].conjugate();

    upper = R[rank - 1, rank - 1].abs();
    lower = 0;
    if n > rank and m > rank:
        lower = R[rank, rank].abs();
    return K,  upper, lower;
Beispiel #5
def countIterationsUntilDivergent(c, threshold):
    z = complex(0, 0)
    for iteration in xrange(threshold):
        z = (z*z) + c

        if abs(z) > 4:
    return iteration
def gth_solve(ctx, A, overwrite=False):
    This routine computes a nontrivial solution of a linear equation
    system of the form `x A = 0`, where *A* is an irreducible transition
    rate matrix, by using the Grassmann-Taksar-Heyman (GTH) algorithm, a
    variant of Gaussian elimination. The solution is normalized so that
    its 1-norm equals one.

    A : matrix of shape (n, n)
        Transition rate matrix.
    overwrite : bool, optional(default=False)
        If True, allows modification of A which may improve performance;
        if False, A is not modified.

    matrix of shape (1, n)
        Non-zero solution to x A = 0, normalized so that its 1-norm
        equals one.

    >>> import mpmath as mp
    >>> from eigen_markov import gth_solve
    >>> A = mp.matrix([[-0.1, 0.075, 0.025], [0.15, -0.2, 0.05], [0.25, 0.25, -0.5]])
    >>> x =
    >>> print x
    [0.625  0.3125  0.0625]
    >>> print mp.chop(x*A)
    [0.0  0.0  0.0]

    if not isinstance(A, ctx.matrix):
        A = ctx.matrix(A)
    elif not overwrite:
        A = A.copy()

    n, m = A.rows, A.cols

    if n != m:
        raise ValueError('matrix must be square')

    x = ctx.zeros(1, n)

    # === Reduction === #
    for j in xrange(n-1):
        scale = ctx.fsum(A[j, j+1:n])
        if scale <= 0:
            # Only consider the leading principal minor of size j+1,
            # which is irreducible
            n = j+1
        A[j+1:n, j] /= scale

        for i in xrange(j+1, n):
            for k in xrange(j+1, n):
                A[k, i] += A[j, i] * A[k, j]

    # === Backward substitution === #
    x[n-1] = 1
    for i in xrange(n-2, -1, -1):
        x[i] = ctx.fsum((x[j] * A[j, i] for j in xrange(i+1, n)))

    # === Normalization === #
    x /= ctx.fsum(x)

    return x
Beispiel #7
def qrp(A, rank = None, extra_prec = 16):
    m = A.nrows()
    n = A.ncols()
    s = min(m,n)
    if rank is not None:
        #s = min(s, rank + 1);
    base_prec = A.base_ring().precision();
    base_field = A.base_ring()
    if is_ComplexField(base_field):
        field = ComplexField(base_prec + extra_prec + m);
        field = RealField(base_prec + extra_prec + m);
#    field = base_field; 
    R = copy(A);
    A = A.change_ring(field);
    P = [ j for j in xrange(n) ];
    Q = identity_matrix(field,m)
#    print A.base_ring()
#    print Q.base_ring()
    normbound = field(2)**(-0.5*field.precision());

    colnorms2 = [ float_sum([ R[k,j].norm() for k in range(m)]) for j in range(n) ];
    for j in xrange(s):
        # find column with max norm
        maxnorm2 = colnorms2[j];
        p = j;
        for k in xrange(j, n):
            if colnorms2[k] > maxnorm2:
                p = k;
                maxnorm2 = colnorms2[k];     
        #it is worth it to recompute the maxnorm                
        xnorm2 = float_sum([ R[i,p].norm() for i in range(j, m)])                
        xnorm = sqrt(xnorm2);
        # swap j and p in A, P and colnorms
        if j != p:
            P[j], P[p] = P[p], P[j]
            colnorms2[j], colnorms2[p] = colnorms2[p], colnorms2[j]
            for i in xrange(0, m):
                R[i, j], R[i, p] = R[i, p], R[i, j];
        # compute householder vector
        u = [ R[k,j] for k in xrange(j, m) ];
        alpha = R[j,j];
        # alphanorm = alpha.abs();
        if alpha.real() < 0:
            u[0] -= xnorm
            z = -1
            u[0] += xnorm
            z = 1

        beta = xnorm*(xnorm + alpha * z); 
        if beta.abs() < normbound:
            beta = float_sum( [u[i].conjugate() * R[i+j,j] for i in range(m - j)]) 
        if beta == field(0):
        beta = 1/beta;
        # H = I - beta * u * u^*
        # Apply householder matrix
        #update R
        R[j,j] = -z * xnorm;
        for i in xrange(j+1,m):
            R[i,j] = 0
        for k in xrange(j+1, n):
            lambdR = beta * float_sum( [u[l - j].conjugate() * R[l, k] for l in xrange(j, m)] );
            for i in xrange(j, m):
                R[i, k] -= lambdR * u[i - j];
        #update Q
        for k in xrange(m):
            lambdQ = float_sum( [u[l - j].conjugate() * Q[l, k] for l in xrange(j, m)] );
            lambdQ *= beta
            for i in xrange(j,m):
                Q[i, k] -= lambdQ * u[i - j];
        for k in xrange(j + 1, n):
            square = R[j,k].norm();
            colnorms2[k] -= square;
            # sometimes is better to just recompute the norm
            if True: #colnorms2[k] < normbound or colnorms2[k] < square*normbound:
                colnorms2[k] = float_sum([ R[i,k].norm() for i in range(j + 1, m)])                
    # compute P matrix
    Pmatrix = Matrix(ZZ, n);
    for i in xrange(n):
        Pmatrix[ P[i], i] = 1;

    return Q.conjugate_transpose().change_ring(base_field), R.change_ring(base_field), Pmatrix;
Beispiel #8
 def colnorm2(j, start = 0):
     if start > m:
         return rzero
         return  ctx.fsum( R[i,j]**2 for i in xrange(start, m) );
Beispiel #9
 def colnorm2(j, start = 0):
     if start > m:
         return rzero
         return ctx.fsum( R[i,j] * ctx.conj(R[i,j]) for i in xrange(start, m)) );
Beispiel #10
def qrp_mpmath(A, rank = None, extra_prec = 32, ctx = None):
    if ctx is None:
        ctx = A.ctx;
    # check values before continuing
    assert isinstance(A, ctx.matrix)
    m = A.rows
    n = A.cols
    assert n > 1
    assert m > 1
    assert extra_prec >= 0
    if rank is None:
        s = min(m, n);
        s = min(m, n, rank + 1);

    # check for complex data type
    cmplx = any(type(x) is ctx.mpc for x in A)

    normbound = mpmath.mpf(2)**(-0.75*;

    # temporarily increase the precision and initialize
    with ctx.extraprec(extra_prec):
        rzero = ctx.mpf('0.0')
        if cmplx:
            one = ctx.mpc('1.0', '0.0')
            def colnorm2(j, start = 0):
                if start > m:
                    return rzero
                    return ctx.fsum( R[i,j] * ctx.conj(R[i,j]) for i in xrange(start, m)) );
            one = ctx.mpf('1.0')
            def colnorm2(j, start = 0):
                if start > m:
                    return rzero
                    return  ctx.fsum( R[i,j]**2 for i in xrange(start, m) );
        R = A.copy();
        Q = ctx.eye(m);
        P = [ j for j in xrange(0,n) ];  
        colnorms2 = [ colnorm2(j) for j in xrange(0, n) ];

        # main loop to factor A
        for j in xrange(0, s):
            maxnorm2 = colnorms2[j];
            p = j;
            for k in xrange(j, n):
                if colnorms2[k] > maxnorm2:
                    p = k;
                    maxnorm2 = colnorms2[k];     
            xnorm2 = maxnorm2;
            xnorm = ctx.sqrt(xnorm2);
            # swap j and p in A, P and colnorms
            if j != p:
                P[j], P[p] = P[p], P[j]
                colnorms2[j], colnorms2[p] = colnorms2[p], colnorms2[j]
                for i in xrange(0, m):
                    R[i, j], R[i, p] = R[i, p], R[i, j];
            alpha = R[j,j]
            if cmplx:
                alphar =
                alphai =
                alphanorm2 = alphar**2 + alphai**2;
                alphanorm = ctx.sqrt(alphanorm2);
                alphanorm2 = alpha**2;
                if alpha > rzero:
                    alphanorm = alpha;
                    alphanorm = -alpha;
            # compute householder vector
            u = [ R[k,j] for k in xrange(j, m) ];
            z = one;
            if alphanorm != rzero:
                if cmplx:
                    z = alpha/alphanorm;
                    if alpha < rzero:
                        z = ctx.mpf("-1.0"); 
            u[0] += z * xnorm;

            beta = xnorm*(xnorm + alphanorm) ;
            if beta == 0:
                beta = 1/beta;
            # H = I - beta * u * u^*
            # Apply householder matrix
            #update R
            for k in xrange(j, n):
                if cmplx:
                    lambdR = beta * ctx.fsum( ctx.conj(u[l - j]) * R[l, k] for l in xrange(j, m) );
                    lambdR = beta * ctx.fsum( u[l - j] * R[l, k] for l in xrange(j, m) );

                for i in xrange(j, m):
                    R[i, k] -= lambdR * u[i - j];
            #update Q
            for k in xrange(m):
                if cmplx:
                    lambdQ = beta * ctx.fsum( ctx.conj(u[l - j]) * Q[l, k] for l in xrange(j, m) );
                    lambdQ =  beta * ctx.fsum( u[l - j] * Q[l, k] for l in xrange(j, m) )

                for i in xrange(j,m):
                    Q[i, k] -= lambdQ * u[i - j];
            for k in xrange(j + 1, n):
                if cmplx:
                    square = R[j, k] * ctx.conj(R[j, k]) );
                    square = R[j,k]**2;
                colnorms2[k] -= square;
                if colnorms2[k] < normbound or colnorms2[k] < square*normbound:
                    colnorms2[k] = colnorm2(k, j + 1)
        # compute P matrix
        Pmatrix = ctx.zeros(n);
        for i in xrange(n):
            Pmatrix[ P[i], i] = one;
        if cmplx:
            Qout = Q.transpose_conj();
            Qout = Q.transpose();
        return Qout, R, Pmatrix;