Beispiel #1
def any_f_to_poly(f, a, b, order):
  # remap [a, b] to [-1, 1] for better conditioning
  p = mpmath.lu_solve(
    vandermonde(mpmath.matrix([a, b]), 2),
    mpmath.matrix([-1., 1.])

  # fit polynomial to [-1, 1], then compose with mapping function
  p_x = mpmath.matrix(
    [mpmath.cos((i + .5) * mpmath.pi / order) for i in range(order)]
  x = mpmath.matrix(
    [a + (b - a) * (.5 + .5 * p_x[i]) for i in range(order)]
  q = utils.poly.compose(
    mpmath.lu_solve(vandermonde(p_x, order), f(x)),

  # checking
  p_x = mpmath.matrix(
    [mpmath.cos(i * mpmath.pi / order) for i in range(order + 1)]
  x = mpmath.matrix(
    [a + (b - a) * (.5 + .5 * p_x[i]) for i in range(order + 1)]
  y = utils.poly.eval_multi(q, x) - f(x)
  est_err = max([abs(y[i]) for i in range(y.rows)])
  print('est_err', est_err)

  return q
Beispiel #2
def generate_basis_polynomials(samples, n, precision, calc_condition=False): = precision
    A = []
    for i in range(samples):
        line = []
        for j in range(samples + 2):
            t = mpmath.mpf(1) / (samples - 1) * i
    for t in range(2):
        line = []
        for j in range(samples + 2):
            if j == 0:
                line.append(mpmath.mpf(j) * (t**(j - 1)))
    b = [mpmath.mpf(0)] * n + [mpmath.mpf(1)
                               ] + [mpmath.mpf(0)] * (samples + 2 - n - 1)
    if calc_condition:
        basis_condition = mpmath.cond(A)
        return basis_condition
    x = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b)
    # x = [float(v) for v in,b)]
    return PolynomialSection(0, 1, coefficients=[element for element in x])
Beispiel #3
def least_squares_non_verbose(f, psi, Omega, symbolic=True):
    Given a function f(x) on an interval Omega (2-list)
    return the best approximation to f(x) in the space V
    spanned by the functions in the list psi.
    N = len(psi) - 1
    A = sym.zeros(N + 1, N + 1)
    b = sym.zeros(N + 1, 1)
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    for i in range(N + 1):
        for j in range(i, N + 1):
            integrand = psi[i] * psi[j]
            integrand = sym.lambdify([x], integrand, 'mpmath')
            I = mpmath.quad(integrand, [Omega[0], Omega[1]])
            A[i, j] = A[j, i] = I
        integrand = psi[i] * f
        integrand = sym.lambdify([x], integrand, 'mpmath')
        I = mpmath.quad(integrand, [Omega[0], Omega[1]])
        b[i, 0] = I
    c = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b)  # numerical solve
    c = [c[i, 0] for i in range(c.rows)]

    u = sum(c[i] * psi[i] for i in range(len(psi)))
    return u, c
Beispiel #4
def numerical_coeffs(Mn, n, dict_ss):
    """Numerical coefficients of polynomial of order (n - 3)! obtianed from determinant of elimination theory matrix."""
    Mn = Mn.tolist()
    Mn = [[_zs_sub(_ss_sub(str(entry))) for entry in line] for line in Mn]
    zs = punctures(n)

    values = [
        mpmath.e**(2 * mpmath.pi * 1j * j / (math.factorial(n - 3) + 1))
        for j in range(math.factorial(n - 3) + 1)

    A = [[
        value**exponent for exponent in range(math.factorial(n - 3) + 1)[::-1]
    ] for value in values]
    b = []

    for i, value in enumerate(values):
        dict_zs = {
            str(zs[-2]): value,
            str(zs[-3]): 1
        }  # noqa --- used in eval function
        nMn = mpmath.matrix([[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                             for line in Mn])
        b += [mpmath.det(nMn)]

    return mpmath.lu_solve(A, b).T.tolist()[0]
Beispiel #5
def solve_lu_mp(A, b):
    Solve a linear system using mpmath

    :param ndarray A: The linear system
    :param ndarray b: The right hand side
    :return: ndarray
    A_mp = mpmath.matrix([list(row) for row in A])
    b_mp = mpmath.matrix([list(row) for row in b])
    x_mp = mpmath.lu_solve(A_mp, b_mp)
    x = numpy.array(x_mp.tolist(), 'f8')

    return x
Beispiel #6
def fit(x, y, order):
  a = min(x)
  b = max(x)

  # remap [a, b] to [-1, 1] for better conditioning
  p = mpmath.lu_solve(
    vandermonde(mpmath.matrix([a, b]), 2),
    mpmath.matrix([-1., 1.])

  # fit polynomial to remapped x, then compose with mapping function
  q = utils.poly.compose(
      vandermonde(utils.poly.eval_multi(p, x), order),

  # checking
  #err = utils.poly.eval_multi(x) - y
  #print('err', err)

  return q
	def reduce_to_fpp(self,z):
		# TODO: need to check what happens here when periods are infinite.
		from mpmath import floor, matrix, lu_solve
		T1, T2 = self.__periods
		R1, R2 = T1.real, T2.real
		I1, I2 = T1.imag, T2.imag
		A = matrix([[R1,R2],[I1,I2]])
		b = matrix([z.real,z.imag])
		x = lu_solve(A,b)
		N = int(floor(x[0]))
		M = int(floor(x[1]))
		alpha = x[0] - N
		beta = x[1] - M
		assert(alpha >= 0 and beta >= 0)
		return alpha,beta,N,M
Beispiel #8
 def reduce_to_fpp(self, z):
     # TODO: need to check what happens here when periods are infinite.
     from mpmath import floor, matrix, lu_solve
     T1, T2 = self.periods
     R1, R2 = T1.real, T2.real
     I1, I2 = T1.imag, T2.imag
     A = matrix([[R1, R2], [I1, I2]])
     b = matrix([z.real, z.imag])
     x = lu_solve(A, b)
     N = int(floor(x[0]))
     M = int(floor(x[1]))
     alpha = x[0] - N
     beta = x[1] - M
     assert (alpha >= 0 and beta >= 0)
     return alpha, beta, N, M
Beispiel #9
    def polish(self, init_shapes, flag_initial_error=True):
        """Use Newton's method to compute precise shapes from rough ones."""
        precision = self._precision
        manifold = self.manifold
        #working_prec = precision + 32
        working_prec = precision + 64 = working_prec
        target_epsilon = mpmath.mpmathify(2.0)**-precision
        det_epsilon = mpmath.mpmathify(2.0)**(32 - precision)
        #shapes = [mpmath.mpmathify(z) for z in init_shapes]
        shapes = mpmath.matrix(init_shapes)
        init_equations = manifold.gluing_equations('rect')
        target = mpmath.mpmathify(self.target_holonomy)
        error = self._gluing_equation_error(init_equations, shapes, target)
        if flag_initial_error and error > 0.000001:
            raise GoodShapesNotFound(
                'Initial solution not very good: error=%s' % error)

        # Now begin the actual computation

        eqns = enough_gluing_equations(manifold)
        assert eqns[-1] == manifold.gluing_equations('rect')[-1]
        for i in range(100):
            errors = self._gluing_equation_errors(eqns, shapes, target)
            if infinity_norm(errors) < target_epsilon:
            derivative = [[
                int(eqn[0][i]) / z - int(eqn[1][i]) / (1 - z)
                for i, z in enumerate(shapes)
            ] for eqn in eqns]
            derivative[-1] = [target * x for x in derivative[-1]]
            derivative = mpmath.matrix(derivative)
            #det = derivative.matdet().abs()
            det = abs(mpmath.det(derivative))
            if min(det, 1 / det) < det_epsilon:
                raise GoodShapesNotFound(
                    'Gluing system is too singular (|det| = %s).' % det)
            delta = mpmath.lu_solve(derivative, errors)
            shapes = shapes - delta

        # Check to make sure things worked out ok.
        error = self._gluing_equation_error(init_equations, shapes, target)
        #total_change = infinity_norm(init_shapes - shapes)
        if error > 1000 * target_epsilon:
            raise GoodShapesNotFound('Failed to find solution')
        #if flag_initial_error and total_change > pari(0.0000001):
        #    raise GoodShapesNotFound('Moved too far finding a good solution')
        self.shapelist = [Number(z, precision=precision) for z in shapes]
Beispiel #10
def least_squares(f, psi, Omega, symbolic=True):
    Given a function f(x) on an interval Omega (2-list)
    return the best approximation to f(x) in the space V
    spanned by the functions in the list psi.
    N = len(psi) - 1
    A = sym.zeros(N + 1, N + 1)
    b = sym.zeros(N + 1, 1)
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    print('...evaluating matrix...', end=' ')
    for i in range(N + 1):
        for j in range(i, N + 1):
            print('(%d,%d)' % (i, j))

            integrand = psi[i] * psi[j]
            if symbolic:
                I = sym.integrate(integrand, (x, Omega[0], Omega[1]))
            if not symbolic or isinstance(I, sym.Integral):
                # Could not integrate symbolically, use numerical int.
                print('numerical integration of', integrand)
                integrand = sym.lambdify([x], integrand, 'mpmath')
                I = mpmath.quad(integrand, [Omega[0], Omega[1]])
            A[i, j] = A[j, i] = I
        integrand = psi[i] * f
        if symbolic:
            I = sym.integrate(integrand, (x, Omega[0], Omega[1]))
        if not symbolic or isinstance(I, sym.Integral):
            # Could not integrate symbolically, use numerical int.
            print('numerical integration of', integrand)
            integrand = sym.lambdify([x], integrand, 'mpmath')
            I = mpmath.quad(integrand, [Omega[0], Omega[1]])
        b[i, 0] = I
    print('A:\n', A, '\nb:\n', b)
    if symbolic:
        c = A.LUsolve(b)  # symbolic solve
        # c is a sympy Matrix object, numbers are in c[i,0]
        c = [sym.simplify(c[i, 0]) for i in range(c.shape[0])]
        c = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b)  # numerical solve
        c = [c[i, 0] for i in range(c.rows)]
    print('coeff:', c)

    u = sum(c[i] * psi[i] for i in range(len(psi)))
    print('approximation:', u)
    return u, c
def calculate_An(params):
    av = params['a']
    kv = params['k']
    Rv = params['R']
    alphav = params['alpha']
    NN = params.get('NN', int(12 + 2 * kv * av / mpmath.sin(alphav)))

    M_mat = mpmath.matrix(NN, NN)
    b_mat = mpmath.matrix(NN, 1)
    for mm in tqdm.trange(NN):
        b_mat[mm] = bm_func(mm, alphav, Rv)
        for nn in range(NN):
            M_mat[mm, nn] = Mmn_func(mm, nn, kv, Rv, alphav)

    An = mpmath.lu_solve(M_mat, b_mat)
    return An
Beispiel #12
def compute_a(M_mat, b_mat):
    Keyword Arguments
    M_mat : N x N mpmath.matrix
    b_mat : N x 1 mpmath.matrix
    a_matrix : N x 1 
        The size of the matrix is given by the heuristic
        described in ```compute_M```. This is the A_{n}
        used in the summations. 

    See Also
    a_matrix = mpmath.lu_solve(M_mat, b_mat)
    return a_matrix
Beispiel #13
def solve_svd_mp(A, b):
    solve a linear system using svd decomposition using mpmath

    :param ndarray A: The linear system
    :param ndarray b: The right hand side
    :return: ndarray
    A_mp = mpmath.matrix([list(row) for row in A])
    b_mp = mpmath.matrix([list(row) for row in b])

    u, s, v = svd_r(A_mp)

    # x = V*((U'.b)./ diag(S))
    # x = V*(  c   ./ diag(S))
    # x = V*(       g        )

    c = u.T * b_mp
    w = mpmath.lu_solve(mpmath.diag(s), c)
    x_mp = v.T * w
    x = numpy.array(x_mp.tolist(), 'f8')

    return x
Beispiel #14
for i, scheme_data in enumerate(data):
    X = scheme_data["x"]
    Y = scheme_data["y"]
    W = scheme_data["w"]

    print("elif index == %d:" % (i + 1))
    print("    bary = np.concatenate([")

    # generate barycentric coordinate code
    XY = [[xx, yy] for xx, yy in zip(X, Y)]
    T = mpmath.matrix([[t1[0] - t0[0], t2[0] - t0[0]], [t1[1] - t0[1], t2[1] - t0[1]]])
    tol = 1.0e-10
    multiplicities = []
    for k, xy in enumerate(XY):
        b = [xy[0] - t0[0], xy[1] - t0[1]]
        sol = mpmath.lu_solve(T, b)
        lmbda = [sol[0], sol[1], 1.0 - sol[0] - sol[1]]
        assert abs(sum(lmbda) - 1.0) < tol
        # print('%.15e %.15e %.15e' % (lmbda[0], lmbda[1], lmbda[2]))
        diffs = [
            abs(lmbda[0] - lmbda[1]),
            abs(lmbda[1] - lmbda[2]),
            abs(lmbda[2] - lmbda[0]),
        if diffs[0] < tol and diffs[1] < tol and diffs[2] < tol:
            print("        _s3(),")
        elif diffs[0] < tol:
            print("        _s21(%s)," % lmbda[0])
        elif diffs[1] < tol:
 def __init__(self,rang=10,acc=100):
 # Generates the coefficients of Legendre polynomial of n-th order.
 # acc is the number of decimal characters of the coefficients.
 # is the list with coefficients.
 self.rang = rang
 self.acc = mp.dps = acc
 cn = mpf(0.0)
 k = mpf(0)
 n = mpf(rang)
 m = mpf(n/2)
 cf = []
 for k in range(n+1):
 cn = (-

 # Generates the coefficients of of the
implicit Runge-Kutta scheme of Gauss-Legendre type.
 # acc is the number of the decimal
characters of the coefficients.
 # Gives back the cortege (r,b,a), the terms
of which correspond to Butcher scheme
 # r1 | a11 . . . а1n
 # . | . .
 # . | . .
 # . | . .
 # rn | an1 . . . ann
 # ---+--------------
 # | b1 . . . bn
 self.r = polyroots(cf)
 A1 = matrix(rang)
 for j in range(n):
 for k in range(n):
 A1[k,j] = self.r[j]**k
 bn = []
 for j in range(n):
 B = matrix(bn)
 self.b = lu_solve(A1,B)
 self.a = matrix(rang)
 for i in range(1,n+1):
 A1 = matrix(rang)
 cil = []
 for l in range(1,n+1):
 for j in range(n):
 A1[l-1,j] = self.r[j]**(l-1)
 Cil = matrix(cil)
 an = lu_solve(A1,Cil)
 for k in range(n):
 self.a[i-1,k] = an[k]
 def init(self,f,t,h,initvalues):
 self.size = len(initvalues)
 self.f = f
 self.t = t
 self.h = h
 self.yb = matrix(initvalues)
 self.ks = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.ks[k,i] = self.r[i] = matrix(1,self.rang)
 for i in range(self.rang):[i] = t + h*self.r[i]
 self.y = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] = self.yb[k]
 temp = mpf(0.0)
 for j in range(self.rang):
 temp += self.a[i,j]*self.ks[k,j]
 self.y[k,i] += temp
 self.yn = matrix(self.yb)

 def iterate(self,tn,y,yn,ks):
 # Generates the coefficients of the implicit
Runge-Kutta scheme for the given step
 # with the method of the simple iteration
with an initial value, coinciding with the coefficients,
 # calculated at the previous step. At
sufficiently small step this must
 # work. There exists such a value of the
step, Under which convergence is guaranteed.
 # No automatic re-setup of the step is
foreseen in this procedure.
 mp.dps = self.acc
 y0 = matrix(yn)
 norme = mpf(1.0)
 #eps0 = pow(eps,mpf(3.0)/mpf(4.0))
 eps0 = sqrt(eps)
 ks1 = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 yt = matrix(1,self.size)
 count = 0
 while True:
 count += 1
 for i in range(self.rang):
 for k in range(self.size):
 yt[k] = y[k,i]
 for k in range(self.size):
 ks1[k,i] = self.f(tn,yt)[k]
 norme = mpf(0.0)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 norme += (ks1[k,i]-
 norme = sqrt(norme)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 ks[k,i] = ks1[k,i]
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 y[k,i] = y0[k]
 for j in range(self.rang):
 y[k,i] +=
 if norme <= eps0:
 if count >= 100:
 print unicode('No convergence','UTF-8')
 return ks1
 def step(self):
 mp.dps = self.acc
 self.ks =
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.yn[k] +=
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] = self.yn[k]
 for j in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] +=
 self.t += self.h
 for i in range(self.rang):[i] = self.t + self.h*self.r[i]
 return self.yn
Beispiel #16
def solve_scattering_equations(n, dict_ss):
    """Solves the scattering equations given multiplicity and mandelstams."""

    if n == 3:
        return [{}]

    Mn = M(n)
    zs = punctures(n)

    num_coeffs = numerical_coeffs(Mn, n, dict_ss)
    roots = mpmath.polyroots(num_coeffs, maxsteps=10000, extraprec=300)
    sols = [{str(zs[-2]): root * zs[-3]} for root in roots]

    if n == 4:
        sols = [{
            mpmath.mpc(sympy.simplify(sols[0][str(zs[-2])].subs({zs[1]: 1})))
        Mnew = copy.deepcopy(Mn)
        Mnew[:, 0] += Mnew[:, 1] * zs[1]

        # subs
        sol = sols[0]
        Mnew = Mnew.tolist()
        Mnew = [[
                "dict_zs['z{}']".format(n - 1),
                "dict_zs['z{}'] * mpmath.mpc(sol[str(zs[-2])] / zs[-3])".
                format(n - 2)) for entry in line
        ] for line in Mnew]

        # get scaling
        if n == 5:
            scaling = 0
        elif n == 6:
            scaling = 2
        elif n == 7:
            scaling = 17
        else:  # computing from scratch, should work for any multiplicity in principle
            dict_zs = {str(zs[-3]): 10**-100, str(zs[1]): 1}
            nMn = mpmath.matrix([[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                                 for line in Mnew])
            a = mpmath.det(nMn)
            dict_zs = {str(zs[-3]): 10**-101, str(zs[1]): 1}
            nMn = mpmath.matrix([[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                                 for line in Mnew])
            b = mpmath.det(nMn)
            scaling = -round(mpmath.log(abs(b) / abs(a)) / mpmath.log(10))
            assert (abs(
                round(mpmath.log(abs(b) / abs(a)) / mpmath.log(10)) -
                mpmath.log(abs(b) / abs(a)) / mpmath.log(10)) < 10**-30)

        # solve the linear equations
        for i in range(1, n - 3):
            Mnew = copy.deepcopy(Mn)
            index = V(n).index(zs[i])
            Mnew[:, 0] += Mnew[:, index] * zs[i]
            Mnew = Mnew.tolist()
            if i == 1:
                Mnew = [[
                        "dict_zs['z{}']".format(n - 1),
                        "dict_zs['z{}'] * mpmath.mpc(sol[str(zs[-2])] / zs[-3])"
                        .format(n - 2)) for entry in line
                ] for line in Mnew]
                for sol in sols:
                    A = [[value**exponent for exponent in [1, 0]]
                         for value in [-1, 1]]
                    b = []
                    for value in [-1, 1]:
                        dict_zs = {str(zs[-3]): value, str(zs[1]): 1}
                        nMn = mpmath.matrix(
                            [[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                             for line in Mnew])
                        b += [mpmath.det(nMn) / (value**scaling)]
                    coeffs = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b).T.tolist()[0]
                    sol[str(zs[-3])] = -coeffs[1] / coeffs[0]
                    sol[str(zs[-2])] = mpmath.mpc((sympy.simplify(sol[str(
                        zs[-2])].subs({zs[-3]: sol[str(zs[-3])]}))))
                Mnew = [[_zs_sub(_ss_sub(str(entry))) for entry in line]
                        for line in Mnew]

                for sol in sols:
                    A = [[value**exponent for exponent in [1, 0]]
                         for value in [-1, 1]]
                    b = []
                    for value in [-1, 1]:
                        dict_zs = {
                            str(zs[i]): value,
                            str(zs[-3]): sol[str(zs[-3])],
                            str(zs[-2]): sol[str(zs[-2])]
                        }  # noqa --- used in eval function
                        nMn = mpmath.matrix(
                            [[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                             for line in Mnew])
                        b += [mpmath.det(nMn)]
                    coeffs = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b).T.tolist()[0]
                    sol[str(zs[i])] = -coeffs[1] / coeffs[0]

    return sols
Beispiel #17
def Bound(U,B,sol,eig,dic,order,condB = "harm pot",condU = 'Inviscid'):
    lso = len(sol)
    for s in range(len(sol)):
        globals() ['C'+str(s)] = Symbol('C'+str(s))
    ###   Inviscid solution :     ###
    ###  lso=3 --> 1 boundary     ###
    ###  lso=6 --> 2 boundaries   ###
    nn = n.xreplace(dic).doit()
    U = (U.xreplace(makedic(veigen(eig,sol),order))).xreplace({U0:1})
    B = (B.xreplace(makedic(veigen(eig,sol),order)))
    if (condB == "harm pot"):
            bchx,bchy,bchz = symbols("bchx,bchy,bchz")
            bcc =surfcond((bchx*C.i +bchy*C.j + bchz*C.k)*ansatz - gradient(psi),dic).doit()
            sob = list(linsolve([bcc&C.i,bcc&C.j,bcc&C.k],(bchx,bchy,bchz)))[0]
            bbc = sob[0]*C.i + sob[1]*C.j + sob[2]*C.k
            bb = B.xreplace(makedic(veigen(eig,sol),order)) - (bbc*ansatz)
            Eq_b= surfcond(bb,dic)
            Eq_bx = Eq_b&C.i; Eq_by = Eq_b&C.j; Eq_bz = Eq_b&C.k
            if params.Bound_nb ==2:
                bchx2,bchy2,bchz2 = symbols("bchx2,bchy2,bchz2")
                bcc2 =surfcond_2((bchx2*C.i +bchy2*C.j +bchz2*C.k)*ansatz - gradient(psi_2b),dic)
                sob2 = list(linsolve([bcc2&C.i,bcc2&C.j,bcc2&C.k],(bchx2,bchy2,bchz2)))[0]
                bbc2 = sob2[0]*C.i + sob2[1]*C.j + sob2[2]*C.k
                bb2 = B.xreplace(makedic(veigen(eig,sol),order)) - (bbc2*ansatz)
                Eq_b2= surfcond_2(bb2,dic)
                Eq_b2x = Eq_b2&C.i; Eq_b2y = Eq_b2&C.j; Eq_b2z = Eq_b2&C.k
    if (condB == "thick"):
            bchx,bchy,bchz,eta = symbols("bchx,bchy,bchz,eta")
            kz_t = -sqrt(-kxl**2-kyl**2-I*omega/qRmm)
            # kz_t = I*1e12
            B_mant = (bchx*C.i +bchy*C.j + bchz*C.k)*ansatz.xreplace({kz:kz_t})

            eq_ind = (surfcond((diff(B_mant,t)-qRmm*laplacian(B_mant)-diff(B,t) +qRm*laplacian(B) - curl(U.cross(B))).xreplace({kz:kz_t}),dic).xreplace(dic))
            eq_E = (qRm*curl(B)-U.cross(B)-qRmm*curl(B_mant))
            eq_Et = surfcond(((nn).cross(eq_E)).xreplace({kz:kz_t}),dic)

            eq_B = surfcond((({kz:kz_t}),dic)

            un = (
            Eq_n1= surfcond((un).xreplace({kz:kz_t}),dic).xreplace(dic)
            TEq = [(taylor(eq,order,dic)).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0}) for eq in [Eq_n1,eq_ind&C.i,eq_ind&C.j,eq_ind&C.k,,]]

            Mat, res = linear_eq_to_matrix(TEq,(C0,C1,C2,bchx,bchy,bchz))

    U = (U.xreplace(makedic(veigen(eig,sol),order))).xreplace({U0:1})
    un =
    Eq_n1= surfcond(un,dic).xreplace(dic)

    if condU == "Inviscid":
        if params.Bound_nb ==2:
            nn2 = n2.xreplace(dic).doit()
            un2 =
            Eq_n2= surfcond_2(un2,dic)
            TEq = [(taylor(eq,order,dic)).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0}) for eq in [Eq_n1,Eq_n2,Eq_bx,Eq_by,Eq_bz,Eq_b2x,Eq_b2y,Eq_b2z]]
            Mat, res = linear_eq_to_matrix(TEq,(C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,Symbol("psi"+str(order)),Symbol("psi"+str(order)+"_2b")))
        elif params.Bound_nb ==1:
            TEq = [(taylor(eq,order,dic)).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0}) for eq in [Eq_n1,Eq_bx,Eq_by,Eq_bz]]
            Mat, res = linear_eq_to_matrix(TEq,(C0,C1,C2,Symbol("psi"+str(order))))

    elif condU == 'noslip':
        if params.Bound_nb ==1:
            U = (U.xreplace(makedic(veigen(eig,sol),order)))
            ut1 =
            ut2 =
            Eq_BU1= surfcond(ut1,dic)
            Eq_BU2 = surfcond(ut2,dic)
            TEq = [(taylor(eq,order,dic)).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0}) for eq in [Eq_n1,Eq_BU1,Eq_BU2,Eq_bx,Eq_by,Eq_bz]]
            Mat, res = linear_eq_to_matrix(TEq,(C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,Symbol("psi"+str(order))))
        elif params.Bound_nb ==2:
            un1 =
            un2 =
            Eq2_BU1= surfcond_2(un1,dic)
            Eq2_BU2 = surfcond_2(un2,dic)
            TEq = [(taylor(eq,order,dic)).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0}) for eq in [Eq_n1,Eq_n2,Eq_BU1,Eq_BU2,Eq2_BU1,Eq2_BU2,Eq_bx,Eq_by,Eq_bz,Eq_b2x,Eq_b2y,Eq_b2z]]
            Mat, res = linear_eq_to_matrix(TEq,(C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,Symbol("psi"+str(order)),Symbol("psi"+str(order)+"_2b")))

    elif condU == 'stressfree':
        if params.Bound_nb ==1:
            eu = strain(U)*nn
            eu1 = eu*tx
            eu2 = eu*ty
            Eq_BU1 = surfcond(eu1,dic,realtopo =False)
            Eq_BU2 = surfcond(eu2,dic,realtopo =False)
            TEq = [(taylor(eq,order,dic)).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0}) for eq in [Eq_n1,Eq_BU1,Eq_BU2,Eq_bx,Eq_by,Eq_bz]]
            Mat, res = linear_eq_to_matrix(TEq,(C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,Symbol("psi"+str(order))))
        elif params.Bound_nb ==2:
            eu = strain(U)*nn2
            eu1 = eu*tx2
            eu2 = eu*ty2
            Eq2_BU1 = surfcond2(eu1,dic,realtopo =False)
            Eq2_BU2 = surfcond2(eu2,dic,realtopo =False)
            TEq = [(taylor(eq,order,dic)).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0}) for eq in [Eq_n1,Eq_n2,Eq_BU1,Eq_BU2,Eq2_BU1,Eq2_BU2,Eq_bx,Eq_by,Eq_bz,Eq_b2x,Eq_b2y,Eq_b2z]]
            Mat, res = linear_eq_to_matrix(TEq,(C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,Symbol("psi"+str(order)),Symbol("psi"+str(order)+"_2b")))

    Mat = Mat.evalf(
    res = res.evalf(
    Mat = mpmathM(Mat)
    res = mpmathM(res)
        abc = mp.qr_solve(Mat,res)[0]
        abc = mp.lu_solve(Mat,res)

    mantle =0 #In progress ...
    solans = zeros(7,1)
    for l in range(lso):
        solans = solans + abc[l]*Matrix(eig[l])*(ansatz).xreplace({kz:sol[l]})
    solans = solans.xreplace(dic)

Beispiel #18
                    rmep = (rmec).applyfunc(coe)
                    nwkz = simplify((log(ex).expand(force=True)/I).xreplace({x:0,y:0,t:0,z:1}))
                    Mp = simplify(M.xreplace({kz:nwkz}))

                    rmep = subs_k(rmep,i,Bound_nb)
                    Mp = subs_k(Mp,i,Bound_nb)
                    with mp.workdps(int(*2)):

                        Mp = mpmathM(Mp)
                        rmep = mpmathM(rmep)

                            soluchap = mp.qr_solve(Mp,rmep)[0]
                            soluchap = mp.lu_solve(Mp,rmep)
                            print('QR decomposition failed LU used')

                        sop = Matrix(soluchap)*ex
                        so_part = so_part+sop

                with mp.workdps(int(*2)):
                    so_part = so_part.xreplace({**dico0,**dico1})
                    Usopart = so_part[0]*C.i + so_part[1]*C.j + so_part[2]*C.k
                    Bsopart = so_part[4]*C.i + so_part[5]*C.j + so_part[6]*C.k
                    psopart = so_part[3]

                    Ubnd = U + e**i*Usopart
                    Bbnd = B + e**i*Bsopart
                    pbnd = p + e**i*psopart
    def _calculate_coefficients(self):
        basis_polynomials = [
            self.g_c.spline_basis_polynomials( - 1,
            for i in range(0, - 1 + 2)
        basis_polynomials_coefficients = [
            b_p.coefficients for b_p in basis_polynomials
        second_derivatives = [
            b_p.second_derivation_coefficients for b_p in basis_polynomials
        t_0_factors = [s_d[0] for s_d in second_derivatives]
        t_1_factors = [sum(s_d) for s_d in second_derivatives]

        A: List[List[int]] = []
        A_prime = []
        b: List[Any] = []
        step = ( - 2)
        size = len(self.a_list) // step
        for i in range(size):
            row = []
            row_prime = []
            for j in range(size):
                pos = (((j + 1) % size) - i) % size
                h_minus = self.h(i * step - step)
                h = self.h(i * step)
                row.append(t_1_factors[-2] / h_minus if pos == 0 else (
                    t_1_factors[-1] / h_minus -
                    t_0_factors[-2] / h if pos == 1 else -t_0_factors[-1] /
                    h if pos == 2 else 0))
        for i in range(size):
            h_minus = self.h(i * step - step)
            h = self.h(i * step)
            newValue = 0
            for j in range(step + 1):
                newValue += -t_1_factors[j] * self.y_list[i * step - step + j] / h_minus / h_minus + t_0_factors[j] * \
                            self.y_list[(i * step + j) % len(self.y_list)] / h / h
        derivations = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b)
        self.coefficients = []
        for i in range(size):
            current_coefficients = [0j] * ( + 1)
            if len(current_coefficients) != len(
            for j in range(step + 1):
                for h in range(len(basis_polynomials_coefficients[j])):
                    current_coefficients[h] += basis_polynomials_coefficients[
                        j][h] * self.y_list[(i * step + j) % len(self.y_list)]
            for h in range(len(basis_polynomials_coefficients[-2])):
                current_coefficients[h] += basis_polynomials_coefficients[-2][
                    h] * derivations[i] * self.h(i * step)
            for h in range(len(basis_polynomials_coefficients[-1])):
                    h] += basis_polynomials_coefficients[-1][h] * derivations[
                        (i + 1) % len(derivations)] * self.h(i * step)
            current_coefficients = [
                complex(c_c) for c_c in current_coefficients

Beispiel #20
			def lu_solve_lsq(M, b):
				x = mp.lu_solve(M, b)
				return x
Beispiel #21
def eqn42_solve( geom, Nmax ):
    # eqn 4.2 
    NMAX = Nmax         # where to truncate the infinite system of eqns
    S = geom['S']
    distanceqp = geom['distanceqp']
    thetaqp = geom['thetaqp']
    phiqp = geom['phiqp']
    radii = geom['radii']

    # coefficient matrix
        CM = mpmath.zeros( S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1) )
        CM = np.zeros( (S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1), S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1)) )

    for sprimei,sprime in enumerate(range(S)):
        for nprimei,nprime in enumerate(range(NMAX)):
            for mprimei,mprime in enumerate(range(-nprime,nprime+1)):

                # row index
                ri = sprimei*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1) + nprimei*(2*NMAX+1) + mprimei
                # row prefactors
                prefac = (-1)**(nprime+mprime) * radii[sprimei]**(nprime+1) \
                         * 1./factorial(nprime+mprime)

                for si,s in enumerate(range(S)):
                    if sprimei != si:
                        for ni,n in enumerate(range(NMAX)):
                            for mi,m in enumerate(range(-n,n+1)):

                                # column index
                                ci = si*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1) + ni*(2*NMAX+1) + mi

                                f1 = distanceqp[sprimei,si]**(-(n+1))
                                f2 = (radii[sprimei]/distanceqp[sprimei,si])**nprime
                                f3 = factorial(n-m+nprime+mprime)/factorial(n-m)
                                if USEMPMATH:
                                    f4 = mpmath.legenp( n+nprime, m-mprime, \
                                                        np.cos(thetaqp[sprimei,si]) )
                                    f4 = scipy.special.lpmv( m-mprime, n+nprime, \
                                                             np.cos(thetaqp[sprimei,si]) )
                                f5 = np.exp( 1j*(m-mprime)*phiqp[sprimei,si] )

                                CM[ri,ci] = prefac*f1*f2*f3*f4*f5

        CM += mpmath.diag(np.ones(S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1)))
        Qs = mpmath.zeros(S)
        CM += np.diag(np.ones(S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1)))
        Qs = np.zeros((S,S))              

    for si in range(S):
        if USEMPMATH:
            rhs = mpmath.zeros( S*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1), 1 )
            rhs = np.zeros((CM.shape[0],))
        rhs[si*NMAX*(2*NMAX+1):(si*NMAX+1)*(2*NMAX+1)] = radii[si]
        if USEMPMATH:     
            sol = mpmath.lu_solve( CM, rhs )
            sol = np.linalg.solve( CM, rhs )
        #print sol[::(NMAX*(2*NMAX+1))]
        Qs[si,:] = sol[::(NMAX*(2*NMAX+1))]
    return Qs
Beispiel #22
def remez(p, a, b, order, err_rel=0, n_iters=N_ITERS):
    # remap [a, b] to [-1, 1] for better conditioning
    q = mpmath.lu_solve(utils.poly_fit.vandermonde(mpmath.matrix([a, b]), 2),
                        mpmath.matrix([-1., 1.]))

    # put minimax nodes halfway between Chebyshev nodes on unit circle
    q_x = mpmath.matrix(
        [mpmath.cos(i * mpmath.pi / order) for i in range(order + 1)])
    x = mpmath.matrix(
        [a + (b - a) * (.5 + .5 * q_x[i]) for i in range(order + 1)])
    #print('x', x)
    i = 0
    while True:
        #print('i', i)

        # let r be approximating polynomial, fitted to nodes with oscillation
        y = utils.poly.eval_multi(p, x)
        #print('y', y)
        A = mpmath.matrix(order + 1)
        q_x = utils.poly.eval_multi(q, x)
        A[:, :order] = utils.poly_fit.vandermonde(q_x, order)
        for j in range(order + 1):
            A[j, order] = (1 - 2 * (j & 1)) * x[j]**err_rel
        #print('A', A)
        r = mpmath.lu_solve(A, y)
        osc = r[r.rows - 1]
        print('i', i, 'osc', osc)
        r = utils.poly.compose(r[:-1], q)
        #print('r', r)

        # let s be the error function
        s = utils.poly.add(r, -p)
        #print('s', s)
        if i >= n_iters:

        # partition domain into intervals where s is positive or negative
        intervals = utils.poly.real_roots(s, a, b)
        #print('intervals', intervals)
        n_intervals = intervals.rows - 1
        #print('n_intervals', n_intervals)
        if n_intervals < order + 1:
            # there absolutely have to be at least order + 1 intervals,
            # because the oscillating fit made r go positive and negative,
            # if there isn't, it means osc is very tiny or precision error
            #print('warning: not enough intervals -- we say good enough')
            assert False

        # determine if s increasing or decreasing through each boundary
        # have n_intervals - 1 boundaries, must produce n_intervals signs,
        # then check that the intervals are actually alternating in sign
        interval_pos = utils.poly.eval_multi(utils.poly.deriv(s),
        interval_pos = [
            interval_pos[i] >= 0. for i in range(interval_pos.rows)
        #print('interval_pos', interval_pos)
        interval_polarity = not interval_pos[0]  # sign of first interval
        #print('interval_polarity', interval_polarity)
        if any([
                interval_pos[i] ^ bool(i & 1) == interval_polarity
                for i in range(len(interval_pos))
            # see above
            #print('warning: intervals not alternating -- we say good enough')
            assert False

        # within each interval, find the "global" maximum or minimum of s
        interval_extrema = utils.poly.interval_extrema(s, intervals)
        x = []
        y = []
        for j in range(n_intervals):
            extrema_x, extrema_y = interval_extrema[j]
            #print('j', j, 'extrema_x', extrema_x, 'extrema_y', extrema_y)
            k = 0
            if (j & 1) == interval_polarity:
                for l in range(1, extrema_y.rows):
                    if extrema_y[l] < extrema_y[k]:
                        k = l
                for l in range(1, extrema_y.rows):
                    if extrema_y[l] > extrema_y[k]:
                        k = l
        x = mpmath.matrix(x)
        #print('x', x)
        y = mpmath.matrix(y)
        #print('y', y)

        # trim off unwanted intervals, extra intervals can occur at either end
        # (the fit can walk left or right in the domain, discovering new nodes)
        while n_intervals > order + 1:
            if abs(y[0]) >= abs(y[-1]):
                print('trim right')
                x = x[:-1]
                y = y[:-1]
                print('trim left')
                x = x[1:]
                y = y[1:]
            n_intervals -= 1

        # checking
        #err = utils.poly.eval_multi(s, x)
        #print('err', err)
        i += 1

    # final minimax error analysis
    _, y = utils.poly.extrema(s, a, b)
    err = max([abs(y[i]) for i in range(y.rows)])
    print('err', err)

    return r, err