Beispiel #1
def test_direct_init_site1():
    # test 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    the_site = Site(isotope="29Si", isotropic_chemical_shift=10)
    assert the_site.isotope == Isotope(symbol="29Si")
    assert the_site.isotropic_chemical_shift == 10
    assert the_site.property_units["isotropic_chemical_shift"] == "ppm"

    assert the_site.shielding_antisymmetric is None
    assert the_site.quadrupolar is None
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric is None

    # test 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    the_site = Site(
            "zeta": 12.1,
            "eta": 0.1
    assert the_site.isotope == Isotope(symbol="29Si")
    assert the_site.isotropic_chemical_shift == 10
    assert the_site.property_units["isotropic_chemical_shift"] == "ppm"

    assert the_site.shielding_antisymmetric is None

    assert the_site.quadrupolar is None

    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.zeta == 12.1
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.property_units["zeta"] == "ppm"
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.eta == 0.1

    # test 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    error = "ensure this value is less than or equal to 1"
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=f".*{error}.*"):
                "zeta": 12.1,
                "eta": 1.5

    assert Site().isotope == Isotope(symbol="1H")

    error = ["with spin quantum number", "does not allow quadrupolar tensor"]
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=".*{}.*{}.*".format(*error)):
        Site(quadrupolar={"Cq": 5.1e6})

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError, match=".*{}.*{}.*".format(*error)):
        Site.parse_dict_with_units(dict(quadrupolar={"Cq": "5.1 MHz"}))

    ax = Site.parse_dict_with_units({"isotope": "29Si"})
    assert ax.json() == {
        "isotope": "29Si",
        "isotropic_chemical_shift": "0.0 ppm"
Beispiel #2
def test_site_object_methods():
    good_json_2 = {"isotope": "14N", "isotropic_chemical_shift": "-10 ppm"}
    the_site = Site.parse_dict_with_units(good_json_2)

    # testing method dict()
    result = {
        "isotope": {"symbol": "14N"},
        "isotropic_chemical_shift": -10.0,
        "property_units": {"isotropic_chemical_shift": "ppm"},
        "name": None,
        "label": None,
        "description": None,
        "quadrupolar": None,
        "shielding_symmetric": None,
        "shielding_antisymmetric": None,
    assert the_site.dict() == result, "Failed Site.dict()"

    # Deprecated `to_freq_dict`
    # testing method to_freq_dict()
    # result = {
    #     "isotope": "14N",
    #     "isotropic_chemical_shift": -1 * 3.077706 * 9.4 * -10.0,  # -gamma * B0 * iso
    #     "name": None,
    #     "label": None,
    #     "description": None,
    #     "quadrupolar": None,
    #     "shielding_symmetric": None,
    #     "shielding_antisymmetric": None,
    # }
    # assert the_site.to_freq_dict(B0=9.4) == result, "Failed Site.to_freq_dict()"

    # testing method json()
    result = {"isotope": "14N", "isotropic_chemical_shift": "-10.0 ppm"}
    assert the_site.json() == result, "Failed Site.json()"

    result = {
        "isotope": "27Al",
        "isotropic_chemical_shift": "10.0 ppm",
        "shielding_symmetric": {"zeta": "12.1 ppm", "eta": 0.1, "alpha": "2.1 rad"},
        "shielding_antisymmetric": {
            "zeta": "-1.1 ppm",
            "alpha": "0.1 rad",
            "beta": "2.5 rad",
        "quadrupolar": {"Cq": "10000000.0 Hz", "eta": 0.6},
    the_site = Site(
        shielding_symmetric={"zeta": 12.1, "eta": 0.1, "alpha": 2.1},
        shielding_antisymmetric={"zeta": -1.1, "alpha": 0.1, "beta": 2.5},
        quadrupolar={"Cq": 10e6, "eta": 0.6},
    assert the_site.json() == result, "Failed Site.json()"
Beispiel #3
def test_parse_json_site():
    # test 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    good_json_site = {
        "isotope": "1H",
        "isotropic_chemical_shift": "0 ppm",
        "shielding_symmetric": {"zeta": "13.89 ppm", "eta": 0.25},

    # testing method parse_dict_with_units()
    the_site = Site.parse_dict_with_units(good_json_site)
    assert the_site.isotope == Isotope(symbol="1H")
    assert the_site.isotropic_chemical_shift == 0
    assert the_site.property_units["isotropic_chemical_shift"] == "ppm"

    assert the_site.shielding_antisymmetric is None
    assert the_site.quadrupolar is None

    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.zeta == 13.89
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.property_units["zeta"] == "ppm"
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.eta == 0.25
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.alpha is None
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.beta is None
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric.gamma is None

    # test 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    good_json_2 = {
        "isotope": "14N",
        "isotropic_chemical_shift": "-10 ppm",
        "quadrupolar": {"Cq": "5.12 MHz", "eta": 0.5},

    the_site = Site.parse_dict_with_units(good_json_2)
    assert the_site.isotope == Isotope(symbol="14N")
    assert the_site.isotropic_chemical_shift == -10
    assert the_site.property_units["isotropic_chemical_shift"] == "ppm"

    assert the_site.shielding_antisymmetric is None
    assert the_site.shielding_symmetric is None

    assert the_site.quadrupolar.Cq == 5120000.0
    assert the_site.quadrupolar.eta == 0.5

    # test 3 bad input ----------------------------------------------------------------
    bad_json = {"isotope": "1H", "isotropic_chemical_shift": "0 rad"}

    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    error = "Error enforcing units for isotropic_chemical_shift: 10 MHz"
    with pytest.raises(Exception, match=f".*{error}.*"):
                "isotope": "29Si",
                "isotropic_chemical_shift": "10 MHz",
                "shielding_symmetric": {"zeta": "12.1 ppm", "eta": 0.5},