def receive_msg(self): while True: try: byte_arr = self.sock.recv(1024) except Exception as e: print("Receive Error.") finally: # unpack the bytes msg = Msg.decode(byte_arr) # handle the msg if msg.mode == Msg.HELLO: pass elif msg.mode == Msg.TALK: # print the msg # print("[%s:%s] > %s" % (msg.ip, msg.port, # return the str(msg) return ("[%s:%s] > %s" % (msg.ip, msg.port, elif msg.mode == Msg.FINISH: pass
def handle_sock(self, sock, addr): # receive the msg and handle it while True: try: byte_arr = sock.recv(1024) # decode the socket bytes msg = Msg.decode(byte_arr) # (1.mode), (2,ip), (3,port), (4,data) # update the (2, ip) and (3, port) msg.set_ip(addr[0]) msg.set_port(addr[1]) # handle the msg if msg.mode == Msg.HELLO: pass elif msg.mode == Msg.TALK: # send the msg to everyone # for user in conns: # self.send_msg(user, msg) # just print in the server print("[%s:%s] > %s" % (msg.ip, msg.port, elif msg.mode == Msg.FINISH: pass except Exception as e: # client logout # del the conns who logout for i in range(len(conns)): if conns[i].ip == addr[0] and conns[i].port == addr[1]: del conns[i] print('now has %s client.' % (len(conns))) # send the link out msg for everyone msg = Msg( data='[%s:%s] logout' % (addr[0], addr[1]), mode=Msg.TALK, ip=addr[0], port=addr[1], ) for user in conns: self.send_msg(user, msg) return
def rdt_rcv(self, newsocket: socket.socket, rcvpkt: list): msg = newsocket.recv(65510) ## not allow me to use Msg here newmsg = Msg.decode(msg) rcvpkt.append(newmsg)