Beispiel #1
 def testFormatMsg(self):
     "Test msgs.formatmsg() against some known values."
     hi = makehi(rip="")
     fc = FakeCls("test", 10, "foo-bar")
     r = msgs.format("%(class)s@%(lineno)d aka %(label)s: %(hostname)s", hi, fc)
     self.assertEqual(r, "test@10 aka foo-bar:")
     self.assertEqual(msgs.format("%(frobnitz)s", hi, fc, frobnitz="foobar"), "foobar")
     self.assertEqual(msgs.format("%(nl)s!%(cr)s!%(eol)s!", hi, fc), "\n!\r!\r\n!")
     fc2 = FakeCls("test", 10, "a_b_c")
     self.assertEqual(msgs.format("!%(label)s+", hi, fc2), "!a b c+")
     self.assertEqual(msgs.format("%(testit)s", hi, fc, testit="abc"), "abc")
Beispiel #2
 def testExtraDict(self):
     "Test msgs.formatmsg()'s supplementary dictionary parameter."
     hi = makehi(rip="")
     fc = FakeCls("test", 10, "foo-bar")
     sdict = {"abc": "def"}
     self.assertEqual(msgs.format("%(abc)s", hi, fc, sdict), "def")
     # Assert that sdict is unmangled by msgs.format.
     self.assertEqual(str(sdict), "{'abc': 'def'}")
     # Check that we cannot override stuff supplied from hi et al.
     sdict = {"ip": "def"}
     self.assertEqual(msgs.format("%(ip)s", hi, fc, sdict), "")
     self.assertEqual(str(sdict), "{'ip': 'def'}")
Beispiel #3
def format(msg, hi, clsr, sdict = None, **kwargs):
	if not formaton:
		return msg
		return msgs.format(*(msg, hi, clsr, sdict), **kwargs)
	except KeyError:
		raise BadAction, "cannot format the string: "+msg