Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, signed_width: float, height: float, cx: float = 0., cy: float = 0., angle: float = 0.):
        self.signed_width = signed_width
        self.height = height
        self.center_pt = np.array([cx, cy])
        self.angle = angle

        # compute the transformation
        tfm = translate2d(-0.5, -0.5) # shift the centroid of [0,0,1,1] to the origin
        tfm = scale2d(scale_x=signed_width, scale_y=height)*tfm # scale it along signed_width and height
        tfm = rotate2d(angle, 0., 0.)*tfm # rotate it
        tfm = translate2d(cx, cy)*tfm # now shift the centroid of the rotated rectangle to the target location
        self.tfm = tfm

        # transform the corners
        corners = np.array([[0,0],[1,0],[0,1],[1,1]]) # [tl, tr, bl, br]
        self.corners = transform(self.tfm, corners)
Beispiel #2
async def imsave(filepath: str,
                 img: np.ndarray,
                 file_mode: int = 0o664,
                 context_vars: dict = {},
                 file_write_delayed: bool = False):
    '''An asyn function wrapping on :func:`cv.imwrite`.

    filepath : str
        Local path to the file to be saved to
    img : numpy.ndarray
        the image to be saved
    params : int
        Format-specific parameters, if any. Like those 'cv.IMWRITE_xxx' flags. See :func:`cv.imwrite`.
    file_mode : int
        file mode to be set to using :func:`os.chmod`. Only valid if fp is a string. If None is
        given, no setting of file mode will happen.
    context_vars : dict
        a dictionary of context variables within which the function runs. It must include
        `context_vars['async']` to tell whether to invoke the function asynchronously or not.
    file_write_delayed : bool
        Only valid in asynchronous mode. If True, wraps the file write task into a future and
        returns the future. In all other cases, proceeds as usual.

    asyncio.Future or int
        either a future or the number of bytes written, depending on whether the file write
        task is delayed or not

    Do not use this function to write in PNG format. OpenCV would happily assume the input is BGR
    or BGRA and then write to PNG under that assumption, which often results in a wrong order.

    See Also
        wrapped asynchronous function

    ext = path.splitext(filepath)[1]
    res, contents = cv2.imencode(ext, img, params=params)

    if res is not True:
        raise ValueError("Unable to encode the input image.")

    buf = np.array(contents.tostring())
    return await aio.write_binary(filepath,
Beispiel #3
def approx_oct(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y):
    '''Converts a rectangle into an octagon inside it.

    min_x : float
        min x-coordinate
    min_y : float
        min y-coordinate
    max_x : float
        max x-coordinate
    max_y : float
        max y-coordinate

    polygon : numpy array
        list of 2D (x,y) points representing an octagon inside the rectangle (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y)
    c = np.array([min_x + max_x, min_y + max_y])*0.5
    r = np.array([max_x, max_y]) - c
    return std_oct*r + c
Beispiel #4
 def moment2(self):
     '''Second-order moment.'''
     if not hasattr(self, '_moment2'):
         moment_xx = self.signed_area * (self.min_x * self.min_x +
                                         self.min_x * self.max_x +
                                         self.max_x * self.max_x) / 3
         moment_xy = self.moment_x *  # self.sign**
         moment_yy = self.signed_area * (self.min_y * self.min_y +
                                         self.min_y * self.max_y +
                                         self.max_y * self.max_y) / 3
         self._moment2 = np.array([[moment_xx, moment_xy],
                                   [moment_xy, moment_yy]])
     return self._moment2
Beispiel #5
    def moment2(self):
        '''Second-order moment.'''
        if not hasattr(self, '_moment2'):
            # 2nd-order central moments if the rectangle were not rotated
            rx = self.signed_width/2
            ry = self.height/2
            r = Rect(-rx, -ry, rx, ry)
            Muu = r.moment_xx
            Muv = r.moment_xy
            Mvv = r.moment_yy

            # Rotate the central moments (a.k.a. moments of inertia):
            #   Original axes: x, y
            #   Rotated axes:  u, v
            #   Dst-to-src change-of-coordinates formulae:
            #     x =  c*u+s*v
            #     y = -s*u+c*v
            #   where c = cos(theta), s = sin(theta). Therefore,
            #     Mxx =  c*c*Muu +     2*c*s*Muv + s*s*Mvv
            #     Mxy = -c*s*Muu + (c*c-s*s)*Muv + c*s*Mvv
            #     Myy =  s*s*Muu +    -2*c*s*Muv + c*c*Mvv
            # Reference: `link <>`_
            c = math.cos(self.angle)
            s = math.sin(self.angle)
            cc = c*c
            cs = c*s
            ss = s*s
            Mxx =  cc*Muu +    2*cs*Muv + ss*Mvv
            Mxy = -cs*Muu + (cc-ss)*Muv + cs*Mvv
            Myy =  ss*Muu -    2*cs*Muv + cc*Mvv

            # Shift the origin to where it should be:
            #   Axes from the rectangle center point: x, y
            #   Image axes: p, q
            #   Dst-to-src chang-of-coordinates formulae:
            #     p = x+cx
            #     q = y+cy
            #   Formulae:
            #     Mpp = Mxx + 2*cx*Mx       + cx*cx*M1
            #     Mpq = Mxy + cx*My + cy*Mx + cx*cy*M1
            #     Mqq = Myy + 2*cy*My       + cy*cy*M1
            #   where M1 is the signed area. But because the rectangle is symmetric, Mx = My = 0.
            cx = self.center_pt[0]
            cy = self.center_pt[1]
            M1 = self.signed_area
            Mpp = Mxx + cx*cx*M1
            Mpq = Mxy + cx*cy*M1
            Mqq = Myy + cy*cy*M1

            self._moment2 = np.array([[Mpp, Mpq], [Mpq, Mqq]])
        return self._moment2
Beispiel #6
def upper_bound_Hyperellipsoid_to_Hyperbox(obj):
    '''Returns a bounding axis-aligned box of the hyperellipsoid.

    obj : Hyperellipsoid
        the hyperellipsoid to be upper-bounded

        a bounding Hyperbox of the hyperellipsoid
    weight = obj.aff_tfm.weight
    c = off.aff_tfm.bias
    m = np.array([np.linalg.norm(weight[i]) for i in range(self.ndim)])
    return Hyperbox(min_coords=c-m, max_coords=c+m)
Beispiel #7
def crop2d(tl, br=None):
    '''Transforms an axis-aligned rectangle into [(0,0),(1,1)].

    tl : 2d point (x,y)
        coordinates to be mapped to (0,0) if `br` is specified. If `br` is not specified, then the transformation is 2d scaling. In other words, (0,0) is mapped to (0,0) and tl is mapped to (1,1).
    br : 2d point (x,y), optional
        If specified, coordinates to be mapped to (1,1).

        A transformation that maps points in [(0,0),(1,1)] to the crop given by `tl` and `br`.
    if br is None:
        return scale2d(1.0 / tl[0], 1.0 / tl[1])
    return Aff2d(
        offset=np.array([-tl[0] / (br[0] - tl[0]), -tl[1] / (br[1] - tl[1])]),
        linear=Lin2d(scale=[1.0 / (br[0] - tl[0]), 1.0 / (br[1] - tl[1])]))
Beispiel #8
def shearY2d(h):
    '''Returns the shearing along the y-axis.'''
    return Aff2d(linear=Lin2d.from_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [h, 1]])))
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, force_valid=False):
     super(Rect, self).__init__(np.array([min_x, min_y]),
                                np.array([max_x, max_y]),
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self, min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z, force_valid=False):
     super(Box, self).__init__(np.array([min_x, min_y, min_z]), np.array([max_x, max_y, max_z]), force_valid = force_valid)
Beispiel #11
 def min_pt(self):
     '''Corner point with minimum coordinates.'''
     return np.array([self.min_x, self.min_y])
Beispiel #12
'''Utilities for converting a rectangle into an octagon bounded by it.'''

from mt import np

__all__ = ['ISQRT2', 'approx_oct']

ISQRT2 = 1/np.sqrt(2)

# octagon to approximate a circle originating at (0,0) with radius 1
std_oct = np.array([
    (1,       0),
    (ISQRT2,  ISQRT2),
    (0,       1),
    (-ISQRT2, ISQRT2),
    (-1,      0),
    (-ISQRT2, -ISQRT2),
    (0,      -1),
    (ISQRT2, -ISQRT2),

def approx_oct(min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y):
    '''Converts a rectangle into an octagon inside it.

    min_x : float
        min x-coordinate
    min_y : float
        min y-coordinate
Beispiel #13
 def center_pt(self):
     '''Center point.'''
     return np.array([,])
Beispiel #14
def swapAxes2d():
    '''Returns the affine transformation that swaps the x-axis with the y-axis.'''
    return Aff2d(linear=Lin2d.from_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])))
Beispiel #15
 def get_linear(angle, on, scale=1.0):
     '''Forms the linear part of the transformation matrix representing scaling*rotation*reflection.'''
     ca = np.cos(angle) * scale
     sa = np.sin(angle) * scale
     return np.array([[-ca, -sa], [-sa, ca]]) if on else np.array(
         [[ca, -sa], [sa, ca]])
Beispiel #16
def flipUD2d(height):
    '''Returns a up-down flip for a given height.'''
    return Aff2d.from_matrix(np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, height]]))
Beispiel #17
def flipLR2d(width):
    '''Returns a left-right flip for a given width.'''
    return Aff2d.from_matrix(np.array([[-1, 0, width], [0, 1, 0]]))
Beispiel #18
def originate2d(tfm, x, y):
    '''Tweaks a 2D affine transformation so that it acts as if it originates at (x,y) instead of (0,0).'''
    return Aff2d(offset=np.array((x, y))).conjugate(tfm)
Beispiel #19
def translate2d(x, y):
    '''Returns the translation.'''
    return Aff2d(offset=np.array([x, y]))
Beispiel #20
 def __init__(self, m0, m1, m2):
     self._m0 = np.float(m0)
     self._m1 = np.array(m1)
     self._m2 = np.array(m2)
     self._mean = None
     self._cov = None
Beispiel #21
 def max_pt(self):
     '''Corner point with maximum coordinates.'''
     return np.array([self.max_x, self.max_y])