class AssetPricingMultFiniteMarkov(object):
    Class representing the asset pricing model with stochastic discount
    factor and dividend processes governed by a multiplicative

    mc : MarkovChain
        MarkovChain instance with n states representing the underlying
        `X` process.

    G_S : array_like(float, ndim=2)
        Discount rate matrix. Must be of shape n x n.

    G_d : array_like(float, ndim=2)
        Growth rate matrix for the dividend. Must be of shape n x n.

    d_inits : array_like(float, ndim=1), optional(default=None)
        Array containing the initial values of the dividend, one for
        each state. Must be of length n. If not specified, default to
        the vector of all ones. If it is a scalar, then it is converted
        to the constant vector of that scalar.

    mc : MarkovChain
        See Parameters.

    G_S, G_d : ndarray(float, ndim=2)
        See Parameters.

    d_inits: ndarray(float, ndim=1)
        See Parameters.

    n : scalar(int)
        Number of the state.

    P : ndarray(float, ndim=2)
        Transition probability matrix of `mc`.

    mf_S : MultFunctionalFiniteMarkov
        MultFunctionalFiniteMarkov instance for the stochastic discount
        factor process.

    mf_d : MultFunctionalFiniteMarkov
        MultFunctionalFiniteMarkov instance for the dividend process.

    v : ndarray(float, ndim=1)
        Dividend-price ratios.

    def __init__(self, mc, G_S, G_d, d_inits=None): = mc
        self.n = mc.n
        self.P = mc.P

        self.mf_S = MultFunctionalFiniteMarkov(, G_S)
        self.mf_d = MultFunctionalFiniteMarkov(, G_d, M_inits=d_inits)

        self.P_hat = self.P * self.mf_S.M_matrix
        self.P_tilde = self.P_hat * self.mf_d.M_matrix

        if not self._check_spectral_radius():
            msg = 'P_tilde has an eigenvalue not smaller than one'
            # Ignored by warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
            # somewhere in qunatecon
            # warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
            print('Warning:', msg)

        # Solve the linear equation v = P_tilde v + P_hat 1
        A = np.identity(self.n) - self.P_tilde
        b =
        self.v = np.linalg.solve(A, b)

    def _check_spectral_radius(self):
        Check that the eigenvalues of P_tilde are smaller than one.
        Under the premise that P_tilde is nonnegative, this implies that
        I - P_tilde is inverse positive.

        eig_vals, _ = np.linalg.eig(self.P_tilde)
        return (eig_vals < 1).all()

    def simulate(self, ts_length, X_init=None,
                 num_reps=None, random_state=None):
        Simulate the discount factor and dividend processes.

        ts_length : scalar(int)
            Length of each simulation.

        X_init : scalar(int), optional(default=None)
            Initial state of the `X` process. If None, the initial state
            is randomly drawn.

        num_reps : scalar(int), optional(default=None)
            Number of repetitions of simulation.

        random_state : scalar(int) or np.random.RandomState,
            Random seed (integer) or np.random.RandomState instance to
            set the initial state of the random number generator for
            reproducibility. If None, a randomly initialized RandomState
            is used.

        res: APSMFMSimulateResult
            Simulation result represetned as a `APSMFMSimulateResult`.
            See `APSMFMSimulateResult` for details. The array for each
            attribute is of shape `(ts_length,)` if `num_reps=None`, or
            of shape `(num_reps, ts_length)` otherwise.

        X =, init=X_init,
                             num_reps=num_reps, random_state=random_state)
        return self.generate_paths(X)

    def generate_paths(self, X):
        Given a simulation of the `X` process, generate sample paths of
        the discount factor and dividend processes.

        X : array_like(int)
            Array containing the sample path(s) of the `X` process.

        res: APSMFMSimulateResult
            Simulation result represetned as a `APSMFMSimulateResult`.
            See `APSMFMSimulateResult` for details. The array for each
            attribute is of the same shape as `X`.

        res_S = self.mf_S.generate_paths(X)
        res_d = self.mf_d.generate_paths(X)
        S, S_tilde = res_S.M, res_S.M_tilde
        d, d_tilde = res_d.M, res_d.M_tilde
        p = d * self.v[X]
        res = APSMFMSimulateResult(X=X,
        return res