Beispiel #1
 def compute_from_cs(self):
     Split the complete ContactSequence stored in self.cs and send each subsequence in the pipe_cs
     pid_centroidal = 0
     last_iter_centroidal = False"## Compute from cs,  size = %d", self.cs.size())
     last_phase = self.get_last_phase()
     if last_phase:
         tools.setFinalFromInitialValues(last_phase, self.cs.contactPhases[0])
     while pid_centroidal + 5 < self.cs.size():
         logger.debug("## Current pid = %d", pid_centroidal)
         if pid_centroidal + 7 >= self.cs.size():
             logger.debug("## Last centroidal iter")
             # last iter, take all the remaining phases
             num_phase = self.cs.size() - pid_centroidal
             last_iter_centroidal = True
             num_phase = 5
         logger.debug("## Num phase = %d", num_phase)
         # Extract the phases [pid_centroidal; pid_centroidal +num_phases] from cs_full
         cs_iter = ContactSequence(0)
         for i in range(pid_centroidal, pid_centroidal + num_phase):
             logger.debug("-- Add phase : %d", i)
         self.pipe_cs_in.send([cs_iter, last_iter_centroidal])  # This call may be blocking if the pipe is full
         pid_centroidal += 2
Beispiel #2
    def compute_wholebody(self, robot, cs_com, last_q=None, last_v=None, last_iter=False):
        Compute the wholebody motion for the given ContactSequence
        :param robot: a TSID RobotWrapper instance
        :param cs_com: a ContactSequence with centroidal trajectories
        :param last_q: the last wholebody configuration (used as Initial configuration for this iteration)
        :param last_v:  the last joint velocities vector (used as initial joint velocities for this iteration)
        :param last_iter: if True, the complete ContactSequence is used, if False only the first 2 phases are used
        :return: a ContactSequence with wholebody data, the last wholebody configuration, the last joint velocity,
        the last phase, the TSID RobotWrapper used
        if not self.EffectorInputs.checkAndFillRequirements(cs_com, self.cfg, self.fullBody):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The current contact sequence cannot be given as input to the end effector method selected.")
        # Generate end effector trajectories for the contactSequence
        cs_ref_full = self.generate_effector_trajectories(self.cfg, cs_com, self.fullBody)
        # EffectorOutputs.assertRequirements(cs_ref_full)
        # Split contactSequence if it is not the last iteration
        if last_iter:
            cs_ref = cs_ref_full
            last_phase = cs_com.contactPhases[-1]
            cs_cut = ContactSequence()
            for i in range(2):
            cs_ref = cs_cut
            # last_phase should be a double support phase, it should contains all the contact data:
            last_phase = cs_com.contactPhases[2]
            tools.setFinalFromInitialValues(last_phase, last_phase)
        if last_q is not None:
            cs_ref.contactPhases[0].q_init = last_q
        if last_v is not None:
            t_init = cs_ref.contactPhases[0].timeInitial
            cs_ref.contactPhases[0].dq_t = polynomial(last_v.reshape(-1, 1), t_init, t_init)

        ### Generate the wholebody trajectory:
        if not self.WholebodyInputs.checkAndFillRequirements(cs_ref, self.cfg, self.fullBody):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The current contact sequence cannot be given as input to the wholeBody method selected.")
        cs_wb, robot = self.generate_wholebody(self.cfg, cs_ref, robot=robot)"-- compute whole body END")
        # WholebodyOutputs.assertRequirements(cs_wb)
        # Retrieve the last phase, q, and v from this outputs:
        last_phase_wb = cs_wb.contactPhases[-1]
        last_q = last_phase_wb.q_t(last_phase_wb.timeFinal)
        last_v = last_phase_wb.dq_t(last_phase_wb.timeFinal)
        tools.deletePhaseCentroidalTrajectories(last_phase)  # Remove unnecessary data to reduce serialized size
        last_phase.q_final = last_q
        last_phase.dq_t = polynomial(last_v.reshape(-1, 1), last_phase.timeFinal, last_phase.timeFinal)
        #last_phase.c_final = last_phase_wb.c_final
        #last_phase.dc_final = last_phase_wb.dc_final
        #last_phase.L_final = last_phase_wb.L_final
        return cs_wb, last_q, last_v, last_phase, robot
def contactSequenceFromRBPRMConfigs(fb, beginId, endId):
    Build a multicontact_api ContactSequence from rbprm states list
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.FullBody
    :param beginId: the first state Id
    :param endId: the last state Id
    :return: a multicontact_api ContactSequence
    logger.warning("generate contact sequence from planning : ")
    n_states = endId - beginId + 1
    # There could be either contact break, creation or repositionning between each adjacent states.
    # But there should be only contacts break or creation between each adjacent contactPhases
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    prev_phase = None
    phaseId = 0

    # create initial ContactPhase
    cs.append(createPhaseFromRBPRMState(fb, beginId))
    for stateId in range(beginId + 1,
                         endId + 1):  # from the second state to the last one"current state id = %d", stateId)
        previous_phase = cs.contactPhases[-1]
        eeName, variationType = getContactVariationBetweenStates(
            fb, stateId - 1, stateId)

        if eeName is not None:
            if variationType == VariationType.REPOSITIONNED:
                # in case of repositionning, the centroidal motion will happend in the next intermediate phase,
                # and thus the previous_phase will not move :
                # set the final values of the previous phase to be the current one :
                setPhaseFinalValues(fb, stateId, previous_phase)

            if variationType == VariationType.BROKEN:
                # remove the given contact :
                # get placement of the new contact from the planning :
                contact_placement = contactPlacementFromRBPRMState(
                    fb, stateId, eeName)
            if variationType == VariationType.CREATED:
                # create a new contact :
                cs.createContact(eeName, ContactPatch(contact_placement))
            elif variationType == VariationType.REPOSITIONNED:
                # move existing contact to new placement :
                cs.moveEffectorToPlacement(eeName, contact_placement)
                # set the initial values for the current phase from planning :
                setPhaseInitialValues(fb, stateId, cs.contactPhases[-1])
                # set the same values as the final ones for the intermediate state created :
                setPhaseFinalValues(fb, stateId, cs.contactPhases[-2])
        # else : no contact changes, ignore this state
    setPhaseFinalValues(fb, endId, cs.contactPhases[-1])
    return cs
Beispiel #4
    def store_mcapi_traj(self, traj_name):
        if not mcapi_import:
                'multicontact_api package import has failed, check your install'


        # trajectory with only one ContactPhase (simpler to read/write)
        # when feet not in contact, the force is exactly zero, that's the only diff
        cs = ContactSequence()
        cp = ContactPhase()

        # assign trajectories :
        t_arr = self.data_log['t']

        cp.timeInitial = t_arr[0]
        cp.timeFinal = t_arr[-1]
        cp.duration = t_arr[-1] - t_arr[0]

        # col number of trajectories should be the time traj size hence the transpose
        cp.q_t = piecewise.FromPointsList(self.data_log['q'].T, t_arr)
        cp.dq_t = piecewise.FromPointsList(self.data_log['v'].T, t_arr)
        cp.ddq_t = piecewise.FromPointsList(self.data_log['dv'].T, t_arr)
        cp.tau_t = piecewise.FromPointsList(self.data_log['tau'].T, t_arr)
        cp.c_t = piecewise.FromPointsList(self.data_log['c'].T, t_arr)
        cp.dc_t = piecewise.FromPointsList(self.data_log['dc'].T, t_arr)
        cp.L_t = piecewise.FromPointsList(self.data_log['Lc'].T, t_arr)

        # contact force trajectories
        for i_foot, frame_name in enumerate(self.contact_names):
            cp.addContact(frame_name, ContactPatch(
                pin.SE3(), 0.5))  # dummy placement and friction coeff

        cs.append(cp)  # only one contact phase

        savepath = os.path.join(, traj_name + '.cs')
        print('Saved ' + savepath)
Beispiel #5
 def compute_stopping_cs(self, move_to_support_polygon=True):
     Compute a Contact Sequence with centroidal trajectories to bring the current last_phase
     to a stop without contact changes
     :param move_to_support_polygon: if True, add a trajectory to put the CoM above the center of the support polygon
     phase_stop = ContactPhase(self.get_last_phase())
     tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(phase_stop, phase_stop)
     phase_stop.timeInitial = phase_stop.timeFinal
     phase_stop.duration = DURATION_0_STEP  # FIXME !!
     # try 0-step:
     success, phase = zeroStepCapturability(phase_stop, self.cfg)
     if success:
         cs_ref = ContactSequence(0)
         # TEST : add another phase to go back in the center of the support polygon
         if move_to_support_polygon:
             phase_projected = ContactPhase()
             phase_projected.timeInitial = phase.timeFinal
             phase_projected.duration = DURATION_0_STEP
             tools.copyContactPlacement(phase, phase_projected)
             tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(phase, phase_projected)
             phase_projected.c_final = tools.computeCenterOfSupportPolygonFromPhase(
                 phase_stop, self.fullBody.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT)
             #FIXME 'default height'
         # TODO try 1 step :
         raise RuntimeError("One step capturability not implemented yet !")
     tools.computeRootTrajFromContacts(self.fullBody, cs_ref)
     self.last_phase = cs_ref.contactPhases[-1].copy()
     # define the final root position, translation from the CoM position and rotation from the feet rotation
     q_final = np.zeros(7)
     q_final[:3] = self.last_phase.c_final[::]
     placement_rot_root, _ = tools.rootOrientationFromFeetPlacement(self.cfg.Robot, None, self.last_phase, None)
     quat_root = Quaternion(placement_rot_root.rotation)
     q_final[3:7] = [quat_root.x, quat_root.y, quat_root.z, quat_root.w]
     self.last_phase.q_final = q_final
     self.last_phase_flag.value = False
     self.last_phase_pickled = Array(c_ubyte, MAX_PICKLE_SIZE)  # reset currently stored whole body last phase
     return cs_ref
Beispiel #6
 def compute_centroidal(self, cs, previous_phase, last_iter=False):
     Solve the centroidal problem for the given ContactSequence
     :param cs: the ContactSequence used
     :param previous_phase: If provided, copy the final data of this phase as initial data for
      the given ContactSequence
     :param last_iter: If True, return a ContactSequence corresponding to the complete contactSequence given as input
     If False, the result is splitted and only the first 3 phases are returned
     :return: The ContactSequence with centroidal trajectories, and the last phase
     # update the initial state with the data from the previous intermediate state:
     if previous_phase:
         tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(previous_phase, cs.contactPhases[0])
         self.cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z = 0.
         self.cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM = 0.
     #    self.cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z = self.previous_com_shift_z
     #    self.cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM = self.previous_time_shift_com
     if last_iter:
         # Set settings specific to the last iteration that need to connect exactly to the final goal position
         self.cfg.DURATION_CONNECT_GOAL = self.previous_connect_goal
         # Set settings for the middle of the sequence: do not need to connect exactly to the goal
         self.cfg.DURATION_CONNECT_GOAL = 0.
         self.cfg.TIMEOPT_CONFIG_FILE = self.TIMEOPT_CONFIG_FILE.rstrip(".yaml") + "_lowgoal.yaml"
     if not self.CentroidalInputs.checkAndFillRequirements(cs, self.cfg, None):
         raise RuntimeError(
             "The current contact sequence cannot be given as input to the centroidal method selected.")
     cs_full = self.generate_centroidal(self.cfg, cs, None, None)
     # CentroidalOutputs.assertRequirements(cs_full)
     if last_iter:
         return cs_full, None
         cs_cut = ContactSequence(0)
         for i in range(3):
         return cs_cut, cs_cut.contactPhases[1]
def build_cs_from_sl1m_mip(fb, q_ref, root_end, pb, allfeetpos, use_orientation, use_interpolated_orientation,
                       q_init = None, first_phase = None):
    Build a multicontact_api.ContactSequence from the SL1M outputs when using the MIP formulation
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.Fullbody
    :param q_ref: the reference wholebody configuration of the robot
    :param root_end: the final base position
    :param pb: the SL1M problem dictionary, containing all the contact surfaces and data
    :param allfeetpos: the list of all foot position for each phase, computed by SL1M
    :param use_orientation: if True, change the contact yaw rotation to match the orientation of the base in the guide
    :param use_interpolated_orientation: if True, the feet yaw orientation will 'anticipate' the base orientation
    of the next phase
    :param q_init: the initial wholebody configuration (either this or first_phase should be provided)
    :param first_phase: the first multicontact_api.ContactPhase object (either this or q_init should be provided)
    :return: the multicontact_api.ContactSequence, with all ContactPhase created at the correct placement
    # init contact sequence with first phase : q_ref move at the right root pose and with both feet in contact
    # FIXME : allow to customize that first phase
    num_steps = len(pb["phaseData"]) - 1 # number of contact repositionning
    limbs_names = fb.limbs_names
    num_effectors = len(limbs_names)" limbs names : %s", limbs_names)
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    if first_phase:
    elif q_init:
        # if only the configuration is provided, assume all effectors are in contact
        addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_init, limbs_names)
        raise ValueError("build_cs_from_sl1m should have either q_init or first_phase argument defined")"Initial phase added, contacts : %s ", cs.contactPhases[0].effectorsInContact())
    # loop for all effector placements, and create the required contact phases
    previous_eff_placements = allfeetpos[0]
    if len(previous_eff_placements) != num_effectors:
        raise NotImplementedError("A phase in the output of SL1M do not have all the effectors in contact.")
    for pid, eff_placements in enumerate(allfeetpos[1:]):"Loop allfeetpos, id = %d", pid)
        if len(eff_placements) != num_effectors:
            raise NotImplementedError("A phase in the output of SL1M do not have all the effectors in contact.")
        switch = False # True if a repostionning have been detected
        for k, pos in enumerate(eff_placements):
            if norm(pos - previous_eff_placements[k]) > 1e-3:
                if switch:
                    raise NotImplementedError("Several contact changes between two adjacent phases in SL1M output")
                switch = True
                ee_name = fb.dict_limb_joint[limbs_names[k]]
                #pos[2] += EPS_Z # FIXME: apply epsz along the normal
                pos = fb.dict_offset[ee_name].actInv(pos)
      "Move effector %s ", ee_name)
      "To position %s ", pos)
                placement = SE3.Identity()
                placement.translation = pos
                # compute orientation of the contact from the surface normal:
                phase_data = pb["phaseData"][pid+1] # +1 because the for loop start at id = 1
                n = normal_from_ineq(phase_data["S"][phase_data["id_surface"]])
                placement.rotation = rotationFromNormal(n)
                logger.debug("new contact placement : %s", placement)
                # TODO add yaw rotation from guide here !
                cs.moveEffectorToPlacement(ee_name, placement)

        #if not switch:
        #   raise RuntimeError("No contact changes between two adjacent phases in SL1M output")
        # assign com position to the last two phases :
        # swinging phase, same init and final position
        cs.contactPhases[-2].c_init = coms[pid * 2]
        cs.contactPhases[-2].c_final = coms[pid * 2 + 1]
        # phase with all the contacts:
        cs.contactPhases[-1].c_init = coms[pid * 2 + 1]
        if pid * 2 + 2 < len(coms):
            cs.contactPhases[-1].c_final = coms[pid * 2 + 2]
            cs.contactPhases[-1].c_final = cs.contactPhases[-1].c_init
        previous_eff_placements = eff_placements

    # final phase :
    # fixme : assume root is in the middle of the last 2 feet pos ...
    q_end = q_ref.tolist() + [0] * 6
    # p_end = (allfeetpos[-1] + allfeetpos[-2]) / 2.
    # for i in range(3):
    #    q_end[i] += p_end[i]
    q_end[0:7] = root_end
    feet_height_end = allfeetpos[-1][0][2]"feet height final = %s", feet_height_end)
    q_end[2] = feet_height_end + q_ref[2]
    #q_end[2] += EPS_Z
    com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
    setFinalState(cs, com, q=q_end)
    p_final = cs.contactPhases[-1]
    p_final.c_final = computeCenterOfSupportPolygonFromPhase(p_final, fb.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT)
    p_final.c_init = p_final.c_final
    return cs
def build_cs_from_sl1m_l1(fb, q_ref, root_end, pb, RF, allfeetpos, use_orientation, use_interpolated_orientation,
                       q_init = None, first_phase = None):
    Build a multicontact_api.ContactSequence from the SL1M outputs, when not using the MIP formulation
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.Fullbody
    :param q_ref: the reference wholebody configuration of the robot
    :param root_end: the final base position
    :param pb: the SL1M problem dictionary, containing all the contact surfaces and data
    :param RF: the Id of the right feet in the SL1M formulation
    :param allfeetpos: the list of all foot position for each phase, computed by SL1M
    :param use_orientation: if True, change the contact yaw rotation to match the orientation of the base in the guide
    :param use_interpolated_orientation: if True, the feet yaw orientation will 'anticipate' the base orientation
    of the next phase
    :param q_init: the initial wholebody configuration (either this or first_phase should be provided)
    :param first_phase: the first multicontact_api.ContactPhase object (either this or q_init should be provided)
    :return: the multicontact_api.ContactSequence, with all ContactPhase created at the correct placement
    # init contact sequence with first phase : q_ref move at the right root pose and with both feet in contact
    # FIXME : allow to customize that first phase
    cs = ContactSequence(0)
    if q_init:
        addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q_init, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])
    elif first_phase:
        raise ValueError("build_cs_from_sl1m should have either q_init or first_phase argument defined")

    # loop over all phases of pb and add them to the cs :
    for pId in range(2, len(pb["phaseData"])):  # start at 2 because the first two ones are already done in the q_init
        prev_contactPhase = cs.contactPhases[-1]
        #n = normal(pb["phaseData"][pId])
        phase = pb["phaseData"][pId]
        moving = phase["moving"]
        movingID = fb.lfoot
        if moving == RF:
            movingID = fb.rfoot
        pos = allfeetpos[pId]  # array, desired position for the feet movingID
        pos[2] += EPS_Z  # FIXME it shouldn't be required !!
        # compute desired foot rotation :
        if use_orientation:
            rot = compute_orientation_for_feet_placement(fb, pb, pId, moving, RF, prev_contactPhase, use_interpolated_orientation)
            rot = Quaternion.Identity()
        placement = SE3()
        placement.translation = np.array(pos).T
        placement.rotation = rot.matrix()
        cs.moveEffectorToPlacement(movingID, placement)

    # final phase :
    # fixme : assume root is in the middle of the last 2 feet pos ...
    q_end = q_ref.tolist() + [0] * 6
    #p_end = (allfeetpos[-1] + allfeetpos[-2]) / 2.
    #for i in range(3):
    #    q_end[i] += p_end[i]
    q_end[0:7] = root_end
    feet_height_end = allfeetpos[-1][2]"feet height final = %s", feet_height_end)
    q_end[2] = feet_height_end + q_ref[2]
    q_end[2] += EPS_Z
    com = fb.getCenterOfMass()
    setFinalState(cs, com, q=q_end)

    return cs
Beispiel #9
class LocoPlannerReactive(LocoPlanner):
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        # Disable most of the automatic display that could not be updated automatically when motion is replanned
        cfg.DISPLAY_CS = False
        cfg.DISPLAY_CS_STONES = True
        cfg.DISPLAY_SL1M_SURFACES = False
        cfg.DISPLAY_INIT_GUESS_TRAJ = False
        cfg.DISPLAY_WP_COST = False
        cfg.DISPLAY_COM_TRAJ = False
        cfg.DISPLAY_FEET_TRAJ = False
        cfg.DISPLAY_ALL_FEET_TRAJ = False
        cfg.DISPLAY_WB_MOTION = False
        cfg.IK_SHOW_PROGRESS = False
        cfg.centroidal_initGuess_method = "none"  # not supported by this class yet
        cfg.ITER_DYNAMIC_FILTER = 0  # not supported by this class yet
        cfg.CHECK_FINAL_MOTION = False
        # Disable computation of additionnal data to speed up the wholebody computation time
        cfg.IK_store_centroidal = False  # c,dc,ddc,L,dL (of the computed wholebody motion)
        cfg.IK_store_zmp = False
        cfg.IK_store_effector = False
        cfg.IK_store_contact_forces = False
        cfg.IK_store_joints_derivatives = True
        cfg.IK_store_joints_torque = False
        cfg.EFF_CHECK_COLLISION = False  # WIP: disable limb-rrt
        cfg.contact_generation_method = "sl1m"  # Reactive planning class is specific to SL1M for now
        # Store the specific settings for connecting the initial/goal points as they may be changed
        cfg.Robot.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT += cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z
        self.previous_com_shift_z = cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z
        self.previous_time_shift_com = cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM
        cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z = 0.
        cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM = 0.
        self.previous_connect_goal = cfg.DURATION_CONNECT_GOAL
        cfg.DURATION_CONNECT_GOAL = 0.
        # Get the centroidal and wholebody methods selected in the configuraton file
        self.generate_centroidal, self.CentroidalInputs, self.CentroidalOutputs = self.cfg.get_centroidal_method()
        self.generate_effector_trajectories, self.EffectorInputs, self.EffectorOutputs = \
        self.generate_wholebody, self.WholebodyInputs, self.WholebodyOutputs = self.cfg.get_wholebody_method()
        # define members that will stores processes and queues
        self.process_compute_cs = None
        self.process_centroidal = None
        self.process_wholebody = None
        self.process_viewer = None
        self.process_gepetto_gui = None
        self.pipe_cs_in = None
        self.pipe_cs_out = None
        self.pipe_cs_com_in = None
        self.pipe_cs_com_out = None
        self.queue_qt = None
        self.viewer_lock = Lock()  # lock to access gepetto-gui API
        self.loop_viewer_lock = Lock()  # lock to guarantee that only one loop_viewer is executed at any given time
        self.last_phase_lock = Lock()  # lock to read/write last_phase data
        self.last_phase_pickled = Array(c_ubyte,
                                        MAX_PICKLE_SIZE)  # will contain the last contact phase send to the viewer
        self.last_phase = None
        self.stop_motion_flag = Value(c_bool)  # true if a stop is requested
        self.last_phase_flag = Value(c_bool)  # true if the last phase have changed
        self.cfg.Robot.minDist = 0.7  # See bezier-com-traj doc,
        # minimal distance between the CoM and the contact points along the Z axis
        # initialize the guide planner class:
        self.client_hpp = None
        self.robot = None
        self.gui = None
        self.pyb_sim = None
        self.guide_planner = self.init_guide_planner()
        # initialize a fullBody rbprm object
        self.fullBody, _ = initScene(cfg.Robot, cfg.ENV_NAME, context="fullbody")
        self.fullBody.setCurrentConfig(cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG.tolist() + [0] * 6)
        self.current_root_goal = []
        self.current_guide_id = 0
        # Set up gepetto gui and a pinocchio robotWrapper with display
        # Set up a pybullet environment:
        if USE_PYB:

    def init_guide_planner(self):
        Initialize an rbprm.AbstractPathPlanner class
        :return: an instance of rbprm.AbstractPathPlanner initialized with the current settings
        # the following script must produce a
        if hasattr(self.cfg, 'SCRIPT_ABSOLUTE_PATH'):
            scriptName = self.cfg.SCRIPT_ABSOLUTE_PATH
            scriptName = self.cfg.RBPRM_SCRIPT_PATH + "." + self.cfg.SCRIPT_PATH + '.' + self.cfg.DEMO_NAME
        scriptName += "_path"
        logger.warning("Run Guide script : %s", scriptName)
        module = importlib.import_module(scriptName)
        planner = module.PathPlanner("guide_planning")
        # greatly increase the number of loops of the random shortcut"PathOptimization/RandomShortcut/NumberOfLoops", 50)
        # force the base orientation to follow the direction of motion along the Z axis"Kinodynamic/forceYawOrientation", True)
        planner.q_init[:2] = [0, 0]  # FIXME : defined somewhere ??
        return planner

    def init_viewer(self):
        Build a pinocchio wrapper and a gepetto-gui instance and assign them as class members:
        self.robot and self.gui
        Also start (or restart) a gepetto-gui process
        """["killall", "gepetto-gui"])
        self.process_gepetto_gui = subprocess.Popen("gepetto-gui",
        self.robot, self.gui = initScenePinocchio(cfg.Robot.urdfName + cfg.Robot.urdfSuffix, cfg.Robot.packageName,

    def init_pybullet(self):
        self.pyb_sim = pybullet_simulator(dt=self.cfg.IK_dt,
                                          q_init=self.cfg.IK_REFERENCE_CONFIG[7:].reshape(-1, 1),
                                          root_init=[0, 0, 0.1],
                                          env_name=cfg.ENV_NAME + ".urdf",

    def execute_motion(self, q_t, dq_t):
        if USE_PYB:
            SimulatorLoop(self.pyb_sim, self.cfg.IK_dt, q_t, dq_t, self.robot.display)
            disp_wb_pinocchio(self.robot, q_t, self.cfg.DT_DISPLAY)

    def plan_guide(self, root_goal):
        Plan a guide from the current last_phase root position to the given root position
        :param root_goal: list of size 3 or 7: translation and quaternion for the desired root position
        If the quaternion part is not specified, the final orientation is not constrained
        Store the Id of the new path in self.current_guide_id
        self.guide_planner.q_goal = self.guide_planner.q_init[::]
        self.guide_planner.q_goal[:3] = root_goal[:3]
        self.guide_planner.q_goal[3:7] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
        self.guide_planner.q_goal[-6:] = [0] * 6
        last_phase = self.get_last_phase()
        if last_phase:
            logger.warning("Last phase not None")
            logger.warning("Last phase q_final : %s", last_phase.q_final[:7])
            self.guide_planner.q_init[:7] = last_phase.q_final[:7]
            self.guide_planner.q_init[2] = self.guide_planner.rbprmBuilder.ref_height  # FIXME
        #add small velocity in order to have smooth change of orientation at the beginning/end
        quat_init = Quaternion(self.guide_planner.q_init[6], self.guide_planner.q_init[3],
                               self.guide_planner.q_init[4], self.guide_planner.q_init[5])
        dir_init = quat_init * np.array([1, 0, 0])
        self.guide_planner.q_init[-6] = dir_init[0] * V_INIT
        self.guide_planner.q_init[-5] = dir_init[1] * V_INIT
        if len(root_goal) >= 7:
            self.guide_planner.q_goal[3:7] = root_goal[3:7]
            quat_goal = Quaternion(self.guide_planner.q_goal[6], self.guide_planner.q_goal[3],
                                   self.guide_planner.q_goal[4], self.guide_planner.q_goal[5])
            dir_goal = quat_goal * np.array([1, 0, 0])
            self.guide_planner.q_goal[-6] = dir_goal[0] * V_GOAL
            self.guide_planner.q_goal[-5] = dir_goal[1] * V_GOAL
        logger.warning("Guide init = %s", self.guide_planner.q_init)
        logger.warning("Guide goal = %s", self.guide_planner.q_goal)
        self.current_root_goal = root_goal
        self.current_guide_id = - 1

    def compute_cs_from_guide(self):
        Call SL1M to produce a contact sequence following the root path stored in self.current_guide_id
        Store the result in self.cs
        :param guide_id: Id of the path stored in
        initial_contacts = None
        last_phase = self.get_last_phase()

        if self.cfg.SL1M_MAX_STEP > 0:
            # compute the pathlength corresponding to this number of steps:
            max_path_length = self.cfg.SL1M_MAX_STEP * self.cfg.GUIDE_STEP_SIZE
            total_path_length =
            if total_path_length > max_path_length:
                # split the guide path in several segment of max_path_length length
                guide_ids = []
                t = 0.
                while t < total_path_length:
                    t_next = t + max_path_length
                    if t_next > total_path_length:
                        t_next = total_path_length
          , t, t_next)
                    guide_ids += [ - 1]
                    t = t_next
                guide_ids = [self.current_guide_id]
            guide_ids = [self.current_guide_id]
        print("#####  compute sl1m from guide id(s) : ", guide_ids)

        self.cs = ContactSequence()
        for guide_id in guide_ids:
            self.guide_planner.pathId = guide_id
            self.guide_planner.q_goal =
            print("### FORLOOP, guide id = ", guide_id)
            # compute initial contacts position, either from last_phase or from the wholebody configuration
            if last_phase:
                q_init = None
                initial_contacts = [last_phase.contactPatch(ee_name).placement.translation
                                    + self.fullBody.dict_offset[ee_name].translation
                                    for ee_name in
                                    [self.fullBody.dict_limb_joint[limb] for limb in self.fullBody.limbs_names]]
                first_phase = ContactPhase()
                tools.copyContactPlacement(last_phase, first_phase)
                tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(last_phase, first_phase)
                first_phase = None
                q_init = self.fullBody.getCurrentConfig()
                initial_contacts = sl1m.initial_foot_pose_from_fullbody(self.fullBody, q_init)

            pathId, pb, coms, footpos, allfeetpos, res = sl1m.solve(self.guide_planner,
            root_end =, - 0.001)[0:7]
  "SL1M, root_end = %s", root_end)

            current_cs = sl1m.build_cs_from_sl1m(self.cfg.SL1M_USE_MIP,
            last_phase = current_cs.contactPhases[-1]
            # Merge current_cs in cs
            if self.cs.size() == 0:
                [self.cs.append(phase) for phase in current_cs.contactPhases]
                # first new phase is the same as last previous phase
                [self.cs.append(phase) for phase in current_cs.contactPhases[1:]]

        logger.warning("## Compute cs from guide done.")
        process_stones = Process(target=self.display_stones_lock)

    def display_stones_lock(self):
        Wait for the lock to access to gepetto-gui and then display the stepping stones for the current contact_sequence
        """"Waiting lock to display stepping stones ...")
        self.viewer_lock.acquire()"Display stepping stones ...")
        displaySteppingStones(self.cs, self.gui, "world",
                              self.cfg.Robot)  # FIXME: change world if changed in pinocchio ..."Display done.")

    def hide_stones_lock(self):
        Wait for the lock to access to gepetto-gui and then remove all the stepping stones from the scene
        """"Waiting lock to hide stepping stones ...")
        self.viewer_lock.acquire()"Hide stepping stones ...")
        hideSteppingStone(self.gui)"Hiding done.")

    def get_last_phase(self):
        Retrieve the last phase stored in the shared memory
        If self.last_phase exist and the flag last_phase_flag is False, return the phase stored in self.last_phase
        Otherwise, retrieve the data in the shared memory and deserialize it
        :return: the last phase
        if self.last_phase is None or self.last_phase_flag.value:
                pic = bytes(self.last_phase_pickled)
                self.last_phase = pickle.loads(pic)
                self.last_phase_flag.value = False
                #logger.error("Cannot de serialize the last_phase")
                self.last_phase = None
        return self.last_phase

    def set_last_phase(self, last_phase):
        set pickled last_phase data to last_phase_pickled shared memory
        :param last_phase:
        """"set_last_phase: pickle serialization ...")
        arr = pickle.dumps(last_phase)"set_last_phase: waiting for lock ...")
        if len(arr) >= MAX_PICKLE_SIZE:
            raise ValueError("In copy array: given array is too big, size = " + str(len(arr)))"set_last_phase: writing data ... ")
        for i, el in enumerate(arr):
            self.last_phase_pickled[i] = el
        self.last_phase_flag.value = True"Add a last_phase, q_final = %s", last_phase.q_final)

    def is_at_stop(self):
        Return True if the last phase have a null CoM and joint velocities
        p = self.get_last_phase()
        if p:
            if not np.isclose(p.dc_final, np.zeros(3), atol=1e-2).all():
                return False
            dq = p.dq_t(p.timeFinal)
            if not np.isclose(dq, np.zeros(dq.shape), atol=1e-1).all():
                return False
        return True

    def compute_centroidal(self, cs, previous_phase, last_iter=False):
        Solve the centroidal problem for the given ContactSequence
        :param cs: the ContactSequence used
        :param previous_phase: If provided, copy the final data of this phase as initial data for
         the given ContactSequence
        :param last_iter: If True, return a ContactSequence corresponding to the complete contactSequence given as input
        If False, the result is splitted and only the first 3 phases are returned
        :return: The ContactSequence with centroidal trajectories, and the last phase
        # update the initial state with the data from the previous intermediate state:
        if previous_phase:
            tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(previous_phase, cs.contactPhases[0])
            self.cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z = 0.
            self.cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM = 0.
        #    self.cfg.COM_SHIFT_Z = self.previous_com_shift_z
        #    self.cfg.TIME_SHIFT_COM = self.previous_time_shift_com
        if last_iter:
            # Set settings specific to the last iteration that need to connect exactly to the final goal position
            self.cfg.DURATION_CONNECT_GOAL = self.previous_connect_goal
            # Set settings for the middle of the sequence: do not need to connect exactly to the goal
            self.cfg.DURATION_CONNECT_GOAL = 0.
            self.cfg.TIMEOPT_CONFIG_FILE = self.TIMEOPT_CONFIG_FILE.rstrip(".yaml") + "_lowgoal.yaml"
        if not self.CentroidalInputs.checkAndFillRequirements(cs, self.cfg, None):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The current contact sequence cannot be given as input to the centroidal method selected.")
        cs_full = self.generate_centroidal(self.cfg, cs, None, None)
        # CentroidalOutputs.assertRequirements(cs_full)
        if last_iter:
            return cs_full, None
            cs_cut = ContactSequence(0)
            for i in range(3):
            return cs_cut, cs_cut.contactPhases[1]

    def compute_wholebody(self, robot, cs_com, last_q=None, last_v=None, last_iter=False):
        Compute the wholebody motion for the given ContactSequence
        :param robot: a TSID RobotWrapper instance
        :param cs_com: a ContactSequence with centroidal trajectories
        :param last_q: the last wholebody configuration (used as Initial configuration for this iteration)
        :param last_v:  the last joint velocities vector (used as initial joint velocities for this iteration)
        :param last_iter: if True, the complete ContactSequence is used, if False only the first 2 phases are used
        :return: a ContactSequence with wholebody data, the last wholebody configuration, the last joint velocity,
        the last phase, the TSID RobotWrapper used
        if not self.EffectorInputs.checkAndFillRequirements(cs_com, self.cfg, self.fullBody):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The current contact sequence cannot be given as input to the end effector method selected.")
        # Generate end effector trajectories for the contactSequence
        cs_ref_full = self.generate_effector_trajectories(self.cfg, cs_com, self.fullBody)
        # EffectorOutputs.assertRequirements(cs_ref_full)
        # Split contactSequence if it is not the last iteration
        if last_iter:
            cs_ref = cs_ref_full
            last_phase = cs_com.contactPhases[-1]
            cs_cut = ContactSequence()
            for i in range(2):
            cs_ref = cs_cut
            # last_phase should be a double support phase, it should contains all the contact data:
            last_phase = cs_com.contactPhases[2]
            tools.setFinalFromInitialValues(last_phase, last_phase)
        if last_q is not None:
            cs_ref.contactPhases[0].q_init = last_q
        if last_v is not None:
            t_init = cs_ref.contactPhases[0].timeInitial
            cs_ref.contactPhases[0].dq_t = polynomial(last_v.reshape(-1, 1), t_init, t_init)

        ### Generate the wholebody trajectory:
        if not self.WholebodyInputs.checkAndFillRequirements(cs_ref, self.cfg, self.fullBody):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The current contact sequence cannot be given as input to the wholeBody method selected.")
        cs_wb, robot = self.generate_wholebody(self.cfg, cs_ref, robot=robot)"-- compute whole body END")
        # WholebodyOutputs.assertRequirements(cs_wb)
        # Retrieve the last phase, q, and v from this outputs:
        last_phase_wb = cs_wb.contactPhases[-1]
        last_q = last_phase_wb.q_t(last_phase_wb.timeFinal)
        last_v = last_phase_wb.dq_t(last_phase_wb.timeFinal)
        tools.deletePhaseCentroidalTrajectories(last_phase)  # Remove unnecessary data to reduce serialized size
        last_phase.q_final = last_q
        last_phase.dq_t = polynomial(last_v.reshape(-1, 1), last_phase.timeFinal, last_phase.timeFinal)
        #last_phase.c_final = last_phase_wb.c_final
        #last_phase.dc_final = last_phase_wb.dc_final
        #last_phase.L_final = last_phase_wb.L_final
        return cs_wb, last_q, last_v, last_phase, robot

    def compute_wholebody_queue(self, cs_ref):
        Call the wholebody motion generation with the given cs_ref and the queue_qt
        and store the last compute phase with self.set_last_phase
        :param cs_ref:
        logger.warning("@@ Start compute_wholebody_queue")
        cs_wb, _ = self.generate_wholebody(self.cfg, cs_ref, None, None, None, self.queue_qt)
        last_phase = ContactPhase(cs_wb.contactPhases[-1])
        last_phase.root_t = cs_ref.contactPhases[-1].root_t
        logger.warning("@@ End compute_wholebody_queue")

    def loop_centroidal(self):
        Loop waiting for data in pipe_cs, solving the centroidal problem for each new data and send the results
        in pipe_cs_com
        last_centroidal_phase = None
        last_iter = False
        timeout = False
            while not last_iter and not timeout:
                if self.pipe_cs_out.poll(TIMEOUT_CONNECTIONS):
                    cs, last_iter = self.pipe_cs_out.recv()
          "## Run centroidal")
                    cs_com, last_centroidal_phase = self.compute_centroidal(cs, last_centroidal_phase, last_iter)
          "-- Add a cs_com to the queue")
                    self.pipe_cs_com_in.send([cs_com, last_iter])
                    timeout = True
                    logger.warning("Loop centroidal closed because pipe is empty since 10 seconds")
            if last_iter:
      "Centroidal last iter received, close the pipe and terminate process.")
            logger.error("FATAL ERROR in loop centroidal: ")

    def loop_wholebody(self):
        Loop waiting for data in pipe_cs_com, computing the wholebody motion for each new data and sending the
        results in queue_qt
        last_v = None
        robot = None
        last_iter = False
        timeout = False
        # Set the current config, either from the planned ContactSequence or from the data stored in last_phase
        last_q = self.cs.contactPhases[0].q_init
        if last_q is None or last_q.shape[0] < self.robot.nq:
  "initial config not defined in CS, set it from last phase.")
            # get current last_phase config:
            last_phase = self.get_last_phase()
            if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) and last_phase:
      "last_phase.q_final shape: %d", last_phase.q_final.shape[0])
            while last_phase is None or last_phase.q_final.shape[0] < self.robot.nq:
                # Wait for the data to be updated by another process
                last_phase = self.get_last_phase()
            last_q = last_phase.q_final
  "Got last_q from last_phase, start wholebody loop ...")
  "last_q in loop_wholebody = %s", last_q)
            while not last_iter and not timeout:
                if self.pipe_cs_com_out.poll(TIMEOUT_CONNECTIONS):
                    cs_com, last_iter = self.pipe_cs_com_out.recv()
          "## Run wholebody")
                    cs_wb, last_q, last_v, last_phase, robot = self.compute_wholebody(
                        robot, cs_com, last_q, last_v, last_iter)
          "-- Add a cs_wb to the queue")
                    self.queue_qt.put([cs_wb.concatenateQtrajectories(), cs_wb.concatenateDQtrajectories(), last_phase, last_iter])
                    timeout = True
                    logger.warning("Loop wholebody closed because pipe is empty since 10 seconds")
            if last_iter:
      "Wholebody last iter received, close the pipe and terminate process.")
            logger.error("FATAL ERROR in loop wholebody: ")

    def loop_viewer(self):
        Loop waiting for data in queue_qt and displaying each new trajectories.
        Before displaying each new data, it store the new last_phase in shared memory, this phase correspond to the last
        configuration and contacts that will be displayed for the current iteration.
        It watch for the "stop_motion" flag, if received the loop stop at the end of the current iteration
        logger.warning("## Start a loop_viewer")
        self.stop_motion_flag.value = False
        last_iter = False
        timeout = TIMEOUT_CONNECTIONS
            while not last_iter:
                q_t, dq_t, last_phase, last_iter = self.queue_qt.get(timeout=timeout)
                timeout = 0.1
                if last_phase:
                self.execute_motion(q_t, dq_t)
                if self.stop_motion_flag.value:
          "STOP MOTION in viewer")
                    last_iter = True
        except queue_empty:
            logger.warning("Loop viewer closed because queue is empty since 10 seconds")
            logger.error("FATAL ERROR in loop viewer: ")
        logger.warning("## End of loop_viewer")

    def stop_process(self):
        Terminate the compute_cs, centroidal and wholebody process, close all the pipes
        and send the "stop motion" flag to the viewer
        self.stop_motion_flag.value = True
        logger.warning("STOP MOTION flag sent")
        if self.process_compute_cs:
        if self.pipe_cs_in:
        if self.pipe_cs_out:
        if self.pipe_cs_com_in:
        if self.pipe_cs_com_out:
        #if self.queue_qt:
        #    self.queue_qt.close()

        if self.process_centroidal:
        if self.process_wholebody:

    def start_viewer_process(self):
        Create a new queue_qt object and start the loop_viewer method in a new process
        self.queue_qt = Queue()
        self.process_viewer = Process(target=self.loop_viewer)

    def start_process(self):
        Create new pipes and queue objects and start the centroidal, wholebody and viewer loops in new processes
        Also delete the last_phase stored
        self.pipe_cs_out, self.pipe_cs_in = Pipe(False)
        self.pipe_cs_com_out, self.pipe_cs_com_in = Pipe(False)
        #self.last_phase_pickled = Array(c_ubyte, MAX_PICKLE_SIZE)
        self.last_phase = None


        if self.process_centroidal:
        self.process_centroidal = Process(target=self.loop_centroidal)
        if self.process_wholebody:
        self.process_wholebody = Process(target=self.loop_wholebody)

    def compute_from_cs(self):
        Split the complete ContactSequence stored in self.cs and send each subsequence in the pipe_cs
        pid_centroidal = 0
        last_iter_centroidal = False"## Compute from cs,  size = %d", self.cs.size())
        last_phase = self.get_last_phase()
        if last_phase:
            tools.setFinalFromInitialValues(last_phase, self.cs.contactPhases[0])
        while pid_centroidal + 5 < self.cs.size():
            logger.debug("## Current pid = %d", pid_centroidal)
            if pid_centroidal + 7 >= self.cs.size():
                logger.debug("## Last centroidal iter")
                # last iter, take all the remaining phases
                num_phase = self.cs.size() - pid_centroidal
                last_iter_centroidal = True
                num_phase = 5
            logger.debug("## Num phase = %d", num_phase)
            # Extract the phases [pid_centroidal; pid_centroidal +num_phases] from cs_full
            cs_iter = ContactSequence(0)
            for i in range(pid_centroidal, pid_centroidal + num_phase):
                logger.debug("-- Add phase : %d", i)
            self.pipe_cs_in.send([cs_iter, last_iter_centroidal])  # This call may be blocking if the pipe is full
            pid_centroidal += 2

    def compute_cs_requirements(self):
        Compute all the required data to use the ContactSequence stored in self.cs as input for the centroidal method
        or the wholebody method
        tools.computePhasesTimings(self.cs, self.cfg)
        tools.computePhasesCOMValues(self.cs, self.cfg.Robot.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT)
        tools.setAllUninitializedContactModel(self.cs, cfg.Robot)
        tools.computeRootTrajFromContacts(self.fullBody, self.cs)
        tools.setAllUninitializedFrictionCoef(self.cs, self.cfg.MU)

    def compute_stopping_cs(self, move_to_support_polygon=True):
        Compute a Contact Sequence with centroidal trajectories to bring the current last_phase
        to a stop without contact changes
        :param move_to_support_polygon: if True, add a trajectory to put the CoM above the center of the support polygon
        phase_stop = ContactPhase(self.get_last_phase())
        tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(phase_stop, phase_stop)
        phase_stop.timeInitial = phase_stop.timeFinal
        phase_stop.duration = DURATION_0_STEP  # FIXME !!
        # try 0-step:
        success, phase = zeroStepCapturability(phase_stop, self.cfg)
        if success:
            cs_ref = ContactSequence(0)
            # TEST : add another phase to go back in the center of the support polygon
            if move_to_support_polygon:
                phase_projected = ContactPhase()
                phase_projected.timeInitial = phase.timeFinal
                phase_projected.duration = DURATION_0_STEP
                tools.copyContactPlacement(phase, phase_projected)
                tools.setInitialFromFinalValues(phase, phase_projected)
                phase_projected.c_final = tools.computeCenterOfSupportPolygonFromPhase(
                    phase_stop, self.fullBody.DEFAULT_COM_HEIGHT)
                #FIXME 'default height'
            # TODO try 1 step :
            raise RuntimeError("One step capturability not implemented yet !")
        tools.computeRootTrajFromContacts(self.fullBody, cs_ref)
        self.last_phase = cs_ref.contactPhases[-1].copy()
        # define the final root position, translation from the CoM position and rotation from the feet rotation
        q_final = np.zeros(7)
        q_final[:3] = self.last_phase.c_final[::]
        placement_rot_root, _ = tools.rootOrientationFromFeetPlacement(self.cfg.Robot, None, self.last_phase, None)
        quat_root = Quaternion(placement_rot_root.rotation)
        q_final[3:7] = [quat_root.x, quat_root.y, quat_root.z, quat_root.w]
        self.last_phase.q_final = q_final
        self.last_phase_flag.value = False
        self.last_phase_pickled = Array(c_ubyte, MAX_PICKLE_SIZE)  # reset currently stored whole body last phase
        return cs_ref

    def run_zero_step_capturability(self, move_to_support_polygon=True):
        Compute the centroidal trajectory to bring the current last_phaseto a stop without contact changes.
        Then start a viewer and a wholebody processes to generate and display the motion corresponding to this
        centroidal trajectory.
        :param move_to_support_polygon: if True, add a trajectory to put the CoM above the center of the support polygon
        cs_ref = self.compute_stopping_cs(move_to_support_polygon)
        self.cfg.IK_dt = 0.02
        p = Process(target=self.compute_wholebody_queue, args=(cs_ref, ))

    def stop_motion(self, move_to_support_polygon=True):
        Terminate all the running contact, centroidal and wholebody processes
        and remove the stepping stones from the display.
        If the robot is not at a stop, compute and display a motion bringing it at a steady state
        :param move_to_support_polygon: if True, add a trajectory to put the CoM above the center of the support polygon
        process_stones = Process(target=self.hide_stones_lock)
        if not self.is_at_stop():
            logger.warning("!!!!!! REQUIRE STOP MOTION: compute 0-step capturability")

    def move_to_goal(self, root_goal):
        Plan and execute a motion connecting the current configuration to one with the given root position
        If the robot is in motion, start by computing a safe stop motion.
        :param root_goal: list of size 3 or 7: translation and quaternion for the desired root position
        If the quaternion part is not specified, the final orientation is not constrained
        self.plan_guide(root_goal)"Guide planning solved, path id = %d", self.current_guide_id)
        self.compute_cs_requirements()"Start process")

        time.sleep(0.1)"@@@ Start compute_from_cs @@@")
        self.process_compute_cs = Process(target=self.compute_from_cs)
        atexit.register(self.process_compute_cs.terminate)"@@@ END compute_from_cs @@@")

    def find_closest_guide_time(self, path_id):
        Look for the index in the guide path that give the closest distance between the root position at this index
        and the wholebody root position in the last_phase configuration
        :param path_id: 
        last_phase = self.get_last_phase()
        if last_phase is None:
            return 0.
        root_wb = np.array(last_phase.q_final[0:2])
        DT = 0.01
        current_t = 0.
        min_t = 0.
        min_dist = math.inf
        ps =
        t_max = ps.pathLength(path_id)
        while current_t <= t_max:
            root_guide = np.array(ps.configAtParam(path_id, current_t)[0:2])
            dist = np.linalg.norm(root_wb - root_guide)
            if dist < min_dist:
                min_dist = dist
                min_t = current_t
            current_t += DT
        return min_t

    def is_path_valid(self, path_id):
        Check if the given path id stored in is valid or not
        :param path_id: the id of the path
        :return: True if the path is completely valid, False otherwise
        DT = 0.01  # FIXME: timestep of the discretization for the collision checking of the path
        ps =
        robot_rom = self.guide_planner.rbprmBuilder
        t = self.find_closest_guide_time(path_id) - 0.1
        if t < 0:
            t = 0.
        t_max = ps.pathLength(path_id)
        while t <= t_max:
            report = robot_rom.isConfigValid(ps.configAtParam(path_id, t))
            if not report[0]:
                return False
            t += DT
        report = robot_rom.isConfigValid(ps.configAtParam(path_id, t_max))
        if not report[0]:
            return False
            return True

    def add_obstacle_to_viewer(self, name, size, position, color=[0, 0, 1, 1]):
        Add an obstacle (a box) to the viewer. This call is blocking as it wait for a lock to access to the gepetto-gui API
        :param name: the node name of the new obstacle
        :param size: the size of the box [x, y, z]
        :param position: the placement (translation + quaternion) of the obstacle in the world frame
        :param color: the color (rgba) of the obstacle
        node_name = "world/environments/" + name  #FIXME: change the prefix if there is changes in pinocchio ..."Waiting lock to add obstacles ...")
        # add the obstacle to the viewer:
        self.gui.addBox(node_name, size[0], size[1], size[2], color)
        # move the obstacle to the given placement:
        self.gui.applyConfiguration(node_name, position)
        self.viewer_lock.release()"Obstacles added in the viewer")

    def add_obstacle_to_problem_solvers(self, name, size, position, obstacle_client):
        Add an obstacle to the environment of the planner
        :param name: the name of the obstacle
        :param size: the size of the box (x, y, z)
        :param position: the placement (translation + quaternion) of the obstacle
        :param obstacle_client: a corba-server Obstacle client instance
        # add the obstacle to the problem solver:
        obstacle_client.createBox(name, size[0] + SCALE_OBSTACLE_COLLISION, size[1] + SCALE_OBSTACLE_COLLISION,
                                  size[2] + SCALE_OBSTACLE_COLLISION)
        obstacle_client.addObstacle(name, True, False)
        # move the obstacle to the given placement:
        obstacle_client.moveObstacle(name, position)

    def add_obstacle(self, size, position, color=[0, 0, 1, 1]):
        Add a cube to the environment, and recompute a motion if the current computed motion become invalid
        :param size: The size of the cube [x, y, z]
        :param position: The placement of the cube: either a list of length 3 for the translation or
        a list of size 7 for translation + quaternion
        :param color: color of the obstacle in the viewer, blue by default
        logger.warning("!!!! ADD OBSTACLE REQUESTED")
        name = "obstacle_0"  #FIXME: change the prefix if there is changes in pinocchio ...
        # Add an id until it is an unused name:
        i = 1
        obs_names =, False)
        while name in obs_names:
            name = "obstacle_" + str(i)
            i += 1

        if len(position) == 3:
            position += [0, 0, 0, 1]"!!!! Addobstacle name : %s", name)
        self.add_obstacle_to_problem_solvers(name, size, position,
        self.add_obstacle_to_problem_solvers(name, size, position, self.fullBody.client.obstacle)"!!!! obstacle added to the problem")
        # add obstacle to the viewer, do it in a process as this call is blocking:
        process_obstacle = Process(target=self.add_obstacle_to_viewer, args=(name, size, position, color))
        atexit.register(process_obstacle.terminate)"!!!! start thread to display obstacle")

        # Check if the motion must be re-planned :
        if not self.is_at_stop():
  "!!!!!! Add obstacle during motion, check path ...")
            valid = self.is_path_valid(self.current_guide_id)
            if valid:
                logger.warning("!!!!!! Current path is still valid, continue ...")
                logger.warning("!!!!!! Current path is now invalid ! Compute a new one ...")
                # Re plan the motion
            logger.warning("!!!!!! Add obstacle: The robot is not in motion")
q[:2] = [-0.15, 0.25]
addPhaseFromConfig(fb, cs, q, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])
q[:3] = [0.11, 0.25, 1.18127]
p_up = createPhaseFromConfig(fb, q, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

#make the first step to the platform
# Make the second step to connect the cs_plateform

# copy the cs_plateform

for phase in cs_platforms.contactPhases[1:]:

## Add final step :
q[0] = 1.14
p_end = createPhaseFromConfig(fb, q, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])
q[:3] = [1.37, 0.25, 1.02127]
p_floor = createPhaseFromConfig(fb, q, [fb.rLegId, fb.lLegId])

#make a step to got to the edge of the platform
#make the last step on the floor