def main(args):
    alpha = args.alpha
    N = args.N
    k = 3
    print 'alpha:', alpha
    print 'N:', N
    print 'k:', k
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = wrightcore.create_mutation_abc(M, T)
    R_drift = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k3(M, T)
    Q = alpha * R_mut + R_drift
    # pick out the correct eigenvector
    W, V = scipy.linalg.eig(Q.T)
    w, v = min(zip(np.abs(W), V.T))
    print 'rate matrix:'
    print Q
    print 'transpose of rate matrix:'
    print Q.T
    print 'eigendecomposition of transpose of rate matrix as integers:'
    print scipy.linalg.eig(Q.T)
    print 'transpose of rate matrix in mathematica notation:'
    print MatrixUtil.m_to_mathematica_string(Q.T.astype(int))
    print 'abs eigenvector corresponding to smallest abs eigenvalue:'
    print np.abs(v)
def main(args):
    alpha = args.alpha
    N = args.N
    k = 3
    print 'alpha:', alpha
    print 'N:', N
    print 'k:', k
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = wrightcore.create_mutation_abc(M, T)
    R_drift = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k3(M, T)
    Q = alpha * R_mut + R_drift
    # pick out the correct eigenvector
    W, V = scipy.linalg.eig(Q.T)
    w, v = min(zip(np.abs(W), V.T))
    print 'rate matrix:'
    print Q
    print 'transpose of rate matrix:'
    print Q.T
    print 'eigendecomposition of transpose of rate matrix as integers:'
    print scipy.linalg.eig(Q.T)
    print 'transpose of rate matrix in mathematica notation:'
    print MatrixUtil.m_to_mathematica_string(Q.T.astype(int))
    print 'abs eigenvector corresponding to smallest abs eigenvalue:'
    print np.abs(v)
Beispiel #3
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, Nr, theta_values, Ns_values):
    Compute expected hitting times.
    Theta is 4*N*mu, and the units of time are 4*N*mu generations.
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param Nr: recombination rate
    @param theta_values: mutation rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2 * N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # precompute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2 * N_diploid)**2))
    arr = []
    for theta in theta_values:
        # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
        mu = theta / 2
        # Precompute the mutation matrix
        # and the product of mutation and recombination.
        M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2 * 2 * N_diploid))
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            # compute the stationary distribution
            v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
            # compute the transition matrix limit at time infinity
            #P_inf = np.outer(np.ones_like(v), v)
            # compute the fundamental matrix Z
            #Z = linalg.inv(np.eye(nstates) - (P - P_inf)) - P_inf
            # Use broadcasting instead of constructing P_inf.
            Z = linalg.inv(np.eye(nstates) - (P - v)) - v
            # compute the hitting time from state AB to state ab.
            i = 0
            j = 3
            hitting_time_generations = (Z[j, j] - Z[i, j]) / v[j]
            hitting_time = hitting_time_generations * theta
    return arr
Beispiel #4
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, Nr, theta_values, Ns_values):
    Compute expected hitting times.
    Theta is 4*N*mu, and the units of time are 4*N*mu generations.
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param Nr: recombination rate
    @param theta_values: mutation rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2 * N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # precompute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2 * N_diploid) ** 2))
    arr = []
    for theta in theta_values:
        # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
        mu = theta / 2
        # Precompute the mutation matrix
        # and the product of mutation and recombination.
        M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2 * 2 * N_diploid))
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            # compute the stationary distribution
            v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
            # compute the transition matrix limit at time infinity
            # P_inf = np.outer(np.ones_like(v), v)
            # compute the fundamental matrix Z
            # Z = linalg.inv(np.eye(nstates) - (P - P_inf)) - P_inf
            # Use broadcasting instead of constructing P_inf.
            Z = linalg.inv(np.eye(nstates) - (P - v)) - v
            # compute the hitting time from state AB to state ab.
            i = 0
            j = 3
            hitting_time_generations = (Z[j, j] - Z[i, j]) / v[j]
            hitting_time = hitting_time_generations * theta
    return arr
def do_full_simplex_then_collapse(mutrate, popsize):
    #mutrate = 0.01
    #mutrate = 0.2
    #mutrate = 10
    #mutrate = 100
    #mutrate = 1
    N = popsize
    k = 4
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    # Create the joint site pair mutation rate matrix.
    R = mutrate * wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    # Create the joint site pair drift transition matrix.
    lmcs = wrightcore.get_lmcs(M)
    lps = wrightcore.create_selection_neutral(M)
    log_drift = wrightcore.create_neutral_drift(lmcs, lps, M)
    # Define the drift and mutation transition matrices.
    P_drift = np.exp(log_drift)
    P_mut = scipy.linalg.expm(R)
    # Define the composite per-generation transition matrix.
    P =, P_drift)
    # Solve a system of equations to find the stationary distribution.
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    for state, value in zip(M, v):
        print state, value
    # collapse the two middle states
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k-1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k-1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    for state, value in zip(M_collapsed, v_collapsed):
        print state, value
    # draw an equilateral triangle
    #drawtri(M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed)
    return M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed
Beispiel #6
def do_full_simplex_then_collapse(mutrate, popsize):
    #mutrate = 0.01
    #mutrate = 0.2
    #mutrate = 10
    #mutrate = 100
    #mutrate = 1
    N = popsize
    k = 4
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    # Create the joint site pair mutation rate matrix.
    R = mutrate * wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    # Create the joint site pair drift transition matrix.
    lmcs = wrightcore.get_lmcs(M)
    lps = wrightcore.create_selection_neutral(M)
    log_drift = wrightcore.create_neutral_drift(lmcs, lps, M)
    # Define the drift and mutation transition matrices.
    P_drift = np.exp(log_drift)
    P_mut = scipy.linalg.expm(R)
    # Define the composite per-generation transition matrix.
    P =, P_drift)
    # Solve a system of equations to find the stationary distribution.
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    for state, value in zip(M, v):
        print state, value
    # collapse the two middle states
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k - 1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k - 1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    for state, value in zip(M_collapsed, v_collapsed):
        print state, value
    # draw an equilateral triangle
    #drawtri(M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed)
    return M_collapsed, T_collapsed, v_collapsed
def main():

    # use standard notation
    Nmu = 1.0
    N = 120
    mu = Nmu / float(N)

    print 'N*mu:', Nmu
    print 'N:', N

    # multiply the rate matrix by this scaling factor
    m_factor = mu

    # use the moran drift
    distn_helper = moran_distn_helper

    # get properties of the collapsed diamond process
    k = 3
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = m_factor * wrightcore.create_mutation_collapsed(M, T)
    v = distn_helper(M, T, R_mut)

    for Ab_aB in range(N+1):
        nremaining = N - Ab_aB
        # compute the volume for normalization
        volume = 0.0
        for AB in range(nremaining+1):
            ab = nremaining - AB
            volume += v[T[AB, Ab_aB, ab]]
        # print some info
        print 'X_1 + X_4 =', Ab_aB, '/', N
        print 'probability =', volume
        print 'Y = X_2 / (1 - (X_1 + X_4)) = X_2 / (X_2 + X_3)'
        if not nremaining:
            print 'conditional distribution of Y is undefined'
            # compute the conditional moments
            m1 = 0.0
            m2 = 0.0
            for AB in range(nremaining+1):
                ab = nremaining - AB
                p = v[T[AB, Ab_aB, ab]] / volume
                x = AB / float(nremaining)
                m1 += x*p
                m2 += x*x*p
            # print some info
            print 'conditional E(Y) =', m1
            print 'conditional E(Y^2) =', m2
            print 'conditional V(Y) =', m2 - m1*m1
Beispiel #8
def main():

    # use standard notation
    Nmu = 1.0
    N = 120
    mu = Nmu / float(N)

    print 'N*mu:', Nmu
    print 'N:', N

    # multiply the rate matrix by this scaling factor
    m_factor = mu

    # use the moran drift
    distn_helper = moran_distn_helper

    # get properties of the collapsed diamond process
    k = 3
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = m_factor * wrightcore.create_mutation_collapsed(M, T)
    v = distn_helper(M, T, R_mut)

    for Ab_aB in range(N + 1):
        nremaining = N - Ab_aB
        # compute the volume for normalization
        volume = 0.0
        for AB in range(nremaining + 1):
            ab = nremaining - AB
            volume += v[T[AB, Ab_aB, ab]]
        # print some info
        print 'X_1 + X_4 =', Ab_aB, '/', N
        print 'probability =', volume
        print 'Y = X_2 / (1 - (X_1 + X_4)) = X_2 / (X_2 + X_3)'
        if not nremaining:
            print 'conditional distribution of Y is undefined'
            # compute the conditional moments
            m1 = 0.0
            m2 = 0.0
            for AB in range(nremaining + 1):
                ab = nremaining - AB
                p = v[T[AB, Ab_aB, ab]] / volume
                x = AB / float(nremaining)
                m1 += x * p
                m2 += x * x * p
            # print some info
            print 'conditional E(Y) =', m1
            print 'conditional E(Y^2) =', m2
            print 'conditional V(Y) =', m2 - m1 * m1
Beispiel #9
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, Nr, theta_values, Ns_values):
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param Nr: recombination rate
    @param theta_values: mutation rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2 * N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # precompute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2 * N_diploid) ** 2))
    arr = []
    for theta in theta_values:
        # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
        mu = theta / 2
        # Precompute the mutation matrix
        # and the product of mutation and recombination.
        M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2 * 2 * N_diploid))
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            # compute the stochastic complement
            X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
            H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
            # condition on not looping
            np.fill_diagonal(H, 0)
            v = np.sum(H, axis=1)
            H /= v[:, np.newaxis]
            # let ab be an absorbing state
            # and compute the expected number of returns to AB
            Q = H[:3, :3]
            I = np.eye(3)
            N = linalg.inv(I - Q)
            row.append(N[0, 0] - 1)
    return arr
Beispiel #10
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, Nr, theta_values, Ns_values):
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param Nr: recombination rate
    @param theta_values: mutation rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2 * N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # precompute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2 * N_diploid)**2))
    arr = []
    for theta in theta_values:
        # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
        mu = theta / 2
        # Precompute the mutation matrix
        # and the product of mutation and recombination.
        M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2 * 2 * N_diploid))
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            # compute the stochastic complement
            X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
            H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
            # condition on not looping
            np.fill_diagonal(H, 0)
            v = np.sum(H, axis=1)
            H /= v[:, np.newaxis]
            # let ab be an absorbing state
            # and compute the expected number of returns to AB
            Q = H[:3, :3]
            I = np.eye(3)
            N = linalg.inv(I - Q)
            row.append(N[0, 0] - 1)
    return arr
Beispiel #11
def get_full_simplex(m_factor, N, distn_helper):
    Note that this uses the non-moran formulation of drift.
    The distn_helper function taken as an argument is expected
    to be either moran_distn_helper or wright_distn_helper.
    @param m_factor: the mutation rate matrix is multiplied by this number
    @param N: population size
    @param distn_helper: a function (M, T, R_mut) -> v
    @return: M, T, v
    k = 4
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = m_factor * wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    v = distn_helper(M, T, R_mut)
    return M, T, v
Beispiel #12
def get_full_simplex(m_factor, N, distn_helper):
    Note that this uses the non-moran formulation of drift.
    The distn_helper function taken as an argument is expected
    to be either moran_distn_helper or wright_distn_helper.
    @param m_factor: the mutation rate matrix is multiplied by this number
    @param N: population size
    @param distn_helper: a function (M, T, R_mut) -> v
    @return: M, T, v
    k = 4
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = m_factor * wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    v = distn_helper(M, T, R_mut)
    return M, T, v
Beispiel #13
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, Nr, theta_values, Ns_values):
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param Nr: recombination rate
    @param theta_values: mutation rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2*N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # precompute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2*N_diploid)**2))
    arr = []
    for theta in theta_values:
        # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
        mu = theta / 2
        # Precompute the mutation matrix
        # and the product of mutation and recombination.
        M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2*2*N_diploid))
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            # compute the stochastic complement
            X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
            H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
            # compute a conditional transition probability
            i = 0
            j = 3
            row.append(H[i, j] / (1-H[i,i]))
    return arr
Beispiel #14
def collapse_diamond(N, M, v):
    Collapse the middle two states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 2-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k - 1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k - 1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Beispiel #15
def collapse_diamond(N, M, v):
    Collapse the middle two states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 2-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k-1)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k-1)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        Ab_aB = Ab + aB
        j = T_collapsed[AB, Ab_aB, ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Beispiel #16
def collapse_side(N, M, v):
    Collapse two pairs of states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 1-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k - 2)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k - 2)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        AB_Ab = AB + Ab
        aB_ab = aB + ab
        j = T_collapsed[AB_Ab, aB_ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Beispiel #17
def collapse_side(N, M, v):
    Collapse two pairs of states.
    @param N: population size
    @param M: index to state vector
    @param v: a distribution over a 3-simplex
    @return: a distribution over a 1-simplex
    k = 4
    nstates_collapsed = multinomstate.get_nstates(N, k-2)
    M_collapsed = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k-2)), dtype=int)
    T_collapsed = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M_collapsed)
    v_collapsed = np.zeros(nstates_collapsed)
    for i, bigstate in enumerate(M):
        AB, Ab, aB, ab = bigstate.tolist()
        AB_Ab = AB + Ab
        aB_ab = aB + ab
        j = T_collapsed[AB_Ab, aB_ab]
        v_collapsed[j] += v[i]
    return v_collapsed
Beispiel #18
def get_p2(N_diploid, theta, Nr, Ns):
    Compute the probability of compensatory substitution pathway type 2.
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param theta: a mutation rate
    @param Nr: a recombination rate
    @param Ns: a selection value
    @return: p_t2
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2*N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # compute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # compute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2*N_diploid)**2))
    # compute the expected number of mutation events per generation
    mu = theta / 2
    # compute the mutation matrix
    # and the product of mutation and recombination.
    M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2*2*N_diploid))
    MR_prob =, R_prob)
    # compute the selection coefficient
    s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
    lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
    S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
    P =, S_prob)
    X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
    H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
    p_direct = H[0, 3] / (1 - H[0,0])
    # The following line is Equation (1) of the Nasrallah manuscript.
    p_t2 = (2*p_direct) / (1 + p_direct)
    p_t1 = 1 - p_t2
    return p_t2
Beispiel #19
def get_p2(N_diploid, theta, Nr, Ns):
    Compute the probability of compensatory substitution pathway type 2.
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param theta: a mutation rate
    @param Nr: a recombination rate
    @param Ns: a selection value
    @return: p_t2
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2 * N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # compute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # compute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2 * N_diploid)**2))
    # compute the expected number of mutation events per generation
    mu = theta / 2
    # compute the mutation matrix
    # and the product of mutation and recombination.
    M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2 * 2 * N_diploid))
    MR_prob =, R_prob)
    # compute the selection coefficient
    s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
    lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
    S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
    P =, S_prob)
    X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
    H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
    p_direct = H[0, 3] / (1 - H[0, 0])
    # The following line is Equation (1) of the Nasrallah manuscript.
    p_t2 = (2 * p_direct) / (1 + p_direct)
    p_t1 = 1 - p_t2
    return p_t2
def do_collapsed_simplex(scaled_mut, N):
    @param N: population size
    k = 3
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    # Create the joint site pair mutation rate matrix.
    # This is scaled so that there are about popsize mutations per generation.
    R_mut_raw = wrightcore.create_mutation_collapsed(M, T)
    R_mut = (scaled_mut / float(N)) * R_mut_raw
    # Create the joint site pair drift transition matrix.
    lmcs = wrightcore.get_lmcs(M)
    lps = wrightcore.create_selection_neutral(M)
    #log_drift = wrightcore.create_neutral_drift(lmcs, lps, M)
    # Define the drift and mutation transition matrices.
    #P_drift = np.exp(log_drift)
    #P_mut = scipy.linalg.expm(R)
    # Define the composite per-generation transition matrix.
    #P =, P_drift)
    # Solve a system of equations to find the stationary distribution.
    #v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    # Try a new thing.
    # The raw drift matrix is scaled so that there are about N*N
    # replacements per generation.
    generation_rate = 1.0
    R_drift_raw = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k3(M, T)
    R_drift = (generation_rate / float(N)) * R_drift_raw
    #FIXME: you should get the stationary distn directly from the rate matrix
    P = scipy.linalg.expm(R_mut + R_drift)
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    for state, value in zip(M, v):
        print state, value
    # draw an equilateral triangle
    #drawtri(M, T, v)
    return M, T, v
Beispiel #21
def do_collapsed_simplex(scaled_mut, N):
    @param N: population size
    k = 3
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    # Create the joint site pair mutation rate matrix.
    # This is scaled so that there are about popsize mutations per generation.
    R_mut_raw = wrightcore.create_mutation_collapsed(M, T)
    R_mut = (scaled_mut / float(N)) * R_mut_raw
    # Create the joint site pair drift transition matrix.
    lmcs = wrightcore.get_lmcs(M)
    lps = wrightcore.create_selection_neutral(M)
    #log_drift = wrightcore.create_neutral_drift(lmcs, lps, M)
    # Define the drift and mutation transition matrices.
    #P_drift = np.exp(log_drift)
    #P_mut = scipy.linalg.expm(R)
    # Define the composite per-generation transition matrix.
    #P =, P_drift)
    # Solve a system of equations to find the stationary distribution.
    #v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    # Try a new thing.
    # The raw drift matrix is scaled so that there are about N*N
    # replacements per generation.
    generation_rate = 1.0
    R_drift_raw = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k3(M, T)
    R_drift = (generation_rate / float(N)) * R_drift_raw
    #FIXME: you should get the stationary distn directly from the rate matrix
    P = scipy.linalg.expm(R_mut + R_drift)
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    for state, value in zip(M, v):
        print state, value
    # draw an equilateral triangle
    #drawtri(M, T, v)
    return M, T, v
Beispiel #22
def get_backward_info(N_diploid, theta, Nr, Ns):
    Compute expectations and variances for the two substitution pathways.
    Here backward is somewhat of a misnomer; it is meant as a contrast
    to forward simulation.
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param theta: a mutation rate
    @param Nr: a recombination rate
    @param Ns: a selection value
    @return: (t1, v1), (t2, v2)
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2 * N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # compute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # compute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2 * N_diploid)**2))
    # compute the expected number of mutation events per generation
    mu = theta / 2
    # compute the mutation matrix
    # and the product of mutation and recombination.
    M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2 * 2 * N_diploid))
    MR_prob =, R_prob)
    # compute the selection coefficient
    s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
    lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
    S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
    P =, S_prob)
    t1, v1 = wfbckcompens.get_type_1_info(P)
    t2, v2 = wfbckcompens.get_type_2_info(P)
    return (t1, v1), (t2, v2)
Beispiel #23
def get_backward_info(N_diploid, theta, Nr, Ns):
    Compute expectations and variances for the two substitution pathways.
    Here backward is somewhat of a misnomer; it is meant as a contrast
    to forward simulation.
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param theta: a mutation rate
    @param Nr: a recombination rate
    @param Ns: a selection value
    @return: (t1, v1), (t2, v2)
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2*N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # compute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # compute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2*N_diploid)**2))
    # compute the expected number of mutation events per generation
    mu = theta / 2
    # compute the mutation matrix
    # and the product of mutation and recombination.
    M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2*2*N_diploid))
    MR_prob =, R_prob)
    # compute the selection coefficient
    s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
    lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
    S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
    P =, S_prob)
    t1, v1 = wfbckcompens.get_type_1_info(P)
    t2, v2 = wfbckcompens.get_type_2_info(P)
    return (t1, v1), (t2, v2)
Beispiel #24
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, theta, Nr_values, Ns_values):
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param theta: mutation rate
    @param Nr_values: recombination rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # define the haplotypes
    AB, Ab, aB, ab = 0, 1, 2, 3
    # initialize the state space
    N_hap = 2 * N_diploid
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(N_hap, k)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    # compute the inverse map
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
    mu = theta / 2
    # Precompute the mutation matrix
    M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2*2*N_diploid))
    arr = []
    for Nr in Nr_values:
        # precompute a recombination probability matrix
        R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2*N_diploid)**2))
        # precompute the product of mutation and recombination.
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            t1, v1 = wfbckcompens.get_type_1_info(P)
            t2, v2 = wfbckcompens.get_type_2_info(P)
            # What is the distribution over next fixed states
            # from the current state?
            # This question can be answered
            # by hacking with transience and absorption.
            Q = P[:-k, :-k]
            R = P[:-k, -k:]
            B = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates-k) - Q, R)
            # At this point B is the matrix whose nstates-k rows give
            # distributions over the k fixed states.
            # Next construct the transition matrix that is conditional
            # upon first hitting the ab fixed state.
            w = np.zeros(nstates)
            w[:-k] = R[:, -1]
            w[-k:] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
            P_t2 = P * w
            # normalize after scaling by the weights
            v = P_t2.sum(axis=1)
            P_t2 /= v[:, np.newaxis]
            # Get the hitting time from state AB to state ab.
            # Because of the conditioning, this should be the same
            # as the expected time to reach state ab given that state ab
            # is the first reached fixed state.
            # Note that this means that the first step is away from AB.
            # Or actually we can just use expected time to absorption.
            Q = P_t2[:-1, :-1]
            c = np.ones(nstates-1)
            t = linalg.lstsq(np.eye(nstates-1) - Q, c)
            t2 = t[-4]
            # Now do type 1 events.
            w = np.zeros(nstates)
            w[:-k] = 1 - R[:, 0]
            w[-k:] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
            P_t2 = P * w
            # Get the probability of type 2.
            # This uses the stochastic complement.
            # Wait this is wrong.
            # This is the probability of a direct transition.
            X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
            H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
            p_direct = H[0, 3] / (1 - H[0,0])
            # The following line is Equation (1) of the Nasrallah manuscript.
            p_t2 = (2*p_direct) / (1 + p_direct)
            p_t1 = 1 - p_t2
            expectation_of_variance = p_t2*v2 + p_t1*v1
            variance_of_expectation = p_t2*p_t1*(t1 - t2)*(t1 - t2)
            pooled_variance = (
                    expectation_of_variance + variance_of_expectation)
            # Just do a simulation,
            # assuming that the wait times are normally distributed.
            nsamples = 500
            n1 = np.random.binomial(nsamples, p_t1)
            n2 = nsamples - n1
            X1 = np.random.normal(t1, math.sqrt(v1), n1)
            X2 = np.random.normal(t2, math.sqrt(v2), n2)
            X_pooled = np.hstack((X1, X2))
            x = np.mean(X1) - np.mean(X2)
            s_pooled = math.sqrt(np.var(X_pooled) / nsamples)
            t_statistic = x / s_pooled
            #x = (t1 - t2) / math.sqrt(variance / 200.0)
            #x = (t1 - t2) / math.sqrt((v1 + v2) / 200.0)
            #x = (t1 - t2) / math.sqrt(pooled_variance)
            #x = (t1 - t2)
            #row.append(math.log(t1) - math.log(t2))
    return arr
Beispiel #25
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, Nr, theta_values, Ns_values):
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param Nr: recombination rate
    @param theta_values: mutation rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2 * N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # precompute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2 * N_diploid)**2))
    arr = []
    for theta in theta_values:
        # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
        mu = theta / 2
        # Precompute the mutation matrix
        # and the product of mutation and recombination.
        M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2 * 2 * N_diploid))
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            # compute the stochastic complement
            X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
            H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
            # condition on a transition change
            #np.fill_diagonal(H, 0)
            #H = (H.T / np.sum(H, axis=1)).T
            #v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(H)
            #print 'reversibility check (0 if reversible):'
            #print H/v - H.T/v
            #H_rev = (H*v).T/v
            #if not np.allclose(
            #[v[i]*H[i,j]-v[j]*H[j,i] for i in range(k) for j in range(k)],
            #raise ValueError('not reversible')
            # break the last state into two states
            AB, Ab, aB, ab, abx = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
            J = np.zeros((k + 1, k + 1))
            J[:k, :k] = H
            # force ab and abx to be absorbing states
            J[ab] = np.zeros(k + 1)
            J[abx] = np.zeros(k + 1)
            J[ab, ab] = 1
            J[abx, abx] = 1
            # connect AB to the new ab state
            J[AB, abx] = J[AB, ab]
            J[AB, ab] = 0
            # Now transition matrix J is in "canonical form"
            # because all of the absorbing states are at the end.
            B = linalg.solve(
                np.eye(k - 1) - J[:k - 1, :k - 1], J[:k - 1, k - 1:])
            # compute the absorbing state distribution
            row.append(B[0, 1])
    return arr
Beispiel #26
def get_collapsed_diag_process_distn(m_factor, N, distn_helper):
    k = 2
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = m_factor * wrightcore.create_mutation_collapsed_diag(M, T)
    return distn_helper(M, T, R_mut)
Beispiel #27
def main(args):
    alpha = args.alpha
    N = args.N
    k = 4
    print 'alpha:', alpha
    print 'N:', N
    print 'k:', k
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    R_drift = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k4(M, T)
    Q = alpha * R_mut + R_drift
    P = scipy.linalg.expm(Q)
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    # Define the volumetric data using the stationary distribution.
    max_prob = np.max(v)
    d2 = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1, N + 1, 4), dtype=float)
    U = np.array([
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1],
        [1, 0, 1],
        [1, 1, 0],
    ], dtype=int)
    for p, state in zip(v, M):
        x, y, z =, U).tolist()
        # r, g, b, alpha
        d2[x, y, z] = np.array(
                255 * (p / max_prob),
                255 * (p / max_prob),
        #d2[x, y, z, 0] = 255 * (p / max_prob)
        #d2[x, y, z, 1] = 0
        #d2[x, y, z, 2] = 0
        #d2[x, y, z, 3] = 100
    # fill the empty states
    for x in range(N + 1):
        for y in range(N + 1):
            for z in range(N + 1):
                if (x + y + z) % 2 == 1:
                    p_accum = np.zeros(4, dtype=float)
                    n_accum = 0
                    for dx in (-1, 1):
                        if 0 <= x + dx <= N:
                            p_accum += d2[x + dx, y, z]
                            n_accum += 1
                    for dy in (-1, 1):
                        if 0 <= y + dy <= N:
                            p_accum += d2[x, y + dy, z]
                            n_accum += 1
                    for dz in (-1, 1):
                        if 0 <= z + dz <= N:
                            p_accum += d2[x, y, z + dz]
                            n_accum += 1
                    d2[x, y, z] = p_accum / n_accum
    # Do things that the example application does.
    app = QtGui.QApplication([])
    w = gl.GLViewWidget()
    w.opts['distance'] = 2 * N
    # a visual grid or something
    #g = gl.GLGridItem()
    #g.scale(10, 10, 1)
    # Do some more things that the example application does.
    vol = gl.GLVolumeItem(d2, sliceDensity=1, smooth=True)
    vol.translate(-0.5 * N, -0.5 * N, -0.5 * N)
    # add an axis thingy
    #ax = gl.GLAxisItem()
    if sys.flags.interactive != 1:
Beispiel #28
def main(args):
    alpha = args.alpha
    N = args.N
    k = 4
    print 'alpha:', alpha
    print 'N:', N
    print 'k:', k
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
    R_drift = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k4(M, T)
    Q = alpha * R_mut + R_drift
    P = scipy.linalg.expm(Q)
    v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(P)
    # Define the volumetric data using the stationary distribution.
    max_prob = np.max(v)
    d2 = np.zeros((N+1, N+1, N+1, 4), dtype=float)
    U = np.array([
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1],
        [1, 0, 1],
        [1, 1, 0],
        ], dtype=int)
    for p, state in zip(v, M):
        x, y, z =, U).tolist()
        # r, g, b, alpha
        d2[x, y, z] = np.array([
            255 * (p / max_prob),
            255 * (p / max_prob),
            ], dtype=float)
        #d2[x, y, z, 0] = 255 * (p / max_prob)
        #d2[x, y, z, 1] = 0
        #d2[x, y, z, 2] = 0
        #d2[x, y, z, 3] = 100
    # fill the empty states
    for x in range(N+1):
        for y in range(N+1):
            for z in range(N+1):
                if (x + y + z) % 2 == 1:
                    p_accum = np.zeros(4, dtype=float)
                    n_accum = 0
                    for dx in (-1, 1):
                        if 0 <= x+dx <= N:
                            p_accum += d2[x+dx, y, z]
                            n_accum += 1
                    for dy in (-1, 1):
                        if 0 <= y+dy <= N:
                            p_accum += d2[x, y+dy, z]
                            n_accum += 1
                    for dz in (-1, 1):
                        if 0 <= z+dz <= N:
                            p_accum += d2[x, y, z+dz]
                            n_accum += 1
                    d2[x, y, z] = p_accum / n_accum
    # Do things that the example application does.
    app = QtGui.QApplication([])
    w = gl.GLViewWidget()
    w.opts['distance'] = 2*N
    # a visual grid or something
    #g = gl.GLGridItem()
    #g.scale(10, 10, 1)
    # Do some more things that the example application does.
    vol = gl.GLVolumeItem(d2, sliceDensity=1, smooth=True)
    vol.translate(-0.5*N, -0.5*N, -0.5*N)
    # add an axis thingy
    #ax = gl.GLAxisItem()
    if sys.flags.interactive != 1:
Beispiel #29
def main():

    # use standard notation
    Nmu = 1.0
    N = 20
    mu = Nmu / float(N)

    print 'N*mu:', Nmu
    print 'N:', N

    k = 4
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = len(M)
    #R_mut = m_factor * wrightcore.create_mutation_collapsed(M, T)
    #v = distn_helper(M, T, R_mut)

    # get the approximations
    alpha = 2*N*mu
    approx_1a = get_beta_approx(N+1, alpha)
    approx_2a = get_beta_approx(N+1, 2*alpha)

    d4_reduction, d4_nstates = get_d4_reduction(M, T)
    # for the initial guess all logs of ratios of probs are zero
    x0 = np.zeros(d4_nstates - 1)

    # precompute some design matrices
    X_side = get_design_matrix_side(M)
    X_diag = get_design_matrix_diag(M)

    print 'number of variables:', d4_nstates - 1

    f_errors = functools.partial(
            M, T, d4_reduction, d4_nstates, approx_1a, approx_2a,
            X_side, X_diag,

    g_errors = functools.partial(eval_grad, f_errors)

    f = functools.partial(apply_sum_of_squares, f_errors)
    g = functools.partial(eval_grad, f)
    h = functools.partial(eval_hess, f)

    g_reverse = functools.partial(eval_grad_reverse_mode, f)

    result = scipy.optimize.leastsq(

    result = scipy.optimize.fmin_ncg(

    result = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(

    print result

    xopt = result[0]

    v = unpack_distribution(nstates, d4_reduction, d4_nstates, xopt)

    # print some variances
    check_variance(M, T, v)
def main(args):
    alpha = args.alpha
    N = args.N
    k = 4
    print 'alpha:', alpha
    print 'N:', N
    print 'k:', k
    print 'defining the state vectors...'
    M = np.array(list(gen_states_for_induction(N)), dtype=int)
    #M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    print 'M.shape:', M.shape
    print 'M:'
    print M
    if args.dense:
        print 'defining the state vector inverse map...'
        T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
        print 'T.shape:', T.shape
        print 'constructing dense mutation rate matrix...'
        R_mut = wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
        print 'constructing dense drift rate matrix...'
        R_drift = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k4(M, T)
        Q = alpha * R_mut + R_drift
        # pick out the correct eigenvector
        print 'taking eigendecomposition of dense rate matrix...'
        W, V = scipy.linalg.eig(Q.T)
        w, v = min(zip(np.abs(W), V.T))
        if args.eigvals:
            print 'eigenvalues:'
            print W
            # get integer approximations of eigenvalues
            d = collections.defaultdict(int)
            for raw_eigval in W:
                int_eigval = int(np.round(raw_eigval.real))
                d[int_eigval] += 1
            arr = []
            for int_eigval in reversed(sorted(d)):
                s = '%d^%d' % (-int_eigval, d[int_eigval])
            print ' '.join(arr)
            print 'rate matrix:'
            print Q
            print 'transpose of rate matrix:'
            print Q.T
            print 'eigendecomposition of transpose of rate matrix as integers:'
            print (W, V)
            print 'rate matrix in mathematica notation:'
            print MatrixUtil.m_to_mathematica_string(Q.astype(int))
            print 'abs eigenvector corresponding to smallest abs eigenvalue:'
            print np.abs(v)
    if args.sparse or args.shift_invert:
        print 'defining the state vector inverse dict...'
        T = multinomstate.get_inverse_dict(M)
        print 'sys.getsizeof(T):', sys.getsizeof(T)
        print 'constructing sparse coo mutation+drift rate matrix...'
        R_coo = create_coo_moran(M, T, alpha)
        print 'converting to sparse csr transpose rate matrix...'
        RT_csr = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(R_coo.T)
        if args.shift_invert:
            print 'compute an eigenpair using shift-invert mode...'
            W, V = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(RT_csr, k=1, sigma=1)
            print 'compute an eigenpair using "small magnitude" mode...'
            W, V = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(RT_csr, k=1, which='SM')
        #print 'dense form of sparsely constructed matrix:'
        #print RT_csr.todense()
        print 'sparse eigenvalues:'
        print W
        print 'sparse stationary distribution eigenvector:'
        print V[:, 0]
        v = abs(V[:, 0])
        v /= np.sum(v)
        autosave_filename = 'full-moran-autosave.txt'
        print 'writing the stationary distn to', autosave_filename, '...'
        with open(autosave_filename, 'w') as fout:
            for p, (X, Y, Z, W) in zip(v, M):
                print >> fout, X, Y, Z, W, p
Beispiel #31
def main(args):
    alpha = args.alpha
    N = args.N
    k = 4
    print 'alpha:', alpha
    print 'N:', N
    print 'k:', k
    print 'defining the state vectors...'
    M = np.array(list(gen_states_for_induction(N)), dtype=int)
    #M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    print 'M.shape:', M.shape
    print 'M:'
    print M
    if args.dense:
        print 'defining the state vector inverse map...'
        T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
        print 'T.shape:', T.shape
        print 'constructing dense mutation rate matrix...'
        R_mut = wrightcore.create_mutation(M, T)
        print 'constructing dense drift rate matrix...'
        R_drift = wrightcore.create_moran_drift_rate_k4(M, T)
        Q = alpha * R_mut + R_drift
        # pick out the correct eigenvector
        print 'taking eigendecomposition of dense rate matrix...'
        W, V = scipy.linalg.eig(Q.T)
        w, v = min(zip(np.abs(W), V.T))
        if args.eigvals:
            print 'eigenvalues:'
            print W
            # get integer approximations of eigenvalues
            d = collections.defaultdict(int)
            for raw_eigval in W:
                int_eigval = int(np.round(raw_eigval.real))
                d[int_eigval] += 1
            arr = []
            for int_eigval in reversed(sorted(d)):
                s = '%d^%d' % (-int_eigval, d[int_eigval])
            print ' '.join(arr)
            print 'rate matrix:'
            print Q
            print 'transpose of rate matrix:'
            print Q.T
            print 'eigendecomposition of transpose of rate matrix as integers:'
            print(W, V)
            print 'rate matrix in mathematica notation:'
            print MatrixUtil.m_to_mathematica_string(Q.astype(int))
            print 'abs eigenvector corresponding to smallest abs eigenvalue:'
            print np.abs(v)
    if args.sparse or args.shift_invert:
        print 'defining the state vector inverse dict...'
        T = multinomstate.get_inverse_dict(M)
        print 'sys.getsizeof(T):', sys.getsizeof(T)
        print 'constructing sparse coo mutation+drift rate matrix...'
        R_coo = create_coo_moran(M, T, alpha)
        print 'converting to sparse csr transpose rate matrix...'
        RT_csr = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(R_coo.T)
        if args.shift_invert:
            print 'compute an eigenpair using shift-invert mode...'
            W, V = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(RT_csr, k=1, sigma=1)
            print 'compute an eigenpair using "small magnitude" mode...'
            W, V = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(RT_csr, k=1, which='SM')
        #print 'dense form of sparsely constructed matrix:'
        #print RT_csr.todense()
        print 'sparse eigenvalues:'
        print W
        print 'sparse stationary distribution eigenvector:'
        print V[:, 0]
        v = abs(V[:, 0])
        v /= np.sum(v)
        autosave_filename = 'full-moran-autosave.txt'
        print 'writing the stationary distn to', autosave_filename, '...'
        with open(autosave_filename, 'w') as fout:
            for p, (X, Y, Z, W) in zip(v, M):
                print >> fout, X, Y, Z, W, p
Beispiel #32
def get_collapsed_diag_process_distn(m_factor, N, distn_helper):
    k = 2
    M = np.array(list(multinomstate.gen_states(N, k)), dtype=int)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    R_mut = m_factor * wrightcore.create_mutation_collapsed_diag(M, T)
    return distn_helper(M, T, R_mut)
Beispiel #33
def get_plot_array(N_diploid, Nr, theta_values, Ns_values):
    @param N_diploid: diploid population size
    @param Nr: recombination rate
    @param theta_values: mutation rates
    @param Ns_values: selection values
    @return: arr[i][j] gives time for Ns_values[i] and theta_values[j]
    # set up the state space
    k = 4
    M = multinomstate.get_sorted_states(2*N_diploid, k)
    T = multinomstate.get_inverse_map(M)
    nstates = M.shape[0]
    lmcs = wfengine.get_lmcs(M)
    # precompute rate matrices
    R_rate = wfcompens.create_recomb(M, T)
    M_rate = wfcompens.create_mutation(M, T)
    # precompute a recombination probability matrix
    R_prob = linalg.expm(Nr * R_rate / float((2*N_diploid)**2))
    arr = []
    for theta in theta_values:
        # Compute the expected number of mutation events per generation.
        mu = theta / 2
        # Precompute the mutation matrix
        # and the product of mutation and recombination.
        M_prob = linalg.expm(mu * M_rate / float(2*2*N_diploid))
        MR_prob =, R_prob)
        row = []
        for Ns in Ns_values:
            s = Ns / float(N_diploid)
            lps = wfcompens.create_selection(s, M)
            S_prob = np.exp(wfengine.create_genic(lmcs, lps, M))
            P =, S_prob)
            # compute the stochastic complement
            X = linalg.solve(np.eye(nstates - k) - P[k:, k:], P[k:, :k])
            H = P[:k, :k] +[:k, k:], X)
            # condition on a transition change
            #np.fill_diagonal(H, 0)
            #H = (H.T / np.sum(H, axis=1)).T
            #v = MatrixUtil.get_stationary_distribution(H)
            #print 'reversibility check (0 if reversible):'
            #print H/v - H.T/v
            #H_rev = (H*v).T/v
            #if not np.allclose(
                    #[v[i]*H[i,j]-v[j]*H[j,i] for i in range(k) for j in range(k)],
                #raise ValueError('not reversible')
            # break the last state into two states
            AB, Ab, aB, ab, abx = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
            J = np.zeros((k+1, k+1))
            J[:k, :k] = H
            # force ab and abx to be absorbing states
            J[ab] = np.zeros(k+1)
            J[abx] = np.zeros(k+1)
            J[ab, ab] = 1
            J[abx, abx] = 1
            # connect AB to the new ab state
            J[AB, abx] = J[AB, ab]
            J[AB, ab] = 0
            # Now transition matrix J is in "canonical form"
            # because all of the absorbing states are at the end.
            B = linalg.solve(np.eye(k-1) - J[:k-1, :k-1], J[:k-1, k-1:])
            # compute the absorbing state distribution
            row.append(B[0, 1])
    return arr