def shared_array(shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float32):
    np_type_to_ctype = {
        np.float32: ctypes.c_float,
        np.float64: ctypes.c_double,
        np.bool: ctypes.c_bool,
        np.uint8: ctypes.c_ubyte,
        np.uint64: ctypes.c_ulonglong,
        np.complex128: ctypes.c_double,
        np.complex64: ctypes.c_float

    numel =
    iscomplex = (dtype == np.complex128 or dtype == np.complex64)
    #numel *=
    arr_ctypes = sharedctypes.RawArray(np_type_to_ctype[dtype],
                                       numel * (1 + iscomplex))
    np_arr = np.frombuffer(arr_ctypes, dtype=dtype, count=numel)
    np_arr.shape = shape

    return np_arr
Beispiel #2
def make_array(shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float32, shared=False, fill_val=None):
    np_type_to_ctype = {
        np.float32: ctypes.c_float,
        np.float64: ctypes.c_double,
        np.bool: ctypes.c_bool,
        np.uint8: ctypes.c_ubyte,
        np.uint64: ctypes.c_ulonglong
    if not shared:
        np_arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
        numel =
        arr_ctypes = sharedctypes.RawArray(np_type_to_ctype[dtype], numel)
        np_arr = np.frombuffer(arr_ctypes, dtype=dtype, count=numel)
        np_arr.shape = shape

    if not fill_val is None:
        np_arr[...] = fill_val

    return np_arr
Beispiel #3
def call_obliq_BY_fig2(body, incl, phi_prec):
    phi0 = 0
    nphi_Sun = 36  # number of solar positions
    nphi = 36  # number of spin positions
    nobliq = 60  # number of obliquities
    dobliq = np.pi / nobliq
    #tau_l_arr = np.zeros(nobliq)  # to store torques
    o_arr = np.zeros(nobliq)

    tau_l_arr = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros((60)))
    shared_array_tau = sharedctypes.RawArray(tau_l_arr._type_, tau_l_arr)
    for i in range(nobliq):
        obliquity = i * dobliq
        o_arr[i] = obliquity * 180 / np.pi

    for i in range(nobliq):
        obliquity = i * dobliq
        tau_BY_x, tau_BY_y, tau_BY_z, tau_l = compute_BY(
            body, obliquity, nphi, nphi_Sun, incl, phi0, phi_prec)
        tau_l_arr[i] = tau_l
    return o_arr, tau_l_arr
Beispiel #4
 def evaluate(self):
     Evaluate the sys
     # acceleration
     global data
     # initialisation of accelerations
     tmp = ctypeslib.as_ctypes(zeros((len(self.bodies), 3)))
     data = sharedctypes.RawArray(tmp._type_, tmp)
     with Pool(processes=min(self.ncpus, len(self.bodies) - 1)) as p:, range(len(self.bodies)))
     self.acc = ctypeslib.as_array(data)
     data = None  # Reset data shared array
     # Equilibrium
     self.Ek = self.kinetic_energy()
     #  self.Ep = self.potential_energy()
     self.C = self.mass_center()
    def _create_examples(self):
        # Creates data if not yet created
        corpus = Corpus(self.data_path)

        name = 'valid' if self.data_type == self.Validation_Data else self.data_type
        data = getattr(corpus, name)

        # Make a shared array, read only access so no need to lock
        self.data_ctypes = sharedctypes.RawArray('f', data)'Create info objects for the files')

        # For validation and test we only have one example
        # For training we create multiple examples such that different parts of the file will be used in one
        # mini-batch
        number_of_examples = 128 if self.data_type == BaseDataReader.Train_Data else 1
        self.examples.append([self.ExampleInfo(example_id=i, data_ctypes=self.data_ctypes,
                                               offset_size=self.offset_size, random_mode=self.random_mode)
                              for i in range(number_of_examples)])

        # CV Not implemented for now for this dataset
        logger.warning('For WikiText dataset separate validation set is provided, '
                       'currently cv_n and cv_k settings have no effect!')
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, max_workers=None, const_args=[], shared_np_arrs=[]):
        self._const_args = const_args
        shared_arrays_ctype = []
        shared_arrays_np = []

        # TODO do not create copy of shared array, if it already has a suitable
        # data structure
        for arr in shared_np_arrs:
            dtype = arr.dtype
            arrShared = np.empty(arr.size * dtype.itemsize, np.int8)
            arrShared = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(arrShared)
            ctypes_arr = sharedctypes.RawArray(arrShared._type_, arrShared)
            shared_arrays_ctype.append((ctypes_arr, arr.dtype, arr.shape))
            view = np.ctypeslib.as_array(ctypes_arr).view(arr.dtype).reshape(
            view[:] = arr
        self._shared_arrays_np = shared_arrays_np
        self._shared_arrays = shared_arrays_ctype
Beispiel #7
def numpy_sweep(start_frequency=20.0,
                interval=(0, 1.0),
    """A pure NumPy implementation of the LinearSweep for benchmarking.
    See the LinearSweep class for documentation of the parameters.
    # allocate shared memory for the channels
    array = sharedctypes.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, length)
    channels = numpy.frombuffer(array, dtype=numpy.float64).reshape(
        (1, length))
    # compute some parameters
    start, stop = sumpf_internal.index(interval, length)
    sweep_offset = start / sampling_rate
    sweep_length = stop - start
    T = sweep_length / sampling_rate
    k = (stop_frequency - start_frequency) / T
    a = 2.0 * math.pi * start_frequency
    b = math.pi * k
    t = numpy.linspace(-sweep_offset,
                       (length - 1) / sampling_rate - sweep_offset,
                       length)  # the time values for the samples
    # generate the sweep
    array = t * t
    array *= b
    array += a * t
    array += phase
    numpy.sin(array, out=channels[0, :])
    # fake store some additional values, because these values are actually stored in the constructor of the sweep
    _ = start_frequency + k * (-sweep_offset / T)  # noqa: F841
    _ = start_frequency + k * ((T - sweep_offset) / T)  # noqa: F841
    return sumpf.Signal(channels=channels,
                        labels=("Sweep", ))
Beispiel #8
def numpy_sweep(start_frequency=20.0,
                interval=(0, 1.0),
    """A pure NumPy implementation of the ExponentialSweep for benchmarking.
    See the ExponentialSweep class for documentation of the parameters.
    # allocate shared memory for the channels
    array = sharedctypes.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, length)
    channels = numpy.frombuffer(array, dtype=numpy.float64).reshape(
        (1, length))
    # generate the sweep
    start, stop = sumpf_internal.index(interval, length)
    sweep_offset = float(start / sampling_rate)
    sweep_duration = (stop - start) / sampling_rate
    frequency_ratio = stop_frequency / start_frequency
    l = sweep_duration / math.log(frequency_ratio)
    a = 2.0 * math.pi * start_frequency * l
    t = numpy.linspace(-sweep_offset,
                       (length - 1) / sampling_rate - sweep_offset, length)
    array = t
    array /= l
    numpy.expm1(array, out=array)
    array *= a
    array += phase
    numpy.sin(array, out=channels[0, :])
    # fake store some additional values, because these values are actually stored in the constructor of the sweep
    _ = start_frequency * frequency_ratio**(-sweep_offset / sweep_duration
                                            )  # noqa: F841
    _ = start_frequency * frequency_ratio**(
        (sweep_duration - sweep_offset) / sweep_duration)  # noqa: F841
    return sumpf.Signal(channels=channels,
                        labels=("Sweep", ))
Beispiel #9
def create(shape, dtype='d'):
    '''Create an uninitialised shared array. Avoid object arrays, as these
    will almost certainly break as the objects themselves won't be stored in shared
    memory, only the pointers'''
    shape = numpy.atleast_1d(shape).astype('i')

    #we're going to use a flat ctypes array
    N =

    dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)

    #if the dtype's relatively simple create the corresponding ctypes array
    #otherwise create a suitably sized byte array
    dt = dtype.char

    if not dt in sharedctypes.typecode_to_type.keys():
        dt = 'b'
        N *= dtype.itemsize

    a = sharedctypes.RawArray(dt, N)

    sa = shmarray(a, shape, dtype)

    return sa
 def _allocate_shared_memory(self):
     if self.measure_required():
         self.mem_bulk = None
         self.mem_bulk = \
             sharedctypes.RawArray('b', self.batch_size * self.mem_size)
Beispiel #11
river = ([flatten for inner in river for flatten in inner])
pname = ([flatten for inner in pname for flatten in inner])
xlist = ([flatten for inner in xlist for flatten in inner])
ylist = ([flatten for inner in ylist for flatten in inner])
EGM08 = ([flatten for inner in EGM08 for flatten in inner])
EGM96 = ([flatten for inner in EGM96 for flatten in inner])
pnum = len(pname)
pnum = len(pname)
opn = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros([N, pm.ens_mem(), pnum], np.float32))
shared_array_opn = sharedctypes.RawArray(opn._type_, opn)
asm = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros([N, pm.ens_mem(), pnum], np.float32))
shared_array_asm = sharedctypes.RawArray(asm._type_, asm)
# for parallel calcualtion
inputlist = []
for day in np.arange(start, last):
    target_dt = start_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=day)
    yyyy = '%04d' % (target_dt.year)
    mm = '%02d' % (target_dt.month)
    dd = '%02d' % (
    for num in np.arange(1, pm.ens_mem() + 1):
        numch = '%03d' % num
        inputlist.append([yyyy, mm, dd, numch])
        #print (yyyy,mm,dd,numch)

Beispiel #12
"""Demo of shared c-types with numpy"""

import multiprocessing as mp

from multiprocessing import sharedctypes
from numpy import ctypeslib

def fill_array(arr, value):

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Create an array of integers on c-level
    raw_array = sharedctypes.RawArray('i', 4)

    # Convert the raw array into a numpy c-object
    array = ctypeslib.as_array(raw_array)

    # Reshape in-place
    array.shape = (2, 2)

    # Create two processes which write on different rows of `array`
    process1 = mp.Process(target=fill_array, args=(array[0, :], 5))
    process2 = mp.Process(target=fill_array, args=(array[1, :], 7))

    # Start both processes and wait for them to finish
Beispiel #13
    vector = np.random.rand(N).astype(np.float64)

    # Initial solution: all zeros
    x_calc = np.zeros(vector.shape, dtype=np.float64)
    # x_true = np.linalg.solve(matrix, vector)

    start_time = time.time()

    # Prepare cofficients
    diag_coefs = np.diagonal(matrix)
    for i in range(N):
        matrix[i] = matrix[i] / diag_coefs[i] * -1
    matrix[np.diag_indices(N, 2)] = vector / diag_coefs

    # Prepare to share among processes
    sc_matrix = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', matrix.reshape(-1))
    sc_vector = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', vector.reshape(-1))
    sc_x_calc = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', x_calc.reshape(-1))

    processes = []
    for proc_id in range(PROC_COUNT):
        worker_args = (sc_matrix, sc_vector, sc_x_calc, proc_id)
        process = Process(target=worker_func, args=worker_args)

    for process in processes:

    end_time = time.time()
    duration = end_time - start_time
# Carga de los datos originales
data = np.load('trj_displacement.npy')  #np.load(str(sys.argv[1]))
data = get_norm(data)
nframes = data.shape[0]  # Número de frames o conformaciones
natoms = data.shape[1]  # Número de átomos


# Arguments of get_norm
list_of_pairs = [(N, M) for N in range(natoms) for M in range(N)]

# Initialize the correlation matrix
corr_matrix = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros((natoms, natoms)))

# Define interable to apply parallel function over norm_data
shared_array = sharedctypes.RawArray(corr_matrix._type_, corr_matrix)

# Apply parallel map of the function in the given array
p2 = multiprocessing.Pool(), list_of_pairs)

# Return the map into a n dimensional array
corr_matrix = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)


#Aplicamos el coeficiente de correlación generalizado
knn = corr_matrix
knn = (1. - np.exp(-2. * corr_matrix))**0.5

# Guardamos la matriz resultante en un archivo .npy
Beispiel #15
if not os.path.exists(args.output):

OUTPUT = args.output
THREADS = args.threads
BLOCK_SIZE = args.block_size

s = parse_mcl_dump_file(args.mcl_dump)
t = load_gene_map(args.gene_map)
u = add_pc_labels(s, t)
PC_DF = create_composition_mtx(u, presence_absence=True)
pc_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros((PC_DF.shape[0], PC_DF.shape[0])))
hyper_result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(
    np.zeros((PC_DF.shape[0], PC_DF.shape[0])))
SHARED_PC_ARRAY = sharedctypes.RawArray(pc_result._type_, pc_result)
SHARED_HYPER_ARRAY = sharedctypes.RawArray(hyper_result._type_, hyper_result)

SHARED_MTX = calculate_shared_matrix()

PC_COUNTS = PC_DF.sum(axis=1)

hypergeometric_df = calculate_hypergeometric_survival()
hypergeometric_df.to_csv('%s/hypergeometric.survival.txt' % OUTPUT, sep='\t')

df = hypergeometric_df.where(
hypergeometric_df = pd.read_csv('%s/hypergeometric.survival.txt' % OUTPUT,
df = df.stack()
df.to_csv('%s/hypergeometric.survival.long.txt' % OUTPUT, sep='\t')
    full_rmsd = np.zeros((n_nitrogen, n_oxygen))
    S = full_rmsd

    print "Scanning", n_total, " energies", "using", WORKERS, 'cpu\'s'

    # for i in xrange(n_nitrogen):
    #     for j in xrange(n_oxygen):

    # TODO
    from multiprocessing import sharedctypes
    size = S.size
    shape = S.shape
    S.shape = size
    S_ctypes = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', S)
    S = np.frombuffer(S_ctypes, dtype=np.float64, count=size)
    S.shape = shape

    from numpy import ctypeslib

    def worker(id, job):
        """ worker function for MP """

        S = ctypeslib.as_array(S_ctypes)
        S.shape = shape

        for i in job:
            for j in xrange(n_oxygen):

                N = scan_nitrogen[i]
Beispiel #17
    def __init__(self,
        source: class 
            lower-level class for interacting directly with the incoming data (e.g., plexnet)
        bufferlen: int
            Constrains the maximum amount of data history stored by the source
        name: string, optional, default=None
            Name of the sink, i.e., HDF table. If one is not provided, it will be inferred based
            on the name of the source module
        send_data_to_sink_manager: boolean, optional, default=False
            Flag to indicate whether data should be saved to a sink (e.g., HDF file)            
        kwargs: dict, optional, default = {}
            For the multi-channel data source, you MUST specify a 'channels' keyword argument
            Note that kwargs['channels'] does not need to a list of integers,
            it can also be a list of strings.

        super(MultiChanDataSource, self).__init__()
        if name is not None:
   = name
   = source.__module__.split('.')[-1]
        self.filter = None
        self.source = source
        self.source_kwargs = kwargs
        self.bufferlen = bufferlen
        self.max_len = int(bufferlen * self.source.update_freq)
        self.channels = kwargs['channels']
        self.chan_to_row = dict()
        for row, chan in enumerate(self.channels):
            self.chan_to_row[chan] = row

        self.n_chan = len(self.channels)
        dtype = self.source.dtype  # e.g., np.dtype('float') for LFP
        self.slice_size = dtype.itemsize
        self.idxs = shm.RawArray('l', self.n_chan)
        self.last_read_idxs = np.zeros(self.n_chan)
        rawarray = shm.RawArray('c',
                                self.n_chan * self.max_len * self.slice_size) = np.frombuffer(rawarray, dtype).reshape(
            (self.n_chan, self.max_len))

        #self.fo2 = open('/storage/rawdata/test_rda_get.txt','w')
        #self.fo3 = open('/storage/rawdata/test_rda_run.txt','w')

        self.lock = mp.Lock()
        self.pipe, self._pipe = mp.Pipe()
        self.cmd_event = mp.Event()
        self.status = mp.Value('b', 1) = mp.Event()
        self.data_has_arrived = mp.Value('b', 0)

        self.methods = set(n for n in dir(source)
                           if inspect.ismethod(getattr(source, n)))

        self.send_data_to_sink_manager = send_data_to_sink_manager
        if self.send_data_to_sink_manager:
            self.send_to_sinks_dtype = np.dtype([
                ('chan' + str(chan), dtype) for chan in kwargs['channels']
            self.next_send_idx = mp.Value('l', 0)
            self.wrap_flags = shm.RawArray(
                'b', self.n_chan)  # zeros/Falses by default
            self.supp_hdf_file = kwargs['supp_file']
Beispiel #18
    def fit(self, X, y, num_samples, num_features, loss_per_epoch=10):
        p = self.params

        if self.w is None:
            self.w = np.random.normal(0, INIT_WEIGHT_STD, size=(num_features,))

        def worker_fit(id_w, num_workers, X_w, y_w, weights_w, shape, indices, counter, start_barrier, params_w):
            assert params_w.regularizer is not None
            # reconstruct numpy shared array
            num_samples, num_features = shape
            weights_w = ctypeslib.as_array(weights_w)
            weights_w.shape = (num_features,)

            if not isspmatrix(X_w):
                X_w = ctypeslib.as_array(X_w)
                X_w.shape = (num_samples, num_features)
                y_w = ctypeslib.as_array(y_w)
                y_w.shape = (num_samples,)

            memory = GradientMemory(take_k=params_w.take_k, take_top=params_w.take_top,

            while True:
                with counter.get_lock():
                    idx = counter.value
                    counter.value += 1

                if idx >= num_samples * params_w.num_epoch:

                sample_idx = indices[idx]
                epoch = idx // num_samples
                iteration = idx % num_samples
                lr =, iteration, num_samples, num_features)

                x = X_w[sample_idx]

                if isspmatrix(x):
                    minus_grad = -1. * params_w.regularizer * weights_w
                    sparse_minus_grad = y[sample_idx] * x * sigmoid(-y[sample_idx] *
                    minus_grad[sparse_minus_grad.indices] +=

                    minus_grad = y[sample_idx] * x * sigmoid(-y[sample_idx] *
                    minus_grad -= params_w.regularizer * weights_w

                sparse = params_w.take_k and (params_w.take_k < num_features)
                lr_minus_grad = memory(lr * minus_grad, sparse=sparse)

                if sparse:
                    weights_w[lr_minus_grad[0]] += lr_minus_grad[1]
                    weights_w += lr_minus_grad

        with mp.Manager() as manager:
            counter = mp.Value('i', 0)
            start_barrier = manager.Barrier(p.n_cores + 1)  # wait all worker and the monitor to be ready

            indices = np.zeros((p.num_epoch, num_samples), dtype=int)
            for i in range(p.num_epoch):
                indices[i] = np.arange(num_samples)
            indices = indices.flatten()

            weights_w = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', self.w)
            self.w = ctypeslib.as_array(weights_w)
            self.w.shape = (num_features,)

            if isspmatrix(X):
                X_w = X
                y_w = y
                X_w = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', np.ravel(X))
                y_w = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', y)

            processes = [mp.Process(target=worker_fit,
                                        i, p.n_cores, X_w, y_w, weights_w, X.shape, indices, counter, start_barrier,
                         for i in range(p.n_cores)]

            for p in processes:

            # monitor the progress
            print_every = num_samples // loss_per_epoch
            next_print = 0

            # loss computing on another thread through the queue
            stop = manager.Value('b', False)
            w_queue = mp.Queue()
            results = manager.dict()

            def loss_computer(q, regularizer, res, stop):  # should be stoppable
                print('start loss computer')
                losses = []
                iters = []
                timers = []

                while not q.empty() or not stop.value:
                        epoch, iter_, total_iter, chrono, w = q.get(block=True, timeout=1)
                    except queue.Empty:
                        # print('empty queue')
                    # print('dequeue', epoch, iter_)

                    loss = np.sum(np.log(1 + np.exp(-y * (X @ w)))) / X.shape[0]
                    if regularizer is not None:
                        loss += regularizer * np.square(w).sum() / 2


                    print("epoch {} iteration {} loss {} time {}s".format(epoch, iter_, loss, chrono))

                res['losses'] = np.array(losses)
                res['iters'] = np.array(iters)
                res['timers'] = np.array(timers)

            start_time = time.time()

            loss_computer = mp.Process(target=loss_computer, args=(w_queue, self.params.regularizer, results, stop))

            while counter.value < self.params.num_epoch * num_samples:
                if counter.value > next_print:
                    w_copy = (self.w_estimate if self.w_estimate is not None else self.w).copy()
                    epoch = next_print // num_samples
                    iter_ = next_print % num_samples
                    chrono = time.time() - start_time

                    w_queue.put((epoch, iter_, next_print, chrono, w_copy))
                    # print('enqueue', epoch, iter_)

                    next_print += print_every

            stop.value = True  # stop the loss computer
            for i, p in enumerate(processes):


            return results['iters'], results['timers'], results['losses']
x = np.logspace(-2, 1.1, l)

y = 5.1
z = 5.1


Tgrid, xgrid = np.meshgrid(T,y)
err = np.zeros([l,l])

size = l
block_size = 5

result = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros((size, size)))
shared_array = sharedctypes.RawArray(result._type_, result)

def fill_per_window(args):
    window_x, window_y = args
    tmp = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)
    start = time()
    print('Block started:',args)
    for idx_x in range(window_x, window_x + block_size):
        for idx_y in range(window_y, window_y + block_size):
            tmp[idx_x, idx_y] = Fisher_ns(T[idx_y],x[idx_x],y, z, estimate='spec')
    end = time()
    print('Block completed:',args)
    print('Time taken:', end-start)

window_idxs = [(i, j) for i, j in
Beispiel #20
    def fit_until(self, X, y, num_samples, num_features, baseline=None):
        # num_samples, num_features = X.shape
        p = self.params

        if self.w is None:
            self.w = np.random.normal(0, INIT_WEIGHT_STD, size=(num_features,))

        def worker_fit(id_w, num_workers, X_w, y_w, weights_w, shape, indices, results, params_w, stopper):
            # reconstruct numpy shared array
            num_samples, num_features = shape
            weights_w = ctypeslib.as_array(weights_w)
            weights_w.shape = (num_features,)

            if not isspmatrix(X_w):
                X_w = ctypeslib.as_array(X_w)
                X_w.shape = (num_samples, num_features)
                y_w = ctypeslib.as_array(y_w)
                y_w.shape = (num_samples,)

            memory = GradientMemory(take_k=params_w.take_k, take_top=params_w.take_top,

            if id_w == 0:
                losses = np.zeros(params_w.num_epoch * LOSS_PER_EPOCH + 1)
                losses[0] = self.loss(X, y)
                start_time = time.time()
                last_printed = 0

            loss_every = num_samples // LOSS_PER_EPOCH

            for epoch in range(params_w.num_epoch):
                for iteration in range(id_w, num_samples, num_workers):
                    # worker 0 gave stop signal, reached accuracy
                    if stopper.value:
                    sample_idx = indices[epoch][iteration]

                    lr =, iteration, num_samples, num_features)

                    x = X_w[sample_idx]

                    if isspmatrix(x):
                        x = np.array(x.todense()).squeeze(0)
                    minus_grad = y[sample_idx] * x * sigmoid(-y[sample_idx] *, self.w))
                    # minus_grad = - x * (pred_proba - y_w[sample_idx])
                    if params_w.regularizer:
                        minus_grad -= 2 * params_w.regularizer * weights_w

                    sparse = params_w.take_k and (params_w.take_k < num_features)
                    # next_real -= 1
                    lr_minus_grad = memory(lr * minus_grad, sparse=sparse)  # , no_apply=(next_real != 0))
                    # if next_real == 0:
                    #     next_real = params_w.real_update_every

                    if sparse:
                        weights_w[lr_minus_grad[0]] += lr_minus_grad[1]
                        weights_w += lr_minus_grad

                    if id_w == 0 and num_samples * epoch + iteration - last_printed >= loss_every:
                        last_printed = num_samples * epoch + iteration
                        timing = time.time() - start_time
                        loss = self.loss(X, y)
                        losses[epoch * LOSS_PER_EPOCH + (iteration // loss_every) + 1] = loss
                        print("epoch {} iter {} loss {} time {}s".format(
                            epoch, iteration, loss, timing))

                        if baseline and loss <= baseline:
                            stopper.value = True
                            results['epoch'] = epoch
                            results['losses'] = losses
                            results['iteration'] = iteration
                            results['timing'] = timing

            # if failed to converge...
            if id_w == 0:
                results['epoch'] = epoch
                results['losses'] = losses
                results['iteration'] = iteration
                results['timing'] = time.time() - start_time

        with mp.Manager() as manager:
            results = manager.dict()
            stopper = manager.Value('b', False)

            indices = np.zeros((p.num_epoch, num_samples), dtype=int)
            for i in range(p.num_epoch):
                indices[i] = np.arange(num_samples)

            weights_w = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', self.w)
            self.w = ctypeslib.as_array(weights_w)
            self.w.shape = (num_features,)

            if isspmatrix(X):
                X_w = X
                y_w = y
                X_w = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', np.ravel(X))
                y_w = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', y)

            processes = [mp.Process(target=worker_fit,
                                        i, p.n_cores, X_w, y_w, weights_w, X.shape, indices, results, self.params,
                         for i in range(p.n_cores)]

            for p in processes:
            for i, p in enumerate(processes):

            return results['timing'], results['epoch'], results['iteration'], results['losses']
Beispiel #21
def main():
    # Set global variables (to be used in SMART)
    global p, A, normA, shared_array

    # Load Shepp-Logan phantom
    phantom = loadmat('phantom.mat')['phantom256']
    size = phantom.shape[0]

    # Define number of cameras
    numViews = 10

    # Create geometries and projector
    proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel', 1.0, size,
                                       np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, numViews))
    vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(size, size)
    proj_id = astra.create_projector('linear', proj_geom, vol_geom)
    matrix_id = astra.projector.matrix(proj_id)

    # Retrieve phantom system matrix as a compressed sparse row array
    A = astra.matrix.get(matrix_id)

    # create forward projection
    [sinogram_id, sinogram] = astra.create_sino(phantom, proj_id)

    # Setup the projection matrix as an opTomo object
    W = astra.optomo.OpTomo(proj_id)

    # Get the squared L2-norm of the projection matrix
    normA = np.asarray(A.multiply(A).sum(axis=1)).squeeze()

    # Prepare the projections into a ravelled array
    p = sinogram.ravel()

    # Number of rays per projection
    raysPerProj = len(p) // numViews

    # Get the indices of all the valid voxels using MLOS
    vInit, validVoxels = MLOS(numViews, p, raysPerProj, A)
    print('Elapsed time (MLOS): {0} s'.format(time.thread_time()))

    # Setup objects for parallelization
    v_recon = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(vInit.ravel())
    shared_array = sharedctypes.RawArray(v_recon._type_, v_recon)

    # Setup a process pool
    #prc = mp.Process(target=SMART, args=(validVoxels, shared_array))

    # Setup up pool and run processing
    #p = mp.Pool()
    #res =, validVoxels[np.newaxis, :].T)
    SMART2(validVoxels[np.newaxis, :].T)
    v_recon = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)
    print('Elapsed time (SMART): {0} s'.format(time.thread_time()))

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 8))
    ax2.imshow(v_recon.reshape(size, size))
Beispiel #22
def _mk_RawArray(shape, dtype):
    size = six.moves.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, shape, 1)

    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

    return sharedctypes.RawArray('B', size * dtype.itemsize)
Beispiel #23
            arr = ds_ann_max.values.copy()
            good_index = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: (x == 0).all(),
            idx = np.where(good_index == True)
            bad_idx = list(zip(*idx))

            # run in parallel
            indexes = list(np.ndindex(arr.shape[-2:]))

            # make the output arrays?
            rows, cols = arr.shape[1:]
            out = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(
                np.zeros((len(lmom_list), rows, cols), dtype=np.float))

            out_shared = sharedctypes.RawArray(out._type_, out)

            p = mp.Pool(ncpus)
  , indexes)

            # bring these c-types arrays back to numpy arrays.
            out = np.ctypeslib.as_array(out_shared).astype(np.float32)

            # update the np.nans to something more useable and SNAP-ish
            out[np.isnan(out)] = -9999
            out_data = out_data + [out]

        new_arr = np.array(out_data)
Beispiel #24
def generate_signal(d, A, amp_max, cc_multi):

    start_signal_generation = time_lib.clock()

    print(d["Signal_type"], " with repetition rate ", d["freq"], " Hz and ",
          np.round(d["T"] * 1000, 8), " ms pulse width")
    Sim_time = 1.0 / d["freq"]  # always one pulse per simulation
    freq_max = d["freq"] * Sim_time / d["t_step"]
    print("Max frequency in the spectrum: ", freq_max / 2.0, "\n")

    FR_vector_signal = np.arange(0.0, freq_max, d["freq"])
    n_time_max = int(Sim_time / d["t_step"])
    t = [d["t_step"] * x for x in range(n_time_max)]

    # to generate the signal with its analytical formulation (by Trieu)
    II = np.pi
    phi = d["phi"]  # signal shift in sec
    w0 = 2 * II * d["freq"]
    pw = d["T"]  #pulse width
    Nmax = FR_vector_signal.shape[0]

    #signal_out = []
    #Hf_signal = []

    signal_out = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(np.zeros(len(t), float))
    global shared_array
    shared_array = sharedctypes.RawArray(signal_out._type_, signal_out)

    Hf_signal = np.complex(0, 0) * np.zeros(Nmax - 1, float)

    for k in range(1, Nmax):
        if (d["Signal_type"] == 'Increasing Ramp'):  # Ascending Ramp
            Hf_zero = A * pw / 2 / Sim_time  # Hf1 at k=0
            #Hf1 = 2*A/(Sim_time*pw)*(pw*np.exp(1j*w0*k*pw)/(1j*w0*k) + (np.exp(1j*w0*k*pw)-1)/(w0*k)**2)
            Hf_signal[k - 1] = 2 * A / (Sim_time *
                                        pw) * (pw * np.exp(1j * w0 * k * pw) /
                                               (1j * w0 * k) +
                                               (np.exp(1j * w0 * k * pw) - 1) /
                                               (w0 * k)**2)
        elif (d["Signal_type"] == 'Decreasing Ramp'):  # Descending Ramp
            Hf_zero = A * pw / 2 / Sim_time  # Hf2 at k=0
            #Hf2 = -2*A/(Sim_time*pw)*(pw/(1j*w0*k) + (np.exp(1j*w0*k*pw)-1)/(w0*k)**2)
            Hf_signal[k -
                      1] = -2 * A / (Sim_time *
                                     pw) * (pw / (1j * w0 * k) +
                                            (np.exp(1j * w0 * k * pw) - 1) /
                                            (w0 * k)**2)
        elif (d["Signal_type"] == 'Central Triangle'):  # Central Triangular
            Hf_zero = A * pw / 2 / Sim_time  # Hf3 at k=0
            #Hf3 = 4*A/(Sim_time*pw)*(( 2*np.exp(1j*w0*k*pw/2) - np.exp(1j*w0*k*pw)-1 )/(w0*k)**2)
            Hf_signal[k - 1] = 4 * A / (Sim_time * pw) * (
                (2 * np.exp(1j * w0 * k * pw / 2) - np.exp(1j * w0 * k * pw) -
                 1) / (w0 * k)**2)
        elif (d["Signal_type"] == 'Rectangle'):  # Rectangular
            Hf_zero = A * pw / Sim_time  # Hf4 at k=0
            #Hf4 = 2*A/(Sim_time*1j*w0*k)*( np.exp(1j*w0*k*pw) -1 )
            Hf_signal[k - 1] = 2 * A / (Sim_time * 1j * w0 *
                                        k) * (np.exp(1j * w0 * k * pw) - 1)

    p = Pool()
    time_ind = np.arange(len(t))
    res =
        partial(get_vector_in_time, Hf_zero, Hf_signal, w0, Nmax, phi,
                d["t_step"], n_time_max), time_ind)
    signal_out = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)

    del Hf_signal
    signal_out_real = signal_out.real

    ## to construct the signal manually (quick approach but the signal is almost "untruncatable")

    if d["current_control"] == 1 and cc_multi == False:
        plt.plot(t, signal_out_real)
        signal_out_scaled = [i * amp_max for i in signal_out_real]
        plt.plot(t, signal_out_scaled)
    plt.xlim(0.000, d["T"] * 5)
    plt.xlabel('t, sec')
    plt.ylabel('Signal amplitude (A or V)')
    plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0))
    plt.savefig(os.environ['PATIENTDIR'] + '/Images/Signal.png',
    t = np.asarray(t)

    # get a Fourier transformation of the signal with np.fft.fft and recover to check with np.fft.ifft
    Fr_vect, Xs_vect = numpy_analog_digit_converter(t, signal_out_real,


    # these take time to generate

    # plt.figure(11)
    # plt.stem(Fr_vect, np.real(Xs_vect), markerfmt=" ")
    # plt.xscale("log")
    # plt.xlabel('Frequency, Hz')
    # plt.ylabel('Real part')
    # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0))
    # plt.savefig('Images/FT_real.png', format='png', dpi=1000)

    # plt.figure(12)
    # plt.stem(Fr_vect, np.imag(Xs_vect), markerfmt=" ")
    # plt.xscale("log")
    # plt.xlabel('Frequency, Hz')
    # plt.ylabel('Imaginary part')
    # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0))
    # plt.savefig('Images/FT_imag.png', format='png', dpi=1000)

    # '''Maybe we want to use less freq'''
    # plt.figure(111342)
    # plt.stem(Fr_vect, np.absolute(Xs_vect), markerfmt=" ",linefmt='C0',basefmt="C0-")
    # plt.xscale("log")
    # plt.xlabel('Frequency, Hz')
    # plt.ylabel('Amplitude')
    # plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0))
    # plt.savefig('Images/FT_full_ampl.eps', format='eps', dpi=1000)

    minutes = int((time_lib.clock() - start_signal_generation) / 60)
    secnds = int(time_lib.clock() - start_signal_generation) - minutes * 60
    print("----- Signal generation took ", minutes, " min ", secnds,
          " s -----")

    return t, signal_out_real, Xs_vect, Fr_vect
Beispiel #25
def overlap(cibra, ciket, nmo, nocc, s=None):
    '''Overlap between two CISD wavefunctions.

        s : 2D array
            The overlap matrix of non-orthogonal one-particle basis
    if s is None:
        return dot(cibra, ciket, nmo, nocc)

    DEBUG = True

    nvir = nmo - nocc
    nov = nocc * nvir
    bra0, bra1, bra2 = cisdvec_to_amplitudes(cibra, nmo, nocc)
    ket0, ket1, ket2 = cisdvec_to_amplitudes(ciket, nmo, nocc)

    # Sort the ket orbitals to make the orbitals in bra one-one mapt to orbitals
    # in ket.
    if ((not DEBUG) and abs(numpy.linalg.det(s[:nocc, :nocc]) - 1) < 1e-2
            and abs(numpy.linalg.det(s[nocc:, nocc:]) - 1) < 1e-2):
        ket_orb_idx = numpy.where(abs(s) > 0.9)[1]
        s = s[:, ket_orb_idx]
        oidx = ket_orb_idx[:nocc]
        vidx = ket_orb_idx[nocc:] - nocc
        ket1 = ket1[oidx[:, None], vidx]
        ket2 = ket2[oidx[:, None, None, None], oidx[:, None, None],
                    vidx[:, None], vidx]

    ooidx = numpy.tril_indices(nocc, -1)
    vvidx = numpy.tril_indices(nvir, -1)
    bra2aa = bra2 - bra2.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
    bra2aa = lib.take_2d(bra2aa.reshape(nocc**2,
                                        nvir**2), ooidx[0] * nocc + ooidx[1],
                         vvidx[0] * nvir + vvidx[1])
    ket2aa = ket2 - ket2.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
    ket2aa = lib.take_2d(ket2aa.reshape(nocc**2,
                                        nvir**2), ooidx[0] * nocc + ooidx[1],
                         vvidx[0] * nvir + vvidx[1])

    occlist0 = numpy.arange(nocc).reshape(1, nocc)
    occlists = numpy.repeat(occlist0, 1 + nov + bra2aa.size, axis=0)
    occlist0 = occlists[:1]
    occlist1 = occlists[1:1 + nov]
    occlist2 = occlists[1 + nov:]

    ia = 0
    for i in range(nocc):
        for a in range(nocc, nmo):
            occlist1[ia, i] = a
            ia += 1

    ia = 0
    for i in range(nocc):
        for j in range(i):
            for a in range(nocc, nmo):
                for b in range(nocc, a):
                    occlist2[ia, i] = a
                    occlist2[ia, j] = b
                    ia += 1

    na = len(occlists)
    if DEBUG:
        trans = numpy.empty((na, na))
        for i, idx in enumerate(occlists):
            s_sub = s[idx].T.copy()
            minors = s_sub[occlists]
            trans[i, :] = numpy.linalg.det(minors)

        # Mimic the transformation einsum('ab,ap->pb', FCI, trans).
        # The wavefunction FCI has the [excitation_alpha,excitation_beta]
        # representation.  The zero blocks like FCI[S_alpha,D_beta],
        # FCI[D_alpha,D_beta], are explicitly excluded.
        bra_mat = numpy.zeros((na, na))
        bra_mat[0, 0] = bra0
        bra_mat[0, 1:1 + nov] = bra_mat[1:1 + nov, 0] = bra1.ravel()
        bra_mat[0, 1 + nov:] = bra_mat[1 + nov:, 0] = bra2aa.ravel()
        bra_mat[1:1 + nov, 1:1 + nov] = bra2.transpose(0, 2, 1,
                                                       3).reshape(nov, nov)
        ket_mat = numpy.zeros((na, na))
        ket_mat[0, 0] = ket0
        ket_mat[0, 1:1 + nov] = ket_mat[1:1 + nov, 0] = ket1.ravel()
        ket_mat[0, 1 + nov:] = ket_mat[1 + nov:, 0] = ket2aa.ravel()
        ket_mat[1:1 + nov, 1:1 + nov] = ket2.transpose(0, 2, 1,
                                                       3).reshape(nov, nov)
        ovlp = lib.einsum('ab,ap,bq,pq->', bra_mat, trans, trans, ket_mat)

        nov1 = 1 + nov
        noovv = bra2aa.size
        bra_SS = numpy.zeros((nov1, nov1))
        bra_SS[0, 0] = bra0
        bra_SS[0, 1:] = bra_SS[1:, 0] = bra1.ravel()
        bra_SS[1:, 1:] = bra2.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(nov, nov)
        ket_SS = numpy.zeros((nov1, nov1))
        ket_SS[0, 0] = ket0
        ket_SS[0, 1:] = ket_SS[1:, 0] = ket1.ravel()
        ket_SS[1:, 1:] = ket2.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(nov, nov)

        trans_SS = numpy.empty((nov1, nov1))
        trans_SD = numpy.empty((nov1, noovv))
        trans_DS = numpy.empty((noovv, nov1))
        occlist01 = occlists[:nov1]
        for i, idx in enumerate(occlist01):
            s_sub = s[idx].T.copy()
            minors = s_sub[occlist01]
            trans_SS[i, :] = numpy.linalg.det(minors)

            minors = s_sub[occlist2]
            trans_SD[i, :] = numpy.linalg.det(minors)

            s_sub = s[:, idx].copy()
            minors = s_sub[occlist2]
            trans_DS[:, i] = numpy.linalg.det(minors)

        ovlp = lib.einsum('ab,ap,bq,pq->', bra_SS, trans_SS, trans_SS, ket_SS)
        ovlp += lib.einsum('ab,a ,bq, q->', bra_SS, trans_SS[:, 0], trans_SD,
        ovlp += lib.einsum('ab,ap,b ,p ->', bra_SS, trans_SD, trans_SS[:, 0],

        ovlp += lib.einsum(' b, p,bq,pq->', bra2aa.ravel(), trans_SS[0, :],
                           trans_DS, ket_SS)
        ovlp += lib.einsum(' b, p,b ,p ->', bra2aa.ravel(), trans_SD[0, :],
                           trans_DS[:, 0], ket2aa.ravel())

        ovlp += lib.einsum('a ,ap, q,pq->', bra2aa.ravel(), trans_DS,
                           trans_SS[0, :], ket_SS)
        ovlp += lib.einsum('a ,a , q, q->', bra2aa.ravel(), trans_DS[:, 0],
                           trans_SD[0, :], ket2aa.ravel())

        # FIXME: whether to approximate the overlap between double excitation coefficients
        if numpy.linalg.norm(bra2aa) * numpy.linalg.norm(ket2aa) < 1e-4:
            # Skip the overlap if coefficients of double excitation are small enough
        if (abs(numpy.linalg.det(s[:nocc, :nocc]) - 1) < 1e-2
                and abs(numpy.linalg.det(s[nocc:, nocc:]) - 1) < 1e-2):
            # If the overlap matrix close to identity enough, use the <D|D'> overlap
            # for orthogonal single-particle basis to approximate the overlap
            # for non-orthogonal basis.
            ovlp +=, ket2aa.ravel()) * trans_SS[0,
                                                                         0] * 2
            from multiprocessing import sharedctypes, Process
            buf_ctypes = sharedctypes.RawArray('d', noovv)
            trans_ket = numpy.ndarray(noovv, buffer=buf_ctypes)

            def trans_dot_ket(i0, i1):
                for i in range(i0, i1):
                    s_sub = s[occlist2[i]].T.copy()
                    minors = s_sub[occlist2]
                    trans_ket[i] = numpy.linalg.det(minors).dot(ket2aa.ravel())

            nproc = lib.num_threads()
            if nproc > 1:
                seg = (noovv + nproc - 1) // nproc
                ps = []
                for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, noovv, seg):
                    p = Process(target=trans_dot_ket, args=(i0, i1))
                [p.join() for p in ps]
                trans_dot_ket(0, noovv)

            ovlp +=, trans_ket) * trans_SS[0, 0] * 2

    return ovlp
from coreUtils import *
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import sharedctypes as sctypes
import ctypes as c

#Get a fairly large shared array
_Ashared = sctypes.RawArray(c.c_double,
                            10000000)  #ten millions values are about 40MB

def slicedInverseWorker(Ain, N, dim, nStart=0, nEnd=None):

    nEnd = nEnd if nEnd is not None else N
    if isinstance(Ain, np.ndarray):
        AinAsNp = Ain
        if len(Ain) == N * dim * dim:
            AinAsNp = np.frombuffer(Ain)
            AinAsNp = np.frombuffer(Ain)[:N * dim * dim]
        AinAsNp.resize(N, dim, dim)
    for n in range(nStart, nEnd):
        AinAsNp[n, :, :] = inv(AinAsNp[n, :, :],

    return 0

#slicedInverseWorkerInherit = lambda N,dim,nStart=0,nEnd=None : slicedInverseWorker(_Ashared,N,dim,nStart,nEnd)
def slicedInverseWorkerInherit(N, dim, nStart=0, nEnd=None):
Beispiel #27
    def __init__(self,
        if num_workers <= 0:
            num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - num_workers
        if num_workers <= 0:
            raise ValueError("at least one worker required")
        if buffer_size < num_workers:
            raise ValueError("at least one buffer slot required by worker")
        if shm_size > 0 and sys.version_info < (3, 8):
            raise NotImplementedError("shm support requires python>=3.8")
        if shm_size > 0 and platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy":
            raise NotImplementedError("shm support broken on PyPy")

        # allocate shared memory for zero-copy transfers from workers
        self.shm = sharedctypes.RawArray('B', shm_size)
        self.shm_slot_size = shm_size // buffer_size
        # shm slot are identified by their byte offset
        if shm_size > 0:
            self.free_shm_slots = {
                i * self.shm_slot_size
                for i in range(buffer_size)
            self.free_shm_slots = set()

        # initialize workers
        self.job_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
        self.result_pipes = []

        self.workers = []
        for _ in range(num_workers):
            rx, tx = multiprocessing.Pipe(duplex=False)

            worker = multiprocessing.Process(
                args=(seq, self.job_queue, self.shm, self.shm_slot_size, tx,
            old_sig_hdl = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, old_sig_hdl)


        # monitor workers
        self.worker_died = threading.Event()
        worker_monitor = threading.Thread(target=self.monitor_workers,

        # set cleanup hooks
        weakref.finalize(self, ProcessBacked.cleanup, self.job_queue,
                         self.workers, worker_monitor)
def slicedInversion(Ain, cpy=True, NnDim=None, returnNp=True):
    NnDim = Ain.shape[:2] if NnDim is None else NnDim
    doParallel = NnDim[0] * NnDim[1] > 1000

    if doParallel:
        if cpy:
            if isinstance(Ain, np.ndarray):
                Ain2 = Ain.copy()
                    Ain2 = sctypes.copy(Ain)
                    Ain2 = sctypes.copy(Ain.get_obj())
            Ain2 = Ain
        if isinstance(Ain, np.ndarray):
            Ain2 = Ain2.ravel()
        NperSlice = NnDim[1]**2
        slicePerLoop = 10000000 // NperSlice
        for k in range(NnDim[0] // slicePerLoop + 1):
            thisN = min(slicePerLoop, NnDim[0] - k * slicePerLoop)
            #copy the data
            _Ashared[:thisN *
                     NperSlice] = Ain2[k * slicePerLoop *
                                       NperSlice:(k * slicePerLoop + thisN) *
            #Distribute work
            indList = np.linspace(0, thisN, 5, dtype=np.int_)
            LL = lmap(lambda i: [thisN, NnDim[1], indList[i], indList[i + 1]],
            #Do the work
            multiProcWorkers.starmap(slicedInverseWorkerInherit, LL)
            #copy back
            Ain2[k * slicePerLoop * NperSlice:(k * slicePerLoop + thisN) *
                 NperSlice] = _Ashared[:thisN * NperSlice]
            if isinstance(Ain, np.ndarray) and (not cpy):
                #This is some extra work to keep consistency
                Atemp = np.frombuffer(_Ashared)[:thisN * NperSlice]
                Atemp.resize((thisN, NnDim[1], NnDim[1]))
                Ain[k * slicePerLoop:k * slicePerLoop + thisN, :, :] = Atemp
            #Done this loop
        if cpy:
                Ain2 = Ain.copy() if isinstance(
                    Ain, np.ndarray) else sctypes.copy(Ain)
            except AttributeError:
                Ain2 = sctypes.copy(Ain.get_obj)
            Ain2 = Ain

        slicedInverseWorker(Ain2, NnDim[0], NnDim[1])

    if returnNp and not isinstance(Ain2, np.ndarray):
            out = np.frombuffer(Ain2)
            out = np.frombuffer(Ain2.get_obj())
        out.resize((NnDim[0], NnDim[1], NnDim[1]))
    elif returnNp:
        out = Ain2
        out.resize((NnDim[0], NnDim[1], NnDim[1]))
    if not returnNp and isinstance(Ain2, np.ndarray):
        out = sctypes.RawArray(c.c_double, Ain2.size)
        out[:] = Ain2.ravel()
    elif not returnNp:
        out = Ain2

    return out
Beispiel #29
    def test_global_handle(self):
        Test ID: DAO

        Test Description: Use a pool handle in another process.

        :avocado: tags=container,conthandle,vm,small,regression


            # use the uid/gid of the user running the test, these should
            # be perfectly valid
            createuid = os.geteuid()
            creategid = os.getegid()

            # parameters used in pool create that are in yaml
            createmode = self.params.get("mode", '/run/testparams/createmode/')
            createsetid = self.params.get("setname",
            createsize = self.params.get("size", '/run/testparams/createsize/')

            # initialize a python pool object then create the underlying
            # daos storage
            pool = DaosPool(self.Context)
            pool.create(createmode, createuid, creategid, createsize,
                        createsetid, None)
            pool.connect(1 << 1)

            # create a pool global handle
            iov_len, buf_len, buf = pool.local2global()
            buftype = ctypes.c_byte * buf_len
            c_buf = buftype.from_buffer(buf)
            sct_pool_handle = sharedctypes.RawValue(
                IOV, ctypes.cast(c_buf, ctypes.c_void_p), buf_len, iov_len)

            # create a container
            container = DaosContainer(self.Context)

            # create a container global handle
            iov_len, buf_len, buf = container.local2global()
            buftype = ctypes.c_byte * buf_len
            c_buf = buftype.from_buffer(buf)
            sct_cont_handle = sharedctypes.RawValue(
                IOV, ctypes.cast(c_buf, ctypes.c_void_p), buf_len, iov_len)

            sct_pool_uuid = sharedctypes.RawArray(ctypes.c_byte, pool.uuid)
            # this should work in the future but need on-line server addition
            #arg_list = (
            #p = Process(target=CheckHandle, args=arg_list)
            # for now verifying global handle in the same process which is not
            # the intended use case
            CheckHandle(sct_pool_handle, sct_pool_uuid, sct_cont_handle, 0)

        except DaosApiError as e:
  "Expecting to pass but test has failed.\n")
Beispiel #30
 def to_shared_memory(array):
     array = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(array)
     return sharedctypes.RawArray(array._type_, array)