def motorStage3(): stage3_1 = mp(target=trayBackward) stage3_2 = mp(target=rollerStage2) stage3_1.start() stage3_2.start() # Concurrency stage3_1.join() stage3_2.join() return stage3
def motorStage2(): stage2_1 = mp(target=trayForward) stage2_2 = mp(target=rollerStage1) stage2_1.start() stage2_2.start() # Concurrency stage2_1.join() stage2_2.join() return stage2
def _convert_audio_and_split_sentences(extracted_dir, data_set, dest_dir, dest_dir2): source_dir = os.path.join(extracted_dir, data_set) target_dir = os.path.join(extracted_dir, dest_dir) target_txt_dir = os.path.join(extracted_dir, dest_dir2) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) if not os.path.exists(target_txt_dir): os.makedirs(target_txt_dir) processers = mp(8) checkClass = phoneDict('cmudict-0.7b') res = r"(.*)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)\s+(.*)\s+(.*)\s+(<.*>)\s+(.*)" for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(source_dir): print(root, dirnames, len(filenames)) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.stm'): trans_filename = os.path.join(root, filename) sph_filename = trans_filename.replace('stm', 'sph') # print(sph_filename,trans_filename) lines = open(trans_filename, 'r').readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): # print(line) processers.apply_async(_check_and_save_wav, args=(sph_filename, target_dir, target_txt_dir, checkClass, line, res, index)) # _check_and_save_wav(sph_filename, target_dir, target_txt_dir, checkClass, line, res, index) processers.close() processers.join() files = [] wav_filenames = [i[:-4] for i in os.listdir(target_dir)] txt_filenames = [i[:-4] for i in os.listdir(target_txt_dir)] file_names = list(set(wav_filenames) & set(txt_filenames)) for file_name in file_names: files.append((os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, file_name+".wav")), os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_txt_dir, file_name+".txt")))) return pandas.DataFrame(data=files, columns=["wav_filename", "txt_filename"])
def _provision_obor(nodes=nodes): log_green('running _provision_obor') local('chmod 600 nixos-vagrant-configs/vagrant.priv') count = 1 while True or count > 3: jobs = [] for node, hostdir in nodes: jobs.append( mp(target=local, args=("fab -i nixos-vagrant-configs/vagrant.priv " + "-H %s update:" % node + "host_dir=%s," % hostdir + "rsync='yes'," + "nix_gc='no'," + "nix_release='18.09'," + "switch='no'" + "> log/`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`." + "%s.provision.log 2>&1" % node, ))) for job in jobs: job.start() exit_code = 0 for job in jobs: job.join() exit_code = exit_code + job.exitcode if exit_code == 0: break count = count + 1 log_green('_provision_obor completed')
def clean(): """ destroy all VMs """ log_green('running clean') jobs = [] jobs.append(mp(target=destroy_railtrack)) jobs.append( mp(target=local, args=("vagrant destroy -f " "> log/`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`.vagrant.destroy.log 2>&1", ))) for job in jobs: job.start() exit_code = 0 for job in jobs: job.join() exit_code = exit_code + job.exitcode if exit_code != 0: raise Exception('clean failed') log_green('running clean completed')
def _preprocess_data(data_dir, output_dir): print("Splitting transcriptions and convert wav...") processers = mp(32) # texts_df = pandas.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, 'text.csv'), sep=',', names=['filename', 'text', 'score']) # text_len = len(texts_df) # checkClass = phoneDict('cmudict-0.7b') target_wav_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "synthesis-wav") target_txt_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "synthesis-txt") if not os.path.exists(target_wav_dir): os.makedirs(target_wav_dir) if not os.path.exists(target_txt_dir): os.makedirs(target_txt_dir) total_num = 0 for root, root_dir_names, root_file_names in os.walk(data_dir): print(root, root_dir_names, len(root_file_names)) for file_name in fnmatch.filter(root_file_names, '*.txt'): total_num += 1 file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) output_txt_file = os.path.join(target_txt_dir, str(total_num).zfill(6) + '.txt') mp3file_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(root, file_name[:-4] + '.mp3')) output_wav_file = os.path.join(target_wav_dir, str(total_num).zfill(6) + '.wav') # print(file_path, mp3file_path, output_wav_file, output_txt_file) processers.apply_async(_convert_audio, args=(file_path, mp3file_path, output_wav_file, output_txt_file)) processers.close() processers.join() files = [] wav_filenames = [i[:-4] for i in os.listdir(target_wav_dir)] txt_filenames = [i[:-4] for i in os.listdir(target_txt_dir)] file_names = list(set(wav_filenames) & set(txt_filenames)) for file_name in file_names: files.append( (os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_wav_dir, file_name + ".wav")), os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_txt_dir, file_name + ".txt")))) # Write sets to disk as CSV files data_df = pandas.DataFrame(data=files, columns=["wav_filename", "txt_filename"]) data_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, "synthesis.csv"), index=False, header=False)
def _preprocess_data(data_dir, output_dir): print("Splitting transcriptions and convert wav...") processers = mp(4) texts_df = pandas.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, 'text.csv'), sep=',', names=['filename', 'text', 'score']) text_len = len(texts_df) checkClass = phoneDict('cmudict-0.7b') target_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "wav") target_txt_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "txt") if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) if not os.path.exists(target_txt_dir): os.makedirs(target_txt_dir) for i in range(text_len): tmp_line = texts_df.iloc[i, :] processers.apply_async(_convert_audio_and_split_sentences, args=(data_dir, target_dir, target_txt_dir, checkClass, tmp_line[0], tmp_line[1])) processers.close() processers.join() files = [] wav_filenames = [i[:-4] for i in os.listdir(target_dir)] txt_filenames = [i[:-4] for i in os.listdir(target_txt_dir)] file_names = list(set(wav_filenames) & set(txt_filenames)) for file_name in file_names: files.append( (os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, file_name + ".wav")), os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_txt_dir, file_name + ".txt")))) # Write sets to disk as CSV files data_df = pandas.DataFrame(data=files, columns=["wav_filename", "txt_filename"]) data_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, "WEB.csv"), index=False, header=False)
netaddr.IPNetwork(item2) ] for subnet in subnets: # find indices to insert start and end addresses first = bisect.bisect_left(ranges, subnet.first) last = bisect.bisect_right(ranges, subnet.last) # check the overlap conditions and return if one is met if first == last == 1 and item[1] == item2[1]: item_result = item v_subnet.remove(item2) if first == 0 and last == 2 and item[1] == item2[1]: item_result = item2 result.append(item_result) return (result) with open("inet.0_active-full.json", "r") as f: inet0 = json.load(f)['Rows'] with open("vrf_active.json", "r") as f: itepremium = json.load(f) pool = mp(20), itepremium) pool.close() pool.join() with open("result.json", "w") as f: json.dump(result, f) # print(subnet[0] + " : " + subnet[1] + " | " + g_subnet[0] + " : " + g_subnet[1] + " have overlapping")
# TODO: Write alert parameter function # Automate code storage # Dockerise if __name__ == '__main__': configLocation = './../config.yaml' config = app.createConfigFrom(configLocation) # If there isn't a code, we must get one if config['app']['spotify']['code'] == None: handWrapped = app.App(config) srv = mp(target=server.Server(handWrapped, route.Handler).spinUp, args=( 'localhost', 9898, )) srv.start() print("server running"), new=2) # Wait until the code has been stored in the config # FIXME: currently storage of code isn't automatic print('waiting for code ...') while config['app']['spotify']['code'] == None: config = app.createConfigFrom(configLocation) sleep(1) # Get the initial set of tokens for authorisation if None exist
args = vars(parser.parse_args()) input_txt_dir = args["txt_dir"] # 输入文件夹中的txt文件夹 dict_file = args["dict_file"] failed_txt_dir = os.path.join(args["output"], 'fix-failed-txt') # 输出音素文件为输出文件夹下phone文件夹 if not os.path.isdir(failed_txt_dir): os.makedirs(failed_txt_dir) # failed_wav_dir = os.path.join(args["output"], 'failed-wav') # if not os.path.isdir(failed_wav_dir): # os.makedirs(failed_wav_dir) dict_class = phoneDict(dict_file) # 读音素字典 print("test word: %s : %s " % ('hello',dict_class.txtToDict2("今天。"))) # 字典测试 input_files = os.listdir(input_txt_dir) data_num = 0 total_num = len(input_files) processers = mp(32) for index,file_name in enumerate(input_files): # break # print("Processing: %s" % (file_name)) lines = open(os.path.join(input_txt_dir, file_name)).readlines() # wavfile_path = os.path.join(input_wav_dir, file_name[:-4]+'.wav') txtfile_path = os.path.join(input_txt_dir, file_name) # output_wav_file = os.path.join(output_wav_dir, file_name[:-4]+'.wav') failed_txt_file = os.path.join(failed_txt_dir, file_name) line = lines[0].strip() try: line = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip() except: print("failed decode %s " % (file_name)) continue print(line)
from multiprocessing import Process as mp def send_text_strings(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as trace_hist: try: for line in trace_hist: client.send(json.loads(re.sub("'",'"',line))) print(re.sub("'",'"',line)) time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5,3)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("User interrupted") if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 3: raise TypeError("Usage: './ trace_dump_file_1_path.txt trace_dump_file_2_path.txt'") client = connection('localhost', 5432) try: client.connect('localhost', 6666) except ConnectionRefusedError: print("No server found running at "+ sys.argv[1] + ":6666'") sys.exit() except: print("Failed to connect to server") raise path1 = str(sys.argv[1]) path2 = str(sys.argv[2]) proc1 = mp(target=send_text_strings, args=(path1,)) proc2 = mp(target=send_text_strings, args=(path2,)) proc1.start() proc2.start()
default='output') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) input_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args["input"]) output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args["output"]) output_wav_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'wav') output_txt_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'txt') if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) if not os.path.isdir(output_wav_dir): os.makedirs(output_wav_dir) if not os.path.isdir(output_txt_dir): os.makedirs(output_txt_dir) print input_dir file_num = 0 processers = mp(8) for root, root_dir_names, root_file_names in os.walk(input_dir): # print root, root_dir_names, len(root_file_names) for filename in fnmatch.filter(root_file_names, '*.txt'): print("Processing: %s " % (filename.decode('gbk'))) file_path = os.path.join(root, filename) try: fin = open(file_path, 'r') lines = fin.readlines() fin.close() except: print("Failed open %s" % (filename.decode('gbk'))) continue output_wav_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, filename, 'wav') output_txt_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, filename, 'txt') if not os.path.isdir(output_wav_dir):
def jenkins_build(mesos_masters=[ ('[email protected]', 'nixos-vagrant-configs/mesos-zk-01'), ('[email protected]', 'nixos-vagrant-configs/mesos-zk-02'), ('[email protected]', 'nixos-vagrant-configs/mesos-zk-03'), ], mesos_slaves=[('[email protected]', 'nixos-vagrant-configs/slave')], cleanup=True): """ runs a jenkins build """ nodes = mesos_masters + mesos_slaves # clean previous build logs local('rm -f log/*') def _provision_obor(nodes=nodes): log_green('running _provision_obor') local('chmod 600 nixos-vagrant-configs/vagrant.priv') count = 1 while True or count > 3: jobs = [] for node, hostdir in nodes: jobs.append( mp(target=local, args=("fab -i nixos-vagrant-configs/vagrant.priv " + "-H %s update:" % node + "host_dir=%s," % hostdir + "rsync='yes'," + "nix_gc='no'," + "nix_release='18.09'," + "switch='no'" + "> log/`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`." + "%s.provision.log 2>&1" % node, ))) for job in jobs: job.start() exit_code = 0 for job in jobs: job.join() exit_code = exit_code + job.exitcode if exit_code == 0: break count = count + 1 log_green('_provision_obor completed') def _test_obor(mesos_masters=mesos_masters, mesos_slaves=mesos_slaves): log_green('running _test_obor') obor_env = [ "eval `ssh-agent`", "ssh-add $PWD/nixos-vagrant-configs/*.priv", ] # local() doesn't support most context managers # so let's bake a local environment file and consume as a prefix() with open('shell_env', 'w') as shell_env: for line in obor_env: shell_env.write(line + '\n') local('chmod +x shell_env') local('chmod 600 nixos-vagrant-configs/vagrant.priv') with settings(shell='/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash -l -c'): with prefix(". ./shell_env"): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager for target, _ in mesos_masters: local( "fab -i nixos-vagrant-configs/vagrant.priv " + "-H {} acceptance_tests_mesos_master ".format(target) + "> log/`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`." "{}.test_obor.log 2>&1".format(target)) for target, _ in mesos_slaves: local( "fab -i nixos-vagrant-configs/vagrant.priv " + "-H {} acceptance_tests_mesos_slave ".format(target) + "> log/`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`." "{}.test_obor.log 2>&1".format(target)) log_green('_test_obor completed') def _flow1(): # spin up and provision the Cluster local('vagrant up') sleep(45) # allow VMs to boot up _provision_obor() def _flow2(): # spin up Railtrack, which is required for OBOR spin_up_railtrack() sleep(45) # allow VMs to boot up provision_railtrack() try: p_flow1 = mp(target=_flow1) p_flow2 = mp(target=_flow2) p_flow1.start() p_flow2.start() p_flow1.join() p_flow2.join() # reload after initial provision local('vagrant reload') sleep(240) # allow the start services # test all the things _test_obor() # and now destroy Railtrack and mesos VMs if cleanup in [True, 'yes', 'y', 'Y', 'YES']: clean() except: # noqa: E722 pylint: disable=bare-except log_red("jenkins_build() FAILED, aborting...") if cleanup in [True, 'yes', 'y', 'Y', 'YES']: clean() sys.exit(1)