class SynapseEnvironment:
    def __init__(self, noise=0.0):
        def beta(maximum, rate=1.0):
            return betav(maximum, noise=noise, rate=rate)
        self.beta = beta

        self.prev_concentrations = []
        self.next_concentrations = []

    def initialize(self):
        # Create thread safe arrays.
        self.prev_concentrations = Array('d', self.prev_concentrations, lock=False)
        self.next_concentrations = Array('d', self.next_concentrations, lock=False)
        self.dirty = Value('b', True, lock=False)
    def register(self, baseline_concentration):
        pool_id = len(self.prev_concentrations)
        return pool_id

    def get_concentration(self, pool_id):
        try: self.dirty
        except: self.initialize()
        return self.prev_concentrations[pool_id]

    def set_concentration(self, pool_id, new_concentration):
        try: self.dirty.value = True
        except: self.initialize()
        self.next_concentrations[pool_id] = new_concentration

    def add_concentration(self, pool_id, molecules):
        try: self.dirty.value = True
        except: self.initialize()
        self.next_concentrations[pool_id] += molecules

    def remove_concentration(self, pool_id, molecules):
        try: self.dirty.value = True
        except: self.initialize()
        self.next_concentrations[pool_id] -= molecules
        self.next_concentrations[pool_id] = \
            max(0.0, self.next_concentrations[pool_id])

    def step(self):
        Cycles the environment.
        Returns whether the environment is stable (not dirty, no changes)
        try: self.dirty
        except: self.initialize()
        if self.dirty.value:
            self.dirty.value = False
            for i in xrange(len(self.prev_concentrations)):
            return False
        else: return True
class NeuronEnvironment:
    def __init__(self, noise=0.0):
        def beta(maximum, rate=1.0):
            return betav(maximum, noise=noise, rate=rate)
        self.beta = beta

        self.prev_voltages = []
        self.next_voltages = []
        self.dirty = Value('b', True, lock=False)

    def initialize(self):
        # Create thread safe arrays.
        self.prev_voltages = Array('d', self.prev_voltages, lock=False)
        self.next_voltages = Array('d', self.next_voltages, lock=False)

    def register(self, baseline_voltage=0.0):
        neuron_id = len(self.prev_voltages)
        return neuron_id

    def get_voltage(self, neuron_id):
        return self.prev_voltages[neuron_id]

    def set_voltage(self, neuron_id, new_voltage):
        self.dirty.value = True
        self.next_voltages[neuron_id] = new_voltage

    def adjust_voltage(self, neuron_id, delta):
        self.dirty.value = True
        self.next_voltages[neuron_id] += delta

    def step(self):
        Cycles the environment.
        Returns whether the environment is stable (not dirty, no changes)
        if self.dirty.value:
            self.dirty.value = False
            for i in xrange(len(self.prev_voltages)):
            return False
        else: return True
class Environment:
    def __init__(self, noise=0.0):
        def beta(maximum, rate=1.0):
            return betav(maximum, noise=noise, rate=rate)
        self.beta = beta

        self.prev_values = []
        self.next_values = []
        self.dirty = Value('b', True, lock=False)
        self.records = dict()
        self.spikes = dict()

    def initialize(self):
        # Create thread safe arrays.
        self.prev_values = Array('d', self.prev_values, lock=False)
        self.next_values = Array('d', self.next_values, lock=False)

        for key in self.records:
            self.records[key] = manager.list()
        for key in self.spikes:
            self.spikes[key] = manager.list()

    def register(self, initial=0.0, record=False, spiking=False):
        env_id = len(self.prev_values)
        if record:
            if spiking:
                self.spikes[env_id] = True
                self.records[env_id] = True
        return env_id

    def get(self, env_id):
        return self.prev_values[env_id]

    def set(self, env_id, new_voltage):
        self.dirty.value = True
        self.next_values[env_id] = new_voltage

    def adjust(self, env_id, delta):
        self.dirty.value = True
        self.next_values[env_id] += delta

    def step(self):
        Cycles the environment.
        Returns whether the environment is stable (not dirty, no changes)
        # Record any env_ids that have been set to record.
        for env_id in self.records:
        for env_id in self.spikes:
            self.spikes[env_id].append(1 if self.prev_values[env_id] >= 30.0 else 0)

        if self.dirty.value:
            self.dirty.value = False
            for i in xrange(len(self.prev_values)):
            return False
        else: return True
Beispiel #4
import time

image = Array('i', range(0))
image = []

def fun(pixels, i):
    print("Task {} started".format(i))
    for _ in range(100000000):
    print("Task {} finised".format(i))
    pixels[i] = 1

for j in range(3):
    pixels = Array('i', range(8))
    t1 = time.time()
    ts = []
    for i in range(8):
        t = Process(target=fun, args=(pixels, i))

    for t in ts:
    print("j : {}", format(j))

print("Time Spend: {:.2f} s".format(time.time() - t1))
Beispiel #5
    mylist = [i for i in range(100)]

    start_time = time.time()
    # The task is offloaded and distributed among the cores and processes automatically by Pool object
    # So we don't need to worry about creating processes explicitly
    p = Pool()
    # The contents of mylist and definition of square will be distributed among the cores
    result =, mylist)
    # print(result)
    print(time.time() - start_time)

    start_time = time.time()
    result = []
    for l in mylist:
        # print(f'Worder process id for {l} : {os.getpid()}')
    # print(result)
    print(time.time() - start_time)


    nums = [10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000]
    result_single = []
    result_parallel = []

    for num in nums:
        print('num', num)
        mylist = [i for i in range(num)]