Beispiel #1
class ThreadedTraceParser:
    Trace parser that scans a trace using multiple processes

    The scanning processes are forked from the current parser
    and each one is allocated a range of the trace. The parsed
    data items are piped through one or more queues. The current
    process pulls data from the queue(s) and stores it in the

    XXX: experimental/broken
    def __init__(self, path, parser, threads=2):
        self.trace = RawValue(py_object, None)
        """Trace in shared memory"""
        self.parser = parser
        Callback that handles each trace block, this is run
        in separate processes
        self.n_threads = threads
        """Number of subprocesses that are spawned"""
        self.path = path
        """Trace path"""

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise IOError("File not found %s" % path)
        self.trace =
        if self.trace is None:
            raise IOError("Can not open trace %s" % path)

    def __len__(self):
        if self.trace:
            return self.trace.size()
        return 0

    def parse(self, *args, **kwargs):
        start = kwargs.pop("start", 0)
        end = kwargs.pop("end", len(self))
        block_size = math.floor((end - start) / self.n_threads)
        start_indexes = np.arange(start, end - block_size + 1, block_size)
        end_indexes = np.arange(start + block_size, end + 1, block_size) - 1
        # the last process consumes any remaining entries left by the
        # rounding of block_size
        end_indexes[-1] = end

        procs = []
        for idx_start, idx_end in zip(start_indexes, end_indexes):
            print(idx_start, idx_end)
            p = Process(target=self.parser,
                        args=(self.path, idx_start, idx_end))

        for p in procs:
        for p in procs: